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【11.04.06 福布斯】福布斯虚拟人物财富榜

 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-11 17:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Forbes Fictional 15
【原文作者】Michael Noer、David M. Ewalt





有3个人物在2011年首次登上我们的排行榜,包括古代的红龙史矛革,他在《巨龙史矛革》和《史矛革令人敬畏的财富》两部作品中与霍比人和小矮人遭遇。他坐在一个由黄金、白银和宝石组成的小山上,其价值为86亿美元。与他形成鲜明对比的是Sabre公司CEO乔.本尼特,她拥有一家行业领先的打印机公司,最近还收购了一家下属造纸公司Dunder Mifflin,目前市值12亿美元。这位个性强悍的佛罗里达人说,懒惰的人一事无成,“想成为亿万富翁就要努力工作,或者嫁给有钱人,我这两点都做到了。”











2,卡莱尔.卡伦(Stephenie Meyer的小说和电影《暮光之城》)



3,阿特米斯.福尔二世(Eoin Colfer的阿特米斯.福尔系列小说)





在被“世界上最富有的儿童” 阿特米斯.福尔二世排挤出榜单之后,有人听到里奇大喊:“如果他有一个世界上最大的虚拟社交网络,那么我就能有两个!”随后,里奇公司迅速启动了高档猎犬交易网站DollarDog.net和适用于机器佣人的双向通讯服务Clutter。然而用户至今对这些服务不大感冒。在一掷千金地进军时尚产业(超大号领结)、交通业(镶嵌钻石的滑板车)和厨房用品(原子能烤面包机)之后,里奇公司的股价大跌。但是里奇并没有让业务下滑影响到他的慈善行为,他最近把里奇维尔小学的“热午餐”项目改为“热鹅肝酱”项目,还向无家可归的人捐赠黄金购物车。





















Sabre公司CEO乔.本尼特把一家塔拉哈希的小型电脑部件生产商培养为打印机、传真机和扫描仪的核心供应商。最近,她收购了当地一家造纸企业Dunder Mifflin,还因开发出针对少数高管人员的培训项目“全彩打印”而获奖。2010年5月,因有人揭发他们的GH400打印机在工作时会着火,Sabre不得不全面召回产品。本尼特巧妙地处理了公关危机,公司的股价并未受影响。她说懒惰的人一事无成,“想成为亿万富翁就要努力工作,或者嫁给有钱人,我这两点都做到了。”












这位坐在轮椅上的朝鲜战争老兵是勒博斯基基金会的董事,这个基金会通过小勒博斯基城市计划来让城里的孩子有钱读大学。他因此受到了各方的颂扬,被授予多个名誉学位,包括帕萨迪纳和洛杉矶商会的商业奖励。他管自己的第二任妻子叫“生命之光”,但却希望她“有一天能靠自己的能力挣钱,这并不难。” 一些流言在扭缠勒博斯基,说他其实自己没有钱,都是在靠死去的妻子给基金会里的注资来生活。他毫不退却:“我取得的成就比那些身体健全的男人还要高,懒虫永远是失败者。”


You’re not imagining it: The rich do keep getting richer. Even the fictionally rich.

The members of our 2011 list of wealthiest fictional characters have an average net worth of $9.86 billion, up 20% from last year. In aggregate, the Fictional 15 are worth $131.55 billion –more than the gross domestic product of New Zealand.

On top of the list is Scrooge McDuck, a billionaire bird known for storing a fortune in gold coins inside a massive Duckburg “money bin.” With the price of gold up more than 30% year over year, the quacking Croesus’ net worth soared to $44.1 billion. A self-made duck, “Uncle” Scrooge is well known for his penny-pinching ways: He once fought a bear over a $2 jar of honey, and still has the first dime he ever earned.

Three characters appear on in our ranking for the first time in 2011, including the ancient red-golden dragon Smaug. Known by hobbits and dwarves across Middle Earth as “Smaug the Tremendous” and “Smaug the Unassessably Wealthy,” he sits atop an $8.6 billion-dollar hoard of gold, silver and gems. In contrast, Sabre Corp. CEO “Jo” Bennett sits atop a leading printer company and its newly acquired subsidiary, paper company Dunder Mifflin. Currently worth $1.2 billion, the feisty Floridian says you don’t get to be a billionaire by slacking off: “You get there by working hard or marrying rich, and I did both.”

