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【译文-中文】巴基斯坦最需要从中国得到什么? (转载)

发表于 2011-1-16 02:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文-巴基斯坦】What Does Pakistan Need Most From China?, Besides friendship【原文地址】:http://forum.pakistanidefence.com/index.php?showtopic=90500
【翻译截止日期】:2011-01-15 23:46:49
【翻译评论数/总评论】:29 / 29


What do you want most from China in the next few years?

052C 导弹驱逐舰     [7]    5.11%
054A 护卫舰         [12]   8.76%
元级潜艇            [6]    4.38%
093核潜艇           [6]    4.38%
J-10B               [13]   9.49%
J-11B               [10]   7.30%
KJ-2000预警机       [6]    4.38%
99G主战坦克         [6]    4.38%
WS多管火箭炮        [5]    3.65%
红旗9防空导弹       [14]   10.22%
去中国空间站的双程票[6]    4.38%   
超级电脑            [8]    5.84%
通信卫星            [9]    6.57%
其他玩意            [13]   9.49%



KunLun Sep 6 2010, 03:44 PM:
   investment to dev the economy.
   it's nice to have Gov to gov deal, but time is ripe for private entities    to play a bigger role


cheif No 1 Sep 6 2010, 05:23 PM:
   Pretty much each and every thing. Recently we need choppers and    hovercrafts + tents.


Caesar Sep 6 2010, 06:02 PM:
   Man I can't believe people here are still advocating more weapons. Pakistan needs to benefit from Chinese economic growth. Pak needs investment and Most Favoured Trade Nation status. If China is unwilling to provide us with enonomic benefits than there is something seriously wrong with this so called strategic alliance.


Dizasta Sep 6 2010, 07:15 PM
What we need most from China is the opportunity to show that Pakistan also has a lot to give to our Chinese brothers in return. May the friendship, alliance and brotherhood b/w the people of China and Pakistan grow to be positive, prosperous and may we rid our people, lands and culture of any foreign evil plots. I think our friendship has a lot more to grow, we need honest, enterpising and dynamic Pakistanis to interact and develop relationships with our peers in China. We need greater cultural exchange, greater share in knowledge, social events and commuting channels. Pakistanis should be given serious encouragement from school on learning two very important foreign languages, Chinese and Arabic. The more our younger and older generations have a communicable hang of the Chinese language, the better it would be for us to be able to talk, develop strong ties with our Chinese brothers ..... in business, socially, culturally and in media as well. We cannot loose such opportunities, when Allah has blessed us with such a powerful ally and a great friend.

zhou(中国人)   Sep 7 2010, 07:47 AM:
    On national level the Chinese govement already did a lot to help Pakistan in economy development.But the govement only can play limited roles in such issue.The major problem which Pakistan benifits very less in China's economy boom is that there's very less Chinese private company going to Pakistan to invest.Pepole need to figure out what stopped such a company level communication.And I personally highly agree that Pakistan doesn't need more weapons,but bread.

M_ZEE32   Sep 7 2010, 09:35 AM:
   And why would they invest to country who is power deficient and cant power its industry ?
   I think first of all they need to improve the power crises and build more dams that will give you water for agriculture and power for the industry, that means we need more DAMS and NUCLEAR REACTORS.

Dizasta   Sep 7 2010, 11:47 AM:
    ^^ The reason for China to go in with this is that with Pakistan's power established, Afghanistan would be under control and india's capability would be blunted out. In the political games that're being played out right now, if Pakistan is eliminated from contention, that would leave China alone to face first, india in the south, Russia in the north, Japan/South Korea in the east and Afghanistan/Kyrgizstan in the west. China needs Pakistan as much as Pakistan needs China, without a doubt the power-block formed b/w Pakistan and China would usher in possibilities of China gaining the Central Asian Oil, prime access route of resources of Middle East/Africa/South America through Pakistan's North-South Corridor. This would not only render China's supply routes safer, but also allow Pakistan to become stronger in the region.

buckingham   Sep 7 2010, 12:26 PM

I think it is the time for both governments to push forward;
1 Chinese government should encourage state-owned and private companies to invest/trade in Pakistan
2 Chinese government should have a dedicated department to promote this, and Pakistani government should play a role in this as well
3 It should regulate/teach these companies how to do business in Pakistan
4 Pakistani government should ensure the safty of all the Chinese investors (a kidnapping incident would push almost all the private investors away)
5 It would better to choose some cities to have a try in the first place
6 both governments need to let their citizens understand, A, there are culture differences, but they should respect each other; B, it is not purely for money, it is for the good of both nations strategically;

Dizasta   Sep 7 2010, 06:49 PM:
It is important for Pakistan to revamp our education system and purge it from the traitors who seek to carry-on their wickness and treachory by cunningly sabotaging our education system with questioning the Two-Nation Theory. The same way these gutter-rat indians are meddling in our society, culture and way of life with their vile filthy movies, music and dramas on screen. When we have an educational system which lays emphasis on instilling the right tools for our future generations with them learning only all provincial languages, Arabic but also Chinese. Young Pakistanis who possess even a modest command of the Chinese language would demostrate how much importance we give our primary ally, China.

