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唧唧喳喳分享月刊出炉 //2011 年 2月创刊 tweets on #China

 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-23 09:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

下面将为您呈现本月的#China 串烧新闻

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发表于 2011-2-23 09:40 | 显示全部楼层

来自blogs.Forbes.com   分类:商业

How To Invest In China's Box Office Bonanza


作者:Gady Epstein

Going to China: RealD's 3D technology and glasses. Image by Getty Images North America via @daylife

It is not every day as a journalist that you look at an American company’s financials and you see, under “export revenues,” that the biggest customer is China. But suddenly one of the hottest industries in China is one that the United States perfected, the movie-going business: China is adding new movie screens at the rate of four or more per day, and that means Chinese cinema owners are spending big on digital projectors, screens and other equipment and technology, often sold by North American companies like Ballantyne Strong, RealD and IMAX Corp.

You might be surprised by the rise of a cinema-going culture in a market rampant with piracy, but China suffered for years from a paucity of good content, quality movie theaters and, unsurprisingly, customers willing to pay more to see this bad content in bad theaters. That has all changed dramatically in the last five years, as I wrote in a cover story on the Chinese movie industry for this month’s Forbes Asia magazine (and appearing in the U.S. edition on newsstands this week).

China’s box office grew 64% in 2010 to $1.5 billion, on top of more than 40% growth the year before that, and the nation now has more than 6,200 movie screens, having added about 1,500 in one year alone. There is no sign of that growth slowing down: A number of Chinese players are racing to add theaters and make and market movies as they seek to build vertically integrated companies akin to Hollywood’s Studio System of the pre-war era.

That means more content and more screens chasing customers who seem increasingly willing to pay. Box office receipts should pass the 2nd and 3rd-largest markets, Japan and India, by the end of 2012, and could grow to as much as $7 billion by 2015, still a long way off from the U.S. and Canada’s take ($11 billion last year), but that could be a different story by the end of the decade.

That is the China growth story driving North America’s other movie industry export besides the films themselves: the exhibition equipment to show them. Here are a few key sellers:

Ballantyne Strong, headquartered in Omaha, Neb., is a reseller of NEC digital cinema projectors and also a manufacturer of movie screens and other equipment. They have wisely opened an office in Shanghai: Their net revenues in China in the third quarter of 2010 grew by $6.8 million over the same period a year earlier, to $9.3 million (that $6.8 million surge almost matched the increase in their largest market, the digital-happy U.S.). Their largest single customer through Sept. 30 last year was state-owned China Film Group’s cinema-building arm, China Film Cinema Investment Co., with 10% of their sales. Of the 931 projectors the company shipped through Sept. 30 last year, about 350 went to China, according to a presentation the company is due to make later today in San Francisco. And last month, they announced the sale of 250 projectors to two more Chinese cinema companies. Ballantyne, a small-cap stock valued at $110 million, has seen its shares double in the last year to nearly $8, but with a price-earnings ratio of 18 and an optimistic earnings outlook, some analysts have targeted the stock higher, at $10 a share.

RealD Inc. of Beverly Hills, Calif., has ridden the success of Avatar to become the driving force behind the 3D upgrades of theaters across the U.S. and globally, with 11,300 3D-enabled screens worldwide as of Dec. 24, 2010; you have quite likely used their glasses to watch a movie that was projected using their technology. The company enjoyed a strong IPO last year on the New York Stock Exchange, but for now it remains a money-loser despite its fast-rising revenues, and due to its per-moviegoer license-fee arrangement with theaters, the company needs people to keep going to see 3D movies in numbers.

China should help RealD’s bottom line. RealD and China’s largest owner of theaters, Wanda Cinema Line Corp. (a subsidiary of billionaire Wang Jianlin’s Dalian Wanda Group), announced in November that RealD’s 3D technology would be used on 500 Wanda screens, an important visible partnership with the dominant market leader. That doesn’t necessarily make the company’s stock look like a bargain: RealD is trading well above its IPO price, at $25 a share, for a market cap of $1.3 billion.

IMAX, headquartered in Canada and listed on Nasdaq until this Friday, when it switches to the New York Stock Exchange, is turning profits and seeing strong Chinese demand. There were 10 more IMAX theaters in China at the end of September 2010 than a year earlier, an increase exceeded only by the U.S. and matched by Europe. That doesn’t mean IMAX is a bargain either, as its stock has more than doubled in the last year to nearly $28 a share, with a market cap of almost $1.8 billion and a price-earnings ratio of 36.

If you want to invest in a Chinese company that will be showing movies on these screens (and in some of their own theaters), you can look at a recent Nasdaq IPO that somehow underperformed despite being a China consumer play: Bona Film Group. And the company I profiled in the story, SMI Corp., is listed in Hong Kong. In the case of both companies, analysts initiated coverage in January with bullish recommendations.

With China adding thousands more screens in the years ahead, all these companies may look even better a year or two from now. Of course domestic competitors will emerge for the North American equipment providers, and there will be concerns about intellectual property theft (Dolby Laboratories’ financial reports repeatedly warn investors about this danger in China). But the Chinese movie business is growing quickly and that may pace may only accelerate. Experts believe the nation is on its way in the five or six years ahead to 20,000 screens, more than triple the number that exist today. This seems like one Chinese market where there will still be room for American exports — both Hollywood movies and the technology to show them — for years to come.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-23 09:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 連長 于 2011-2-23 09:52 编辑

来自FDL  作者:David Dayen
IN Gov Daniels Wants GOP to Drop Anti-Union Bill

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, responding to the flight of Democratic lawmakers from the state House, denying Republicans a quorum to pass union-busting bills, asked Republicans in his party to stop work on the bill, allowing the Democrats to return and operations in the legislature to continue.

Daniels told reporters this afternoon that he expects House Democrats will return to work if the bill dies. It would be unfortunate if other bills are caught up in the turmoil, he said.

He will not send out state police to corral the Democrats, the Republican governor said.

The Democrat (sic) minority has right to express its views, he added.

The governor clung to his view that this is not the year to tackle right to work.

Daniels has basically held this position for a while, that he didn’t want to bring up the “right-to-work” bill this year. He would rather see Republicans in the legislature work on his education reform and criminal justice reform proposals.

That doesn’t mean Daniels is some big union supporter, however. He has said he supports the policy, but he just doesn’t want it to go forward at this time. In 2005, Daniels de-certified all public employee unions in Indiana, so he’s well ahead of Scott Walker in terms of union-busting. He has, in fact, called public employee unions the most powerful special interests in America today. So let’s not be fooled by this kinder, gentler approach from a potential Presidential candidate.

But it’s significant to see Daniels pull back so quickly from the fight. Rick Snyder in Michigan and Rick Scott in Florida are two other Republican Governors who backed away from any Walker-style plan to take away public employee collective bargaining rights. The pollingshows antipathy toward these kinds of plans. And even Republicans follow the polls sometimes.

UPDATE: And Pennsylvania’s Tom Corbett, too:

In Pennsylvania, which faces a $4 billion deficit, a spokesman for Gov. Tom Corbett, the state’s new Republican governor, said the governor wanted to shrink the government while being mindful of a 40-year-old law giving state employees the right to organize.

“We’ll begin negotiations with the public-sector unions and anticipate we’ll conduct those in good faith,” said Kevin Harley, a spokesman for Governor Corbett.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-23 09:54 | 显示全部楼层
Loja faz sucesso na China ao fazer tatuagens em porcos

Loja pertence ao artista belga Wim Delvoye.
Animais são anestesiados antes da aplicação da tatuagem.

Copiado e colado doG1, em São Paulo

Uma loja de tatuagem em Pequim, na China, se especializou em fazer tatuagens em porcos. A loja pertence ao artista belga Wim Delvoye, de 46 anos. Os animais são anestesiados e, em seguida, decorados com desenhos feitos por Wim e por outros tatuadores que trabalham na loja, segundo a agência "Barcroft Media".