Real estate magnate Mr. Monopoly returns to the list this year with a net worth of $2.6 billion, following his release from prison after misappropriating funds from a bank error in his favor. Implacable foes Mr. Shoe, Ms. Dog and Mr. Thimble claim Monopoly —a.k.a. Rich Uncle Pennybags— greased his release with a “Get Out of Jail Free” card. Monopoly insists it was just a lucky roll of the dice.

Also returning to the Fifteen: Legendary corporate raider Gordon Gekko, who famously boasted “greed is good” in 1987. One of the few investors to predict the bursting credit bubble, Gekko watched his net worth surge to $1.1 billion while Wall Street struggled. His hedge fund is now focused on shorting municipal bonds, and investing in companies that mine rare-earth elements.

Perennial list-member C. Montgomery Burns saw his fortune shrink slightly to $1.1 billion in the midst of a very tough year. Recently misdiagnosed with less than 2 months to live, Burns was stricken with amnesia following an unsuccessful suicide attempt. Upon recovering, he learned his rage and bile are the only thing keeping him alive. “I want to die quietly on my own terms,” he says, “crushing as many baby sea turtles as I possibly can.”

Other fictional moguls had it worse. Six members of last year’s list dropped off the rankings in 2011, including Thurston Howell III, maker of bicycle powered washing-machines, bamboo radios, and coconut-shell drinking glasses. Howell’s fortune fell more than 90% after Chinese companies moved into the “island-green” industry. Railroad titan Sir Topham Hatt lost control of the business he ran for fifty years in a boardroom coup; board members lost confidence in Hatt after he repeatedly insisted his trains could talk and drive themselves.

To qualify for the Fictional 15, we require that candidates be an authored fictional creation, a rule which excludes mythological and folkloric characters. They must star in a specific narrative work or series of works. And they must be known, both within their fictional universe and by their audience, for being rich.

Net worth estimates are based on an analysis of the fictional character’s source material, and where possible, valued against known real-world commodity and share price movements. In the case of privately held fictional concerns, we seek to identify comparable fictional public companies. All figures are as of market close, April 1, 2011.

Final valuations are calculated with a grain of salt, and a willingness to break our own rules.

Scrooge McDuck

$44.1 B  

Source: Mining, Treasure Hunting

Residence: Duckburg, U.S.

Penny-pinching poultry keeps majority of his fortune in gold coins stored in massive "money bin" high in the hills above Duckburg; also invests in pearls, gems, other "hoardables." Still refers to August 15th, 1971 –the day President Nixon took the U.S. off the gold standard– as "Black Sunday." Habitually marks anniversary by calculating net worth as percentage of the value of the gold in Fort Knox (21.4%). Famously frugal: Once fought a bear over a $2 jar of honey, never gives to charity, still has the first dime he ever earned. Nonetheless, known to sprout the occasional wild feather and jet off to exotic locales on ill-conceived "treasure-hunts" with troublesome great-nephews –and presumed heirs– Huey, Dewey and Louie. Featured in Disney's Uncle Scrooge comic books and cartoons.

Carlisle Cullen

$36.2 B  

Source: Compound Interest, Investments

Residence: Forks, Wash.

Immortal vampire, small town doctor and value investor said to be a huge fan of getrichslowly.org, a penny-pinching personal finance blog that extols the extraordinary power of compound interest. It's worked for Cullen: The fresh-faced 370-year-old undead monster amassed one of the largest fictional fortunes largely simply by banking a small amount of capital in 1670, and letting the interest accrue. Early investor in Wal-Mart, Google thanks to prescient advice from adoptive daughter Alice, who can see into the future. Featured in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight novels and films.

Artemis Fowl II

$13.5 B  

Source: Theft, Forgery, Facebook

Residence: Ireland

The scion of an Irish crime family with roots stretching back to the Norman Conquest, Fowl seized control of the family business at age 10, after his father was kidnapped. A child genius known as a master criminal and expert forger, Fowl is also a technological wiz, the inventor of a palm-sized super computer that can read information in any digital format, and send phone calls over any network (except AT&T). He has been known to operate under a variety of pseudonyms, including "Sir E. Brum" and "F. Roy Dean Schlippe." Fowl's net worth boomed in recent years thanks to the success of Facebook, which he created under the alias "Mark Zuckerberg." Featured in the Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl novels.

