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【11.05.27 华盛顿邮报】中国编写共产党历史的漫长历程

发表于 2011-5-30 15:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】In China, a long path of writing the Communist Party’s history
【原文作者】Andrew Higgins






哈佛大学的学者、毛泽东时代的中国政治研究权威人士Roderick Macfarquhar说:“从前有一个共产主义的笑话,说马克思主义者能预测未来,但说不清楚过去。”历史“具有重要的意义,因为它为现在正言。”而且“历史的错误必须要在现在得到平反。”























荷兰学者Frank Dikotter去年发表了一份这个时期的研究成果《毛的大饥荒》,他不屑地称之为“厚颜无耻的谎言”。他说,毛实际上知道他的政策造成了大饥荒,但他仍然一意孤行,最终导致4500万人死亡。




中国共产党史官方版本 西方历史学家和中国独立历史学家共同认可的观点
1950年,朝鲜战争 “1950年6月25日,朝鲜爆发内战。美国立即决定军事干涉,并且把干涉范围延伸到朝鲜以外的亚洲地区。” 在中国盟友北朝鲜黎明时分入侵美国支持的南朝鲜之后,朝鲜战争于1950年6月25日“爆发”。美国立即向联合国安理会汇报,安理会谴责入侵行为,敦促成员国支持南朝鲜。
1958年-1961年,大跃进 “谷物、油、蔬菜和非主要食材极为短缺,严重损害了人们的健康和生命。很多地区的农村居民发生水肿,患肝炎和妇科病的人数上升。” 饥荒、疾病和党官员的残酷镇压夺走了上千万中国人的生命,一些村民被迫同类相食。肝炎很普遍,但主要患病者还是城市富裕居民。各种类型的疾病——从麻风到疟疾——患者数量飙升。毛泽东的政策所造成的受害者数量比斯大林统治下的大屠杀和乌克兰饥荒死亡人数还要多。
1962年,党内秘密会议中清除习仲勋和其他人 “会议错误地对所谓的‘邪风’、‘单干风’和‘平反风’进行批评,为党造成了严重的负面后果……习仲勋和其他人被定性为试图为高岗恢复名誉的‘反d集团’……将其定为工人阶级与资产阶级之间的斗争是对当时形势完全错误的判断。” 毛在1962年将习仲勋清除出党并非是一个错误,而是预示4年之后文化大革命中更大、更残忍的清除行动。习曾经与高岗有过亲密合作,后者在1954年因被清除出党而自杀。但1962年他遭受耻辱的具体原因依然不明。
1969年,文化大革命和被清除的国家主席刘少奇之死 “1969年10月,病危中的刘少奇被送到河南开封,12月12日在囚禁中死于疾病,死时依然背负错误的指控。与刘少奇冤案相关的错判案例达26000件,涉及28000多人。刘少奇冤案的形成是党在30年代开始扩大打击反革命行动之后最痛苦的教训。” 毛泽东策划了针对这位前中国国家主席的长期、残忍、报复性的打击运动,刘少奇因此而死。医生需要使用药物治疗患有糖尿病、高血压和其它疾病的刘,但被禁止治疗。刘在无人照看中,身染肺炎而死。党将他的死讯对公众保密了长达10年之久,至今没有明确说明事件的过程和毛在事件中的具体角色。


Pupils attend a celebration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China at a primary school on March 28, 2011 in Chongqing, China.

China’s Communist Party has finally got its story straight. It took 16 years of editing and four extensive rewrites. Chinese leaders, otherwise preoccupied with running a rising superpower, weighed in throughout.

“I never thought it would take so long,” said Shi Zhongquan, who helped craft what the party hopes will be the final word on some of the most politically sensitive and also bloodiest episodes of China’s recent history — a new 1,074-page account of the party’s early decades in power.

As China races into the future, the Communist Party — which marks its 90th birthday in July — still takes the past, especially its own, very seriously. “Writing history is not easy,” said Shi, a veteran party historian.

It gets particularly hard when it includes not only two of the past century’s most lethal man-made catastrophes — the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution — but also a modest yet now ticklish upset back in 1962 — the disgrace of Xi Zhongxun, the father of Xi Jinping, China’s current vice president and leader-in-waiting.

