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发表于 2012-12-29 16:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I am an English speaking Chinese Singaporean. I have been reading this forum and talking to many Singaporeans (duh) and I just can't understand why some Singaporeans of Chinese ancestry say things such as "if you can't speak Chinese, you have lost your roots", "English is not our language" etc.
Let me make some points clear.


1. I am Singaporean, not Chinese. I have never been to China. My culture is Singaporean not Chinese. Anyone who has been to China will know Singapore culture and Chinese culture are like night and day, totally different. Our laws, medical system, social conventions, dressing, thinking, schools, transport, everything are TOTALLY DIFFERENT.

1. 我是新加坡人,不是中国人。我从来没去过中国。我生活在新加坡文化圈而不是中国文化圈。只要是去过中国的人一定会知道,新加坡文化和中国文化就像白昼与黑夜,完全不同。我们的法律,医疗系统,社会环境,穿衣,思考,学校,交通,所有的,完·全·不·同。

2. I, like all Singaporeans, grew up in school with English as our first language. I only use English at work and at home, since Singapore is runs on English. Our laws, newspapers and everything else are all in English.
I don't understand why under such an environment, some people still reject the use of English and speak Mandarin.

2. 就像所有的新加坡人一样,我也在英语为第一语言的学校中成长。我在家或者工作也只使用英语,因为新加坡都是用英语的。我们的法律,报纸和别的东西都是英语写的。我不理解为何在如此的环境下,那些人还是拒绝说英语并且说普通话。

3. English IS Singapore's language. Some Singaporeans reject English as a "foreign language", the language of the British and Americans etc and say that as "Chinese" we should speak Mandarin, our ancestral language, our "roots". This is just a very bigoted view which is based on ignorance.
If we subscribe to this "foreign language" argument, every English speaking country in the world except English would be speaking a "foreign language" and have lost their ancestral "roots"!
If we follow this argument, in Britain, the Welsh should speak Welsh. Scottish should speak Scots, those at Cornwal should speak Cornish. Those in Northern Ireland should speak Irish.
Ireland should speak Gaelic or Irish, not English, a "foreign" language from England.
Americans, who are mostly of Irish, Germans, Polish descent would all be speaking a "foreign language". After all, they should speak German, Polish or Irish language, not English! And African Americans should be speaking Afrikaans?
English is no more a foreign language to Singaporeans than it is to the Americans, Canadians and 80% of British people.
If Singaporean Chinese should speak Mandarin, then German Americans should all speak German, Irish Americans, Irish, African Americans, Afrikaans etc.. But they like Singaporeans, are not German/Irish/African, the link has long been cut, they are Americans, they speak American English.


4. I think Singaporeans should be clear that they are Singaporeans not Chinese citizens. Just like African Americans are Americans not Africans. German Americans are Americans not Germans...so on and so forth.
I say we speak Standard Singapore English proudly with our Singaporean accent. (Mild) Singlish is fun as well, no it is not "bad English" because if you compare it with some British dialects such as "Geordie" or "Scottish English" or even "Welsh English", it is actually easier to understand.
If a foreigner does not understand my accent or comment that I sound weird, I would tell him he is the one who sounds weird! This is Singapore and this is our accents. If you can't speak with a Singaporean accent, then of course we can't understand you well, don't compain.

4. 我认为新加坡人应该明白,他们是新加坡人,不是中国公民,就像美国黑人一样,是美国人不是非洲人。美籍德国人是美国人不是德国人…以此类推。我以自己说的一口标准新加坡英语而自豪。(温和的)新加坡英语也很有趣,不,那不是“说得不好的英语”因为如果你把它和英国方言比较之后,就会觉得他实在是太好理解了。

5. Mandarin is not even my ancestral language if you want to be anal about it. Mandarin is the dialect of Beijing and my forefathers were probably from Fujian, though I have some Malay blood in me as well.

5. 如果要深究的话,普通话甚至不是我的母语。普通话是北京方言,但我的祖先大概是福建人所以我应该有一些马来血统。

6. Mandarin is useful? If you are dealing with China, yes. But lets not forget that 55 countries worldwide and almost all supranational organs use English.
The biggest economy in the world, America, uses English. Europeans all speak English as their second language these days. Canadaians, Australians, etc. And without English, you cannot find a good job in Singapore.

6. 普通话很有用?如果你和中国打交道,是的。但让我们不要忘记世界上那些55个说英语的国家。世界上最大的金融中心,美国,是用英语的。欧洲现在也都是英语为第二语言。加拿大,澳大利亚等等也是。并且,不会英语,你在新加坡是找不到好工作的。

7. Lets not forget my "forefathers" and probably yours ran away from China and took up Singapore citizenship for a reason. He didn't want to be a Chinese citizen.

7. 让我们也不要忘记我们的祖先。他们很有可能是从中国逃过来的,为了拿到新加坡国籍。他可能也不想当中国公民了。

So don't tell me to speak Mandarin (a beijing dialect) in Singapore (an English society).


If you can't speak English in Singapore, I suggest you hang your head in shame, for you have truly "lost your roots".