Richie Rich

$9.7 B  

Source: Inheritance, Conglomerates

Residence: Richville, U.S.

After being supplanted as the "richest kid in the world" by Artemis Fowl II, Rich heard to exclaim: "If he can have the world's largest fictional social network, I can have two!" In quick succession, Rich Industries launched DollarDog.net, for high-net worth hounds, and Clutter, a binary messaging service for robotic maids. User uptake disappointing so far. Rich Industries stock down after costly forays into fashion (oversized bow ties), transportation (diamond encrusted scooters) and kitchen appliances (atomic-powered toasters). But Rich hasn't let business setbacks interfere with his splashy philanthropy. Recent efforts include replacing Richville Elementary's "hot lunch" program with "hot foie gras" and donating gold-plated shopping carts to local homeless. Featured in the Richie Rich comic books and films.

Jed Clampett

$9.5 B  

Source: Oil & Gas

Residence: Beverly Hills, Calif.

The mountaineer magnate discovered "black gold" while hunting on his homestead, and turned it into an international energy giant. Clampett Oil went public in 1984, but closely knit Clampett clan still runs the show: Chief executive Jed assisted by CFO "Granny" Daisy May Moses; environmental health and safety run by cousin Jethro Bodine. All of Clampett's kinfolk are reportedly "living better than a hound on a gut wagon" after the price of oil jumped more than 30% in the past year. But life isn't all moonshine and sassafrass: Elly May, Jed's only child, was charged in October with felony grand theft of a $2,500 necklace, allegedly shoplifted from a Venice Beach jewelry store. Featured in The Beverly Hillbillies television series and films.

Tony Stark

$9.4 B  

Source: Defense

Residence: Malibu, Calif.

An engineering genius who earned two master's degrees by age 19, Stark's remarkable inventions (repulsor rays, indestructible alloys, "Iron Man" combat armor) are often outshined by his ability to create controversy. In the last year he's refused an order from the U.S. Senate to surrender the Iron Man technology to the government, been attacked by an armored madman while racing his Formula One car on the Circuit de Monaco, and temporarily appointed personal assistant Pepper Potts to CEO of Stark Industries. Coupled with rumors of heavy drinking, this erratic behavior has caused some investors to worry he could be bipolar. Stark won't hear it: "I'm bi-winning," he scoffs. Featured in the Iron Man comic books and films.


$8.6 B

Source: Marauding

Residence: The Lonely Mountain

"Plunder for plunder's sake" could be the motto of this vast red-golden dragon, who prefers to be addressed by a variety of honorifics, including "the Tremendous," "the Chiefest and Greatest of Calamities" and "the Unassessably Wealthy." Hates being called "wyrm," "lizard," "overgrown flame-thrower." Despite high intelligence, lacking in investing vision: Uses multi-billion dollar hoard of gold, silver and gems primarily for bedding. Instead, expresses smarts by talking in riddles; also Sudoku expert, chess master. Vigilant to the point of paranoia about theft, meticulous about hoard inventory, knows net worth down to last golden cup. Featured in J.R.R. Tolkien's novel The Hobbit.

Bruce Wayne

$7.0 B  

Source: Inheritance, Defense

Residence: Gotham City

Police were ready to declare Gotham's most eligible bachelor dead after he disappeared from the social scene in 2009. But when the billionaire playboy suddenly reappeared last fall -literally crashing the gates of rapper Sean Combs's annual "White Party" in a Ferrari Enzo-- commissioner James Gordon admitted rumors of Wayne's death were "batty." Shares of Wayne Enterprises stock are up significantly year over year, thanks to the leadership of CEO Lucius Fox, and a new project to franchise security outfits around the globe. Wayne says he's planning to celebrate the company's success with an extensive remodeling of his "man cave" in stately Wayne Manor. Featured in the Batman comic books and films.

Mr. Monopoly

$2.6 B

Source: Real Estate

Residence: Atlantic City, N.J.

A whiff of scandal surrounds Monopoly's recent release from Fort Dix Federal Correctional Institution, where he had been serving time for misappropriating funds from a bank error in his favor. Implacable foes Mr. Shoe, Ms. Dog and Mr. Thimble claim Monopoly – a.k.a. Rich Uncle Pennybags -- greased his release with a "get out of jail free card." Monopoly insists it was just a lucky roll of the dice. Now focused on audacious attempt to build hotels on both Boardwalk and Park Place, leveraging his interest in Marvin Gardens. Finances much improved after collecting windfall $200 million just for passing "Go." Featured in the Hasbro board game Monopoly.