Banning all indian movies, music and cable-tv would swiftly be followed by a Media Technology Act which incorporates cooperation between Pakistan's Media Industry and the Chinese Media Industry. It will allow considerable advancement in capabilities of our Media Industry to produce high quality and all Pakistani blockbuster films and revolutionalize Pakistan's Film Industry. The same with our other departments of media, such as news, educational channels and etc. The more powerful aura we have on our Pakistani audience, the more Pakistani borne mind set there will be. No longer would our people be ranting, thinking, dreaming or fantasizing the vile filth of india. We are much more than just any ordinary nation, we are Pakistan.

Also, establishing a secure Pakistan would verily mean that our security set-up should be able to defend and protect against the enemy both infiltrators and foreign forces. The establishment of strong Visa Regulation (denial of it to the enemies of Pakistan), well equipped Pakistan Rangers and Pakistan Coast Guards, a more efficient and integrated NADRA-NAB-IB National Database which would ensure the safety of Citizens from foreign-infiltrators and traitors. It is absolutely pivotal for Pakistan to achieve this in order deny and thwart anymore ttp, bla type antics by the enemies which are currently interfering with our progress and unity as a Nation. No nation, nor indivisual gets second opportunities or strong allies such as Pakistan, we cannot afford to loose either our nation nor our ally.



platinum786 Sep 8 2010, 06:01 AM:
Invest in Pakistan's infrastructure, particularly energy based projects (coal mining) and encouragement of Pakistani businesses.

Invest in Paqkistani R&D, provide university places for Pakistani students and offer them PhD placements.

The military is capable of providing it's own requirements, the civil government only needs a bullet in the head, we don't care who provides that.

The people of Pakistan and the physical state is what needs the development and allegiance of a strong friend.

aziqbal Dec 4 2010, 05:36 PM:
Pakistanis only like to listen USA

had we listened to China we would have become a sucessful nation, not because we are anyone slaves but because anything they do works and Pakistan just doesnt realise that

if China says jump Pakistan should say how high

sobank   Dec 4 2010, 09:54 PM:
Electronics manufacturing facility. Things like cell phone mp3 players etc.

xinca8888(中国人) Dec 5 2010, 12:13 AM
is there any website of learning Chinese in Pakistan? I am happy to be a volunteer to teach our Pak brothers Chinese, of course I can get benefit that I can learn English from you. I think most Chinese would like to each others languages.


Munir Dec 5 2010, 08:37 AM:
We could offer a new real democratic and same Pakistani goverment and we will get everything.

platinum786   Dec 5 2010, 11:10 AM:
One other thing you could do is invite all our politicans for a conference and have an "accident" at the conference centre.

macau boy Dec 5 2010, 11:27 AM:
Pakistan and China signed the bilateral FTA several years ago. Under the early harvest clause in the FTA, most Pakistani goods entered China enjoyed tariff reduction up to 90% in the first year. Today, nearly all goods and services from Pakistan enter China tax free.

So, keep up your good work in spreading disinformation.

Lightning F57   Dec 6 2010, 06:24 AM:
Pakistan must help itself first by taking measures to cut out corruption, bearacrasy and inept incompetant management. When this is sorted starting at the top chair which 10% sits on China and other countries will have confidence investing.

Let there be no mistake the situation Pakistan is in today is its own doing, the socalled leaders are not leading but looting.


cheif No 1 Dec 6 2010, 01:03 PM:
Pakistan need management skills from Chinese at most at this time.

cheif No 1   Dec 6 2010, 01:04 PM:
Than you have to invite each with their families other wise they will be crying forever with their Shaheed-e-Democracy".

Simpleton   Dec 7 2010, 12:44 AM
QUOTE (Dizasta @ Sep 7 2010, 06:15 AM)
What we need most from China is the opportunity to show that Pakistan also has a lot to give to our Chinese brothers in return. May the friendship, alliance and brotherhood b/w the people of China and Pakistan grow to be positive, prosperous and may we rid our people, lands and culture of any foreign evil plots. I think our friendship has a lot more to grow, we need honest, enterpising and dynamic Pakistanis to interact and develop relationships with our peers in China. We need greater cultural exchange, greater share in knowledge, social events and commuting channels. Pakistanis should be given serious encouragement from school on learning two very important foreign languages, Chinese and Arabic. The more our younger and older generations have a communicable hang of the Chinese language, the better it would be for us to be able to talk, develop strong ties with our Chinese brothers ..... in business, socially, culturally and in media as well. We cannot loose such opportunities, when Allah has blessed us with such a powerful ally and a great friend.
Agree fully.