Tatuadora faz tatuagem em porco. (Foto: Wim Delvoye/Barcroft Media/Getty Images)


Animais recebem as mais diferentes tatuagens. (Foto: Wim Delvoye/Barcroft Media/Getty Images)

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-23 09:57 | 显示全部楼层
Workers Sickened at Apple Supplier in China
By DAVID BARBOZAPublished: February 22, 2011


“We hope Apple will heed to its corporate social responsibility,” said Jia Jingchuan, 27, at right, pictured with coworkers. He said exposure at the Wintek plant to the chemical, known as n-hexane, has left him with nerve damage.

SUZHOU, China — Last week, when Apple released its annual review of labor conditions at its global suppliers, one startling revelation stood out: 137 workers at a factory here had been seriously injured by a toxic chemical used in making the signature slick glass screens of the iPhone.

Apple, describing it as a “core violation” of worker safety, said that it had ordered the contractor to stop using the chemical and to improve safety conditions at the plant. Apple also said that it would monitor the medical conditions of those workers.

But in interviews last weekend, nearly a dozen employees who say they were harmed by the chemical said they had never heard from anyone at Apple.

Instead, they said the contractor — a Taiwanese-owned company called Wintek — had pressed them and many other affected workers to resign and accept cash settlements that would absolve the factory of future liability, charges the company denied.

“We hope Apple will heed to its corporate social responsibility,” said Jia Jingchuan, 27. He said exposure at the Wintek plant to the chemical, known as n-hexane, had left him with nerve damage and made him so hypersensitive to cold that he now must wear down-insulated clothing even indoors. “Usually someone my age doesn’t wear this type of pants,” he said raising his voice. “Only 50- or 60-year-old men wear something like this.”

On Monday, however, a Wintek spokesman denied that the company was pressing workers to resign or sign papers absolving the company of future liability.

The company said it was working with medical professionals to assess the health of workers. Jay Huang, the spokesman, even suggested that Wintek would pay for medical care should the symptoms persist after workers resign.

“Wintek’s policy of handling this is to put workers’ benefit as the first priority,” he said.

Kristin Huguet, a spokeswoman at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, Calif., declined to discuss the Wintek case but said the company was committed to the highest standards of social responsibility in its supply chain. “We require our suppliers to provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect and use environmentally friendly manufacturing processes whenever our products are made,” she said.

Many workers, though, say they do not trust the factory because some managers continue to press injured workers to resign, sometimes by insisting they work longer hours even though their health is impaired.

Mr. Jia, a machine repair worker, was among a group of Wintek employees who gathered Sunday to discuss the case in a worker’s bare, unheated one-room apartment a few miles from the factory.

Some members of the group said they were still suffering health problems while working at the factory, which employs 18,000 workers at an average monthly wage of about $200, after overtime.

Wang Mei, 37, a quality inspection supervisor at Wintek, said she was hospitalized for 10 months because of n-hexane poisoning. She said she would like to leave the factory, but only after receiving assurances that Wintek would cover her medical bills if her health problems persisted.

“It’s not that we want to work here,” she said Sunday, as she tried to explain why she remains at the factory despite recurring symptoms, such as soreness in her limbs and fatigue. “We want to fight for our legal rights.”

Another woman came into the room waving a letter from a Chinese insurance company, turning her down for life insurance because she had been poisoned at the Wintek factory.

Although many workers said they had not heard from Apple and had been pressed to leave Wintek, one worker said that an Apple employee had arrived at the Suzhou factory on Tuesday and had met with a few affected workers.

The workers also said Wintek managers appeared to be softening their position early this week by telling several injured workers that they would no longer be required to sign documents if they choose to resign.

The Wintek injuries underscore the challenges Apple faces in trying to source goods from China, which dominates electronics manufacturing with low-cost labor and highly efficient factories that often operate around the clock.

But China is also known for factories that routinely flout labor and environmental laws.

About 18 months ago, workers at the Wintek factory started complaining of sore limbs and extreme weakness. Some employees had difficulty climbing stairs or even buttoning a shirt; others said they had dizzy spells and pounding headaches. “My palms started sweating and my legs got numb,” Mr. Jia said. “At first, I didn’t think it was related to work.”

According to Wintek, doctors later discovered that the factory’s workers, scores of them, were suffering from heavy exposure to n-hexane, a toxic agent the factory had begun using to clean the sophisticated touch-screen glass panels it makes for the Apple iPhone. Some workers said they were hospitalized for months with what doctors told them was nerve damage. Because the workers had insurance, Wintek and the government paid the medical costs and some compensation during their sick leave.

Wintek said it began using n-hexane in early 2009, after the factory received a large order for the glass panels. The company says n-hexane evaporates quickly and was considered more efficient than other cleaning agents.

But the compound is also considered a narcotic, which in high concentrations can disrupt the central nervous system of humans and induce vertigo and muscular atrophy, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, a division of the United States Department of Labor.

To draw attention to their plight, some affected workers organized a protest early last year. They also hired a lawyer, lobbied local government officials and even set up a microblogging site with links to their medical records.

In its report, Apple said n-hexane was no longer being used at the Suzhou factory and that Wintek had repaired its ventilation system.

But Debby Chan, project officer at Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior, a labor rights group in Hong Kong, said Apple and Wintek were slow to address the problem. “We heard rumors about the poisoning in 2009, and after a strike at the factory in January 2010, we went to the No. 5 hospital and found some of the workers,” Ms. Chan said. “When I visited workers in the hospital they said the Wintek management did not care about the situation. And after this case was exposed by the media, Apple never approached the workers or made an apology for their suffering.”

Apple’s firstmention of the case came last week, in its annual overseas supplier assessment, which the company has released since 2007.

This year’s review was particularly sensitive because it was the first since several suicides last year among workers at Foxconn Technologies, one of Apple’s biggest suppliers in China. Some labor rights advocates had attributed the suicides to harsh working conditions at its huge factory compounds, some of which employ 300,000 people.

In the report, Apple praised Foxconn for its response to the deaths. Foxconn hired counselors, raised salaries and even put up nets on some of its buildings to prevent suicide attempts.

But Apple also said it had discovered that some of its other Chinese suppliers had employees younger than 16, the legal working age. One supplier factory had 42 under-age workers, the company said.

Well aware of the pitfalls of outsourcing manufacturing to China, Apple and other global brands often hire independent auditors to make surprise visits to supplier factories. They also press factories to agree to strict codes of conduct and to ensure worker safety and compliance with China’s labor and environmental laws. One of the injured Wintek workers who agreed to be interviewed Sunday, Yao Xiaoping, 22, a migrant worker from Shaanxi Province, said he had left the factory and had accepted compensation of about $12,000 but now feared for his future because of the n-hexane poisoning that he said had left him with sweaty palms and weak limbs.

“I went back to my village but everyone knows what happened to me,” he said, fighting back tears. “So it has made it difficult for me to find a wife there.”

Chen Xiaoduan contributed research.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-23 15:10 | 显示全部楼层
China, Russia Abandon U.S. Dollar In Bilateral Trade
China, Russia quit dollar
By Su Qiang and Li Xiaokun (China Daily)
Updated: 2010-11-24 08:02


Premier Wen Jiabao shakes hands with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on a visit to St. Petersburg on Tuesday.ALEXEY DRUZHININ / AFP

St. Petersburg, Russia - China and Russia have decided to renounce the US dollar and resort to using their own currencies for bilateral trade, Premier Wen Jiabao and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin announced late on Tuesday.

Chinese experts said the move reflected closer relations between Beijing and Moscow and is not aimed at challenging the dollar, but to protect their domestic economies.

"About trade settlement, we have decided to use our own currencies," Putin said at a joint news conference with Wen in St. Petersburg.

The two countries were accustomed to using other currencies, especially the dollar, for bilateral trade. Since the financial crisis, however, high-ranking officials on both sides began to explore other possibilities.

The yuan has now started trading against the Russian rouble in the Chinese interbank market, while the renminbi will soon be allowed to trade against the rouble in Russia, Putin said.

"That has forged an important step in bilateral trade and it is a result of the consolidated financial systems of world countries," he said.

Putin made his remarks after a meeting with Wen. They also officiated at a signing ceremony for 12 documents, including energy cooperation.

