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发表于 2012-12-10 11:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The homeless man who was photographed inbeing given a pair of boots by a New York Citypolice officer in Times Square on a bitterly cold night last month was spottedon the Upper West Side on Sunday. And he wasonce again barefoot.


"Those shoes are hidden," JeffreyHillman, the 54-year-old homeless man, told the New York Times. "They areworth a lot of money."

“那些鞋子藏起来了,”54岁的无家可归男子Jeffrey Hillman这样和纽约时报说道,“他们值很多钱呢。”

On Nov. 14, NYPD officer Lawrence DePrimo,who was on counterterrorism duty in Times Square,saw Hillman without shoes sitting on 42nd  Street. DePrimo, 25, left and then returned with apair of $100 boots he bought at a nearby Skechers store, knelt down and gavethem to Hillman.

在十一月十四日,纽约警察局的一名警官Lawrence DePrimo在时代广场执行反恐巡逻的时候看到了Jeffrey Hillman光着脚坐在42大街上。25岁的Lawrence DePrimo离开了那里,并在回来的时候拿了一双他在就近商场买的价值100美金的鞋子,弯下膝盖把这双鞋给了Jeffrey Hillman。

The random act of kindness was captured oncamera by an Arizonatourist, who emailed the photo to the NYPD. It was then posted on the NYPD'sFacebook page and soon went viral, generating more than 600,000"likes," 47,000 comments and countless warmed hearts.


Hillman--an army veteran and estrangedfather of two who said he's spent about 10 years homeless in New York--told theTimes he did not remember the photo being taken, but was aware of the attentionit's received.

Jeffrey Hillman—一个退伍老兵和疏远两个孩子的父亲,说他已经在纽约无家可归十年了—他告诉纽约时报说他不记得有人拍过这样的照片但是他感受到了自己受到的关注。

"I was put on YouTube," he toldthe paper. "I was put on everything without permission. What do I get?This went around the world and I want a piece of the pie."


"I appreciate what the officer did,don't get me wrong," Hillman added. "I wish there were more peoplelike him in the world."

“我欣赏警察所做的事情,不要误解我。” Jeffrey Hillman解释道。“我希望世界上有更多像他一样的人。”

Hillman's brother Kirk lives in Nazareth, Pa.,and according to the Daily Mail had not heard from since January.

Jeffrey Hillman的哥哥居住在拿撒勒,巴勒斯坦。更具每日邮报的报道自从一月之后就没有收到过他的来信。

"We love our brother very much," KirkHillman told the Daily News. "Our door is always open to him,but this is a lifestyle he's chosen."

“我很爱我的弟弟,” KirkHillman和每日新闻说道,“我们的大门总是向他敞开,但是这不是他想选择的生活方式。”


 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-10 11:16 | 显示全部楼层

Impeach Obama  •  46mins ago
Mental illness is a terrible thing.


Linda •  20 mins ago
All you can do is try. If you givesomething to someone, it's gone. The officer tried to help. This man didn't dothe best thing, which would have been to keep the boots and have warm feet.That's probably why he's homeless to start with. Poor decisions.


Tom •  33 mins ago
Some people do choose to be homeless. Iused to give day work to a homeless man in Florida who seemed as normal as anyone else.I never discussed why he was homeless but he seemed to be content with hissituation.


Old Geezer •  41 mins ago
Sadly there are to many Homeless Veteranswith Mental Illness that are not being helped with their Mental Illness!


DaveBliss •  37 mins ago
More than a third of the homeless in the US are mentallyill. It's not enough to provide shelter and food if the root cause isn't dealtwith.


Rob R •  8 mins ago
The fact remains that there are those whocannot be helped, no matter how you try.


♀  •  10 mins ago
And this is why I ignore beggars. I've seenit a thousand times...they tell you some made up sob story but in reality, theyjust want money for drugs and/or alcohol.


Use Your Brains, Ppl!  •  30mins ago
If you give money to poor people, it doesnot make them rich.


DEVIL IN DISGUISE  •  9mins ago
We are too busy spending our tax moneyhelping people in other countries that hate us. We are pathetic


GOPFAILURE •  29 mins ago
Unfortunately, there are MANY veterans whosuffer from GRAVE mental and emotional disorders brought on by life experiences(both in battle and otherwise).
Let us pray that this man be well.


Daniel L •  3 mins 14 secs ago
The cop did his part... Most homelesspeople are crazy, drug users, or both... Obviously this guy fits into one ofthose two categories...


Tinyurl Com\JulieRayz ...  •  6mins ago
Mental illness is a terrible disease. Noone choses to have a disease.


Mill57 •  11 mins ago
Homeless people make more money beingbarefoot while panhandling


Buddah •  16 mins ago
Many need help, but I was happy to read thewords, CHOSEN, because that's what it is.Others would have you believe it's societys fault, but in reality, it's thepersons decision.


Gary  •  37 mins ago
"Our door is always open to him, butthis is a lifestyle he's chosen." This is according to his brother. Sothis man has chosen to be a bum and live on the street.


Bob •  4 mins 2 secs ago
Poverty and homlessness IS A CHOICE !!!PERIOD !!!!


J •  4 mins 52 secs ago
He wants a piece of the pie. Apple,pumpkin,etc......?


Marcus L •  6 mins ago
And that is precisely why people get sojaded about helping other people. The shoes are gone because they're"worth a lot of money".


Herman •  12 mins ago
If you have kids, your best bet is spendingyour hard earned money on getting them through college so as to not create morebums.


Planet Of The Retards  •  11mins ago
Some people are so poor all they have ismoney and materialism.


Pacifico •  21 mins ago
Just proves you can't help some people....


T-Mama ♥ •  19 mins ago
How sad that this gift was not taken andreceived with gratitude.


Louis Cipher  •  49mins ago

"Those shoes are hidden," JeffreyHillman, the 54-year-old homeless man, told the New York Times. "They areworth a lot of money."
Used them to buy booze or drugs.

“那些鞋子藏起来了,”54岁的无家可归男子Jeffrey Hillman这样和纽约时报说道,“他们值很多钱呢。”

D M •  2 mins 44 secs ago
If this is what he wants. It is still afree country. What can I say..
You can only do so much. Then they musthelp themself.
God bless the Officer for trying to do theright thing.


T. Roll •  1 min 45 secs ago
Homeless for 10 years in New York City? Put that guy on"Survivor" - he could win the money without even trying.


Jax •  1 min 49 secs ago
I'm just thankful they weren't stolen. Thatwas my first thought when the cop gave them to him. A $5 pair at a thrift storewould be more appropriate.


John •  23 secs ago
Maybe this will help people understand thatthese guys aren't just "lazy", they're sick.


Rar •  13 mins ago
I guess he didn't need the boots after all.might not be homeless either


John L •  20 secs ago
move south, sandals are cheaper


Sir Cornman •  1 min 49 secs ago
Some people are beyond help, but thatshouldn't deter us from trying.

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