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【11.08.25 时代周刊】斯蒂夫乔布斯漫长而又非凡的职业生涯

 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-26 15:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 满仓 于 2011-8-26 15:23 编辑

【原文标题】The Long, Extraordinary Career of Steve Jobs




苹果I电脑在Bay Area电脑商店中首次面世,售价666.66美元。这套需要自己动手组装的设备包括一个空白的印制电路板、一套辅助零件和一本16页的组装说明书。用户需要额外准备电源、键盘和显示器才能做出一个可以使用的设备。


1983年,乔布斯邀请百事首席执行官John Sculley(中)加入苹果,沃兹尼亚克依旧掌权。双方的关系迅速恶化,同时整个行业的销售状况一落千丈,不得不采取裁员、重新回顾营销和技术策略等手段。1985年,乔布斯被自己创建的公司辞退。










2001年,乔布斯通过iPod的面世再一次开创了业界的典范。尽管这款产品与传统的便携式音乐播放器相比并没有多少技术进步,但它卓越的使用感受和时尚的设计元素在行业中显得出类拔萃。而且,与iPod同时面世的是iTunes,这个网络音乐商店永久性地改变了音乐产业的模式。上图,U2乐队成员Bono和The Edge与乔布斯在2004年的产品发布会上。






8月24日,苹果的一代大师向公司的董事会和全世界宣布,他不再担任首席执行官的职务。(上图,乔布斯在2011年6月6日。)他要求担任董事会主席,并推荐苹果首席运营官Tim Cook继任CEO。他说,苹果的未来必将更加辉煌。他同时向苹果的员工们表示感谢。


As the Apple CEO steps down, TIME takes a look at Steve Jobs' storied, visionary career

Computer Genius

Through Apple Inc., the company he co-founded in 1976, Steve Jobs has permanently redefined the method, look and feel of personal computing. He was amongst the first to recognize the vast commerical potential of the graphical user interface, the mouse-drive point and click system that pilots virtually every desktop computer today. During the course of a career spanning almost four decades, he has introduced several paradigm-shifting devices, reshaping entire industries in the process.

Early Partners

Jobs met his Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, seated, above, while working as a summer employee (he had yet to graduate high school) at computer giant Hewlett-Packard. He enrolled at Reed College, then dropped out after one semester, returning in 1974 to Silicon Valley, where he and Wozniak began attending meetings of the Homebrew Computer Club.

Revolution in a Box

Marketed initially through Bay Area computer shops, the Apple 1 computer sold for $666.66. The do-it-yourself kit contained a blank printed circuit board, a collection of parts and 16 pages of insructions. To make a functional machine, the user needed to provide a power supply, keyboard and display.

Portrait of the Entrepreneur as a Young Man

Jobs' technical brilliance was equalled only by his consumate skill as a salesman and pitchman. His unswerving commitment to his ideas and product led him to clash frequently with his colleagues and critics, giving him a reputation as a brash and tempestuous manager.

Power Struggle

In 1983, Jobs invited PepsiCo President John Sculley, center above, to join him and Wozniak at the helm of Apple, Inc. The partnership soon soured, though, as an industry-wide sales slump forced lay-offs and a re-examination of marketing and technical strategies. By 1985, Jobs was removed from the company he helped found.

What's NeXT

Jobs' departure from Apple only seemed to inflame his desire to remold the world of personal computing. His next venture, NeXT Computer, took the Apple ideal one step further, and featured a sleek magnesium cube with a greatly enhanced graphical interface, built-in Ethernet port and many other technical advancements. Though the machine was priced too high to break into the mainstream market, it had a tremendous influence over the next generation of computing.

Return to Apple

In Jobs' absence, Apple drifted, and, at one point in the mid-1990s, flirted with bankruptcy. In 1996, the company announced that it would buy NeXT Computer for $429 million, thereby bringing Jobs back to the company he founded. By 1998, a restless board gave him the title of interim CEO.

Jobs on the Job

Much of the technology behind the NeXT machine found its way into the subsequent generation of Apple products. At the same time, Jobs restored the company's reputation for excellence in design with products like the iMac, and reinvigorated the Apple brand by opening a series of slick, retail outlets devoted exclusively to the sale and nurturing of Apple devices.


During the years he was away from Apple, Jobs also bought and developed a computer animation lab called Pixar. The unit's first feature film, Toy Story, released in 1995, grossed $360 million and instantly established the studio as a major Hollywood player. Pixar has enjoyed a virtually unbroken string of successes since then, with films such as Finding Nemo, Cars, Wall-E and Up. In 2006, Disney negotiated a $7.4 billion all-stock deal to acquire the unit, a deal that made jobs the legendary studio's largest stockholder.

Rock and Roll

In 2001, Jobs initiated another paradigm shift with the introduction of the iPod. Though it did little to advance the functionality of earlier portable music players, it featured superior usability and a sleek design. What's more, its roll-out was accompanied by the debut of iTunes, a web-based music store that permanently reshaped the parameters of the music industry. U2 band members Bono and The Edge, above, joined Jobs at an iPod promo event in 2004.

The iPhone

By 2007, having already transformed the personal computing and music industries, Jobs set his sights on cellular telecommunications. At that year's Macworld convention, he unveiled the iPhone, which, after it went on sale in June, quickly sold over 6 million units, putting on the same footing with products, like the Blackberry, that had been on the market for years. In addition to the phone, the device features internet connectivity, a user interface built around multi-touch technology and a vast library of apps, created by a virtual army of Apple devotees and developers.

The Success of the iPad

In January 2010, Jobs announced that Apple would introduce a new tablet computer, the iPad. Though similar in functionality to the iPhone, the iPad features a much larger screen, increasing the visibility for reading, gaming and watching video. The first iPad was an overwhelming success, with more than 1 million sold in less than a month — about half of the time it took for the iPhone to achieve the same milestone. In March 2011, the second generation iPad was released, and it quickly became Apple's biggest success to date. Close to 1 million units of the tablet were sold just during its debut weekend. As of August 2011, more than 25 million iPads have been sold around the world.

End of an Era

On August 24, Apple's maestro told the company's board and the world that he was unable to continue as chief executive. Jobs, seen above on June 6, 2011, asked to serve as chairman, and recommended that Apple COO Tim Cook succeed him as CEO. And he said that Apple's best days were ahead of it and expressed gratitude to his coworkers.




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