The documents covered cooperation on aviation, railroad construction, customs, protecting intellectual property, culture and a joint communiqu.

Details of the documents have yet to be released.

Putin said one of the pacts between the two countries is about the purchase of two nuclear reactors from Russia by China's Tianwan nuclear power plant, the most advanced nuclear power complex in China.

Putin has called for boosting sales of natural resources - Russia's main export - to China, but price has proven to be a sticking point.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin, who holds sway over Russia's energy sector, said following a meeting with Chinese representatives that

Moscow and Beijing are unlikely to agree on the price of Russian gas supplies to China before the middle of next year.

Russia is looking for China to pay prices similar to those Russian gas giant Gazprom charges its European customers, but Beijing wants a discount.

The two sides were about $100 per 1,000 cubic meters apart, according to Chinese officials last week.

Wen's trip follows Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's three-day visit to China in September, during which he and President Hu Jintao launched a cross-border pipeline linking the world's biggest energy producer with the largest energy consumer.

Wen said at the press conference that the partnership between Beijing and Moscow has "reached an unprecedented level" and pledged the two countries will "never become each other's enemy".

Over the past year, "our strategic cooperative partnership endured strenuous tests and reached an unprecedented level," Wen said, adding the two nations are now more confident and determined to defend their mutual interests.

"China will firmly follow the path of peaceful development and support the renaissance of Russia as a great power," he said.

"The modernization of China will not affect other countries' interests, while a solid and strong Sino-Russian relationship is in line with the fundamental interests of both countries."

Wen said Beijing is willing to boost cooperation with Moscow in Northeast Asia, Central Asia and the Asia-Pacific region, as well as in major international organizations and on mechanisms in pursuit of a "fair and reasonable new order" in international politics and the economy.

Sun Zhuangzhi, a senior researcher in Central Asian studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the new mode of trade settlement between China and Russia follows a global trend after the financial crisis exposed the faults of a dollar-dominated world financial system.

Pang Zhongying, who specializes in international politics at Renmin University of China, said the proposal is not challenging the dollar, but aimed at avoiding the risks the dollar represents.

Wen arrived in the northern Russian city on Monday evening for a regular meeting between Chinese and Russian heads of government.

He left St. Petersburg for Moscow late on Tuesday and is set to meet with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Wednesday.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-23 15:14 | 显示全部楼层
China Forced Abortion Opponent Chen Beaten Over New Video
来自:LifeNews.com   作者:Reggie Littlejohn


A new video featuring One Child Policy activist Chen Guangcheng was leaked to the China Aid Association Wednesday. It has just been reported that this morning, Chen and his wife were “beaten senseless” in retaliation for the release of the video.

Blind activist Chen exposed the systematic use of forced abortion in implementing China’s One Child Policy. For this, he served a four year, three month jail sentence, was tortured and denied medical treatment, and is now languishing under house arrest. No one had heard from him since September until yesterday, when he released this video.

We are alarmed about the brutal beating of Chen and his wife, who are reportedly unable to move from their beds. We are also indignant about the conditions of Chen’s house arrest. A total of 66 security police surround their home day and night. Chen has been denied medical treatment. Nor can they communicate with the outside world, as their phone and computer access have been cut off.

At least that was the plan of the Chinese Communist Party. That plan was shattered by “a reliable government source who is sympathetic to Chen’s cause and outraged by the treatment of Chen,” according to CAA. In other words, Chen’s video was leaked to the West by a Chinese government insider.

This “reliable government source” must be a person of tremendous courage. The CCP is no doubt interrogating all those responsible for walling Chen off from the world, to determine which of them was responsible for providing Chen with the means to get his message out. If the person responsible for leaking the video is discovered, I shudder to think what may happen to them.

What does this act of defiance by a “reliable government source” say about the credibility of the CCP within China? Has its human rights record become so debased that its own security police are willing to risk their safety to stand up for those they have been hired to victimize?

Why is the CCP so determined to crush Chen, as though he were a dangerous criminal? The CCP wants the world to believe that its One Child Policy is voluntary. Chinese President Hu Jintao, during his visit to Washington last month, told Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen that China has no policy of forced abortion. In contrast, Chen single-handedly exposed the fact that there were 130,000 forced abortions and involuntary sterilizations in Linyi County, Shandong Province in just one year, 2005. If China truly has no forced abortion policy, then why didn’t the regime jail those who were performing these forced abortions? Why instead has it jailed and beaten Chen Guangcheng?

The fact that Chen remains under house arrest proves that President Hu’s statement is false. The fact that Chen remains unyielding – continuing to urge his fellow citizens to stand up for their rights in China – must rankle party bosses.

Chen Guangcheng is the “Tank Man” against China’s One Child Policy. Impoverished, beaten and blind, Chen nevertheless possesses the surpassing backbone to stand alone against the grinding juggernaut of this totalitarian regime. The CCP apparently perceives in Chen a real threat to its crumbling legitimacy.

In pressing for justice for Chen and his family, let us not forget those for whom he has sacrificed his freedom: the women and families of China who are being shattered daily by forced abortion, forced sterilization and infanticide. The coercive enforcement of China’s One Child Policy causes more violence against women and girls than any other official policy on earth. It is the greatest women’s rights issue in the world today. It does not matter whether you are pro-life or pro-choice on this issue. No one supports forced abortion, because it is not a choice.

Women’s Rights Without Frontiers calls for the immediate, unconditional release from house arrest of Chen Guangcheng and his family, and for urgent medical treatment. To sign a petition to Free Chen Guangcheng, click here: http://www.womensrightswithoutfrontiers.org/

A wise man once said, “A house divided cannot stand.” The CCP does everything it can to present itself as a monolithic behemoth, but does it recognize in the hated One Child Policy its Achilles heel?

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-23 15:24 | 显示全部楼层
Ancient mass burial site found in Chinahttp://www.presstv.ir/detail/166554.html


Chinese archeologists have discovered an ancient mass burial site in the country's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, which they say dates back to 3,000 years ago.

According to the Xinjiang Institute of Archaeology, the burial site spans an area of more than 10,000 square meters and is located 100 kilometers (62 miles) south of Hami City.

The first of its kind ever found in the region, the bodies are densely distributed and buried along with various types of objects made of clay, wood, stone, bone, horn, bronze and iron, Chinanewsreported.

The site also includes a tomb with a sacrificial altar, which archeologists say is the first of its kind found in the Xinjiang region.

According to director of Hami's Cultural Relics Bureau, archaeologists have already excavated more than 150 ancient tombs in the last two months.

The team has also found precious cultural relics, some materials never discovered before, as well as objects related to special construction styles and some unique burial customs.

Archaeological studies show that the site, located at the southern margin of ancient Silk Road, might have belonged to an early Iron Age settlement dating back about 3,000 years ago.

The objects found at the site also suggest that the ecological environment, like the amount of water and plants, was much more favorable at the time when the settlement was still populated.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-23 15:25 | 显示全部楼层
China needs more than $60bn for biomass development, says report

China needs RMB413.5bn ($60.7bn) in investments over the next ten years to utilise its biomass energy potential in rural areas, according to an Asian Development Bank (ADB) report.

ADB said that if livestock manure and crop stalks were converted into clean fuel, it could provide electricity to around 30 million rural people in China who still use kerosene lamps for lighting and to millions of others who are relying on firewood and other agricultural waste to heat their homes and cook their meals.

‘Biomass energy is a sensible renewable energy option for rural areas and it can be cost-effective at community and industrial scales if governments support and effectively guide its development,’ said Klaus Gerhaeusser, ADB’s director general for the East Asia department.

According to Rural Biomass Energy 2020 in the Peoples Republic of China, the country needs RMB413.5bn ($60.7m) before 2020 to fully implement its development plan.

Of the total, the development plan calls for CNY314.3bn ($46.2bn) to be used to help rural household beneficiaries, CNY16.5bn ($2.4bn) for centralised gas plant projects, CNY82.7bn ($12.2bn) for power generation and liquid fuel production and CNY1.5bn ($22m) for research, development, demonstration and piloting.

