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[巴基斯坦]中巴300亿大单挽救我国经济 (转载)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-16 19:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文-巴基斯坦】$30b Pak-China deals to breath life in our economy【原文地址】:[url=http://www.thenews.com.pk/blog/blog_details.asp?id=1008                      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNyPXUZvjXs]http://www.thenews.com.pk/blog/blog_details.asp?id=1008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNyPXUZvjXs[/url]
【翻译截止日期】:2011-01-16 08:03:20
【翻译评论数/总评论】:有人会数 / 有人会加


$30b Pak-China deals to breath life in our economy




China and Pakistan signed around 20 billion dollars' worth of deals Friday, besides they are set to conclude another 10 billion deals on Saturday, boosting trade and investment as Wen Jiabao accompanied by a massive business delegation became the first Chinese premier in five years to visit the nuclear-armed state to a red carpet welcome.


Business leaders are scheduled to formalise deals at Islamabad's five-star Marriott Hotel, adding to the 20 billion dollar deals inked on Friday.


The two countries signed 13 agreements and memorandums of understanding in fields including energy, rail transport, reconstruction, agriculture and culture, Information Minister Qamar Zaman Kaira told reporters. "A major breakthrough is China's agreement on cooperation in the energy sector," the minister said. "The Chinese government has assured they will fund all the energy projects of Pakistan," he said.

巴基斯坦信息部长凯拉(Qamar Zaman Kaira )透露,两国签署了13项正式协议以及一份谅解备忘录,涉及领域包括能源、铁路、灾后重建、农业和文化等方面。“关于能源方面的合作协议是一个重大突破”,凯拉说,“中国政府承诺他们会向巴基斯坦所有能源项目投资。”

"China will provide assistance in 36 projects in Pakistan to be completed in five years," he said. "Basically this is a five-year development plan." He said 14 billion dollars will come through a joint economic cooperation group, five billion dollars in other business agreements, while deals worth another 10 billion dollars are expected to be concluded at a business leaders' meeting on Saturday. "Overall the Chinese investment is expected to be around 30 billion dollars," he said.

Although the deals are vitally important to the moribund Pakistani economy, they pale in comparison with Wen's agreement in Pakistan's archrival India on Thursday where the two countries agreed to double bilateral trade to 100 billion dollars by 2015.


"We have unprecedented relations with China. The whole nation is proud of the Pakistan-China friendship," Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani told PTV. The Chinese premier held talks with Gilani after being greeted at the airport by Pakistan's entire cabinet and military chiefs, who depend on Chinese hardware, and a guard of honour with a 21-gun salute.
“我们和中国关系前所未有,整个国家都为巴中友谊自豪。”总理吉拉尼(Yousuf Raza Gilani)说。温总理在到达机场接受欢迎仪式后和吉拉尼举行了会谈。出席欢迎仪式的包括所有内阁成员,依仗中国装备的军方高级将领,以及荣誉卫队的21响礼炮。


Wen will meet President Asif Ali Zardari, attend a business cooperation summit and inaugurate a new Chinese cultural centre in Islamabad on Saturday. He will address a joint session of the Pakistani parliament before leaving on Sunday.
周六,温总理将会见巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里(Asif Ali Zardari),出席商贸合作峰会,并为伊斯兰堡一个新的中国文化中心揭幕剪彩。在周日回国前,他还会在巴基斯坦国会的联席会议上发表演讲。

Although no specific mention was made of nuclear power, talks are believed to be ongoing on China building a one-gigawatt nuclear power plant as part of Pakistani plans to produce 8,000 megawatts of electricity by 2025 and overcome acute energy shortages.


The West has expressed concern about the security of Pakistan's nuclear material, but China has built a 300-megawatt nuclear power reactor at Chashma in central Punjab province and another of the same capacity is under way. Without going into details, officials in Pakistan admit the country has a civil nuclear cooperation agreement with China, a counter-weight to India's agreement with the United States on nuclear energy cooperation."We have developed an energy cooperation mechanism, it relates to all sectors of energy, including wind, coal and hydro energy," Kaira said.


