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[经济] 【2011.5.4 亚洲协会】An American Open Door? (重金悬赏)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-9 19:15 | 显示全部楼层
corie_zhu 发表于 2011-5-9 15:54

第四部分:II. Patterns: chinese Direct investment in the United States 还没人领,欢迎楼上认领
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发表于 2011-5-9 20:46 | 显示全部楼层
corie_zhu 发表于 2011-5-9 15:54

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发表于 2011-5-9 21:01 | 显示全部楼层

many chapters in the story of China’s reappearance as a powerhouse are yet to be written because they have not yet happened. This is one of them: the emergence of China as a major global direct investor. We stand at the dawn of hundreds of billions of dollars in Chinese

mergers, acquisitions, and investments in new greenfield facilities around the world over the decades to come.


This is not just a story of new Chinese economic strength: Beijing is compelled to invest abroad because of resource scarcities at home. Chinese firms must put capital to work overseas, because that is where wealthy customers and value-creating talent are. China’s arrival

as a direct investor marks a turning point in capabilities. This study seeks to explain what that means from the American perspective, for those running businesses, thinking about job creation, worrying about eroding infrastructure, and managing the national security.


For decades, China has been the biggest destination for foreign direct investment (FDI)1 in the developing world, but an insignificant

player when it came to making such investments around the world. Now, that tide is turning. Over the past five years, China has ramped up its outward foreign direct investment(OFDI) rapidly, and in 2009, China made the top-10 list of global investors for the first time.

China’s nascent direct investments were focused on natural resources—Asia, Australia, Africa,and South America saw most of the action. China’s direct investment profile in the United States remained trivial.


Today, however, Chinese direct investment in the United States has reached a takeoff point,and, driven by changes in China’s economy, it is starting to boom. As happened with FDI from Europe and Japan in the past, FDI from China to the United States is now more than

doubling annually. This dizzying growth, and the prospect of more to come, has fixated policymakers and deal advisors. But, at the same time, it has stoked worries about what it will mean to have China as the owner next door rather than just a distant contract manufacturer.


Introduction: The Tide Turns for Chinese Investment

1 As we will discuss in detail, direct investment is very different from buying securities such as stocks and bonds, which falls into the category of portfolio investment. China is a major portfolio investor because it has such a large surplus of foreign exchange from its trade surplus to reinvest, and because it is easy: call a broker and tell him to buy. Direct investment, on the other hand, is much more complicated.



FDI from China to the United States is now more than doubling annually.


The history of the United States is closely connected to inflows of foreign capital, but debates about foreign ownership have been a constant in its history as well.2 In prerevolutionary America, patriots worried that British steel mills would make cannonballs to fire on them. Between the two world wars, it was German investment in the U.S. chemical industry that caused concern.


The oil shocks of the 1970s fed concerns about OPEC etro dollar investors, while in the 1980s, the emergence of Japan as a direct investor created a near panic.3 In the past decade, investment from newly emerging economies has raised alarm. Middle Eastern investments, such as Dubai Ports World’s attempted purchase of port facilities (2006), attracted intense scrutiny after 9/11, India’s Essar made headlines for taking over distressed steel assets in Minnesota (2007), and Brazil’s Marfrig drew attention for buying up parts of McDonald’s supply chain (2010). However, in recent years, no country’s proposed investments have provoked as much anxiety as those from China.


China now is testing whether the open-market commitment that the United States consistently has held in the past will be sustained. In a mere half decade, Chinese direct investment overtures have elicited new heights of anxiety about inward investment in the United States. The extraordinary period of growth in Chinese investment in the United States now occurring is simultaneously exciting and certain to test American resolve to stand by its long-held notions about the virtues of unfettered flow of investment—notions it has championed around the world for half a century.


Investment from China faces the same categories of misgivings previously directed at other nations: China might buy military-enhancing technologies that could augment its military

threat to the United States, deny the United States critical production capacity, or use domestic coperations in the U.S. home market to spy or plan sabotage.