The report said both government and project financing would be used. Government investment would be for projects directly related to farmers, and project financing would be for securing self-sustaining financing cycles and developing the biomass industry.

According to ADB, China has set a goal for 2020 to product 15 per cent of energy from various waste-based sources, and this plan would help the country meet its goal.

Copyright © 2010 NewNet
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-23 15:40 | 显示全部楼层



Let’s all pray that the People of China Revolt against them,that would take the wind from their sails.Maybe a Earth quake at their huge damn would knock them on their asses.

Why am I not surprised?

Sean murrey
this is like them holding a gun to our heads.

Retaliate by ending the subsidies for wind turbines which each require about 4000 pounds of Chinese 97% monopolized rare earth elements. It’s time for Americans to realize that we inadvertently subsidize the Chinese by moving production to China because they have a monopoly of items we can’t make in the US but aren’t really needed anyway; and our buying electronics that are contaminated during production from the extremely high air pollution concentrations that dramatically shorten the electronics lifespan. Called latent corrosion, bare metal absorbs the H2S levels measured as high as 1500ppb in some Chinese factories. Wonder why electronics fail so quickly? Wonder why CDs/DVDs fail in just 2 years? Corrosive gases cause premature failure.

I trust that Obama will give them anything they want since he gae the Russians the nuclear secrets of Great britain against the Brits wishes. Obama would sell his own soul to have four more years in office and we have to stop him in Nov 2011!

Byron L Fowler
The stupid and irresponsible people are not the Chinese,and guess who is left. I think we Americans are partly responsible because of what we have demanded the government give us, and for voting for the legislators who have gone down the hole giving it to us. I strongly believe that America has ceased to be the land of opportunity, and has turned into the land of promise.

The stupid and irresponsible people are not the Chinese,and guess who is left. I think we Americans are partly responsible because of what we have demanded the government give us, and for voting for the legislators who have gone down the hole giving it to us. I strongly believe that America has ceased to be the land of opportunity, and has turned into the land of promise.

I wondered when this would come up. This stupid fool we have for a president probably didn’t even consider this or if he did, he didn’t give a damn.
He is out to ruin this country one way or another.

What did folks think electing a leftist Black Muslim to the Presidency of our country. Hope and change; yes but for whom? 75,000 Obama care health inspectors at a salary of 70,000 per year until they unionize–think department of motor vehicles, inner city job opportunity and your medical care. Then nationalizing the economy, scaring the desire for business in the hearts of the capitalists. Draining the countries tax dollars into bogus feel good energy projects while shutting down the ecomomic life blood drilling of our own strategic oil resources. Fools! He told Joe the Plumber straight up what he was going to do; “everythings better when you spread the wealth around.” Bet you didn’t realize his dreams from his father translate from anticolonial anger right into the old leftist communist statist desire to bring down and heel the vicious forces of unregulated capitalism who fail to feed or care for the neglected or lacking in talent only to substitue the snapping of the whip, neighbors disappearing in the night, and party thugs–like union bosses running your life or else. Welcome to the new hopefully short lived US if A politically correct you owe me society. Bring back the responsibility; fire all the teachers who don’t show up for work and bring back the spirit of Ronnie!!

Maybe we should do like every other country in the world does to us when we help them in times of trouble with the blood of our young soldiers, and the tax dollars of our citizenry. Simply look them in the face and say, Sorry!, we have no money, guess we can’t pay. Too bad!

What are we, too afraid our credit will suffer? If it has any value this far in debt no it’s a phony measuring stick anyway. We just refuse to pay back our debt like so many others, including Russians, and Poof, we’re solvent again.

With no debt, all of our problems go away and we can get back to dealing with the Muslim creeps who, like pesty flies need a good swat! And removing a president that spent us here.

George Sword
When you make a deal with the devil what more can you expect. Maybe Obombo will have another State Dinner for the Premier and use his charm on him and everything will be solved. Right, and I’m going to fly to the moon tomorrow.


Stephen ressell
Theyre NO Unions in China, NOT yet or if any, not sizable to impact polciies, Plus China owns our debt.
China Im sure hates Big Labor Inc.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-23 15:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 連長 于 2011-2-23 16:05 编辑

Ecuador recibe mil millones de China en pago anticipado por venta de petróleo


El Gobierno de Ecuador recibió de la petrolera estatal china (Petrochina) 1.000 millones de dólares en pago anticipado por la compra de crudo ecuatoriano, informó hoy en Quito el Ministerio de Finanzas.

El mecanismo obedece a la renovación de un mecanismo de transacción comercial para la venta de petróleo con pago anticipado, suscrito en 2009 entre las empresas estatales Petrochina y Petroecuador.

El ministro de Finanzas ecuatoriano, Patricio Rivera, informó que estos recursos formarán parte de la financiación del presupuesto del Estado de este año y se dirigirán a los proyectos de inversión establecidos por la Secretaría de Planificación y Desarrollo.

Rivera señaló que autoridades petroleras y económicas nacionales analizaron y aceptaron la propuesta de Petrochina de renovar por dos años este mecanismo de venta, aplicado desde julio de 2009.

Esta es una alternativa de financiación que le permite a Ecuador acceder a un pago anticipado de 1.000 millones de dólares por la venta de su petróleo, bajo las condiciones que establece el mercado internacional de hidrocarburos, precisa un informe del Ministerio.

Además, detalla que las condiciones de esta transacción comercial son similares a las establecidas en julio de 2009, pero con una tasa de interés menor, que ahora será del 7,08%, con una duración de dos años y que entrará en vigor en agosto próximo.

Rivera destacó el fortalecimiento de este acuerdo comercial entre las petroleras estatales de ambas naciones y remarcó que la "Alianza Estratégica" de Ecuador con China ("considerada la segunda economía del mundo"), será beneficiosa para el país y permitirá impulsar el desarrollo nacional.



China Bans Reincarnation Without Gov.Permission
来自:the Huffington Post

In one of history's more absurd acts of totalitarianism, China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission. According to a statement issued by the State Administration for Religious Affairs, the law, which goes into effect next month and strictly stipulates the procedures by which one is to reincarnate, is "an important move to institutionalize management of reincarnation." But beyond the irony lies China's true motive: to cut off the influence of the Dalai Lama, Tibet's exiled spiritual and political leader, and to quell the region's Buddhist religious establishment more than 50 years after China invaded the small Himalayan country. By barring any Buddhist monk living outside China from seeking reincarnation, the law effectively gives Chinese authorities the power to choose the next Dalai Lama, whose soul, by tradition, is reborn as a new human to continue the work of relieving suffering.

At 72, the Dalai Lama, who has lived in India since 1959, is beginning to plan his succession, saying that he refuses to be reborn in Tibet so long as it's under Chinese control. Assuming he's able to master the feat of controlling his rebirth, as Dalai Lamas supposedly have for the last 600 years, the situation is shaping up in which there could be two Dalai Lamas: one picked by the Chinese government, the other by Buddhist monks. "It will be a very hot issue," says Paul Harrison, a Buddhism scholar at Stanford. "The Dalai Lama has been the prime symbol of unity and national identity in Tibet, and so it's quite likely the battle for his incarnation will be a lot more important than the others."

Leather Protein, Melamine: China's Milk Does a Body Bad


Chinese officials says melamine in milk will not be tolerated. (sarcozona/Creative Commons)

Chinese dairy producers, be warned: Inspectors are on alert for processed milk tainted with the industrial chemical melamine and a toxic substance extracted from leather scraps, reports the Associated Press.

China's Ministry of Agriculture posted a notice to the website of the State Council that it plans to carry out 6,450 random milk checks this year to catch milk producers who add toxic substances to their milk to raise its protein content.

Hydrolyzed leather protein (HLP)—a substance derived from leather scraps—is a cunning choice for an additive. It actually does contain protein and does come from a cow; so it's hard to detect. The blend-in factor made HLP an appealing alternative additive when milk producers got caught puffing up their milk with melamine in 2008. The Chinese government is hoping to quell public fears with renewed efforts to regulate milk.

The protein extracted from cow leather is not known to be dangerous to human health, but the curing chemicals are, says Peter Leedham, a China-based food testing executive.

