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发表于 2011-11-20 23:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 boballenlin 于 2011-11-20 23:09 编辑

【英文标题】South China Sea tangle to top East AsiaSummit



BALI: As Prime Minister Manmohan Singh touched down here on Thursday evening for the ASEAN and East Asia summits, itis clear the South China Sea issue will feature prominently in the discussionsover the next couple of days.


In his departure statement, the PM said,"Political and security issues are becoming part of the  East Asia Summit agenda. There are concerns among the countries of the region over issues relating to disaster management, maritime security, terrorism and other non-traditional threats tosecurity."


The summit this year will see two newmembers, US and Russia. The entry of these two into the East Asia process isthe biggest sign that the countries in the region are hedging their betsagainst a rising and possibly aggressive China.


The Americans, who are now shifting theirfocus to the Pacific theatre post withdrawal from Iraq and a drawdown in Afghanistan, will want to drive the agenda of the EAS. President Barack Obamais coming to the EAS from the APEC summit in Hawaii, signing a strategic agreement with Philippines and expanding the US military footprint in Australia-- all signs that the US wants a bigger presence in Asia.


The US will be pushing a more rigid architecture of security cooperation in the region. And everybody else is hedging their bets. India will play a "watch" game for the timebeing. Officials pointed out that India has increasing interests in South China Sea. Not only does India get a fair amount of oil from Sakhalin, Russia throughthis route, about 40% of Indian goods bound for the US west coast travel through these seas.


The PM will meet Obama and Chinese PremierWen Jiabao on Friday, two keenly-watched events. This will be his first meeting with Obama after the president's visit to India last November. By putting outrules of the civil nuclear liability just before his meeting, the PM might wantto indicate that the government is still on track with the nuclear brief, andnot trying to keep US companies out of the Indian nuclear market.


Government sources said that thoughmaritime security featured in regional forums like the ARF and ADMM+8 (ASEAN defence ministers meeting), there was increasing interest in making it part ofthe East Asia Summit as well. Japan too is interested in setting up a maritime forum for the purpose.


India supports freedom of navigation ofhigh seas and sea lanes, a position it has clarified recently as a result ofminor face-offs with China over Indian presence in the South China Sea. InJuly, an Indian ship, INS Airavat, making a goodwill visit to Vietnam was"buzzed" by the Chinese in South China Sea, a disembodied voice onthe radio asserting Chinese territorial claims. When it was revealed that theChinese had objected to Indian oil drilling off Vietnam, India openly rejectedthe Chinese point of view to assert the freedom of navigation principle.


However, official sources said India wouldnot weigh in on the territorial issue in this part of the world. China wouldlike to settle the issue bilaterally, but others have decided to take it up atregional forums, hoping to prevent a confrontation with China. Sources heresaid any of the countries could have gone to the UN under the law of the seas toassert their claim or take issue with China, but no one has done so.


Instead, at this year's ARF, the East andSoutheast Asian countries worked out a code of conduct on the seas. Chinesenavy has been accused of damaging Vietnamese oil ships, taking Philippinesboats into custody and generally making a nuisance of itself in the South ChinaSea in recent months.



感谢翻译,发布地址http://fm.m4.cn/1137477.shtml  发表于 2011-11-21 09:39




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