QUOTE (Dizasta @ Sep 7 2010, 10:47 PM)
^^ The reason for China to go in with this is that with Pakistan's power established, Afghanistan would be under control and india's capability would be blunted out. In the political games that're being played out right now, if Pakistan is eliminated from contention, that would leave China alone to face first, india in the south, Russia in the north, Japan/South Korea in the east and Afghanistan/Kyrgizstan in the west. China needs Pakistan as much as Pakistan needs China, without a doubt the power-block formed b/w Pakistan and China would usher in possibilities of China gaining the Central Asian Oil, prime access route of resources of Middle East/Africa/South America through Pakistan's North-South Corridor. This would not only render China's supply routes safer, but also allow Pakistan to become stronger in the region.
Again agree fully

QUOTE (platinum786 @ Sep 8 2010, 05:01 PM)
Invest in Pakistan's infrastructure, particularly energy based projects (coal mining) and encouragement of Pakistani businesses.

Invest in Paqkistani R&D, provide university places for Pakistani students and offer them PhD placements.

The military is capable of providing it's own requirements, the civil government only needs a bullet in the head, we don't care who provides that.

The people of Pakistan and the physical state is what needs the development and allegiance of a strong friend.

QUOTE (platinum786 @ Dec 5 2010, 10:10 PM)
One other thing you could do is invite all our politicans for a conference and have an "accident" at the conference centre.
That would be ultimate gesture of friendship the Chinese could offer to the people of Pakistan.

(Joking:) Chinese babes, that's what we need!

Eagle2000   Dec 7 2010, 03:27 AM:
Pakistan and China are two countries in ONE. That's mean Pakistan and China are cooperating with each other on everything.


Jazba-e-Kashmir   Dec 7 2010, 01:47 PM:

Since this is the month of December and even if i don't believe in santa claus, but my wish is that Pakistan gets a Chinese imported tough juridical system, that gives deathsentences to corrupt ministers, politicians, policeofficers, officers among the armed forces, clerics who misuse religion for their own personal agendas, harsh rules and laws for criminals like it is in China....

On a educational level, more agreements are needed between every single university in Pakistan and China
Pakistani doctors and nurses would highly benefit from going to China and learning more, and of course treating Chinese patients, then bringing their experiences back to Pakistan



aziqbal   Dec 7 2010, 02:25 PM:
Jazba-e-Kashmir Pakistan should import the death penalty and kill all the bad leaders, also Chinese tea cus its sweet

Bilal   Dec 12 2010, 03:23 AM:
Economic cooperation! we need to comeup with a plan to align Pakistan's economy with Chinese growth, we could change Pakistan in 10 years if we succeed to do so.

MoThSmOkE   Dec 12 2010, 03:47 AM :
As I've said again and again, a salvo of Chinese ballistic missiles to be launched on the parliament in session in Islamabad.

That would be the biggest gift China could give Pakistan.

Aside from that, a free trade for sugar, wheat, rice so that all these 3 commodities can be flooded in Pakistan with the help of Chinese government.

solder of presid...
solder of presidentMao   Dec 14 2010, 10:46 AM
Pakistan failed to benefit from fast economic growth of china, which is serious question that need careful consideration of both sides. china is not warmonger. Our goverment only provide Pakistan with the weapon that fulfill the basic requirement of national defence . The weapon that breaks statigic balance of South Asian can hardly get from china. Basing on the theroy that enemy"s enemy is friend, Pakistan will be our friend forever so long as India still occupies our territory in tibet.

riaz1973 Dec 15 2010, 08:54 PM:

we need trade with China , look at India , china and India bilateral trade is close to $60 billion , we need a pie from Indian trade share with china ...

china should give Pakistan more concession to Pakistan so that Pakistan can be a mjaor hub for export ...

Munir   Dec 16 2010, 05:15 PM :
The one bullet strategy for corrupt politicians is what Pakistan needs the most.

Dizasta Dec 17 2010, 08:33 AM:
^^ We'd then need lotsa bullets from China, almost all our politicians are corrupt and decadent. Shoot all of'em in the head and send their bodies to America!

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呵呵 我们的民主法治和医疗很落后 应该学习西方 只要有钱就能买到很好的医疗和安全保障  法律庇护   jy如是说:
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额 四千吨以上的舰船还是由我们提供技术 提供点必要的部件 巴兄弟自己建造吧...一来自己锻炼一下 二来我们生产能力也只是勉强...
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