For more than 200 years,hawkish Americans have warned of such threats to U.S. interests, and yet America has—through thoughtful screening procedures and sound policy regimes—managed to allay those legitimate national security concerns without closing American doors to foreign investment.


And economists have found little evidence of negative impact, and often plenty of gains, from these investments. It is not a specific threat, but a more inchoate fear that China is now large enough to shape the world (more than it is shaped by the world) that worries Americans. By exploiting its size, Americans fear that China can sustain autocratic control of parts of its economy significantly longer than the nonmarket challengers that failed to fundamentally threaten U.S. economic interests in the past.


If those fears are justified, then conventional American thinking on inward investment might need to change. If those fears are not justified, and the United States abandons its free-market

2 In fact, the first multinational corporations to invest in America arrived with the first settlers: the Plymouth Company came in 1606 and was succeeded

by the Massachusetts Bay Company in 1629. The Virginia Company arrived in 1606, and the Dutch West Indies Company appeared in 1621

to establish the trading post called New Amsterdam, which became New York City (see Wilkins 2004).

3 See Graham and Marchick (2006).

Introduction: The Tide Turns for Chinese Investment | 15

principles prematurely, then it might well destroy its economy in the name of saving it. Further,what if China’s arrival as global direct investor is a harbinger of a more liberal China to come?



Will not Chinese firms be profoundly changed by the experience of being legal stakeholders and residents of the global world, just as first- and second-generation Chinese were when they have settled abroad in the past? If so, then the risk to the United States lies in insufficient

action to attract Chinese investment to America, not in insufficient efforts to keep it out.


This is the complex test the United States confronts today: whether it has the ability to discern its own interests in light of China’s rising direct investment.

In this report, we explore the implications of Chinese direct investment for the United States. In doing so, our goal is to inform a review of U.S. interests by taking into account the new realities

of a rapidly changing world. We assess the value of investment flows, describe what motivates Chinese firms to venture so far from home, and ask why, after focusing on less-developed places for the past decade, they are now knocking at America’s doors.


We draw conclusions that we believe are uncontroversial in the face of the evidence we present.


Finally, we offer a brief set of recommendations for American policy makers that flow logically from those conclusions.We believe that a well-informed American response to China’s rise can lead to tremendous benefits not only for the United States, but for China and the rest of the world as well. A poorly conceived response, on the other hand, will push economic benefits to other countries without appreciably advancing U.S. national security.


The study is organized as follows:

Section I looks at trends in China’s global outward investment and explores the motives behind China’s new forays abroad so that Americans can see more clearly the nature of both the risks and the opportunities that this rapidly rising flow of Chinese FDI presents.



Section II turns specifically to the patterns in Chinese direct investment in the United States, and introduces an alternative methodology for capturing the quantity and quality of investment

now taking place.



Section III analyzes how Chinese investment impacts the United States, in terms of such factors as employment, competitiveness, innovation, and national security.



Section IV examines U.S. inward direct investment policies and politics, both in general and in the case of investment flows from China.

Section V draws conclusions from our new approach to the data and our discussion of the history and current political economy of Chinese outward investment. Then, we offer eight recommendations to better maximize American benefits from China’s foreign direct investment in the United States.








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发表于 2011-5-9 21:02 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-9 21:14 | 显示全部楼层
yangfuguang 发表于 2011-5-9 21:02

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发表于 2011-5-9 23:30 | 显示全部楼层
交稿,,,,,,many chapters in the story of China’s reappearance as a powerhouse are yet to be wr ...
yangfuguang 发表于 2011/5/9 21:01

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发表于 2011-5-10 07:17 | 显示全部楼层
回复 26# 連長

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发表于 2011-5-10 07:19 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 yangfuguang 于 2011-5-10 09:10 编辑

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发表于 2011-5-10 09:10 | 显示全部楼层
回复 22# 青蛙小王子

