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发表于 2012-12-7 11:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
LONDON — "We know no spectacle so ridiculous," opined the great nineteenth-century historian, Thomas Babington Macauley, "as the British public in one of its periodic fits of morality." But for sheer ridiculousness, few spectacles are quite so grimly moronic as the American media plunging overboard in one of its periodic obsessions with the British House of Windsor. The news -- to use the term in its most limited sense -- that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge expect their first child to arrive on this Earth sometime next summer is sending a good part of the American press into a familiar frenzy of twittering, fluttering excitement.

伦敦——“我们都知道不会出现如此可笑的情况,”伟大的19世纪历史学家托马斯 巴宾顿如此观察到,“这种好笑的情况就好像英国公众所发生的周期性道德癫狂一样。”但是美国的新闻媒体们又开始对英国的温莎皇室产生了周期性的迷恋,而美国媒体的这种迷恋真的是很愚蠢,没有人可以比得上。最近又出了一个新闻——其实也不算是什么大新闻——那就是剑桥公爵和公爵夫人在明年夏天的时候可能会生出他们的第一个孩子,而这个使新闻媒体们疯狂并且激动不已,美国媒体的这种情绪似乎在以前也出现过。

There will be a baby! Not just any baby -- a royal baby! Could anything be finer or more deserve front-page coverage? Were I an American, I suspect I should find this contemptible; as a Briton, I make do with considering it laughable.


Mark Twain was surely right. "Unquestionably the person that can get lowest down in cringing before royalty and nobility, and can get most satisfaction out of crawling on his belly before them, is an American. Not all Americans, but when an American does it he makes competition impossible." Consider, too, that Twain never had the pleasure of witnessing American morning television and its ridiculous habit of fawning over, successively, Prince William's engagement, his marriage to Kate Middleton and now, the happy news that the next stage of the succession is on the point of being secured.

马克 吐温是对的。“如果说有谁会降低自己的身份在皇家和贵族的面前阿谀奉承并且通过膜拜皇家和贵族而得到满足感的话,那么这个人肯定是美国人,这么做的当然不仅仅只有美国人,但是当一个美国人这么做时,没有人可以在这一点上打败美国人。”我们可以想见,马克吐温可能从来不看美国早间的电视新闻,也不会喜欢看电视节目上出现的有关奉承威廉王子约会的无聊新闻,或者也不喜欢看威廉王子和凯特王妃的婚礼,当然也不喜欢电视上正在播出了有关他们两个要生孩子从而英国皇室又有接班人的新闻了。

I recall experiencing some of this first-hand. When Queen Elizabeth enjoyed a state visit to Washington in the summer of 2007, you should have seen the palaver. I lived in Washington in those days and was mildly taken aback by all the upper-crust hysteria. My, how members of the imperial capital's elite scrambled for the merest glimpse of royal flesh. At a garden party hosted by the British embassy, members of Congress and what remains of (or passes for) Georgetown society could have been mistaken for teenage girls queuing for tickets to see One Direction. (Tough-hearted British journalists, of course, did their best to hide their amusement at this spectacle behind a mask of laconic detachment.) Needless to say, this didn't happen when other heads-of-state came to town.


The American fascination with the British royals is hardly new, even if it has been magnified and encouraged by a culture ever more in thrall to celebrity and an age in which trivia and gossip are privileged by carrying around Google on your phone. Much of the rot set in with Princess Diana, whose "fairytale" wedding to Prince Charles descended into a gruesome -- if compelling -- soap opera.


Diana's death was, if you will, as tragic as it was useful. She died before her story became too tawdry. Her demise allowed attention to pass to the next generation and, befitting his status in the line of succession, to Prince William in particular. Here was a photogenic and responsible royal, whose rise could redeem the family's tarnished brand, offering fresh hope and, above all, a fresh storyline.


His wedding in the summer of 2011 to Kate Middleton -- a commoner, no less! What a fairytale! -- was an event crying out for mawkish excess. American television, ever ready on this front, fell upon the challenge in splendid style. The morning shows decamped to London for a week of newlywed overkill. As purveyors of mindless tommyrot at the best of times, "Good Morning America" was in its element as it offered Americans the opportunity to gawk at all the princely finery, pomp, and flummery on display in Ye Olde London Town.

威廉王子在2011年夏天的时候和凯特 米德尔顿结婚,凯特只是一个平民,真是童话般的故事啊!这次的婚礼也得到了人们过度的关注,多的令人作呕。美国的电视台早就做好了准备,并且尽全力来报道这次婚礼。一些美国电视台的新闻秀节目早就跑到伦敦去进行为期一周的新婚报道。这些无聊的美国新闻媒体们终于碰上了最好的时机,其中《早安美国》这档节目就发挥了自己的独特优势,为美国观众提供了这次盛况空前的婚礼。

A writer for Entertainment Weekly dryly reported that "NBC had a graphic in the upper right corner of its screen: "‘Countdown to the Kiss.' The network didn't realize it should have made that plural. When the freshly spliced William and Kate went in for a second smooch on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, I think I heard Barbara Walters gasp on ABC."

