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发表于 2008-4-22 08:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[img=635 border=0,409 src=][/img] 由中国纽约和平统一促进会组织的抗议CNN辱华言论集会今天(4月21日)中午在CNN曼哈顿总部门口进行。200多民众聚集,手中的标语写着“CNN是Liar,Say Sorry to China”。现场有ABC等主流媒体,和诸多华文媒体。整个活动持续了2个小时。
发起这次示威的和统会今天早上10点在法拉盛第一停车场集合,由一部挂着中国国旗和美国国旗的小巴领头,出发前往曼哈顿CNN办公室,十部小巴侧面挂着各种批评CNN的西藏报道辱华评论的横幅,标语上写着:CNN必须道歉;Cafferty 必须向中国人民道歉;CNN就是歪曲新闻联网(CNN:Crooked News Network);先考证历史才去评论;(study the history before you start the talking);CNN的西藏暴乱报道是大话连篇,以及,一个政府会是恶棍和暴徒吗?请你告诉我,等等。(Can a government be “goons” and “thugs”? Be Honest.车队抵达CNN曼哈顿总部门口以后,活动主办方改变车队包围CNN大楼的计划。所有人都聚集在CNN大楼下集会抗议。
参加示威的人群,先是一边高呼 “CNN Shame on you”的口号,一边挥动着中美两国国旗,绕着CNN纽约总部大楼游行。随后在CNN总部大楼下集会抗议。也吸引了一些CNN职员在旁观看,不过并没有表态。和平统一促进会会长花俊雄和顾问乔立华,高声念出致CNN的谴责信,要求CNN必须就4月9日发表的侮辱华人的言论正式道歉,并解雇评论员Jack Cafferty。所有人一起高唱《歌唱祖国》,并高喊“中国人不可辱,中国人不可欺”, “北京,加油”等口号。随后,纽约中国和平统一促进会在CNN曼哈顿总部大楼下招贴了一份名为“CNN必须道歉,解雇Jack Cafferty "。并由会长花俊雄将该信递交CNN曼哈顿总部。
CNN Must Apologize and Fire Jack Cafferty
CNN brought infamy on cable news journalism when Jack Cafferty used the lowest racial slurs to smear the Chinese, a great people with one of the oldest civilizations.
Even though Cafferty is known to have an irresponsible loose togue, that he could stoop so low as to use the crudest calumny is truly shocking. He blatantly violated a journalist's professional ethics. The fact that he is the "product of a very dysfunctional, sometimes violent Irish background" does not explain his behavior. The heart of the matter is his gut hatred for the Chinese people.
Faced with inescapable responsibilities, CNN apologized. But it was not even a half-hearted apology. In its statement, it claims to "employ commntator who provide robust opinions that generate debate." is it characterizing Caggerty's malicious slander as "robust opinion"? It also noted that Cafferty has criticized the U.S. government. But criticism is one thing. Wanton attack is altogether something else. Cafferty and CNN also claim that the diatribe was against the Chinese government, not the Chinese people. Can a government be "goons" and "thugs", really, are you serious?
CNN cannot shirk its responsibility by playing tricks with concepts, or engaging in sophistry.
The lack of good faith is evident. Neither CNN, nor Cafferty has indicated either would take back Cafferty's malicious remarks.
CNN's reporting on CHina, and especially its recent reporting on Tibet and the Beijing Olympics is biased and full of distortions, including tampering with photographs and calling Tibet a country "by mistake", in flagrant violation of journalism ethics.
We demand that CNN offer a genuine apology and fire Jack Cafferty.
Note: the quote is from Jack Cafferty's new book "Its getting ugly out there."
George Hua/ President 4/21/08
New York Association for Peaceful Unification of China

发表于 2008-4-22 09:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-22 09:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-22 09:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-22 15:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-22 15:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-23 10:21 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 xinbuyou 于 2008-4-22 15:32 发表 他们辱骂了全体华人,要求他们向14亿中国人诚恳道歉,向每个华人赔偿100美金!
发表于 2008-4-23 10:43 | 显示全部楼层
美国  敢不断给中国下套 CNN敢这样辱华  中国人就敢拿CNN开刀  杀鸡给猴看
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