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[透析评论] 清理纳粹已经在三个大陆开始

发表于 2012-11-27 17:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
by Benjamin Fulford, Nov 27, 2012
本杰明 富尔福德 2012年11月27日

原文网址: http://shortcutfilm.blogspot.sg/2012/11/new-fulford-report_26.html

There are signs everywhere now that a political logjam has been broken now that the new Chinese government has been installed and that swift changes will unfolding worldwide in the coming weeks. The signs include a massive purge of the Nazi (Sabbatean) faction in the US, Europe and, coming soon, Japan. In addition, US troops have been placed in Egypt, on Israel’s border, in order to force the Zionist terrorist regime to stop its superstitious, apocalyptic attempts to start WW3. We also have the pope announcing publicly that Jesus was not born on December 25, and that Christmas was based on a pagan solar festival.
现在到处都有迹象表明政治僵局现在已经被打破,新一届中国政府已经上台,快速的变化将会在未来几周内在世界范围内展开。那些迹象包括大规模净化在美国、欧洲的纳粹(Sabbatean)派系,  并且很快净化日本纳粹派系。此外,美国军队已经部署到埃及境内以色列边境上,为了强迫诺斯替恐怖政权停止其迷信的启示录的发动第三次世界大战的企图。我们也看到教皇公开宣布了耶稣不是出生在12月25日,圣诞是建立在一个异教的太阳节基础上。

In Europe six members of the P2 Freemason lodge were arrested by Berlusconi allies in what is expected to be a futile attempt by Berlusconi to place himself back into power, Vatican sources say. In Russia, meanwhile, a purge has begun, starting with a top general, after a recent attempt to assassinate President Putin with Polonium, according to European intelligence sources.
梵蒂冈的消息来源说,在欧洲,P2  lodge共济会的六名成员被贝卢斯科尼的盟友(前意大利总理)逮捕,是为了企图让贝卢斯科尼本人回到权力位置上,预期这是徒劳。同时,根据欧洲情报机构消息来源,在俄罗斯,清洗已经开始了,以一个顶级将军开刀,这个将军最近企图用钋(放射性化学元素)来暗杀总统普京。

The efforts to kick-start the new financial system have also moved into high gear.
The moves to start the new financial system are taking place on several fronts. In Indonesia, Neil Keenan continues to try to finalize his attempt to get approval to mobilize the assets behind the global collateral accounts but seems to be running into interference from a rival faction. In Japan, Shinzo Abe, the man expected to be Prime Minister after December 16th, has talked about changing the Bank of Japan law to access funds. This could mean releasing to the world the 7000 trillion yen in funds sitting in the BOJ’s books. In other parts of Asia, arrangements are being made to use giant imperial gold caches to finance mega-projects. We have detailed, concrete knowledge of these plans but, in order to avoid sabotage, cannot report them at this point.

The new Chinese government, for its part, is pushing ahead with its plans to replace the dollar with a new gold and asset backed international trading currency.

In addition to that, a major move is being made by the North American oligarchs to try to get Asian countries to switch from using Middle-Eastern oil to North American oil. This would help reduce the overall North American trade deficit with the region and provide hard cash to continue funding US government international operations. It would also help remove cash flow to the war-mongering factions.

The purge of the war-mongering faction in the US has started with the firing of 24 generals but that is just a beginning say officials affiliated with the FBI. The following directive from Obama marked the beginning of a systematic purge of Sabbatean fifth columnists from US government institutions:

Obama also showed his allegiance to the Dragon family by flying to Asia immediately after the US election in order to thank them for financing his re-election and preventing vote theft by the Romney/Nazi faction. A photograph of him bowing deeply to a Dragon family boss has been widely circulated among world leaders. In addition to that, he was publicly called the equivalent of a servant by the wife of Cambodia’s leader during his visit there.

Another sign that things have changed is reports the pentagon is thinking of selling a US airbase in the mid-Atlantic Azores Islands to China. Such a move would mark a clear indication the Pentagon does not view China as a threat but rather as a partner. Another visible sign of this change is the fact the Chinese were able to “convince” the makers of the movie “Red Dawn” to make the villains North Koreans instead of Chinese. The Soviets never had such clout when the original “Red Dawn” was made during the cold war.
另外一个表明事情已经改变了的迹象是,五角大楼正考虑将在大西洋中部的亚速尔群岛的美军空军基地卖给中国。这个举动将清楚的表明五角大楼不把中国看做成威胁,而是一个伙伴。这个改变的另外一个可见的迹象是,中国成功“说服”电影“红色曙光”(Red Dawn)的制片人用朝鲜来替代中国扮演反派角色。冷战期间原版“红色曙光“(1984年)制作的时候,苏联可没有这样的影响力。【2】

In Russia, the heart of the former Soviet Union, the purge of remnant high level Nazi agents begun by Putin got a reboot recently after some top generals were arrested after an attempt to poison Putin with Polonium. It was Cuban agent, who also protected Fidel Castro from many poisoning attempts, who alerted Putin to the plot, according to a European intelligence source. The recent illness of Fidel Castro was also due to a poisoning attempt, this source says.