"Those who ingest it are at risk of developing osteoporosis, a disease whose chief symptom is brittle bones. Long-term exposure to the chemicals can lead to cancer and death among children," reports People's Daily Online.

As of Friday, no illnesses had been reported, according to Reuters.

Because melamine in milk is still a concern in China, "all the tests will check for melamine and 30 percent will look for hydrolyzed leather protein," reports the Associated Press.忽忽,连长同学现在贴出AP的报道)

China on alert for leather protein in milk supply

BEIJING (AP) — China has warned dairy producers that inspectors are on alert for fresh milk tainted with the industrial chemical melamine and another toxic substance extracted from leather scraps.

Both additives — melamine and hydrolyzed leather protein — would make dairy products made with watered-down milk appear to have normal amounts of protein. Infant formula tainted with melamine killed six children in China in 2008 and sickened more than 300,000.

The Ministry of Agriculture said in a undated notice posted to the website of the State Council, China's Cabinet, that authorities will carry out 6,450 random checks on fresh milk this year — underscoring official concerns that dairy producers may still be trying to use illegal and dangerous methods to boost the protein content of their milk.

All the tests will check for melamine and 30 percent will look for hydrolyzed leather protein.

In March 2009, the Chenyuan Dairy Company in central China's Zhejiang province was shut down by authorities after leather protein was found in its products, the official China Daily newspaper reported Friday. It didn't say if anyone was sickened in that case.

Peter Leedham, a China-based food testing executive, said leather protein emerged as a dairy additive in the wake of the deadly melamine scandal.

"When the melamine issue broke and everybody started being able to detect melamine in milk, unscrupulous producers tried to find an alternative way, something that supplemented the protein in milk, so what they used, very cleverly, was the hydrolyzate of bovine leather,"

Leedham said. "Because it's actually protein and derived from a cow, it's almost impossible to detect as an additive."Leedham, the managing director of Eurofins Technology Service in Suzhou, a city close to Shanghai, said it's not clear how widespread the problem is.

To find out if the substance has been added to dairy, authorities look for telltale leather-curing residues. The protein extracted from cow leather is not known to be dangerous to human health, but the curing chemicals are, Leedham said.The China Daily newspaper said the chemicals could be fatal for children in high does and put adults at risk for osteoporosis.

The Ministry of Agriculture said in a statement posted to its website on Thursday that spot checks on 7,406 batches of fresh milk last year were all free of melamine and signs of leather protein.

But powdered, rather than fresh milk, has been the main source of melamine contamination. Last year China seized 2,132 tons of melamine-tainted milk powder that was manufactured in 2008 or earlier.

China ordered all contaminated dairy, including infant formula, yogurt and other products, burned or buried, but the government did not carry out the destruction itself. Some people apparently stockpiled the tainted products.

Leedham said leather protein was also more likely to show up in milk powder and other processed dairy than in raw milk."

I would have thought that the adulteration, if it happens, would happen in the processing later on," he said. "If it's going to be used as a fraudulent way of increasing protein levels, then the big benefits would be in the food processing downstream and it would be much easier to add hydrolyzed protein to a powder mix than to liquid milk."

He also said 6,450 tests in one year didn't seem sufficient for a country China's size.

Associated Press researcher Zhao Liang contributed to this report.


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-23 15:44 | 显示全部楼层
PNoy: We did right in deporting 14 Taiwanese to Chinahttp://ph.news.yahoo.com/gma/20110222/tph-pnoy-we-did-right-in-deporting-14-ta-d6cd5cf.html

President Benigno Aquino III reiterated Tuesday that the Philippine government made the right decision in deporting the 14 Taiwanese nationals to China, and that he will not apologize for sticking to that decision. “I did give instructions na medyo me problema tayo sa [that we see some problem with] apologies. Given the facts available at that time, the decision I believe was sound," he told reporters after attending activities at Camp Aguinaldo in connection with the 25th anniversary of the 1986 EDSA People Power uprising. Taiwan officials warned that they will impose severe measures on Filipinos seeking work in the island-state “if the negotiations on the deportation row are not going as well as expected." (See: Report: Taipei warns of more severe sanctions vs PHL workers)

Some 80,000 Filipinos are working in Taiwan, which the government of the People’s Republic of China considers as a “renegade province". The Philippine government has no official diplomatic ties with Taiwan, and maintains informal relations through the Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO) and its Taiwanese counterpart, the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office (TECO). Aquino said he has yet to talk with former senator Manuel Roxas II, the emissary he sent to Taiwan, on the final outcome of the discussions with the Taiwanese officials. The President had earlier announced that Roxas, his vice-presidential running mate in the May 2010 elections, would serve as his “chief troubleshooter." “From yesterday we have been in constant touch, there was supposed to be a factsheet on points that they agreed to synthesize the thoughts of both sides. I have yet to hear from [Roxas] …on the final outcome of the discussions," Aquino said. Roxas arrived in the Taiwanese capital Taipei on Monday to explain Manila’s side on the deportation of Taiwanese nationals who were suspected members of a fraud ring on February 2. The former senator returned to the country Tuesday afternoon and is set to brief the President on the matter, followed by a press conference with Malacañang reporters on Wednesday. In a press briefing earlier in the day, presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda said it would be presumptuous for the administration to immediately apologize “for something which we don’t know if we have violated anything." He added that “to apologize right now would be implying that we have already committed a mistake when we have yet to determine the processes," explaining that “there is still an investigation going on."

“Based on the account made by [Justice] Sec. Leila de Lima, there was a red flag from the Interpol and when their identification was being requested, they failed to present proper identification and in that regard, we did what was the proper thing to do," he said.

–Amita O. Legaspi/JV, GMANews.TV

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-23 15:49 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 連長 于 2011-2-23 15:51 编辑




Moving Eastward
Published: February 16, 2011

BEIJING — Is China the next domino? Like Mubarak’s regime, the Chinese government relies on harsh measures to put down calls for democratic reform. Like Egypt, China is plagued by a huge gap between rich and poor, rampant corruption, rising prices of basic foods and high unemployment rates among recent university graduates.

So should outside forces turn to democracy-promotion in China?

Not so fast. In Egypt, social critics and reformers of different stripes profess public allegiance to the ideal of multiparty democracy, defined as free and fair competitive elections for the country’s political leaders, along with the freedoms that make those elections meaningful.

In China, it is not so simple. Pro-democracy forces are not absent — the most famous is the imprisoned Nobel Peace laureate, Liu Xiaobo — but they are not widespread. Many social critics and political reformers in China do not endorse multiparty democracy as the solution to China’s political problems.

And the “democracy is not so good” camp is itself divided into two different groups. Let us call them Pessimists and Optimists.

The Pessimists point to a serious problem with democracy: The will of the people may not be moral — it could endorse racism, fascism or and imperialism. Such concerns are not purely theoretical. In the case of Egypt, widespread anti-Israeli sentiments, for example, may not prove favorable for the cause of peace in the Middle East.

In the case of China, an unhealthy form of nationalism has gained strength. Nationalists want to make China a strong military and economic power that can “say no” to the rest of the world, whatever the moral considerations at stake. A transition to democracy could easily give rise to a populist strongman backed by a security and military mafia.

It is easy to blame the Chinese government for fanning the flames of a resentful nationalism. But the fact of the matter is that the government often tries to counteract it. Contrary to popular belief, much of the censorship of popular newspapers is targeted at extremist and dangerous forms of nationalism, not at liberal-reformist viewpoints.

Hence, Pessimist reformers say that China should implement measures to combat corruption and abuses of government power and open the society in other ways — but without going the route of electoral democracy. In the long term, perhaps, but not now.

The Optimists point to another key problem with democracy: There is no formal representation for non-voters who are affected by the policies of the government. Hence a democratic form of government may be counter to the interests of future generations and people living outside national boundaries.

Again, this is not a purely theoretical problem. Democratic countries such as Greece vote themselves unsustainable welfare policies that threaten to harm not just future generations but other European states. Or consider global warming: It is difficult if not impossible for democratically elected governments to implement policies that curb energy usage in the interests of future generations and foreigners.