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发表于 2011-5-25 08:42 | 显示全部楼层
China’s FDI boom is just beginning: through 2020, we foresee $1 trillion to $2 trillion of Chinese FDI flowing globally. The United States has not been a major recipient of these flows to date—but the numbers show that we are at an inflection. The United States could be a leading beneficiary of Chinese direct investment in the years ahead if we do not turn these investors away.
The United States enjoys roughly 15% of global FDI today. If just 5% of China’s expected out flows target the United States over the coming decade, the numbers will be enormous. Exact prediction is impossible—there are too many factors that could shift the results, up or down.
But the example of Japan is instructive: Japan’s first investments in the United States during the 1980s were almost as controversial as China’s, but in the following years, Japanese U.S. affiliates put hundreds of billions of dollars into America, and today employ nearly 700,000 Americans. Annually, these firms export $60 billion from America to the world, spend $4.6 billion on R&D, and pay more than $50 billion in compensation to U.S. workers.108 Now at the beginning of such a transformation, Chinese firms already have invested more than $11
billion in the United States and employ thousands of Americans—and the numbers are growing more than 100% per year.
While the benefits are large, there are national security concerns that cannot be ignored, today or tomorrow. Beijing officials sometimes argue that the United States is motivated by protectionism,prejudice, or competitive worries, and that FDI screening is unjustified. This is not helpful, nor is it accurate. What is more, by mislaying blame, such comments sour public opinion in China and exacerbate mutual mistrust.
National security review is recognized as a legitimate process worldwide, and given China’s poor corporate governance and secretive politics, it is reasonable for Washington to screen Chinese investment with diligence. China has global strategic ambitions and defines the United States as an impediment to those ambitions.
Chinese firms—government owned and otherwise—often are compelled to conform to state edicts to a much greater extent than corporations from other major U.S. direct investor nations. There is sufficient reason to be mindful of orchestrated Chinese efforts to obtain technology and to infiltrate foreign infrastructure abroad in a manner that could be harmful to U.S. national security interests.109
At the same time, the current policy process works well to screen out security risks, and most Chinese investments in the United States happen without drama. Popular Chinese fears that the United States is closed to their investment are simply wrong, as the evidence on growing
Chinese FDI inflows makes clear.
Those bids that have been impeded concerned specific threats,mostly falling under the category of preventing critical access to strategically important goods or services, new defense-related technologies, or fifth-column homeland security risks. As for concerns that CFIUS is not restrictive enough, we are aware of no damage to U.S. national security that can be attributed to a faulty investment approval process, and we see no evidence that the existing process cannot handle greater flows of Chinese FDI into the United States.
The current screening process is not perfect. Key definitions in U.S. regulations are ambiguous, such as those defining what constitutes a “critical industry” and “foreign-government control.”、

Determining whether a transaction is benign or threatening is an art, not a science, and the subjective discretion left open by these definitions is intentional, so as to give screeners sufficient
leeway to adapt as technology and industries evolve. If every aspect of the system were defined in advance—for instance, a list of open and closed industries—it would necessarily be more restrictive. Understandable as such discretion may be, there have been outcomes that seem hard to justify in terms of specific national security concerns.
Our general conclusion that CFIUS is admirably focused on the discreet national security concerns it is tasked with by law can only be
maintained as long as it remains clear that no matter what its members discuss internally, its determinations are subject to due process and appropriate oversight.
我们的普遍结论是,中国对美国直接投资令人感动的被纳入国土安全的考虑,这是出于法律的规定,而且这种情况不会改变, 不论它们的成员在国内如何讨论,只要决定权依旧在这些审查和合理的监督之下。