The Netherlands intelligence services have also joined the intensified hunt to purge Europe of Nazi influence. Sources linked to them published the following document which, though it covers some old ground, also reveals plenty of previously hidden names and connections between various Nazi higher ups:

New leads have also come to light in the hunt for the murderers of Dr. Michael Van de Meer. A lady going by the internet name of Christine N. tried to convince this writer, after Van de Meer died, that she had “confirmed” that he had merely been given a new identity. It turns out Christine N. fronts for David Eisenhower, the grandson of President Eisenhower, according to CIA sources. David Eisenhower needs to be questioned about why he put out this disinformation. Eisenhower has been illegally trading Kennedy for years now. Van de Meer was killed just before he was going try to legally trade some Kennedy bonds.
寻找谋杀Michael Van de Meer博士的凶手的进展也曝光了。一位网名叫Christine N.的夫人在Van de Meer死后企图说服笔者,她已经证实Van de meer仅仅是被给予了一个新身份。根据一个CIA的消息来源说,结果是Christine N.是大卫艾森豪威尔的马前卒,大卫艾森豪威尔是美国艾森豪威尔总统的孙子。大卫艾森豪威尔需要被质疑为什么他释放这以假消息。现在艾森豪威尔一直非法交易肯尼迪的债券,现在已经很多年了。就在Van de Meer将要试着合法的交易一些肯尼迪之前,他被杀了。

Bush Nazi stooge Mitt Romney, meanwhile, has been linked to the daughter of former KGB head Yuri Andropov and the looted Alpha Omega funds of the former Soviet Union. The Alpha Omega fund was the only route companies in the West could use to finance trade with the Soviet Bloc during the cold war. Yurin Andropov supervised Alpha Omega until his death. After he died, these funds were looted by Bush/Gorbachev et al, leading to the fall of the Soviet Union.
布什纳粹傀儡罗姆尼,同时,也与前苏联克格勃领导人Yuri Andropov的女儿有牵连,与抢夺前苏联的Alpha Omega资金有关连。Alpha Omega资金是冷战期间西方的常规公司能够使用资助与苏联集团的贸易的唯一资金。Yurin Andropov一直到死都监管着Alpha Omega资金。在他死后,这些资金被布什/戈尔巴乔夫等抢夺,导致了苏联的解体。

Mike Cottrell, who was part of that operation, was in the room when my colleague Christopher Story was fed the poisoned sandwich that killed him. Cottrell has also been linked to attempts to frame this writer as a drug dealer. This in turn links him with “Ambassador Stevens” and the March 11, 2011 nuclear terror attack on Japan.
Mike Cottrell, 也是那个行动的一部分,当我的同事Christopher Story吃了有毒的三明治致死的时候,他也在那个房间里。Cottrell也与企图陷害笔者是一个毒品贩子有关。这也依次将他与“大使史蒂芬斯“和2011年3111日本核和海啸袭击联系起来。

The trail of all of these actors of course ultimately leads to the Bush family and other high level Nazis. The Bushes have been eavesdropped as saying that Neil Keenan and Benjamin Fulford were “problems.” The Bushes have been known to assassinate such “problem” people with great frequency. What the Bushes need to realize that their entire family is being followed and listened to 24/7. A lot of people would like to completely eliminate from all levels of existence the entire Bush bloodline. These people have been following this bloodline throughout its name changes from Peci to Pearce to Scherff to Bush. Our suggestion to the Bushes is to lay low.

All of these cabalists need to realize the FBI and other agencies are after them and will be a lot less forgiving than the White Dragon Society. The WDS is only asking that they testify before a South African style truth and reconciliation committee before the time where that is possible runs out.

Speaking about time running out, the recent statement by the pope that the church does not know the birthday of Jesus Christ and that Christmas was timed to coincide with a pagan solar new year’s festival, could be very significant. The pope also said Christ was probably born a few years earlier than the Christian calendar year 0. This may mean the Vatican has agreed to the idea of starting a new world calendar and turning December 25th, 2012 into January 1st of the year 0. We shall soon find out.


【2】电影红色曙光电影在1984年公映, 讲的苏联人入侵美国, 伟大的美国人民英勇抗争, 最后彻底战胜了他们. 2009年的重拍, 没有苏联了, 那么侵略者是谁呢? 中国吧. 电影本来计划2010年11月公映的,因为资金问题一直没有推出这部电影, 现在又决定对电影进行修改, 把中国侵略军改成北朝鲜。

【3】Poof在11月25日的更新中说一切都已经井然有序(in order),翻译一段

Time was always on our side. The losers can always be spotted by their bad behavior. As long as the old folks stuck to the plan, they'd take a shot of oxygen and do their jobs. Who knew, it would take so many D9's to keep the runway clear? Many folks lost their power and freedom in the last few weeks, you just didn't hear about it.
(译注:最近两三周时间,移除镣铐网站,sheldan nidle,2012scenario网站的steve beckow,都被要求噤声,其中sheldan nidle上周的信息解释得最清楚,移除镣铐网站的暗示最乐观。可见幕后还是有很多事情上演的。)

发表于 2012-11-27 22:46 | 显示全部楼层
这篇一边看 一边想 累脑子 看完发觉上当{:soso_e123:}
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发表于 2012-11-28 17:00 | 显示全部楼层


以色列计划:比"铁穹"反导系统还厉害的“大卫投石器”系统导弹头为什么设计成弯曲?其实这种导弹昵称为“Stunner”,里面是没有炸药的,并专门设计成海豚嘴的形状,因为其中安装有最先进的雷达感应装置,可以持续追踪来袭目标直到撞击为止。以色列人将其形象地称为“硬碰硬”。 http://url.cn/5hdltu






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