If China were to follow the American model in terms of per capita carbon emissions, the world would be damaged beyond repair. Today, several hundred million Chinese living south of the Yangtze River cannot use central heating. Such policies benefit the world as well as future generations, but they would likely be revoked by a popularly elected government.

Optimists respond to such concerns by proposing forms of government that aim to do better than Western-style democracies. In the past decade, Confucian reformists have put forward proposals for a democratic assembly that would represent the interests of workers and farmers, complemented by another assembly that would represent the interests of non-voters. Deputies in the democratic house would be chosen by voters, while deputies in the other house would be chosen by meritocratic mechanisms such as competitive examinations.

On issues such as land disputes in rural China, the decisions of the democratic house would take priority. In areas such as foreign policy and the environment, the meritocratic house would have more say.

Democrats often respond to such seemingly utopian proposals with the objection that democracy is a priority: Let’s democratize the system first, and then we can think about how to improve democracy.

But the current political system is already meritocratic in some respects, and it would be practical and desirable to draw on the parts that work well.

Cadres in the 78 million strong Chinese Communist Party are increasingly selected according to competitive meritocratic criteria. And the government implements some policies according to five-year plans that are designed for long-term benefit, such as support for clean energy, high-speed railways and economic development projects in the impoverished and sparsely populated western part of the country. A more democratic government would be more constrained by short-term electoral considerations.

And once a democratic government is in place, it’s hard to change. Once people develop a taste for the ritual of voting for their country’s most important political leaders, it’s hard to argue for alternatives, even if they are more efficient and morally better. Which politician would dare tell the people that they should not hold all the trump cards in foreign policy or environmentalism?

So at the very least, outside forces should not seek to override reasonable viewpoints of social reformers in China.

Liberal democrats as well as Pessimist and Optimist reformers agree that more media freedom is desirable to expose abuses of political power. They all seek to humanize the government in various ways. To the extent possible, they should be supported in their efforts.

But both Pessimists and Optimists have good reasons to doubt the benefits of competitive, direct elections for the country’s top political leaders.

Let’s hope that democracy succeeds in Egypt. But in China, the “freedom agenda” for now need not include support for full electoral democracy.

Daniel A. Bell is professor of political theory at Tsinghua University in Beijing and of the arts and humanities at Jiaotong University in Shanghai. His latest book is “China’s New Confucianism.”

A version of this op-ed appeared in print on February 17, 2011, in The International Herald Tribune.http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/17/opinion/17iht-edbell17.html?_r=3&pagewanted=all

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-23 15:54 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 連長 于 2011-2-23 16:08 编辑

U.S. to boost naval forces as China develops carrier: admiralhttp://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110221/pl_nm/us_china_military



Reuters – A U.S. Navy Petty Officer Second Class stands in front of a Chinese flag on the USS Kitty Hawk aircraft …

HONG KONG (Reuters) – The U.S. navy will continue to upgrade its military capabilities in the Pacific given its steadfast commitment to the region, a U.S. vice admiral said on Monday, while urging China's growing navy to avoid provocation.

China's swelling defense budgets, rapid development of advanced systems including aircraft carriers and anti-satellite missiles, and its growing naval aggression in bordering seas, have unnerved regional neighbors and the United States in recent years.

"It is our sincere hope that as China continues to develop a blue-water navy, one which may soon include an aircraft carrier, it will employ that navy in a way that is responsible and constructive," said Vice admiral Scott Van Buskirk during a visit to Hong Kong.

The vice admiral who commands the U.S. Navy's 7th Fleet -- the largest forward deployed military force with up to 70 ships and 300 aircraft -- also urged China not to utilize such military hardware in a "threatening or provocative manner."

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said last month a U.S. military presence in the Pacific is essential to restrain Chinese assertiveness.

[ For complete coverage of politics and policy, go to Yahoo! Politics ]

Following on from Gate's comments that China's military advances in cyber and anti-satellite warfare technology could challenge the ability of U.S. forces to operate in the Pacific, Van Buskirk said the United States would upgrade its hardware there.

A new Littoral combat ship (LCS) will be deployed to the area soon, carrier fighter squadrons upgraded, attack submarine attack capabilities increased, and surface destroyers rekitted to "boost their ability to detect and kill enemy submarines", Van Buskirk said.

Faster P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft will replace P-3 Orion planes in the next two years.

"We remain committed. We remain engaged," he said.

While Gates breakthrough visit to Beijing last month reestablished high-level strategic level ties, Van Buskirk said much more needed to be done at a tactical level to ensure encounters at sea wouldn't escalate or lead to conflict.

"We're just not as successful in receiving return communications," said Van Buskirk of attempts by U.S. ships to hail Chinese vessels on the high seas.

(Reporting by James Pomfret; Editing by Sugita Katyal)

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China Launches New Censored Search Engine To Compete With Baidu
Feb 22, 2011 at 6:56pm ET by Chris Sherman

China Mobile and state-run news agency Xinhua have launched Panguso a new search engine that will let people search for news, web sites, images, videos and audio,according to Chinese state-run news agency Xinhua.

The new search engine will filter results according to the guidelines issued by the Chinese government, often referred to as “the great firewall of China.”

Here’s a terrific analysis of how internet censorship in China works by The Atlantic’s James Fallows.Panguso faces more than censorship challenges, as it confronts Baidu’s whopping 76% market share in China, according to Analysys International, a Beijing-based market research firm.

This is especially true given that once-popular Google has slipped beneath 20% market share now that its servers are no longer located in China.

来自:Search engine land


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-23 16:30 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 連長 于 2011-2-23 16:46 编辑

What to Expect from Your New Kitten
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Introducing a Bengal Cat to His New Home

Congratulations on your beautiful, new friend.

Bringing home a new kitten is a stressful time for your new pet. These are some "tips" to get you both through these important first few days.

Don't bring your kitten(s) home and put it in the house and expect it to "find" it's litter box, food , etc. Put it in ONE room with the door closed when you leave. The kittens need a "safe place" where they have their bed, food water, stuffed animal friend, and litter box. It can be a spare bathroom (keep the toilet closed please)! Laundry room, wherever. Just make sure it is SAFE and SECURE!! Show them the litter box, food and water.


Get down on the floor and be at the kittens level. Do not let you kid's race around him. He/she may be skittish and scared. Let him/her adjust to their new home before you try anything. If he meows a lot, just like when a baby would cry, check that he/she knows where the litter box is and is not hungry or thirsty.

Introductions to other pets MUST be cautious and slow.

Be careful! It takes awhile for old pets to adjust to the new pet. Often, putting them in a carrier or cage in the main room so the pets can get used to each other works well. PLEASE SUPERVISE!!!! After a few days you will notice he/she will relax and feel more comfortable.

That can be directed at people and other cats. It is usually associated with early weaning, a shift to predatory behavior, or rough play by the cat's owners. Kittens experience stages of social play (3 to 12 weeks of age) and social fighting (14 weeks and older) that develop skills necessary for hunting. Play becomes well developed at 6 to 8 weeks of age and kittens can exhibit independent predatory behavior by 5 weeks of age. Play aggression may develop when the kitten's mother or siblings do not correct it when it hurts them.

Aggressive cats crouch and hide, waiting for movement.

They pounce, using teeth and claws, and quickly flee. It is important to abort this behavior by startling the cat with a loud noises.

Only play with the cat using cat toys, never with your hands.

The cat must learn to distinguish your body parts from its toys. If the cat scratches you during play, startle the cat and stop the play. Cat toys should be checked frequently for wear and replaced if they are damaged.

Increase the cat's aerobic exercise.

You can throw a cat toy for your cat to bat around the room or place a treat on top of a scratching post that will fall if your cat scratches energetically. You can also attach a toy to a string and pull it around the house for your cat to chase.

Getting another cat often reduces play aggression.

The additional cat provides another outlet for play and often corrects the aggressive behavior within the feline social system.

If play aggression continues, banish the cat to another room. This is the best time to teach them NO. Believe me this word they do learn. I often am running around the home telling my cats "NO DON'T YOU DARE." They know what I am saying by now, it works.