If faith that the Committee is not being used as a tool for protectionism slips, then the interests of the United States will be seriously damaged. In light of foreign and domestic misgivings, whether reasonable or not, the Committee will likely need to offer even better assurance in the future that it is keeping to
its mandate.
The greater concern is not U.S. policy, but U.S. politics, which is prone to capriciousness and ends up diverting the benefits of Chinese direct investment to workers and communities in other nations if not corrected. Political interference in the FDI screening process, whether to protect special interests here from economic competition or to pursue a “fortress America”vision of national security, will have a toxic effect on even the most well-thought-out policy regimes. As shown in Section IV, it already has, as Chinese investments have been subject to serious politicization, an outgrowth of unfamiliarity, suspiciousness, lobbying efforts by vested interests, and the complexity of the overall U.S.–China relationship.
109 While it is generally very difficult to attribute cyber attacks to specific groups or even governments, there is enough compelling open-source evidence of concerted Chinese infiltration of governmental, utility, and corporate information infrastructure assets abroad to warrant caution. See, e.g., USCC (2009);
U.S. Department of Defense (2010); and Wortzel (2010).
注释:109把网上的攻击归咎于具体的集团甚至政府是很难的,但依旧有足够的证据表明中国政府在国外渗入,政府的,或者公司的扩张在海外都引起了担心。参见:USCC 2009
70 | An America n Open Doo r?
One cannot eliminate political interference in a participatory democracy, but the consequences must be recognized and moderated. We must always keep the pressure on CFIUS to catch threats to America. But while CFIUS reviews are predictable, random eruptions of protectionism masquerading as national security concerns are not.
Even the modest level of Chinese direct investment to date has stoked political fires, though America’s door to China so far has remained
open. Keeping it open in the future will take work, but it can be done. An open door is no guarantee that people will walk in, though. Doors are open to China all around the world—a world in which America is no longer the only place to set up shop. Here, we offer recommendations
to promote each of these concluding imperatives: maintaining the best security screening process, keeping America’s door open to the benefits of China going global, and more actively attracting the right investments from China so the benefits for Americans are assured.
Our analysis indicates that most Chinese direct investment in the United States is profit motivated and benign, that inflows will increase if permitted with important local benefits, and that our policy for screening inflows for real security threats is sound.
Therefore, our recommendations emphasize preserving and protecting the existing screening regime, addressing regulatory weaknesses, limiting the potential for abuse and misunderstandings, and beefing up investment promotion regimes.

