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发表于 2011-8-22 15:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

【原文标题】China and U.S. Choose Safe Site for Biden Visit



【译    者】lilyma06


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【译    文】
Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. spoke at a high school in Dujiangyan, China, on Sunday, with Vice President Xi Jinping, center, listening. No students at the school died in the 2008 quake.

DUJIANGYAN, China — The choice of sites for visits by foreign leaders is always the product of careful deliberations, but those calculations were particularly evident on Sunday when Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. stopped at a school here.
Chinese and American officials knew that whichever school was selected in Dujiangyan, in the western province of Sichuan, it had to reflect the resilience of residents in recovering from the devastating earthquake of May 12, 2008, which left more than 86,000 dead or missing.
But Chinese officials were no doubt careful to steer Mr. Biden away from any school that would evoke memories of the thousands of students killed when classrooms collapsed, spurring angry, grieving parents to press the government for investigations into what they suspected was shoddy construction. The government bought the silence of many parents with compensation money or detained those who were especially troublesome.
And so on Sunday afternoon, Mr. Biden’s entourage drove up to Qingchengshan High School, set against a backdrop of green mountains wreathed in mist. The original buildings had been badly damaged during the earthquake, but no students had died, and the school was not considered one that had particularly suffered from “tofu construction,” now a catch phrase among Chinese for anything poorly built.
That meant that the school was a good fit for a photo opportunity. Moreover, the N.B.A. had helped build four basketball courts here after the earthquake, and the United States Agency for International Development and Cisco Systems had equipped classrooms with electronic whiteboards. Mr. Biden and Vice President Xi Jinping, presumed to be the next leader of China, chatted with dozens of students in white uniforms who were playing basketball on the outdoor courts.
Just hours earlier, Mr. Biden had brought up the issue of human rights during a speech to 400 people at Sichuan University. “Maybe the biggest difference in our respective approaches are our approaches to what we refer to as human rights,” he said.
“I recognize that many of you in this auditorium see our advocacy of human rights as at best an intrusion and at worst an assault on your sovereignty,” he added. But for Americans, he said “there is a significant moral component to our advocacy.”
Mr. Biden’s words, though coming from a man of power, do not resonate as much across China as the memory of the victims of the collapsed schools — an official estimate said 5,335 students had died — and of the suppression by the government of the voices of the grieving parents and their demands for justice. Critics say the crackdown by the government was one of the worst abuses of human rights in recent years.

And parents in China are increasingly asking whether a child’s right to a safe life should be considered a human right, universal to all and somehow guaranteed by the government. Since the collapsed schools first galvanized that sentiment, scare after scare has followed. In the fall of 2008, news spread of a tainted milk scandal — six infants had died and 300,000 had fallen ill — and of the government scramble to buy off or detain angry parents. In the spring of 2010, a series of unrelated school stabbings prompted questions about the ability of officials to ensure security at schools. This year, food safety is a bigger issue than ever before.
“But of course we’re angry,” Tian Wenyao, the mother of a 12-year-old boy who died in the collapse of Xinjian Primary School here in Dujiangyan, said in June 2008. “Who wouldn’t be angry? In the morning, my child said to me, ‘Mama, I’m going to school.’ In the evening, he turned up a corpse.”
Ms. Tian was among a group of mothers who had peacefully protested in front of government offices only to have the police break up the demonstration and drag away some parents.
The most famous human rights case this year, the three-month detention of the artist Ai Weiwei, also has ties to the school collapses. One of Mr. Ai’s most political projects in recent years was to direct a team of volunteers in trying to compile a list of names of students who had died in the collapses. He created an exhibition with children’s backpacks to symbolize the deaths, and he traveled in 2009 to Sichuan to lend support to Tan Zuoren, an advocate of the parents who was being tried for inciting subversion. Mr. Ai was beaten by police officers, and Mr. Tan was sentenced to three years in prison.
On Sunday, sticking to diplomacy, Mr. Biden did not mention the grieving parents in any public manner when meeting with Mr. Xi. The two first spoke together in a large gathering outside the Qingchengshan school, then walked over to the basketball players. Mr. Biden tried making a shot six times before finally succeeding on the seventh. He and Mr. Xi signed a basketball; Mr. Biden scrawled “U.S.A.”
This was not Xinjian Primary School, nor was it Juyuan Middle School, in a suburb of Dujiangyan, where 900 students had died in a cascade of concrete. But the gym teacher here, He Zhengzhong, still shook his head when asked about the earthquake. “We were out here in prefabricated buildings for 10 months,” he said.
Inside a classroom, Mr. Biden and Mr. Xi sat in front of a semicircle of 31 students studying English and took questions. Mr. Biden talked about the dedication of his wife, Jill, to teaching (she has worked at community colleges), and he urged one girl to go into that profession. Mr. Xi sat and listened with little expression. But he became animated toward the end of the session, speaking to the children and smiling when he paraphrased a famous line from Mao. “The young people are like the sun in the morning,” Mr. Xi said. “The world belongs to you.”




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发表于 2011-8-23 18:11 | 显示全部楼层
地震了又怎么样,这些地震灾区绝大部分都是专门宰你们这些外地客! ! !  本人为川西人!
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