Provide a scratching post with rope and carpet.

I also use a toy with card board in the middle that the kittens love to use. You will often see it at my home. Most of my kittens will have learned to use a post before you even get them. Yes, I say this in truth. Come to my home and look at my living room couch and you will see that there is no scratching going on with my furniture. That is a NO NO! I have lots of things for Bengal kittens and cats to learn on. Also the pet Bengal around my home teach the young Bengal kittens. They learn a lot from the older Bengal cats.



Bengal Cats have a social system in which some individuals rank higher than others. Occasionally, Bengal cats attempt to manipulate their owners in a manner called assertion, or status-related aggression. This aggression usually develops at social maturity (2 to 4 years of age). I myself have not yet experienced this except for some studs and I attribute that to the fact that they are Bengal Studs with raging hormones at times. You can rest assure that a Bengal cat that you get from most qualified breeders who know how to breed and socialize, this will never happen. Having a 5 year Generation in hand helps. You want to know who was breed to who.Be sure to clean and disinfect cat scratches or bites and seek medical attention if the injury becomes infected. DO NOT USE HYDRO PEROXIDE. You want the wound to bleed out.

This is very common. It is like teething. There are a lot of ways to deal with it but just like a baby you have to go threw this stage. When you buy your Bengal kitten I will go over things you can do. I am always coming up with new product that help with this issue so please give me a call and find out what is new on the market. They are always coming up with something new for Bengal kittens, any kittens to chew on. All good news. They now have new treats that are hard that are just for this behavior and toys that are frozen which that taste like chicken and Bengal kittens will turn their attention to chewing on that. I must point out is a normal stage, like a baby, they will out grown this when their teeth come in.

Bites from a Bengal or any cat are the second dirtiest bite you can get. This I and other breeders know WELL. You can get a very severe infection from a Bengal or any cat bite. My first one sent me to the hospital for 3 days. So don't play around, clean it out well and even seek medical attention if it is a deep bite. Teach your children not to go up to strange and unknown cats. This can be very dangerous. They are not all as friendly as your own pet.

Cat box issues

This is by far the most common issue for ALL cat owners. It is frustrating when you realize your beloved cat is urinating outside of the litter box. This issue is By far the most common wide spread and faces every breed and both sexes equally. The first thing to do is make sure your animals is spay or neutered. Animals of both sexes will routinely "spray" when they are in season or an in season animal is in close proximity.

The next thing to do is insure that you have at LEAST one litter box per cat in your household. If you have a very large household, it may require multiple boxes in various locations. Also consider the type of litter your cat likes best. Most cats prefer the very small grained hard clumping litters to all others. It is easy on their paws. There has been some success in using the attractant type litters as reported by some owners. Some cats prefer covered litter boxes and others do not. Trial and error is what is required here. Try both and see which is more used by your cat(s).

Litter boxes must be scooped at least once per day. The entire box must be dumped regularly and cleaned with a bleach and water solution. This also keeps parasites from becoming a problem. If you have done these things and your cat is still urinating or defecating outside of the box, you need to consider other potential reasons. Cats "spray" for many reasons. One can be a neighbor cat who is urinating outside and your cat smells it. It can be a neighbor cat simply on your property. It can be multiple cats in the household and they are competing to "mark" their territory.

Cleaning up after such "accidents" is critical, and difficult. You need to find a good enzymatic cleaner. There are different opinions on which one is best. Various breeders on the lists recommend products such as : Bio-Matic (we can refer you); Anti-Icky Poo; Natures Miracle and a number of others. Sometimes, if elimination is occurring in one specific area such as in a corner or against a wall, you need to cover that area so that further elimination in that spot cannot occur. Sometimes, placing a litter box over the area will help.

If you have tried the above tips and are still having problems, I would suggest a vet visit. A urinary tract infection can cause your pet to need to go frequently or painful urination. Your vet can do a simple test and determine if this is the problem. If so, an antibiotic can quickly resolve the problem.

There are some animals for which there does not appear to be a solution to the problem. Work closely with your veterinarian to eliminate all rational causes of the problem. In rare cases, there are cats that simply are incompatible with an inside existence unless they are caged or confined to a cleanable area. Further sources of information: Bringing your new kitten home can be a VERY exciting time! However, rushing your kitten to have access to your home before it is ready can be a very costly and frustrating mistake.

We are Green!

This is where I have to step in and say that we really are a "GREEN CATTERY." We use WOODY PET for cat litter. It can be bought at any feed store. They usually use it in horse stalls and it is not at all expensive. We pay $6.00 for 40 lb.. And when we are finished with it we just dumb it into the yard recycle container. This also cuts down on the odor in my home. People often come over and notice that my home does not smell and with all the Bengal kittens and cats running around at times and the fact I have been doing this for 10 years, well I give myself a pat on the back when I still get that complement. I will show people when they are over so when and if you come to my cattery you will have this pointed out to you. And yes, always one litter box for each cat.

Most of the time, we forget just what we are asking these young ones to do. They leave the only home they have ever known. They leave their mother and litter mates. All of those things that give them security and peace, we remove in a matter of moments. Sure you love them and will care for them. But THEY don't know that. All they know is that they are alone and have no idea where their family has gone.

This is one reason that removing a kitten any earlier than 10-12 weeks of age is just asking for a kitten with behavior issues. Mothers and litter mates teach young kittens how hard is too hard to bite. How much play is too much and that no matter how much they want to play and run around, when mother says it is time to stop for a bath, IT IS BATH TIME!


Bengal Cats are "true Carnivores".

True Carnivores are made to eat RAW MEAT. Bengal's in particular relish a part raw diet. Raw beef is also appreciated. Raw beef is also appreciated. Watch them go crazy for it, and do their primal growl! NEVER, NEVER, NEVER feed raw pork. You WILL be sorry.

Most of us grew up feeding our animals out of bags or cans, so a biologically appropriate raw food program may seem unusual at first. But feeding dogs and cats raw food is not a new idea. Commercial pet foods have only been around for 65 years. What did people do before bags and cans?

People fed their animals butcher scraps or table scraps. I have never fed my animals processed food, even as a child, my family fed raw scraps to our animals.

The average lifespan of dogs and cats now is ridiculously short. They should be living twice as long! I had a tabby that lived to 21. It was a rescue cat and very sick when I got her. I improved her life with natural, healthy, raw food meals and organic supplements, all natural dry food, no drugs, no chemicals.

I live on raw food, too. I don't eat raw meat or raw fish, but juice veggies and I add some of the pulp of carrot with their meat. I truly believe that raw food help the immune system. I love my vegetables now! Nothing like a big bowl of spinach.

Taught By My Mom

This extra time also allows kittens and moms to wean naturally and slowly. They learn how and what to eat and where to eliminate all from carefully observing their mother. My moms will actually pick up a kitten by the scruff and bring it to a litter box or food bowl if they don't get the idea right away.

Before Your New Kittens Arrival

Before its arrival.

So, now that you have agreed to leave the kitten with mom until the proper time, we will discuss bringing your little one home. Before its arrival, make sure you have the exact food its breeder was feeding. A total change in its life, is not the time to introduce a new food as well. Choose a small place for the kitten to call home. A bathroom works well for the first week or so. Put in a litter box with the same litter the breeder used. Put in a food and water bowl which can't be easily tipped over. Do not put the food next to the litter box. Opposite sides of the room work best. Also, put in a fleece bed for the kitten to lay in. Getting a towel from the breeder with the scent of the litter mates can be helpful for those first difficult nights away from home.

Make sure before you bring your kitten home to make an appointment with a vet so that you can swing by on the way home and get a fecal test, any shots that are due and a Leukemia and Aids test. This will allow you to feel better about the health of your new arrival. And if any problem should be detected, you can let the breeder know immediately so steps can be taken to correct

Feeding Bengal Cats First of all, when taking a BENGAL kitten home is not good to change the diet from the breeders. Your kitten has been eating ROYAL CANIN BABY CAT OR KITTEN or TASTE OF THE WILD, NATURAL BALANCE AND EVO and a few other that are grain free is what I suggest that you feed you Bengal cat.