1. Send a clear and bipartisan message that Chinese investment is welcome.
A succession of U.S. presidents have publicly supported investment flows from China. In joint statements during President Hu’s state visit to the United States in January 2011, the two leaders “acknowledged the importance of fostering open, fair, and transparent investment environments to their domestic economies and to the global economy.”110 But because of the many past controversies, there is a growing perception in China that the United States is not open to Chinese investors. That is wrong, but in truth, the signals coming from Washington are mixed.
1.        建立明确的双边信息,表明中国的投资是受欢迎的
The president makes high-minded statements about openness, but senior officials often express misgivings about doing business with Chinese firms. Critically, attitudes among congressional leaders range from skeptical to hostile, often leading to proposals to exclude Chinese interests.
Business leaders endorse job-creating Chinese investment in the United States, but only when reciprocal concessions from China are available.
Talk of a bilateral investment treaty began under the George W. Bush administration, but the effort now is in limbo while the United
States revises its existing model bilateral investment treaty. Meanwhile, Chinese officials have suggested a “catalogue of guidance” delineating U.S. industries that are open and closed, and some U.S. analysts even endorse the wholesale cordoning off of industrial sectors such as telecommunications—but the United States does not operate that way (unlike China).
110 From the U.S.–China joint statement of January 19, 2011, http://www.america.gov/st/texttr ... 33su0.7791799.html.
引自 美中年一月十九日的联合声明
In light of these mixed signals, Americans must ask whether they can blame Chinese for being confused by U.S. investment climate intentions. Sowing such confusion is not in the U.S. interest.
To resolve this murkiness, we recommend that the president fashion a bipartisan congressional– xecutive statement supporting increased U.S. investment from China.This statement should pport the CFIUS process and pledge to protect it from political grandstanding. Concrete easures to encourage inward investment should follow. Officials in practically every state will favor of such a message: most already are courting Chinese investors actively. Such an initiative
will help change perceptions in China about the climate in the United States and greatly strengthen the hands of those working to promote Chinese investment in America.
2. Systematize the promotion of FDI from China and elsewhere.
We recommend a thorough review of efforts to attract foreign investment to the United States.The current laissez-faire approach dates to an era when the United States dominated global FDI flows it is built on the assumption that the U.S. economy is unrivaled in its attractiveness to foreign investors, and it presumes that foreign investors come from countries with similar legal and commercial systems and do not need much on-the-ground assistance.
This situation has changed, and American policy makers and local business leaders know far too little about what is important to Chinese firms in choosing an overseas investment destination.To ensure that significant Chinese inflows of capital are not diverted to the economies of our competitors, we recommend that Chinese prospects for inward investment be assessed in the context of national competitiveness, and the most desirable from those should then be actively courted. Currently, the burden of attracting foreign investment falls on states and municipalities.
Compared to other countries, federal efforts in the United States are negligible. America’s states and cities compete head to head with nations that have more financial firepower and high-level support for the removal of national investment impediments. Mundane bureaucratic
hurdles are major obstacles for Chinese investors: during our interviews with Chinese executives, many related how difficult it is to obtain U.S. visas and then to battle bureaucratic procedures.111 The establishment of the Invest in America program in 2007 was a positive step, but its parent agency is minimally staffed and underfinanced compared to similar institutions in peer competitor nations.112
These efforts will not eliminate the challenges that Chinese firms face in operating in mature markets such as the United States, but experience shows that programs targeting Chinese investors can help pave the way for more investment to follow.  Many observers believe the best way to promote inflows is by improving formal mechanisms—particularly by concluding a bilateral investment treaty with China.
111 For example, we were told that visa applications often require firms to provide the equivalent of social security numbers for high level executives and
government officials – sensitive information that most U.S. officials would not think of disclosing to Chinese bureaucrats.
112 See Weddle (2009) for relevant data and a comparative view on investment promotion efforts of the United States and its peer competitors.
V. Conclusions and Recommendations | 71
72 | An America n Open Doo r?
It is true that such an agreement would send a powerful signal of our political commitment to boost bilateral FDI flows. However, the extent to which such an agreement would address the problems that Chinese investors confront in the United States is uncertain. Chinese investors already face few formal investment restrictions, after all, and their investments are protected by the robust U.S. legal system.113 Though a bilateral investment treaty might help calm the debate about Chinese investment, it would not change national security reviews or the CFIUS process in any way.
3. Protect the investment review process from interference.
After reviewing more than 200 inward FDI deals involving China, we have concluded that the U.S. investment screening process is generally well designed. However, we strongly recommend that efforts be made to better protect the screening process from politicization and further improve