一位娱乐周刊的记者冷冰冰的写道“NBC电视节目的右上方出现了一个标志:‘接吻倒计时。’这家电视台并没有意识到应该把kiss写成复数(kisses)才对。当威廉王子和凯特出现在白金汉宫阳台上准备进行第二次接吻时,我好像听到了芭芭拉 沃尔特在ABC电视节目上的喘气声。”

A gasp! An honest-to-goodness gasp! Some people are too easily impressed. And so it continues. The Daily Beast -- helmed by the indefatigable British import Tina Brown -- publishes a blog titled "The Royalist," which, "updated several times daily" is deemed "essential eyeballing for fans of the world's most famous family." There is something ghastly about this.

气喘吁吁!一个纯洁的喘气声!有些人就特别容易被别人感动。到这里,故事还没有结束。野兽日报——由不屈不挠的英国人蒂娜 布朗掌舵——建立了一个题名为“保皇主义者”的博客,每天博客都会更新好几次,人们称这个博客为“世界上最著名皇室的粉丝们必须要关注的博客。”听起来都让人觉得不寒而栗。

Ghastly but not, alas, un-American. There is no novelty in observing that much of American culture thirsts for dynasties and aristocracy to an extent and with a prominence that is sometimes hard to find in the United Kingdom. To cite Twain again: "We have to be despised by somebody whom we regard as above us or we are not happy; we have to have somebody to worship and envy or we cannot be content. In America we manifest this in all the ancient and customary ways. In public we scoff at titles and hereditary privilege but privately we hanker after them, and when we get a chance we buy them for cash and a daughter."



 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-7 11:48 | 显示全部楼层

The American media should in no way be taken as representative as the American public.  I shudder when I think of the world thinking Americans are what they see on "Friends," "Jersey Shore," etc.
1 HOUR AGOReplyLike


"Nobody ever lost money underestimating the taste of the American public!" H.L.Mencken, 1923.  See the video "Prince Charles Hypocrite".
5 HOURS AGOReplyLike

“没有人会因为低估美国公众的品味而受到损失!”H.L.Mencken, 1923。看看这个视频《伪君子查尔斯王子》

I think its all just harmless entertainment, like when Romans used to travel to Greece to see Athens and observe Spartan traditional rites and practices. Perhaps its because core elements of both American and Roman culture come from the other. All educated Romans learned the Iliad and Odyssey as core texts, and Americans (at least used) to read Shakespeare in a similar fashion.
5 HOURS AGOReplyLike


Ah, "The Firm" as the Royals are called,... flubbed it the 1st time w/Diana, but has regained the upper hand with Wills & Kate...good luck to them...The Duchess's new child, (a female) will surely inherit the Throne one day...
5 HOURS AGOReplyLike


No need to criticize the Yanks. We escaped monarchy.
7 HOURS AGOReplyLike


There appears to be some correlation between high ranking on the UN's Human Development Index and those countries that enjoy constitutional monarch as head of state. Doesn't imply causation, but nevertheless does address the issue of whether some forms of monarchy are progressive or not.
Constitutional monarchies:  http://www.cbc.ca/news/bigpicture/queen/con_monarchies.html
UN Human Development Index: http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/human_development.htm
7 HOURS AGOReplyLike


janzvolens 回复JohnNew
Much of the prosperity which favors the tolerance for aristocracy in Britain, Netherlands, Danemark, Belgium - was achieved across many generations that enslaved and plundered most of the world. The Danes transported and sold only 100,000 Africans into Slavery, the Belgians amputed the hands of their slaves in the Congo - if they did not produce enough gold. Netherlands crimes spread across the Americas, Africa and Asia-Pacific. As for Britain - their empire even allowed them to buy the poor aristocrats that formed the beginning of the "House of Windsor" (renamed 1914 from "Battenberg"). The ancestors of the current clutch of Windsors came from what Churchil wrote "musty and rigid" small-town principalities in GERMANY : The "House of Windsor" is really the mix of the "Sachsen-Gotha-Coburg-Hanover-Schleswig".
5 HOURS AGOReplyLike


JohnNew 回复janzvolens
Bloody history for many constitutional monarchies and republics alike - including America and Brasil, etc. However, reference is to current UN HDI and current constitutional monarchies.
Correlation not same as causation and impossible to be certain whether having monarch aided wealth creation or wealth creation favours retention of monarchy.
At least in Canada, anglo-saxon and recent immigrant working class appear to be firm supporters of Queen of Canada, along with our Indigenous "First Nations", for whom their relationship with the Monarch is one of being an ally and not a subject.
5 HOURS AGOReplyLike


Simple enough really.  In America the "Elites" are self appointed.  They appoint one another might be a better description.  Not very different from the in crowd in high school, only not as legitimate.
The "Royals" are legit.  No One can question that.  The self appointed elites will always have a dark center of doubt that they are elite.  So of course they worship those whose Elitism is above question.
The only way to stop the nonsense is with a Committee For Public Safety.
To do what is easy is nothing. Greatness requires doing what is hard.


Blah blah blah

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