Dry food is "free fed". It is available all the time. Doing this instead of meal times allows the kitten to eat just what they need at the moment so when full grown they will not over eat and become "fat cats". They will eat just what they need because they know it will not be taken away to return at some time later in the day. Just like us, it is better to eat a lot of small meals throughout the day. SOME canned foods are acceptable in small amounts. But since THE CHINESE ABUSE  they have to have only  good ingredients, no preservatives. I make my own too or they are feed raw London Broil. Boy do the Bengal cats and kittens go wild over this.  Remind me to show you. There is a picture on this site of a whole bunch of Bengal cats around one plate.  It is a great treat.  I prefer  to feed pets mostly dry because you will find that you will have less dental problems.  Ekim is 5 years old and has hardly ever touched wet food and his teeth are still clean.  This is true, look into his mouth when you come by!! Please do not feed your kitten grocery store brands. They are full of artificial preservatives, color and JUNK INGREDIENTS. Some can make your cat vomit. It is an a allergic reaction to something horrible in the food.


keep you Bengal kitten on what he/she is used to. If you want your kitten to live a long, healthy life, feed it right. If your Bengal kitten gets "the runs," cut out any canned food. If you feed him / her only cut up raw beef the problem will stop. After the stools are firm again give him/her give the dry food also, because feeding JUST raw meats can cause severe dietary deficiencies.

Bengal Cats LOVE Running Drinking Water


A fountain is a must have around my Bengal kittens and cats.

If I was just to have a bowl the water would be all over the place. They love to wash their paws after eating and using the litter box. (I have a separate bowl for that) It is the running water the Bengal cats and Bengal kittens love most .

Bengal Cat Shots & Vet Care


Check around for his/her reputation. Just like you would your own Doctor.


If you have a question, PICK UP THE PHONE AND CALL ME. PLEASE! Health records are included with your kitten, and decreases the chances or URI's occurring. I have a negative FIP/FELV cattery so our cats are not considered "high risks". I use a very conservative vaccination schedule, with one combo shot WITHOUT CLYMIDIA, three to four weeks apart. You get the CLYMIDIA at a year old.

Don't worm your kitten if it doesn't have worms.

Have your vet do a fecal check when you are in for his/her shot. If you see little rice pieces on kitty's hind end, she/he has tapeworms. These are the egg cases.  I do recommend having your Bengal cats stools check twice a year. Depending where you live there are higher risk for tape worm and round worms and you don't want that hanging around in you Bengal cats tummy to long. Yuck!

Taking Your Bengal Cat / Kitten Outside

If you teach your cat to go into its carrier for a short ride this will help desensitize them when it comes time for vet trips/ext. Obviously watch out and don't leave them in a HOT CAR.

I don't let my cats outside without me.

I use a leash or proper harness. An average cat live-span is 16 years. The average lifespan of a cat that goes outside ALONE is THREE YEARS. Get the idea? An outside pen with shade is great also. Make sure it is escape proof and safe.  With all the building of homes we are doing we are constantly giving nature, coyotes, less room to live and feed.  The Bengal and any pet looks like a good meal to them and why not.  They are hunger and don't know any better and who's fault is that?

Neutering or Spaying is a MUST.

An unaltered Bengal cat, or any cat, of any sex will cycle, call incessantly, become smelly and generally become loud and obnoxious. If you think I am overstating it, come over when a Bengal Queen is in heat. Not only that but they can get hormonal and SPRAY your home to mark their territory.  Many will tell you just how hard it is to get that smell out.  Also other pets will return to that area believing it is a place that they are welcome to use as a litter box.

Please do not allow your kitten into "high risk" situations.  Meaning when you bring you Bengal kitten home I want you to keep him/her away from other pets for at least 10 days so they will not be introduced OR introduce any illness into your home. Do not mix the kitten with ill cats or cats that go outside and inside.

Do not take your cat to a shelter, pet store, or any other place where viruses are lurking.

When you do take your kitten to the vet, leave it in its crate 'till the doctor comes into the room, at which time take a clean towel (brought by you from home) and lay it on the table. When the vet is finished put the Bengal kitten/cat back into the carrier. SICK CATS/KITTENS GO TO THE VET, TOO.

Do Bengal Cats Get Along with Dogs?

I think this pictures answer that question very well.  Though the years I have been asked that question and all I can say is YES.  I did, in the beginning have nothing to stand on with that answer.  However threw the years I have received MANY pictures back from new Bengal owners with their Bengal and dog in somewhat of this same position.  I love it!

Bengal Cat Bathing, Oh what fun.

I do not bath my cats! Cats are very clean animals, and with proper care should not need regular bathing.  It is different when they are breeding and then some must be bathed.  How ever not in general, but there comes along some situations that a bath is needed.  Use your judgment.


Trimming Bengal Kitten/Cat Nails


I use baby nail trimmers. I do the nails WEEKLY.

He/she will not move as much while being held by the scruff of the neck, like a Mother cat carries her kittens, this will kind of  tranquilize the kitten. It is important you keep the nails short; not only will you and your furniture not get scratched, also he will get used to getting the nails trimmed. Please be careful not to cut the pink area of the nail. This is a nerve and blood area. Do this in a well-lighted area, preferably with a friend to help you. If you need to....Gently hold him by the scruff of the neck. Nature's way of the parents to move the kitten. It will NOT hurt him.  When my Bengal kittens are young I play  around and hold they foot pads where the nails are.  If you touch them a lot and keep this up you will have no problem cutting their nails for many year.  My pet FAME likes to make biscuits on me and in the middle of the night if her nails are too long, I can stop her and just cut her nail without a problem at all.  I have come to love this!!

After you are done give him/her a treat of meat or whatever he likes. Tell him/her "GOOD CAT!" (OR KITTY). Make this fun. De-clawing is the very last alternative, and should one used in EXTREME cases. TRY TO AVOID THIS PROCEDURE. It is not only painful to your cat, but also it can cause other serious behavioral issues, such as biting and inappropriate elimination.


Clipped nails won't scratch up things up!

I also by a product called "the cat scratcher" which can be found a K-Mart, Wal Mart, etc. It is a cardboard scratching toy with cat nip in it. These kittens already use it and love it! Buy several! They are cheap! Cat trees also encourage you kitten to scratch in an appropriate place, plus cats LOVE being high up!


Cat trees are wonderful! Have more than one!





Livvi Franc
Livvi Franc, is an English-Barbadian singer-songwriter.

Franc was born in Harrogate, North Yorkshire,England to an English mother and a Bajan father.Franc's stage name was inspired by her late maternal grandfather, Frank Wilson, she explained to Flavour Magazine that he had "noticed me playing the piano and predicted I was going to be a musician. Sadly he’s no longer here. So, in honour of him, I called myself Livvi Franc; Livvi because it’s my nickname, and Franc because it’s a funkier version of Frank." When Franc was five, the family moved to Barbados, because her parents decided that their daughters, Franc and her elder sister, should experience their Barbadian heritage. They would return to England during the summer holidays. Franc wrote her first song at age eleven and learned the guitar at fifteen and sang in school talent shows and pagaents growing up.

Franc's first manager discovered her when a friend of Franc's who babysitted for her gave her one of Franc's cassette tape demos.Franc then went on to record proper demos in studio in Barbados and Miami, where she met her next manager. Soon after, she was in New York meeting label heads and auditioning.She finally signed with Jive Records, after months of negotiations,after singing anEtta James song for them.Prior to signing with Jive, Franc had gone through three years of artist development and attended workshops on it.She had attended Queens College in Barbados. Jordin Sparks recorded a song written by Livvi Franc, "Walking On Snow", Franc has also written for Cheryl Cole, Marie Digby and Michael Jackson.

Franc's debut single, "Now I'm That Bitch" was released in the summer of 2009. The song reached the top of the Billboard Hot Dance Club Songs chart.Another song, "This is a Raid" appeared on the reboot of Melrose Place.In 2010 Livvi left Jive Records, but was quickly signed to Beluga Heights/Warner Bros., where she is currently finishing her debut album.

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