the transparency of the formal decision-making process. If politicization is not tempered, the benefits of increased inward investment increasingly will be diverted to our competitors.
Whatever steps are taken to protect the U.S. investment review process, they must be concrete.
Alterations of the process in ways that would allow further interference—for example, by adding national economic security objectives to the review process, as China recently did in a new regime—should be rejected. The loosely defined terms in the U.S. process, including “national security,” “critical infrastructure,” and “foreign-government control” are not that way by accident.
Such imprecision leaves room for judgment, and our interests lie not in eliminating space for judgment, but in ensuring that outcomes accord with the goal of openness. This does not mean revealing sources when a deal must be rejected for classified reasons; it does mean taking a more public stand when spurious arguments against an investment are made, rather than letting a deal twist in the wind.
Some in China have suggested clearer up-front U.S. guidance on what is sensitive and what is not, so that Chinese firms do not waste their time and money. That is understandable, especially in light of the arbitrary politicization in several cases discussed earlier, and would mirror China’s own use of such lists.114 However, such an approach is unsuited to the United States.
Within a given industry, there are acceptable and unacceptable investments, and it is impossible to anticipate all eventualities in advance so as to fairly proscribe foreign investment in some industries
and not others. We should ask not whether China has ambitions, or whether an industry can be sensitive, but whether a specific deal poses an actual threat; there are good analytical frameworks for making such judgments.115
Finally, for the current policy framework to be defended from constant reproach, it must be
113 Moreover, the question of how big an impact such international investment agreements have on actual investment flows is subject to intense debate in
academia. See, e.g., Yackee (2008).然而这种投资协议能在多大程度上影响到投资流依旧在学术界争论不休。
114 See China’s Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries (NDRC and MOFCOM 2007).参见中国对外投资工业目录。
115 See Moran (2009).
dynamic enough to integrate new challenges as they emerge. The evolution of technology and geopolitics necessitate adjusting criteria and processes, as debates about Chinese investment in
telecommunications infrastructure, for instance, make clear.
Flexibility has been a core American strength in the past. But in addition to being timely, adaptation must be transparent and must not
erode confidence in existing regimes. Ad hoc congressional interventions in reaction to perceived threats (see the cases of China Ocean Shipping in Long Beach, CNOOC–Unocal, Alcatel–Lucent,and Dubai Ports World) have damaged the U.S. reputation for openness and must be avoided.
4. Work to better understand Chinese motives.
Ask “Joe the Plumber”—the oracle of U.S. popular sentiment—what Chinese firms are doing in America, and chances are, the answer will reveal dark suspicions. The notion that most firms from China cross the Pacific not under government instruction, but in pursuit of profit,
surprises most Americans. If you do not believe a firm is here in search of profit, then how could you not conclude it is here to advance some political objective? There is no easy way to exclude incendiary views about China from the public debate.
We recommend that the only way to reduce the effects of such prejudice is the hard way—through education. U.S. politicians and the general public require a better understanding of Chinese motives and fundamentals. Americans need better education about China, its strengths, its weaknesses, and what it means for the United States. Efforts to create a better understanding of the motives, identity, and behavior of Chinese investors, and especially the economic benefits
of growing investment, are key.
How can this educational imperative be achieved? For one thing, the proponents and beneficiaries of Chinese investment in the United States,including deal makers, venture partners, sellers,and localities, can be far more active in presenting the facts. As recommended earlier, a bipartisan statement encouraging Chinese investment is important, and must be aimed at the U.S. domestic audience as much as potential investors in China. And, of course, economists and policy analyst like us should work harder to make the Chinese scene more accessible.
5. Communicate to China its share of the burden.
Suspicions about Chinese firms arise from the relationship between the state and the corporate sector in China. Americans hardly can be blamed for wondering what the bottom line is if the top executives of China’s state-owned enterprise are appointed by and beholden to the
Communist Party, business decisions routinely are subjected to political considerations, and firms are larded with loans regardless of their business prospects.
If China wants a more straightforward hearing for its firms in Washington, it must make corporate governance in China more transparent.
V. Conclusions and Recommendations | 73
74 | An America n Open Doo r?
The lack of transparency that shrouds China’s leading firms often has to do with protecting the privileged parties who enjoy the resulting profit streams, rather than providing cover for nefarious overseas intentions. Americans cannot be expected to intuit Chinese politics, however.
If China wants a more straightforward hearing for its firms in Washington, it must make corporate governance in China more transparent. U.S. officials should call for this forthrightly, and take the upper hand with Chinese pundits complaining about investment barriers. Clearer separation between regulators and the firms they oversee would help. A consumer-oriented welfare test in China’s competition policy would help ensure that market performance, and not some other state objective, is the determinant of Chinese firm behavior.
