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[政治] NGO:美机构称朝从朝鲜战争后“绑架”18万外国人

 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-14 22:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Jigong 于 2011-5-14 22:48 编辑

N, Korea has abducted over 180,000 foreigners: NGO

By Hwang Doo-hyong
   WASHINGTON, May 12 (Yonhap) -- North Korea has kidnapped more than 180,000 foreigners over the past decades, including about 82,000 South Koreans taken to the North forcefully during the three-year Korean War that ended in 1953, a human rights group here claimed Thursday.

     In announcing a report on the abductions by North Korea at the Foreign Press Center, the U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea called on the governments of South Korea, the U.S. and other countries involved to join forces to demand that North Korea repatriate the kidnapped or their remains if they have died.

     Other countries whose nationals have been abducted to the North include China, Japan, France, Italy, Lebanon, the Netherlands, Romania, Malaysia, Singapore, Jordan and Thailand, the group said.

     It also recommended that the U.S. government relist North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism.

     The Obama administration has dismissed calls by hardliners to relist the North, saying it has not found concrete evidence to support any such move.

     The previous Bush administration removed Pyongyang from the list in October 2008 to facilitate the six-party talks on the North's nuclear dismantlement.

     North Korea was first put on the list after the downing of a Korean Air flight over Myanmar in 1987, which killed all 115 people aboard.

     The group's report denounced North Korean leader Kim Jong-il and his father and predecessor, Kim Il-sung, for their direct involvement in the kidnapping of foreign nationals.

     North Korean leader Kim Jong-il admitted to then-Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi in Pyongyang in 2002 that the North had abducted 13 Japanese citizens in the 1970s and 1980s for training spies on Japanese language and culture.

     The North at the time returned five of the abductees and claimed eight others were dead.

     Japan insists at least 17 Japanese have been abducted and that more are still alive in the North.

     "North Korea has harmed not only the victims, but also their families," said Teruaki Masumoto, a family member of one of the Japanese abductees. "Our goal is to free all those abducted by North Korea."






发表于 2011-5-14 22:37 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-14 22:39 | 显示全部楼层
2011年05月14日 10:02 来源:环球时报 

据5月14日出版的《环球时报》报道 美国的非政府组织“朝鲜人权委员会”12日在华盛顿发布报告称,朝鲜从朝鲜战争后至今共劫持了日本、韩国、法国、意大利、泰国等12个国家和地区的18万多人。该组织呼吁美国政府重新将朝鲜列入“支持恐怖主义国家”名单,还建议相关国家组成国际联盟,联合对朝鲜施压。据韩联社13日报道,当天,日韩驻美大使、美国政府朝鲜人权特使等政府官员都出席了发布会。

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-14 22:44 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-14 22:47 | 显示全部楼层
“绑架”18万外国人! 可能吗? 18万外国人吃,住,穿  等等怎么解决??
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