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发表于 2012-10-25 14:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-10-25 14:42 编辑


From Picasso to Qi Baishi--Christie’s and Sotheby’s are getting a smaller share of an expanding pie

SLURRING is a method used by auctioneers to build excitement and anxiety among the bidding crowd. It uses carefully crafted phrases that create an illusion of rising intensity, such as “One dollar. Now two. Will you give me three? Do I hear four?” to put pressure on bidders and boost the final price.

Yet buyers in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland have in recent years needed little encouragement. Sales in the region have soared from €691m ($859m) in 2004 to €9.8 billion last year (though the first half of this year was weak). Artprice, a research firm, reckons that Picasso, long the world’s most expensive artist, was knocked off the top spot in 2011 by two hitherto lesser-known Chinese painters, Zhang Daqian and Qi Baishi (one of whose pieces, pictured on the next page, sold in Beijing last year for $65m).




Art auctions had long been dominated by two houses established in 18th-century London, Sotheby’s and Christie’s. But the surging demand from China’s new rich for art—increasingly, Chinese art—has led to the emergence of two Beijing-based giants, Poly and Guardian, whose combined sales of Chinese art are now near twice those of the London duo. Overall, art sales in China are now 30% of worldwide sales, up from 9% in 2008. Though the Chinese pair have only 26 years’ experience between them, compared with the four centuries the Western duo have amassed, they have been quick learners. Last year their combined revenues were $3.1 billion, up from $397m in 2008.

The two Chinese challengers have interesting pedigrees. Poly’s owner is China Poly Group Corporation, a state-owned defence manufacturer better known for artillery than art.



Guardian was set up by Wang Yannan, daughter of Zhao Ziyang, the Chinese Communist Party leader until he was purged during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. Unlike Poly, it seeks to emulate its Western peers. “Guardian is far more transparent than Poly. I can get my head around this firm,” says Clare Mc Andrew of Arts Economics, a consultancy.

So far Western firms have been doing quite nicely running their Chinese art auctions from Hong Kong, though now Sotheby’s is seeking to enter the mainland, by means of a joint venture with Gehua, a smaller mainland auction house. The head of Christie’s in Asia, François Curiel, is sceptical of its rival’s move, arguing that to sell art to mainland Chinese buyers free of import taxes, Sotheby’s would need an auction licence from the government—which no Western firm has yet been given. Ms Mc Andrew also sees no sign of this changing, though of course Sotheby’s may be betting on the longer term.

嘉德则是由因1989年TAM事件下台的中共领导人赵ZY女儿王雁南创立的。与保利不同的是,嘉德竭力仿效西方同行。“嘉德远比比保利透明。我了解并且接受这家拍卖行,”来自市场咨询公司Arts Economics的Clare Mc Andrew认为。 目前为止尽管西方拍卖行在香港相当成功的经营中国艺术品拍卖,苏富比还是在寻求进入大陆市场,方法是与较小的大陆拍卖行歌华合资经营。佳士得亚洲掌门人Franois Curiel则质疑竞争对手的举动,如果想给大陆买家免进口税销售艺术品,苏富比需要取得目前没有任何一家西方公司获得过的、政府颁发的拍卖牌照。Mc Andrew女士认为目前看不到政策改变的任何迹象,显然苏富比是在为未来下赌注。

The art market in China is not entirely a pretty picture. For a start, some local auction houses seem to be wildly exaggerating their sales to big themselves up. The Chinese Association of Auctioneers reckons that $885m-worth of 2010’s reported sales have not been paid for, and may thus not have taken place. Worse, the recent sharp downturn—ArtTactic reckons auction sales in China, including Hong Kong, fell 32% between autumn 2011 and spring of this year—may prove to be more than just a blip.

China’s auction market is much like other types of business in that country. Statistics are unreliable and the government gives local firms—often owned by the state itself or those with high-up connections—unfair advantages over foreigners. Even so, as with all sorts of other industries, from carmaking to consumer goods, Chinese consumers are splashing so much money about that it is too big an opportunity for Western firms to ignore.



Darwins Toothpick  

For more than half a century Zhang Daqian and Qi Baishi are internationally well known Chinese painters. That the writer of this article calls them “two hitherto lesser-known Chinese painters” shows that he has never opened any art book on Chinese art in general because as a matter of course some examples of their paintings will have been printed in them.
Nevertheless it is sad that this work of Qi Baishi fetched such a high price. This is really not his best work. He was already very old when he painted it. He wasn’t critical enough of his own work anymore and the large format got the best of him. In my view he was also not as good as a bird painter.
Shu Hua Shuo Ling (1714-1779) in his “Scrapbook For Chinese Collectors” as translated by R.H. Van Gulik, writes on judging paintings;

-------------译者:daisyhe17 -------------

“If the personality is there, and the picture is also of high quality, that means that the artist achieved full self-expression, though modeling his work after the methods of the ancients.
If the personality is there but the picture not beautiful, it means that the artist was too intent, and thus could not rise above his media and his subject.
Pictures lacking both personality and beauty are mere daubs.
Pictures without personality but yet beautiful point to natural talent.”
I’m afraid this work falls into the second category. But just like in the West people with too much money often lack character and taste. They only want to show off with buying the work of a well established name. I am afraid that much paintings of 20th century well known Chinese artists are overpriced.

Westerners still believe their contribution to art, literature, philosophy etc, which are very subjective areas, are greater than East Asian. Just wishfull thinking.

radwrite in reply to EcoNguyen
Wishful thinking ?
So why have the Asians spent the last several decades trying to make their own societies more like the West ?

EcoNguyen in reply to radwrite
It is called modernizing. Many Westerners, like you, like to believe that modernizing mean westernized. No, it is not. Most of East Asian countries now are far more advanced technologically (though not economically) than most of western countries now, but culturally, they are more Easternized than several decades ago.
For example, despite of current Sino-Vietnam conflict, if you go to bookstore in Vietnam, you will find that most books on philosophy are from classical Chinese philosophers; Chinese classic romances and novels are dominating, unlike several decades ago. The intelligentsia now like to quote from Chinese classic, not from Western classic, still unlike several decades ago, when Vietnam was colonized by France and the US in the South, as well as under Soviet influence in the North.

李刚s son in reply to EcoNguyen
unfortunately for your argument, if you are a university graduate from any of China's tier 1 universities, most the scholars you read are from the west. Then the kick ass job you get upon graduation will want you to dress like you're from the west as well. I do believe modernization and westernization are not the same. That as well contradicts what you are saying.

Phillip SK Wong in reply to 李刚s son
This is funny, but no. Chinese see modernization as internationalization, and not westernization. Secondly, I really would say science, engineering and economics as western, because for obvious reasons, they don 't infuse culture. They are biases free

Phillip SK Wong in reply to 李刚s son
I think you are a racist white guy pretending to be Chinese.

李刚s son in reply to Phillip SK Wong
You obviously failed to understand my comment. Go back and try again. Hang in there champ.

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