“It’s an old communist joke that Marxists can predict the future, but the past is more difficult,” said Roderick Macfarquhar, a Harvard University scholar and leading authority on Chinese politics under Mao Zedong, who died in 1976. The past, added Macfarquhar, “is important because it legitimates the present” and “what went wrong then has to be justified now.”

The party published its first official history 20 years ago but ended the story with Mao’s conquest of China in 1949. It has now ventured into far more treacherous territory with the January publication of “History of the Chinese Communist Party, Volume 2 (1949-1978),” which continues the saga until the year Deng Xiaoping started undoing much of Mao’s legacy.

As China gears up to mark the July anniversary of the party’s founding in 1921, history has become a boom industry. Nobody outside a tiny group of die-hard Maoists wants to revive communes, class struggle and brutal purges. But the party is hammering a message it views as crucial to its grip on power: China’s surging economy and growing international clout are entirely the fruit of uninterrupted one-party rule.

The state poured nearly $400 million into a new National Museum stuffed with revolutionary memorabilia, and millions more into “The Founding of a Party,” a star-studded epic movie due to be released soon. Chinese TV stations, meanwhile, have been told to yank cop shows and focus on airing dramas about party history instead.

Shaping history is particularly important to China’s so-called princelings, the offspring of Mao’s comrades. Having secured influence and often wealth on the basis of their family connections, members of this small but powerful group celebrate a wart-free version of the past that boosts their status — and sidesteps their parents’ role as enforcers and then victims of party brutality.

‘Distort and smear’

Xi, the Politburo member who is due to take over as leader of the party next year and whose father was purged by Mao in 1962, has been particularly active in stressing the need to get history right. In a keynote address at a “history work conference” last summer, he called on all party members — numbering nearly 80 million — to “resolutely combat the wrong tendency to distort and smear the party’s history.” (He didn’t comment on his father.)

Also weighing history has been the son of Liu Shaoqi, a former Chinese president who died in 1969 after being denied medical treatment, having been purged by Mao during the Cultural Revolution. The son, military officer Liu Yuan, wrote in a preface to a new book that “the Party has been repeatedly betrayed by general secretaries, both in and outside the country, recently and in the past.”
Mao, whose portrait hangs above the main gate to the Forbidden City, has taken a beating in recent years from books — all now banned in China — that portray him variously as a megalomaniac, sex maniac and mass murderer.

Standing behind Mao

Shi, a former deputy director of the Party History Research Center, acknowledged wide differences of opinion among scholars, both Chinese and foreign, but said the party was not budging from the line it first fixed in 1981 that Mao made “gross mistakes” but, overall, did far more good than harm. “You can’t attack Mao and not attack the Chinese Communist Party,” Shi said.

So touchy is the party about its past that the new history Shi helped edit had to be vetted by 64 party and state bodies, including the People’s Liberation Army. An initial draft took four years to finish, but that didn’t pass muster with the leadership. It took 12 more years before the Politburo finally signed off on a finished text. This, according to an editor’s note, followed “clear demands regarding revisions” from party chief Hu Jintao, his heir apparent, Xi, and vice president Zeng Qinghong.

The whole process lasted so long that more than a dozen of the scholars involved at the start died before publication. Of an original trio of three senior editors, Shi, now 73, is the only one still alive.

The leadership’s close attention has at least helped boost sales: The two-volume text topped the Beijing News bestseller list for more than a month, due in large part to bulk orders from party units, which have been ordered to study the work.

Regular historians sniff at the whole venture: “This is politics and propaganda,” said Yang Kuisong, a prominent history professor in Beijing. “I have no interest in the topic.”

Unlike China’s recently opened National Museum and other party-sponsored excursions into the past, however, the official history doesn’t simply trumpet triumphs such as China’s first atomic-bomb test in 1964. It also tackles the party’s painful episodes.

The most “sensitive” period to write about, according to Shi, was not the 1966-76 Cultural Revolution, which the party long ago declared a disaster and blamed on the so-called Gang of Four, but the decade before. That was when Mao first turned on many of his former allies, first intellectuals during the so-called anti-rightists campaign, and then senior party officials, including Xi Zhongxun, the father of Xi Jinping, the all-but-certain successor to President Hu.

