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发表于 2011-11-28 11:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2011-11-28 11:43 编辑

【原文标题】China Pushes Back Against Growing U.S. Influence in East Asia

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economy nov26 p.jpg

Now that President Obama has completed his victory lap in Asia and is safely ensconced--or is that mired?--in Washington's political mess, the Chinese are busy recalibrating their message to the region. After watching the United States once again be voted most popular, the message from China seems to be twofold:

First, the United States is not one of us. As Tsinghua University scholar Tao Wenzhao writes in the China Daily, "East Asian countries have to face another thorny issue: How to deal with the United States in their push for regional integration. Despite being a non-Asian country and despite lying on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, the U.S. has been on high vigilance against East Asian integration that in its eyes could lead to its exclusion from the region's affairs." Or, as Premier Wen Jiabao noted at the East Asia Summit, "East Asian countries are capable of solving the [South China Sea] dispute by themselves."

Second, we have more money, so you should be friends with us instead (or, by the way, you'll be sorry).

The Global Times manages to evoke insecurity and arrogance all at once. In a series of opinion pieces, the newspaper both boasts of China's strength and threatens those who don't see things China's way.

  • "The momentum of U.S. returning to Asia seems fierce...A question must be answered: What should China do? ...observe calmly and secure our position. China should decode the nature of the U.S. encirclement and the strategic threats it will bring...The U.S. does not have the strength to encircle China now...Facing a weak economic recovery, the U.S. can do nothing but make some strategic mobilization as self-consolation. China will not confront the U.S. strategically or militarily. At present, China has the upper hand in the Sino-U.S. competition and the U.S. return to Asia cannot change the situation. A growing China will possibly change the choice of some countries and China's development will simplify many problems."
  • 美国重返亚洲的劲头看上去很迅猛。一个必须回答的问题是:中国该怎么办?……冷静观察,稳住阵脚。我们需要搞清楚,美国对中国的“包围”属于什么性质,它给中国带来的战略威胁都是些什么……想“包围”中国,美国已没有那么大的巴掌……美国的大张旗鼓,更像是其对中国崛起焦虑的另一种表现。中国不会与美战略对抗,更不会对其做军事挑战。中美之间是发展势头的竞争,这个上风现在中国占着。中国的不断强大将进一步改变亚太国家在中美之间选择站位的心态。今天的很多其他难题,也将被中国的发展碾碎,或者淹没。

  • "As long as China is patient, there will be no room for those who choose to depend economically on China while looking to the U.S. to guarantee their security."
  • 只要中国有耐心,那些一边期望美国保证安全、一边选择经济上依靠中国的国家就不复存在了。

  • "Australia surely cannot play China for a fool. It is impossible for China to remain detached no matter what Australia does to undermine its security. There is a real worry in the Chinese society concerning Australia's acceptance of an increased U.S. military presence. Such psychology will influence the long-term development of the Australia-China relationship."
  • 澳大利亚显然不能把中国当傻子。无论澳大利亚为保护其自己的安全作出何种行为,中国都不可能置身事外。考虑到澳大利亚接受美国增加驻军,中国社会还是会感到担忧。这样的心态将会长期影响影响中澳两国的关系。

Neither of these arguments is likely to be compelling to regional actors. Both miss the point that you don't win friends by bad-mouthing others or paying for their friendship. The real argument Beijing should make is one espoused by Tsinghua professor Yan Xuetong in his recent New York Times opinion piece: the "battle for people's hearts and minds" between the United States and China will be "won by the country that displays more humane authority."

Unfortunately, in trying to define how to get to a more humane authority, Yan falls short, doing little more than suggesting Beijing should choose more virtuous and wise leaders, as well as open its doors to leaders from abroad. Good luck with that. Instead, he should listen to his neighbor at Peking University Zhu Feng, who calls it straight when he says that in order for China to lead, it needs to respect the rule of law and human rights as well as promote economic growth. Until all of those are Beijing's top political priorities, Chinese leaders will never be voted most popular--they'll just keep paying people to hang around with them for a while.

the country that displays more humane authority


get to a more humane authority


they'll just keep paying people to hang around with them for a while.


感谢翻译,文章发布地址。http://fm.m4.cn/1139249.shtml  发表于 2011-11-28 11:42




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