Pakistan depends on China's financial and political clout to offset the perceived threat from rival India and rescue its economy from the doldrums of catastrophic flooding, a severe energy crisis and poor foreign investment.


China will open branches of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), its top private bank, in Karachi and Islamabad, Kaira said. Pakistan's prime minister has expressed hope that trade will rise to between 15 and 18 billion dollars over the next five years. But security issues will also likely weigh on the agenda. China has been concerned about the threat of Islamist militants infiltrating its territory from Pakistan, particularly in its western Xinjiang region.

"We have achieved our targets-- the outcome of the visit is beyond our expectations. It is a historic day," Pakistan's ambassador to Beijing Masood Khan said. Pakistan and China have a strategic partnership and "this partnership has been further strengthened," he said. "This strategic partnership is for peace and security in the region and is not a cause of threat against anyone," he said.

“我们达成了双方的目标——这次访问的成果超出预期。这是历史性的一天。”巴基斯坦驻华大使Masood Khan说。巴中有着战略伙伴关系,“双方的战略伙伴关系旨在和平和维护地区安全,不针对任何第三方,我们的伙伴关系日益深化加强。


China has agreed to invest in Pakistan's energy sector. President Asif Zardari is in Beijing at the beginning of a week long visit. And with that deal, and rumours of further nuclear agreements in the offing, U.S. influence over Pakistan appears to be waning. Dr Anatol Lieven from King's College joining with us. Pakistan is strengthening ties with China, why is it seeking a major partner othen than the US do you think?

女主持:中国以就在巴基斯坦能源部门投资的问题达成意向。Asif Zardari总统在北京开始了他为期一周的访问。关于这次访问,有传言表示即将达成核协议,美国在巴基斯坦的影响力可能会下降。我们邀请Anatol Lieven博士加入讨论。巴基斯坦与中国关系密切,你认为为什么巴基斯坦会选择中国做为主要伙伴而不是美国?

China and Pakistan have been partners for 40 years now, more than 40 years. Initially this was motivated by, above all, mutual hostility to India. Now in addition China has a very strong interest in Pakistan as a future energy route from the Persian Gulf to China, so this isn’t new. The nuclear element is new, and this is very much a response to America's nuclear deal with India. Of course, it's pretty ironic that America is now saying that China is threatening the NPT and so forth. Because it was America's deal with India, which really, well, of course we can talk about Aemrica's relationship with Israel, which shut the NPT in that part of the world.


But you've mentioned the nuclear deal struck between the US and India some two years ago, and China is expected to build two nuclear power plants in Pakistan. Why do you think Washington's reaction to that deal so negative?


It's two things. Yes, there is rivalry of interests for influences in Pakistan between Beijing and Washington. But it's also United States is very worried about the spread of nuclear energy and nuclear technology in the Muslin world, and especially,in Pakistan, for fears that this might fall into hands of terrorists. Now this threat, in my view,is greatly exaggerated. Pakistan is not nearly as weak a state as most Americans believe. But nevertheless, they do believe that there is a threat, and therefore they see Pakistan in quite a diffrent category from India.


Pakistan has recently had military drills with CHina. What kind of strategic partnership ties them?


Well, as I said, it's partly they're both hostile to India, more or less. And Pakistan looks to China for support against India, and China looks to Pakistan for balance against India. But also it's increasingly that China is very worried that its growing economy is far too dependent on sea-borne energy routes from the Persian gulf, and that in any future conflict the Indian navy would find it very easy to block those sea routes across the Indian Ocean.


So China has been looking at a variety of different overland routes for energy from the Persian Gulf to flow to China, and one of those possibilities, actually it's becoming a reality, is to build an oil and gas pipeline across Pakistan, along the line of the existing Karakorum Highway across the Himalayas to Chinese Tibet and on to the heartland of China. So this is the other great China's interest there.


What China has not yet formulated or certainly not expressed, is a clear policy against Afghan Taliban and towards the future Afghanistan. This is something in which Pakistan plays a very important role. The Chinese is hostile to the Taliban, as a muslin radical force. But they haven't as yet allowed this to have any impact on their relations with Pakistan. The key question is, where China's fear of the Taliban will lead in future.


