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[翻译完毕] 【纽约客12.13】让普京意外的批评者:中国人民(中国人民又被代表了!)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-14 11:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2011-12-14 14:15 编辑

Putin’s Surprise Critics: the Chinese Masses Posted by Evan Osnos
   Even as anti-Putin protesters filled the streets, and a challenger stepped forward, Vladimir Vladimirovich has counted on the friendship of old comrades. And, sure enough, China’s Foreign Ministry signalled its fulsome support last week: the election results were “universally affirmed” by observers, it said—and “China respects the choice of the Russian people.” In case there was any doubt, the founder of China’s anti-Nobel Prize—the Confucius Peace Prize—named Putin this year’s winner, because “he has a righteous heart.”
And at the grassroots? Feelings toward Putin and his people is, well, less welcoming. “Take the party back, take dictatorship back and take Leninism back,” a commentator calling himself “Headmaster II” posted to the Russian Embassy’s Chinese feed the other day. Another added: “Russia is shameless. Putin is manipulating the elections.”
  There are thousands of these kinds of messages stacked up, the BBC monitoring service discovered, and it’s safe to assume this was not the reaction that the Russian Embassy in Beijing had in mind when it debuted on Weibo, the Chinese Twitter, earlier this month with the message: “Hello everyone! This is the Russian Embassy in China!… All are welcome to follow us!”  People did not miss the opportunity: “I don’t like Russia. First of all, it robbed us of our territories. (Just google ‘border skirmishes’) Secondly, it massacred my compatriots. Thirdly, its disastrous influence continues to this day!” the journalist Chen Baocheng wrote on Weibo.
What are we to make of this? If the Chinese online public were on the couch, its shrink might suggest it is projecting. This surge of anti-Russian sentiment is a Trojan horse for liberals, according to those most on guard against them, their nationalist opponents. “Those who have been verbally abusing [Russia] are none other than China’s opposition camp,” as a member of the M4.cn nationalist website put it, using the sniffy term for Chinese liberals.
He has a point. Going after another country’s electoral farce is a convenient opportunity for some in China, especially, when it carries Moscow’s unique symbolic overtones. It probably won’t affect Chinese policy—don’t expect to see the Confucius Prize retracted—but Chinese leaders have become more sensitive to the online rantings of their people in recent years, so this might dampen some of the Party’s congratulations of Putin the days ahead. Even the reliable People’s Daily gave a nudge to its yesterday, urging Moscow to “adapt itself to the broadening list of demands … and learn how to practice power in a healthy and rational manner.”

Read more http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/evanosnos/2011/12/putins-surprise-critics-the-chinese-masses.html#ixzz1gTYd4l00

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