An early revolutionary and a vice premier, Xi Zhongxun fell from favor in 1962 amid calls by Mao to step up “class struggle” against those accused of seeking to restore capitalism. Xi, who vanished from public view for 16 years, got caught up in an obscure internal feud over a novel called “Liu Zhi Dan.” Mao saw the book as part of an alleged plot to rehabilitate Gao Gang, an earlier purge victim who killed himself.

The new official party history skirts details of the saga and blames Xi’s downfall mostly on the machinations of Mao’s security chief, Kang Sheng. Branding Xi and others as members of “an anti-Party clique” was “totally wrong,” the history says. Xi was finally rehabilitated after Mao’s death.

Tackling the Great Leap

In a lengthy discussion of the Great Leap Forward, a ruinous crash program of industrialization and rural collectivization launched in 1958, the party history acknowledges great suffering and even notes that because of food shortages and illness, China’s population in 1960 fell by 10 million.

But, claiming that Mao’s goal throughout was basically the same as that of China’s current leadership, it says he was driven by “a desire to change a picture of poverty and backwardness and make China grow rich and strong so it could use its own strength to stand tall in the forest of nations.”

Mao, according to the party’s version of events, “realized relatively early through preliminary investigation and research that there were problems in [the Great Leap] movement and worked hard to correct them.”

Frank Dikotter, a Dutch scholar who last year published a study of the period, “Mao’s Great Famine,” dismissed this as a “barefaced lie.” Mao, he said, was indeed aware of the starvation caused by his policies but pressed on, with the result that as many as 45 million people died.

Not recorded in the official history is a 1959 comment by Mao that Dikotter unearthed from a Chinese provincial archive: “It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill.”

Deconstructing China’s official history

A look at the China Communist Party’s take on politically sensitive events compared with how they are interpreted by outside historians:




发表于 2011-5-30 16:41 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-30 16:57 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-30 18:36 | 显示全部楼层
知识分子太恨毛了。 不过,有广大平头百姓支持,毛的地位依然不可动摇。
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发表于 2011-5-30 19:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-30 19:45 | 显示全部楼层
滔滔1949 发表于 2011-5-30 19:00

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发表于 2011-5-30 20:31 | 显示全部楼层
肃反运动并不是一无是处,只是因为怨案比较多,有些太主观和扩大化,才让肃反运动背上了历史的骂名 ...
无可就要 发表于 2011-5-30 19:45

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发表于 2011-5-30 20:43 | 显示全部楼层
说句实话,我对历史很感兴趣,也经常喜欢四处找些历史资料来看,但对中国的近代史,特别是涉及到党 ...
滔滔1949 发表于 2011-5-30 20:31

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发表于 2011-5-30 21:16 | 显示全部楼层
- -||怎么又变成4500W人了。。最早1500W。。2000W,2500W。。现在直接跳到4500W了。。orz
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发表于 2011-5-30 21:16 | 显示全部楼层
- -||怎么又变成4500W人了。。最早1500W。。2000W,2500W。。现在直接跳到4500W了。。orz
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发表于 2011-5-30 22:09 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-30 23:55 | 显示全部楼层
的了把 看看革命年代里这些吃屎分子都干了什么 说的好听点叫带路党 难听点都TM的是汉奸走狗卖国贼!
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发表于 2011-5-31 00:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-31 03:25 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-31 10:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-31 10:08 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 liuyw2009 于 2011-5-31 10:09 编辑

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发表于 2011-5-31 10:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-31 10:22 | 显示全部楼层
就拿饿死3000万的谣言来说,除了杨继绳死的那个七十多的老爸,至今未见一个人实名出来宣称自己的家人当年被 ...
liuyw2009 发表于 2011-5-31 10:08

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发表于 2011-5-31 10:25 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 sei_explorer 于 2011-5-31 10:26 编辑

是四亿五千万 四十五亿 四百五十亿 四千五百亿 四万五千亿 四十五万亿 四百五十万亿
横竖中国人多 往高了编就是了
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