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【11.05.05 彭博商业周刊】富士康:为提高员工幸福指数所付出的代价

发表于 2011-5-12 14:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Foxconn: How to Beat the High Cost of Happy Workers
【译  者】大梨
【声  明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。
【译  文】



员工流动率和频频的自杀现象,让鸿海科技集团的股价和利润都受到重挫,而鸿海集团则是富士康的旗舰店。4月27日,鸿海集团宣布第4季度的收入下降了26个百分点,至742.000.000万美元,较去年同期相比,甚至公司效益上涨 56%,至 33.1 亿元。在台北上市公司的股价也下跌20%,在过去一年里,它是台湾前50家最大公司里表现的最差的其中一家。富士康在国际、香港上市的公司,在 3 月中的报告中指出,销售额为853.000.000万美元,全年净亏损2800万美元。

董事长郭台铭对外资投资者和外包客户喊话,鸿海股价必定会反弹。第一步要做的就是控制成本。因为并不是仅一个深圳富士康的员工加薪,其它城市的富士康也一起跟着加薪。瑞士银行的经济学家董涛在5月1日写了一份报告:三十年来沿海地区需要面对的最大问题就是严重缺乏劳动力。今年60岁的郭台铭,已经改变生产方针,从中国南方撤出来转向中国内部地区如成都,武汉,重庆等城市,因为这里的劳动力比以前便宜三分之一。为了帮助内陆长征的赔偿,鸿海上个月宣布了至少15年来最低的年度股息。而郭台铭同时也在斯洛伐克,土耳其,巴西扩展他的事业。巴西总统上个月宣布富士康可能会引领 12 亿元,在她的国家计划扩大电子制造业。

在中国,应对这种高薪资的问题,并不仅仅是一个富士康台湾电子公司。世界上手提电脑两个最大的生厂商—广达和仁宝,在众多岛屿外包专家中,已经感觉到他们只有相当狭窄的利润空间。来自台北高盛投资的分析家亨利说:“对于台湾的形势来说,承受压力的能力完全取决于"你是否可以对客户转嫁成本,和你是否可以对其他一些成本较低的领域重新定位你制造的产品。台北元大证券大中华区技术研究主管文森特说,一旦离开了中国沿海城市的经济竞赛,郭台铭就会快速启动。去年成都,重庆和其他内部的城市占了仅有 10%的输出,今年应该占约有四分之一的生产才可以。文森特陈还说,到2012 年,他预计上半年富士康的输出将来自内部。"鸿海已占上风"。

不同于其他台湾合同厂商,富士康受益于平板电脑的兴起。消费者对笔记本的需求逐渐减弱,都转去买苹果公司出产的IPAD,甚至是山寨的IPAD。这样下去对广达,仁宝这些专门做笔记本的公司来说是一个致命的坏消息。富士康并没有主攻于笔记本电脑,所以它不用遭受到需求衰退而造成的冲击。但是它确实制造出了大量的IPAD和IPHONE。而苹果正试图减少对富士康的依赖,尝试寻找其他的供应商,而郭台铭的公司就是唯一一家提供使IPAD的生产商。 也是提供IPHONE的两个生产商其中之一。就因为有着这样那样的联系,世界上最火的科技公司或许可以帮助郭台铭顺利度过这个艰难时期。

PS: 随着中国沿海地区的薪资上涨,台湾制造商改变策略,转战内陆城市市场。而富士康早已开始了这个计划,并且发展的相当迅速。

【原  文】
China's maker of iPhones and iPads raised wages, lowered suicides, and lost money. Now it's seeking cheaper labor

For Li Xiaozui, life as a factory worker assembling products for Apple (AAPL) and other technology brands has gotten better over the past year. Li, 20, is one of 500,000 people working in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen for Foxconn, the Taiwanese contract manufacturer that stumbled into the media spotlight last year—and ontoBloomberg Businessweek's cover—following a series of worker suicides. Under pressure from Apple, Foxconn scrambled to improve morale and head off criticism about its labor conditions. It more than doubled wages in Shenzhen last year and instituted a program it calls "Care-Love." Li says she's not only making more money but has made new friends and gone on company-sponsored outings with colleagues. "I've been to the beach and the mountains," she says. "People are definitely much happier."

Employee turnover and suicides are down—yet so are profits and the stock price of Hon Hai Precision Industry, the flagship of the Foxconn group. On Apr. 27, Hon Hai announced that fourth-quarter earnings dropped 26 percent, to $742 million, over the same period a year earlier, even as revenue jumped 56 percent, to $33.1 billion. Its Taipei-listed shares have fallen 20 percent in the past year, too, making it one of the worst performers among Taiwan's 50 largest companies. Foxconn International, the Hong Kong-listed unit, in March reported a full-year net loss of $28 million on sales of $853 million.

Chairman Terry Gou is working to show investors and outsourcing customers that he's positioned the company for a rebound. The first step: get costs under control. Foxconn workers in Shenzhen aren't the only ones getting raises; pay has been rising in other cities, too. "The coastal areas are facing the worst labor shortages for three decades," Credit Suisse economist Dong Tao wrote in a May 1 report. Gou, 60, has been shifting production away from southern China toward interior cities such as Chengdu, Wuhan, and Chongqing, where labor is about one-third cheaper. To help pay for the long march inland, Hon Hai last month announced the lowest annual dividend in at least 15 years. Gou is also looking at expansion in Slovakia, Turkey, and Brazil. Last month Brazil's President, Dilma Rousseff, announced Foxconn may spearhead a $12 billion plan to expand electronics manufacturing in her country.

Foxconn isn't the only Taiwanese electronics company dealing with higher wages in China. The world's two largest producers of laptop computers, Quanta and Compal, are among many of the island's outsourcing specialists feeling their already narrow profit margins squeezed. For the Taiwanese, the ability to withstand the pressure depends on "whether you can pass on the costs to customers and whether you can relocate your manufacturing to some other areas with lower costs," says Henry King, an analyst with Goldman Sachs in Taipei. In the race away from coastal China, Gou is off to a fast start. Chengdu, Chongqing, and other interior cities accounted for just 10 percent of output last year but should make up about one quarter of production this year, says Vincent Chen, head of Greater China technology research at Yuanta Securities in Taipei. By 2012, he expects half of Foxconn's output will come from the interior. "Hon Hai already has an upper hand," says Chen.

Unlike other Taiwanese contract manufacturers, Foxconn is benefiting from the rise of the tablet PC. Consumer demand for laptop computers is especially weak, as buyers turn instead to Apple's iPad and its imitators. That's bad news for companies such as Quanta and Compal that specialize in laptops. Foxconn hasn't been a major player in laptops, so it hasn't suffered from the slump in demand. It does, however, make a lot of iPads and iPhones. While Apple is trying to reduce its dependence on Foxconn by finding other suppliers, Gou's company is the only manufacturer that makes the iPad and one of two producers of the iPhone. Those ties with the world's hottest tech company may help Gou through the rough times.

The bottom line: As wages rise in coastal China, Taiwanese manufacturers are shifting to inland cities. Foxconn started earlier and is moving faster.




 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-12 14:57 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-13 16:40 | 显示全部楼层
如果我没理解错的话,文章似乎在说让员工过得好一些,过上像人一样的生活使得富士康亏损?现在富士康打算从 ...
大漠金舟 发表于 2011-5-12 16:52






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发表于 2011-5-13 18:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-14 08:41 | 显示全部楼层
如果我没理解错的话,文章似乎在说让员工过得好一些,过上像人一样的生活使得富士康亏损?现在富士康打算从 ...
大漠金舟 发表于 2011-5-12 16:52

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