A survey conducted in Pakistan by the PEW research centre suggests that only some 16% of respondents had a favorable view of US. Do you think Pakistani politician would provide similar results?


At heart, to a considerably extent, yes. But there are two very important factors at work. The first is a much higher proportion of Pakistani politicians coming from the near east tend to be westernized. They have children in universities in America. They rely on America to support them against Islam radicals at home. The other important thing is that, up to now, the Pakistani military has been chiefly, in fact overwhelmingly, relying on US for military assistance and for arms sales. Now, with the growth of Chinese high-tech economy and defence sector, that could be beginning to change. And that could be crucially important, if the Pakistani military folks know they don't need Americans and could rely on the Chinese instead. If for that matter, the Pakistani at least felt that the Chinese could provide economic aid to compensate for American aid, that could lead to quite radical Pakistani swing away from the US. But that hasn't happened




Billions can come and Billions can go -- depends on where you invest -- on your mohalla, city, district, province region or country -- or entirely on your crummy self.



Comments Date :

Friday, December 24, 2010

It is worthwhile to review economic history to learn some lessons. China adopted the route of "Self Reliance" in 1949 and its first aim was to make every item of its use within the country. The Government of China in its infancy (1950) had started publishing a monthly Magazine named "China Pictorial" and it contained an exclusive page titled "Made in China". Every month it displayed a new product which China started making within the country. Within a few years, there were so many items to display that it was difficult to cover them on a page in the magazine. Today, we hardly find any item in the world which is not "Made in China". We also remember that America in its quest for cheap products had started its journey across the Great Wall during Nixon era through Ping-Pong diplomacy. But today, world economic power is seriously threatened and trying desperately to stop the economic dragon. China had made its first "Sewing Needle" in 1953 and today it is the second power in Space Conquest because, Russia has nothing going in space today apart from the joint ISS project with the US. Pakistan can learn a great deal from China.


M.Saeed  [Islamabad] 伊斯兰堡

Comments Date :

Friday, December 24, 2010

And let us not forget that Gilani has accepeted a state visit to China. A country who can not provide, eletricity, Sui gas, LPG, and petroleum to the factories to produce what they can. And the corrupt leaders are raking money, having lavish life style, acting like dictators and spending lot of people's money on lavish foriegn trips and now Hajj trips also to friend and families of Rehman Malik. I have no hopes from these people. Who are still trying to make themslves strong, instead of paying attention to common problems.


m. akhtar  [ashland] 美国

Comments Date :

Monday, December 20, 2010


Tahir Azeem Alvi Do u mean Indians are all Hindus? Get the religious slant out of everything other than religion. It is the only cure that can fix Pakistan. No Indian refers Pakistanis as Muslim pakistan. Why should Pakistanis refer Indians and Hindus and ignore a sizable chunk of Indians of other religions. We never distinguish them just because they follow other religions. Don't impose Pakistani view of things on INdians.


vasan  [India] 印度

Comments Date :

Monday, December 20, 2010

Why indian (hindus) become mad and crazy when china and Pakistan sign any deal. I think this is very bad approach, but may be this is built in reaction that cause to do that. Anyway pak-china friendship zinda baad.


Tahir Azeem Alvi  [Lahore] 拉哈尔

Comments Date :

Monday, December 20, 2010

At the end of the day, it will be your own two feet that will support you to standup, ie upright. Own two feet with will of Allah SWT, if people choose to call the Most Beneficient the Most Merciful.



SAI Muhammad  [USA]美国

Comments Date :

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Without water-tight securities against sharp practices, the only field where Pakistan leads the world in the Index, China will have to re-invent its Tiger-bone Balm to cure pains.


M.Saeed  [Islamabad]伊斯兰堡

Comments Date :

Sunday, December 19, 2010

There should be more transparency (which is not in case of china n pak both) in civil nuc. projects undertaken.....(concerns with Chashma) otherwise business deals are good for pumping economy.


rahul  [ahmedabad] 印度阿默达巴德

Comments Date :

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Indeed China knows who and how to become the masters thru trade! China never helped anyone without an ulterior and selfish motive. As they say, any relationship of unequals will lead to a mster-slave relationship! Anyway, what has pakistan got to lose? Nothing at all.