To put it plainly, if China dismantled its system of state capitalism, there would be less mystery about the possible predatory
intent of the firms under Beijing’s influence, and hence an easier vetting.
However, we recommend realism in our expectations. Reform in China is not going to happen overnight, but it is important to understand that it has, in fact, happened over the decades. Similarly, China has opened much of its own economy to foreign investors, but there remains
much to be done. We generally take the stance that the United States should not base its own investment review system on questions of reciprocity, but Chinese policy makers must be aware that such considerations play an important role in the domestic debate in the United States about openness to foreign investment, and that an acceleration of reforms would strengthen the position of those in the United States advocating investment openness.
Similarly, Chinese leaders must understand that it does not strengthen their call to U.S. policy makers to keep the U.S. investment screening narrow if China at the same time comes up with a domestic investment review regime that explicitly includes “national economic security” and even“social stability” as criteria to block foreign investment.116
6. Remain open to “what if” scenarios.
We recommend an initiative to more systematically explore the implications for the United States and the international economy should artificial input prices, especially for capital, distort world
investment patterns significantly in the years ahead. In terms of the nontraditional, special concerns about the economics in the case of China, we see less that is special about China than others do when we look at our more comprehensive data.
The exception is the concern that China could be large enough in the future to be a price maker instead of a price taker. If China’s sheer size, combined with its artificial pricing structures (e.g., the cost of capital arising from financial repression), threatens to “poison” global markets in the future when Chinese outflows make up a greater share of world totals, then a subsidy-disciplining regime for global direct investment, akin
116 See “Circular of the General Office of the State Council on the Establishment of Security Review System Regarding Merger and Acquisition of Domestic
Enterprises by Foreign Investors” English version available at
http://english.mofcom.gov.cn/aar ... 0110307430493.html.
to that for trade, probably will be necessary. We suspect that the statist preferences of China seen at present will break down prior to that point, but we cannot be sure.
Analytically, there is no consensus on how one should define, measure, or observe an unfair influence of one nation’s domestic capital costs on world prices. As we noted in Section III, this question is not unique to China: the worldwide impact of the second round of quantitative easing of U.S.dollar liquidity in 2010 (referred to as QE2) was hotly debated for exactly this reason, with China stridently criticizing the United States for domestic policies that affected others. There should be no objection from Beijing on principle, therefore, to a multilateral research initiative to develop better consensus on this topic.
7. Do not play the reciprocity game.
The term “reciprocity” has been used too frequently in the context of Chinese investment—namely, if China is discriminatory against U.S. investment, the United States should reciprocate in kind.
We recommend greater caution. It is true that China maintains significant inward investment restrictions. However, Beijing has been a leader in direct investment openness for decades, and it has grown stronger by opening its door wider to FDI irrespective of overseas openness.
Furthermore, the notion of withholding U.S. investment access for more access in China is foolish and against American interests. Yes, U.S. negotiators must press China to open wider still to U.S. investors. But it is emphatically in America’s interests to separate that effort from whether to permit cash to flow from China into the United States. The United States should welcome capital from China, regardless of what Beijing’s state planners have to say about foreign investment in
China. Would the United States really prefer that Chinese firms set up plants in Ontario instead of Michigan, or Juarez instead of El Paso?
8. Get our own house in order.
Finally, and most importantly, we recommend that the United States get its own house in order to maximize the benefits of rising Chinese investment interests. Foreign investment, Chinese or otherwise, can come to the United States for multiple reasons. Investors will flock to a property in bankruptcy for bargain-basement deals and fire sale steals—after all, beggars cannot be choosers.
On the other hand, nothing succeeds like success, and for a century and a half, investors have come to the United States because of its sound financial and commercial prospects. The single most important step in attracting foreign investment that creates long-term value in the economy is to address the current political and economic problems that the Unites States faces. Only a country with a healthy economy, political stability, and clear vision for the future will be able to
attract foreign investors that contribute to its long-term prosperity.
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发表于 2011-5-25 08:42 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-25 09:14 | 显示全部楼层
yangfuguang 发表于 2011-5-25 08:42

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发表于 2011-12-4 21:06 | 显示全部楼层
这项工程还有人在做么 ?
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小黑屋|手机版|免责声明|四月网论坛 ( AC四月青年社区 京ICP备08009205号 备案号110108000634 )

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