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[焦点关注] 利比亚当地时间消息(昨日)

发表于 2011-12-31 22:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
13:06 - According Chabab Libya in Sirte, the sniper of the cell “Thaer Sirte” of the Liberation Army of Libya has targeted one of the battalion commanders of the rebels in eastern Libya. He killed him near the administrative complex.
13:06-根据沙巴卜利比亚苏尔特,单个的狙击手"Thaer 苏尔特"的解放利比亚军队的目标的叛乱分子在利比亚东部营指挥官之一。他杀了他行政大楼附近。
21:45 - According to Akhbar Libya has sent a message to the resistance to free soldiers of the army of the Libyan rebels imprisoned by Jomo Souk in a stable of horses at Jomo Souk. They are tortured by the rebels with the worst methods of torture. The Sniper Sirte (December 29, 2011)
21:45-根据消息报利比亚已经发送一条消息,免费的乔莫苏格在一个稳定的乔莫苏格马匹被监禁,利比亚叛乱分子的军队士兵抵抗。他们是最糟糕的酷刑方法叛乱分子的酷刑。狙击手苏尔特 (2011 年 12 月 29 日)
21:46 - According to Akhbar Libya at Zouara, the resignation of the chairman of the local military NTC city Zouara The latest protests against the NTC suspected of corruption.
21:46-依法在 Zouara,当地的军事 NTC 城抗议涉嫌贪污的 NTC 的最新的 Zouara 主席辞职的消息报利比亚。
12:25 - According to Libya, the fighters of the Liberation Army of Libya Sabha to have targeted a checkpoint, killing two rebels.
12:25-依法利比亚,利比亚院有目标明确的检查点,杀害两名反叛分子解放部队的战士。利比亚 — — 绿色抗杀死一营长在院 (2011 年 12 月 29 日)
22:35 - According to Akhbar Libya, the fighters of the Liberation Army of Libya carried out the battalion commander Sabha called “Abdel Salem Khalifa” and have injured his two companions following clashes in the city of High School .
22:35-依法利比亚消息报、 解放利比亚军队战机营长院称为"· 阿卜杜勒 · 萨利姆 · 哈利法"进行,有受伤高中市发生冲突的两个同伴。利比亚 — — 当地的军事 NTC Zouara (2011 年 12 月 29 日) 主席辞职
22:38 - According to Akhbar Libya, Benghazi, the building of the judicial security was attacked by fighters of the Liberation Army of Libya. No record of casualties so far.
Libya – A new operation for a hotel in Benghazi (December 30, 2011)
22:38-依法利比亚消息报、 班加西,解放利比亚军队的战士的袭击司法安全建设。到目前为止的伤亡没有记录。利比亚 — — 新的操作,酒店在班加西 (2011 年 12 月 30 日)
22:39 - According to Akhbar Libya, Dr. Hamza Touhami said Saadi Gaddafi has all the means and he can move at any time and the rebels are very afraid of him.
22:39-据消息报利比亚,博士喉塞音符 Touhami 说萨阿迪卡扎菲了一切手段和他可以在任何时间和叛军都很怕他。换句话说,萨阿迪卡扎菲是绿色的阻力。利比亚 — — 抗绿色班加西 (2011 年 12 月 30 日) 的操作
23:32 - According to Akhbar Libya, Benghazi, the fighters of the Liberation Army of Libya attacked the rebels who were guarding the hotel Tibesti. They killed five rebels.
Libya - An operation of the resistance to Sabha (December 30, 2011)
23:32-依法利比亚消息报、 班加西、 解放利比亚军队战机袭击看守酒店提贝斯提叛乱分子。他们杀死了五个叛乱分子。利比亚-抗院 (2011 年 12 月 30 日) 的操作
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