Ray  [Kuala Lumpur] 吉隆坡

Comments Date :

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Well its a fact that Chinese are the only one who doing major and serious projects in Pakistan. Chinese Industrial and Engineering firms are doing all the major works in all the fields. Unfortunately, its Pakistan, who made this country a WAR zone by jumping blindly in a SICK war cook in BUSH mind. How come a country can do business when its own forces and external are making this land a battle ground. Corrupt and puppet leadership previously jailed don't make any sense to other for business in this region. Its Chinese who had some interest which forced them to do business here whatever the situation is appreciated. Many billions do claim to have come to Pakistan in last several years, yet people find virtually no impact of this. In fact find each day much harder to survive economically as diminishing business activity.


Muhammad Tariq  [Karachi] 卡拉奇

Comments Date :

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Pakistan is on sale anybody can come and dictate its policies on it whether it is America /SA/China/Taliban/Fundamentalists/Mullahsor any one. Pakistan is in badly need of $$$$ to feed its ever hungry fanatic public and its corrupt leaders.


Raj Chouhan  [New Delhi] 印度新德里

Comments Date :

Sunday, December 19, 2010

We should not blame any other country for bad friendship, we are responsible ourselves. In fact & reality we are not good friend for others. We are selfish, dishonest and not loyal to our own nation, how we can be loyal to any other country.


Raza M.Qureshi  [Toronto] 多伦多

Comments Date :

Sunday, December 19, 2010

It is good to see that the Chinese do think Pakistan is a great place for investment not a sick man of the subcontinent -- may be it is the great welcome plus the proximity with India that convinces them -- as Ghalib would say -- "un kay daykhay se jo aa jaatee hai munh per raunaQ/voh smajhtay haiN kay beemaar ka haal achchaa hai".



Comments Date :

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Pakistan and China always been a very good friend. Whenever Pakistan needs help, China is the first to come to our help, Prime Minister Wen's recent visit to Pakistan will bring this friendship even more deep and stronger.


Taj Ahmad  [Peshawar-Pakistan] 白沙瓦

Comments Date :

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I agree that the help of China can change our future. But unfortunately our leaders are not trust worthy. If our leaders are sincere, they can get rid of miseries of pakistani people. We have borrowed so much money from IMF and the money just disappeared, without any progress in Pakistan. Jis desh me Kisano ko musruf na ho na rozi us keath a agosha-e-Ghandam ko jilado. It is time for the people come to streets and get rid of the traitors like Zardari and Nawaz.




m. akhtar  [ashland] 阿什兰,美国

Comments Date :

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Every one is protecting their own benefits.


waqas  [karachi] 卡拉奇

Comments Date :

Saturday, December 18, 2010

China's trade basket is full of trillions of dollars out of massive export earnings and is a visible threat to the world trade in terms of stepping up the ladder as the largest global economy. In actual fact, our historically trusted friendship with China is beyond any misgivings of newly established trade-ties with India coz India is racing with China, whereas we have bilateral renewals of economic development in shape of energy / industrial projects to combat with the rampant crucial state of affairs and foresee our soul mate will bail us out!


SAINTCUTE  [Lahore] 拉哈尔

Comments Date :

Saturday, December 18, 2010

China support to Pakistan is welcome. China is a friend in all weathers and found on Pakistan side on all occasions. I believe China knows who he is dealing with and how to safeguard his honest investment. A simple advice to China is to bring its own funds regulators and keep strict watch and fund policy to make its investment productive and fruitful. Bravo China.


Mabob  [Benghazi] 班加西港,利比亚

Comments Date :

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Pakistan has always been China's friend....we would never take any other ally over and above China....China? has been a good and reliable friend of Pakistan....Long live China Pakistan Friendship!!

