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发表于 2011-12-13 09:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 diver18 于 2011-12-13 09:21 编辑


Obama says U.S. has asked Iran to return drone aircraft

By the CNN Wire Staff
December 13, 2011 -- Updated 0057 GMT (0857 HKT)

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama said Monday that the United States has asked Iran to return a U.S. drone aircraft that Iran claims it recently brought down in Iranian territory.
"We've asked for it back. We'll see how the Iranians respond," Obama said in a news conference, alongside Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
A top Iranian military official previously vowed not to return the unmanned American stealth plane that it says it has.
"No nation welcomes other countries' spy drones in its territory, and no one sends back the spying equipment and its information back to the country of origin," said Gen. Hossein Salami, deputy commander of Iran's military, the semi-official Fars news agency reported Sunday.
"It makes no difference where this drone originated and which group or country sent it to invade our airspace," Salami said. "This was an act of invasion and belligerence."
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American officials have not confirmed that the drone shown in a video released last Thursday is a U.S. aircraft. But Pentagon spokesman George Little has said that an American drone is missing and had not been recovered.
Two U.S. officials have confirmed to CNN that the missing drone was part of a CIA reconnaissance mission that involved both the intelligence community and military personnel stationed in Afghanistan.
Iran's official Iran Republic News Agency said the country's armed forces had downed the drone near Kashmar, some 225 kilometers (140 miles) from the border with Afghanistan on December 4.
Salami said downing the plane was "very valuable for us" and "a victory for us and a defeat for our enemies," IRNA reported.
He also claimed Iran had downed other drones earlier but had not announced those instances because they were not as important.
Iranian TV has aired images of what it says is the drone, an apparently intact RQ-170 drone propped on a pedestal and triumphantly displayed.
One U.S. official said the United States can't be certain it's the real stealth drone, because U.S. personnel don't have access to it. But he added there's no reason to think it's a fake. However, a second senior U.S. military official said that a big question is to how the drone could have remained virtually intact given the high altitude it is believed to have crashed from.
The condition of the drone in the video suggests it was not shot down but suffered a system failure, aviation analyst Bill Sweetman said. There are no burn marks from a fire, no holes and no outward damage. Sweetman noticed a dent along the leading edge but doesn't know what that means.
"It's fairly clear here from the pictures that the outer wings have been separated. The question is, did that happen in the accident or (did they take) them off to move the aircraft?" Sweetman asked.
Iran's U.N. ambassador said in a letter last week that the drone flew 250 kilometers (150 miles) into Iranian territory "to the northern region of the city of Tabas."
The letter from Ambasador Mohammad Khazaee to U.N. Secretary-Genera Ban Ki-moon and the heads of the General Assembly and Security Council said the drone "faced prompt and forceful action" by the armed forces.
"My government emphasizes that this blatant and unprovoked air violation by the United States government is tantamount to an act of hostility against the Islamic Republic of Iran in clear contravention of international law, in particular, the basic tenets of the United Nations Charter," Khazaee's letter said.
He called for U.N. condemnation of U.S. "acts of aggression," as well as "clear and effective measures to be taken to put an end to these dangerous and unlawful acts in line with the United Nations' responsibilities to maintain international and regional peace and security."
发表于 2011-12-13 12:09 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-12-13 12:46 | 显示全部楼层
fanancai 发表于 2011-12-13 12:09
什么啊,凭什么说那是美国的?说不定是中国人山寨的呢,山寨不好,飞偏了。美国的东西哪有那么差呢。{:soso ...

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-13 20:21 | 显示全部楼层

5isummer于2011-12-13 16:35:49翻译http://article.yeeyan.org/view/128908/239551

(CNN报道)--周一奥巴马总统发布声明要求伊朗归还在伊朗境内击落的美国无人战斗机。 “我们已经要求他们归还,我们在等待伊朗人会如何回应,“,奥巴马在一个新闻发布会上说道,当时旁边坐着伊拉克首相马利基。                                  


法斯通讯社周日报道:伊朗军队副司令Gen. Hossein Salami说:”没有国家会欢迎其他国家的间谍飞机进入自己的领土,也不会有国家会归还间谍工具及其窃取的信息“。



 “飞机被击落的正确处理方式应该是马上介入并且摧毁它,"曾经为George W.Bush 服务过的共和党人告诉CNN的记者Erin Burnett说。“你在空中就可以完成这个打击,这样的话能够有效的阻止伊朗从中获得有效的信息。”                                


以为美国官方人员表明目前还不能完全证实上周四在伊朗媒体中曝光的无人战斗机的确是美国的。但是五角大楼发言人George Little证实有一架美国无人机失踪,目前还没有找到。







根绝视频里的飞机状况可以分析出它应该不是被击落的,是系统出现了问题,飞行分析专家分Bill Sweetman析道。表面没有火的灼烧的痕迹,没有洞眼已没有外伤。Sweetman注意到飞机前沿部位有一个凹痕,但是不知道这能够说明什么问题。



大使MohammadKhazaee寄给联合国秘书Genera Ban Ki-moon及其它联合国安全理事会的信件中说道:伊朗军方将对无人机事件采取持续升级的强硬的行动。


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