Arthur Bach

$1.8 B

Source: Inheritance

Residence: New York City

The billionaire scamp shows no signs of settling down. Tabloids chatter as the next generation of the Bach fortune is spotted squiring an attractive young executive from the family foundation to the Syracuse Invitational Sporthorse Tournament one week, then canoodling with a New York City tour guide the next. Known for his iconoclastic fashion sense: Favors Victorian-style top hats, hand-made shirts unbuttoned to mid-torso, foppish ties. Featured in the Arthur films.

Jo Bennett

$1.2 B

Source: Electronics, inheritance

Residence: Tallahassee, Fla.

Sabre Corporation CEO Jolene "Jo" Bennett turned a small Tallahassee computer parts manufacturer into dominant supplier of printers, fax machines and scanners. Recent achievements include the acquisition of regional paper company Dunder Mifflin; creating the award-winning "Print In All Colors" minority executive training program. In May 2010, Sabre was forced to issue a full recall of its GH400 printers after a whistleblower revealed their tendency to burst into flames, but Bennett's careful handling of the PR crisis kept the company's stock unaffected. Says you don't get to be a powerful woman by slacking off: "You get there by working hard or marrying rich, and I did both." Featured in the television series The Office.

C. Montgomery Burns

$1.1 B  

Source: Energy

Residence: Springfield, U.S.

Long-time owner and operator of the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant is a master of cut throat capitalism, a man who once blocked out the sun over Springfield to increase electricity use. Burns' tyrannical management style is topped only by his viciously evil personal habits: Hobbies include stealing candy from babies, taunting immigrant laborers, releasing hounds on unwanted houseguests. Recently misdiagnosed with less than two months to live, Burns was stricken with amnesia following an unsuccessful suicide attempt. Upon recovering, learned that rage and bile are the only thing keeping him alive. "I want to die quietly on my own terms," he says, "crushing as many baby sea turtles as I possibly can." Featured in The Simpsons television series and films.

Chuck Bass

$1.1 B

Source: Real Estate

Residence: New York City

Tough year for the bad boy billionaire, who is locked in a battle for control of Bass Industries with his late-father's business rival Russell Thorpe. Thorpe appears to be winning, but many Manhattan real estate insiders think Bass will ultimately prevail: "Manipulative, deceptive, arrogant, greedy and shallow. He's a natural." Daytime wardrobe embraces three P's – purple, plaid and preppy. For night, three V's – vest, velvet and Valentino. Featured in the Gossip Girl television series and novels.

Gordon Gekko

$1.1 B

Source: Investments

Residence: New York City

The legendary corporate raider famously boasted "greed is good" in 1987, and made billions at the pioneering investment firm Gekko & Co. But when a plan to buy out Bluestar Airlines went awry, Gekko was convicted of insider trading and securities fraud. Following his release from prison in 2001, Gekko became an author and lecturer, and was one of the few voices to predict a bursting credit bubble. As that financial crisis unfolded, Gekko sank his estranged daughter's trust fund into a new London-based hedge fund, and his personal net worth surged skyward. Now reportedly focused on shorting municipal bonds, eyeing companies that mine rare-earth elements. Says "It's not about the money. It's about the game." Featured in Oliver Stone's Wall Street films.

Jeffrey Lebowski

$1.0 B

Source: Inheritance

Residence: Los Angeles, Calif.

Wheelchair-bound Korean War vet is a trustee of the Lebowski Foundation, which sends inner-city children to college via the Little Lebowski Urban Achievers program. Recipient of various commendations and honorary degrees, including the key to the city of Pasadena and the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce Business Achiever award. He calls second wife Bunny the "light of my life," but hopes she "will someday learn to live on her allowance, which is ample." Lebowski is dogged by rumors that he has no money of his own, and lives off funds his deceased first wife left to the Foundation. He's unbowed. "I've accomplished more than most men, and without the use of my legs," he says. "The bums will always lose!" Featured in the Coen Brothers' film The Big Lebowski.




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发表于 2011-4-14 01:41 | 显示全部楼层
I don´t need ticket, I am Chuck Bass...
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发表于 2011-4-18 17:24 | 显示全部楼层

回帖是美德 帮你顶哦 嘿嘿
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