TeraPeoPunjabi 3 个月前 60


We Pakistanis love our Chinese brothers. We are ready to stand side by? side with China in every thick and thin. Our friendship is time-tested and unshakable. We are proud of China as our great friend!!!

Go China !!! Go Pakistan !!!

Long Live Pak-China Friendship!!!


*译者注:不是我翻译的,评论上就有,估计写评论的人不懂中文,是机翻的。thick and thin 是无论如何的意思。*

As a Chinese, I knew since I was a kid. Pakistan and China was is and always will be friend!

Long Live PAK-CHINA? Friendship!!!!!!

dennisbyx 1 周前


Whole of The Pakistan nation Love China..? China is Great nation and Love able people. They never back out . they r always friends of Pakistan . and Pakistan will be thier friend forever , and u can say more than a friend. Whole Pakistani nation trusts China,, Long Live China ....... Ali from Pakistan

Jani342 4 周前 2


I love China so so much. All Patriotic Pakistanis like me love China.

Fuck? india and usa.

tictac82 1 月前 2



I love China and its people from the depth of my heart. Our friendship has been spreaded over more than 40 years. Since China and? Pakistan are together, whole world would be on our toes.

Long Live China-Pakistan Friendship.

Adeel, Pakistan

adeelsher 1 月前 3



Love Pakistanfrom China??

cccfsr 2 个月前 6


Pakistan 'One of the most? important country Strategically" in the whole world....

auzer1000 2 个月前 2


long live China-Pakistan? friendship


liyu11011101 2 个月前

China is always welcomed? in Pakistan ..whatever sector they want to use......China is great a Friendly Nation.

usthinktank 3 个月前 2


Pakistan has always been China's friend....we would? never take any other ally over and above China....China has been a good and reliable friend of Pakistan....Long live China Pakistan Friendship!!

TeraPeoPunjabi 3 个月前 60


@TeraPeoPunjabi You Pakis eating your daily bread with american tax payer's money. It is China’s communist regime who given nuclear arms to Pakistan and N.korea to tackle their enimies(India, Japan, S.Korea) as part of their? proxy war stratergy. You people got lost in 1965,1971 and Kargil and still talking about war. For china pakis are just slaves.

jkabc25 1 周前



If we lost than why are u so worried in the first place about china and pakistan? lolol....cowardly hindu go drink some cow urine and go to sleep ... before some angry pakistani slaps u around for being a ugly hindu lol

TeraPeoPunjabi 1 周前


@TeraPeoPunjabi i think you did not digest the fact. i did not made any religious or racial mark. for your kind info, i'm a christian not hindu but a proud citizen of? world's largest secular and democratic country. This is 21st century and we cant think like you, were in 18th century.. plz understand the ground realities my dear..

jkabc25 1 周前



We Pakistanis love our Chinese brothers. We are ready to stand side by side with China in every thick and thin.? Our friendship is time-tested and unshakable. We are proud of China as our great friend!!!

Go China !!! Go Pakistan !!!

Long Live Pak-China Friendship!!!

thelegendface 4 个月前 30



ThePakKhan 6 个月前 29

巴基斯坦很尊敬中国,中国从没有干涉巴基斯坦的内政,不像罪恶的美国,在ZULFIQAR ALI BUTTO BANIZIR BUTTO(巴基斯坦的两个布托总理)的暗杀事件中使了手段。

@udical Chinese are making their? business by workforce and production. Americans are making their business by weapons and destruction. Guess what is better?

Flankymanga 6 个月前 13


LOL. A pipeline route across Afghanistan & Pakistan is why US has found itself encumbered in that part of the world? However the Caspian Sea oil source it was to transport didn't pan out that well.


westkan 6 个月前 3

Israel is trying to start? World War III using? the US government's money, military power, and resources as if they belonged to Israel. Israel does this because they know the ENTIRE WORLD HATES THEM. Israel realizes that the only country that can protect them is the US and therefore they MUST TAKE CONTROL OF AMERICA because if the US withdraws financial aid from these Israeli terrorists, the rest of the world will destroy Israel. Jews made the entire world hate them, n America for financing them.

