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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-12 20:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
首先别小看自己,得给 为国献身的军人 敬礼!
【原文标题】Fallen Heroes in Afghanistan
【来源地址】http://oefkia.blogspot.com/searc ... &max-results=14
【原文作者】 OEF News

USAF Major 美国空军少校Jeffrey O. Ausborn, aged 41,属于位于Randolph空军基地的99飞行训练中队。他是有着19年飞行经验的老兵,去年自愿到阿富汗教授 C-27 aircraft(中型运输机).

USAF Master Sergeant 美国空军 军士长 Tara R. Brown, aged 33,属于空军特别调查处Air Force Office of Special Investigations。她今年一月才被派遣去阿富汗,负责培训阿飞行员的电脑和网络技能。她被追授 专业军士technical sergeant。

USAF Captain 美国空军上尉 Charles A. Ransom, aged 31, 属于Virginia Langley-Eustis联合基地83网络作战中队Network Operations Squadron。

USAF F-16 pilot, Lt. Col. 美国空军中校,F-16 飞行员Frank Bryant,他曾在伊拉克服役,他驾驶的F-16参加过无数次空袭巴格达的任务,并且协助过一次针对萨达姆和他儿子们的空袭。

USAF F-16 pilot, Major 美国空军少校,F-16 飞行员David Brodeur,他在阿富汗只有三个月。

USAF Captain 美国空军上尉Nathan Nylander, aged 35, 他是位于喀布尔的438空中远征大队的飞行指挥官。

USAF Major 美国空军少校Raymond Estelle, Jr., aged 41, 在美国空军服役了二十多年。

US Air Force Academy professor, Major 美国空军学院教授,少校Philip D. Ambard, aged 44, 外语教授。他属于位于Colorado的空间通信中队。他精通法语和西班牙语,是这两种语言的导师,被评价为学院的高级人才之一。
他在2010年完成了由外语部赞助的为期三年的外语课程,并计划在完成了为期365天的喀布尔派遣后,回到外语部Department of Foreign Languages。

US Private Military Contractor美国雇佣兵, James McLaughlin, aged 55, 他是一名退休了的美国陆军中校US Army Lieutenant-Colonel,他从2008年开始为L-3 MPRI(军事资源顾问公司Military Professional Resources Incorporate)在阿富汗培训直升机飞行员。
USAF Major Jeffrey Ausborn

USAF Major Jeffrey O. Ausborn, aged 41, from Gadsden, was one of eight US military personnel killed by an Afghan Air Force pilot on 27th April 2011 in Kabul. He was assigned to the 99th Flying Training Squadron based at Randolph Air Base in Texas.

Major Ausborn, a 19-year veteran of the Air Force, had volunteered to go to Afghanistan last year to teach new Afghan pilots how to fly the C-27 aircraft.

In addition to his wife, Suzanna, he leaves five children: Emily, 15; Eric 12; Shelby, 10; Mitchell Maloy, 21; and Summer Maloy, 17.
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USAF Master Sgt. Tara Brown

USAF Master Sergeant Tara R. Brown, aged 33, from Deltona, Florida, was one of eight US military personnel killed by an Afghan Air Force pilot on 27th April 2011 in Kabul.  She was assigned to the Air Force Office of Special Investigations.

M-Sgt. Brown was deployed to Afghanistan in January to train Afghan airmen on computer and networking skills. She was posthumously promoted from technical sergeant.

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USAF Captain Charles Ransom

USAF Captain Charles A. Ransom, aged 31, from Midlothian, Virginia, was one of eight US military personnel killed by an Afghan Air Force pilot on 27th April 2011 in Kabul.  Capt. Ransom was assigned to the 83rd Network Operations Squadron, located at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia.

Capt. Ransom was a Virginia Military Institute alumnus and was vice president of the Class of 2001. He was a computer science major, and a cadet corporal platoon sergeant.
Posted by OEF News at 02:53 1 comments   
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FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 2011

Kabul shootings: F-16 pilot Lt. Col. Frank Bryant

USAF F-16 pilot, Lt. Col. Frank Bryant was one of eight US military personnel killed in the much publicised Kabul shooting by an Afghan Air Force pilot on Wednesday 27th April 2011.

Lt. Col. Bryant had served in Iraq, where he piloted an F-16 on more than a dozen bombing missions in Baghdad and helped support a surprise raid aimed at Saddam Hussein and his sons.

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Kabul shootings: F-16 pilot Major David Brodeur

USAF F-16 pilot, Major David Brodeur was one of eight US military personnel killed in the much publicised Kabul shooting by an Afghan Air Force pilot on Wednesday 27th April 2011.

Major Brodeur’s father told several news outlets that Brodeur, an F-16 pilot, had been in Afghanistan for about three months.

Brodeur was a 1999 graduate of the Air Force Academy and the father of two children, his father told the Telegram & Gazette of Worcester, Mass.

“David was a wonderful and caring father, husband, son and brother who was committed to the service of his country,” Lawrence Brodeur told the newspaper. “Words are inadequate to express how much we miss him.”
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USAF Captain Nathan Nylander

USAF Captain Nathan Nylander, aged 35, was killed when an Afghan military pilot opened fire during a meeting at Kabul airport, his family told The Pantagraph newspaper in Bloomington, Illinois.

Captain Nylander, from Fairbury, Illinois  was a flight commander with the 438th Air Expeditionary Wing base in Kabul.

His wife and two sons and daughter live in Tucson.

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Third Kabul base shooting victim identified

Major Raymond Estelle, Jr., aged 41, with 20 years service in the US Air Force was one of nine Americans killed 27th April 2011 during a meeting in Kabul by an Afghan Air Force pilot.

The Afghan pilot killed eight U.S. military personnel and an American contractor at Kabul airport after they had argued at a meeting, officials said. An Afghan pilot who spoke on the condition of anonymity identified the gunman as Ahmad Gul from Tarakhail province.

The other two victims identified are US Air Force Academy professor, Major Phil Ambard (not officially confirmed) and Private Military Contractor, James McLaughlin
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US Air Force Academy professor, Phil Ambard

Major Ambard
US Air Force Academy professor, Major Philip D. Ambard, aged 44, was killed on Wednesday 27th April 2011 in an attack in Kabul, Afghanistan. He was a foreign-language professor.

Major Ambard, from Edmonds, Washington, was serving with 460th Space Communications Squadron, based in Colorado.

Major Ambard, a fluent French and Spanish speaker, served as an instructor in both languages and was consistently rated as one of the top faculty members at the Academy.

In 2007, Major Ambard was sponsored by the Department of Foreign Languages for a Ph.D. program at Denver University, which he completed in 2010. He was scheduled to return to the Department of Foreign Languages after a 365-day deployment to Kabul.
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US Military Contractor, James McLaughlin

US Private Military Contractor, James McLaughlin, aged 55, was killed on Wednesday 27th April 2011 along with eight U.S military personnel by an Afghan Air Force pilot.

The shooting occurred during a morning meeting between American and Afghan officers. Nine Americans were killed and five Afghan soldiers were wounded.

The incident happened in a compound at Kabul airport which was widely covered in the world press.

Mr. McLaughlin, a retired US Army Lieutenant-Colonel with 25 years service, began working for L-3 MPRI in Afghanistan in 2008 training helicopter pilots.




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