USStateSponTerrorism 6 个月前 2


China is all time? tested friend of Pakistan & Pakistan is also all time tested friend of China. No matter what world says, but Sino-Pak will always stand as one & both will support each other.

Long Live Sino-Pak friendship,

LongLive Pakistan & China,

Zindabad Pakistan & China.

ourpak1 6 个月前 3



@narezul Nah the 3 use to be cold war buddies so the word Cold is fucking redundant. you see After the collapse of the soviet union America no longer needed Pakistan to Counter Soviet friendly India so they left them in the? dust while China Helped them out through the 90's. Then 9/11 came and Oh shit here comes USA all of a sudden remembering pakistan. That's what you call a bad friend.

stonewindimmortal 6 个月前 3


See fellow Americans, China builds powerplants, hospitals, roads, bridges, dams in exchage for mining rights or other economic advantages. Whereas we think its more in our interest to bomb powerplants, dams, roads, bridges, and hospitals. Our Founders would hate Chinese domestic repression but admire their foreign policy. ?

trajan74 6 个月前 2


@ 2:00..for fear that they might fall into the hands of terrorists. (Nuclear weapons)

Nuclear weapons are? already in the hands of terrorists-America.

tonester09 6 个月前 6



@EsotericDesi Pakistan didn't invade Iraq, Pakistan didn't invade Afghanistan, Pakistan didn't kill millions in Vietnam, Pakistan haven't blockaded Cuba for the past 50 years, Pakistan don't bully weaker nations and bring "Democracy"...No no my friend, that's the? work of the biggest fascist terrorist state in the World-Americaaaaa! Have a nice day now fatty :D

tonester09 6 个月前 6


Does Al Qaeda and Taliban really exist? lol I know the CIA exist.

The Boogie Man is out to? get you!!

luisnitro91 6 个月前 5


Boogie Man*译者注:童话里吓小孩的,就像我们说的妖怪之类的*要来抓你了!!

china and pakistan should be friends- they're in eachothers backyards and aeons ago the silk road ran through both? their countries so they have a natural history trading with eachother

1x93cm 6 个月前


America use pakistan to train taliban, now america hate pakistan.

America creates all the problems, then they give the solution, they are the ultimate deciever nation, look at america history, it is? the most bloody history how the nation is built.america is built on blood money, lies and corruption

drfreemason 6 个月前 11



Every person? with commom sense want the terrorist empire-parasite to end its existing, because US is a main threat to humanity.

igorvasilevsky 6 个月前 11


china isn't investing in america,? because america is broke

Naobi891 6 个月前 6


Why is Pakistan going? to China? Because Pakistan, a sovereign nation, is tired of being bombed by the United States and their terror drones.

fog0death 6 个月前 14



发表于 2011-1-16 20:33 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-1-16 22:27 | 显示全部楼层
回复 2# china★heart

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发表于 2011-1-16 23:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-1-17 00:42 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-1-17 01:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-1-17 09:15 | 显示全部楼层
不去援助巴只能表明领导的良心坏了 想想人家二十年前怎么对我们的 必然要涌泉相报
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发表于 2011-1-17 09:23 | 显示全部楼层
Through thick and thin 是"同舟共濟"的意思!!
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发表于 2011-1-17 10:18 | 显示全部楼层
我一直觉得我们在非洲花掉大笔的钱最后都打水漂了  相比较而言 巴基斯坦较稳定的政权能较好的接受这笔钱   像台湾一样,金钱外交毫无用处,只有国家实力和一个忠诚的朋友   看看那些拿了中国的钱的白眼狼就知道了  比如阿尔巴尼亚?
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发表于 2011-1-17 10:43 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-1-17 11:04 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-17 11:15 | 显示全部楼层
回复 13# sdying213

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发表于 2011-1-17 17:00 | 显示全部楼层


我了个去, 不用这样酸叽叽滴吧,

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发表于 2011-1-18 00:48 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-1-18 03:59 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-1-18 04:14 | 显示全部楼层
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小黑屋|手机版|免责声明|四月网论坛 ( AC四月青年社区 京ICP备08009205号 备案号110108000634 )

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