自言自语罢了  发表于 2012-12-30 20:48
就一老外而已跟我们中国人何关?我不认为他跟我们中国人有什么关系。当然说英语的白人也不会认为他跟白人有什么关系。  发表于 2012-12-30 18:17
#请文明用语#二字已不足形容这位新加坡华人了!  发表于 2012-12-30 09:58
不喷不快。说话没逻辑的非主流  发表于 2012-12-30 03:38
知道什么叫异族吗?不是被同化就是被消灭。  发表于 2012-12-30 03:35
还有。为什么老拒绝会说多种语言,  发表于 2012-12-30 03:34
谁说你是中国人,顶多算个中南半岛异族,  发表于 2012-12-30 03:33
LZ一副受劣待的样子,好像是普通话在新加坡已经强到了能撼动英语的地步,真是这样吗?别没事撒娇  发表于 2012-12-30 00:35




 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-29 16:17 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 诺基亚 于 2012-12-29 16:19 编辑

why cant you just speak both?


oni in sg
got people refuse to speak the language their ancestors spoke.


If you had read my post, you would realise that in America, Britain, Ireland and every English speaking country, 90% of them are not speaking the language their ancestors spoke!That is, if you can read.And you might need a brain as well.



就好象我那个wales fren
他说的welsh 都是假的
我去wales看到说welsh 的人都是假的.
lastly你的90% come from where?

In America, Britain, etc etc, students are encouraged to pick up second and third languages. In fact many of them are picking up Mandarin. A person with any foresight at all would strive to be bilingual, trilingual or even multi-lingual. Only an idiot would refuse to be proficient in more than 1 language.
Get it you elitist son of a b****
How's my fucking english?




First and foremost i actually took some time to read that fail story of yours. You dont even deserve for me to look for a cool story bro picture. Yes some of our ancestors originate from china and yes our roots belong to there. If china culture and bla bla bla is different from ours, what makes you think that in london/british/US, our culture is similar to theirs.For god's sake, our national language is malay and not english/chinese. Thus i wont elaborate on point 3As for the rest of the points, nobody cares if you speak england or china or iraq here. Fact is language, is just a communication medium that we use. For point no.7 , our forefathers escaped from china that time due to world war 2 happening in china. I suggest reading up on your secondary history textbook. And btw, in dialects we mean hokkien/cantonese/teochew , and not chinese which is a language. Lastly china like india is a developing country, we shall observe with open eyes in the future, will it be the ang mos that is rushing to learn chinese or the other way around.Once again on your last few sentence, nobody cares what language you speak. Its not our fault that you got butt hurt over these things and decided to QQ here. I speak TTFU's language and i am proud of it

首先并且最重要的是我花了一些时间来读你那不及格的文章。我还不如花那时间去找一些cool story bro的图片。是的我们的祖先有的是从中国来的,而且的确你的根是在中国。如果中国文化或者别的与我们的不同,是什么让你认为我们比较像伦敦、大英或者US了?看在上帝的份上,我们的国语是马来语而不是英语和中文。所以我不会深究第三点至于其他的,没人在乎你说中文还是英语或者伊拉克语。事实就是,语言只是一种交流媒介。第七点,我们的祖先从中国逃离是因为中国是WW2的战场之一。我建议你去读读高中历史书。顺便说一句,我们认为像闽南语,粤语或者潮州语才是方言,而不是汉语,汉语是一种语言。最后,中国和印度一样是发展中国家,我们要眼光开阔的看未来,说不定以后大家都会争着抢着去学汉语,或者反过来。再一次谈谈你最后的几句话,没人在意你到底说什么话。被嘲笑并且想要QQ这(不懂,求指教)并不是你的错。我说TTFU(这又是什么= =)的语言并且我以此为豪。

National language is Malay or not, is politically defined. A "National Language" is not intrinsic in nature that it should be a particular language.Mandarin itself, is another dialect, as pointed out by TS already. It is only elevated to the status of National Language by the government.The political definition of dialects and languages by political entities is not supported by linguists.


. . . I feel sorry for his ancesters . ...

我对他的祖先表示遗憾 ……

“My culture is Singaporean not Chinese.“
Singaporean culture? Singaporeans use a lot of Mandarin in the heartlands. Lots of it. Are you sure Mandarin is not part of Singapore culture? Yet if it is part of Singaporean culture, why are you not speaking it?


“Our laws, newspapers and everything else are all in English.“
Check your facts and get it right.


”English IS Singapore's language....they are Americans, they speak American English.“
Mandarin, Tamil, Malay are all part of Singapore's language. If your argument is to be subscribed, you should learn our national language as well.


“I think Singaporeans should be clear that they are Singaporeans not Chinese citizens....This is Singapore and this is our accents. If you can't speak with a Singaporean accent, then of course we can't understand you well, don't compain.“
Neither are Singaporeans American Citizens.This is Singapore, this is us. Why don't speak Mandarin?


“Europeans all speak English as their second language these days. Canadaians, Australians, etc.“
So what's wrong with speaking Mandarin as second language?


“So don't tell me to speak Mandarin (a beijing dialect) in Singapore (an English society).“
Don't worry, we won't tell you to. We will just speak Mandarin among ourselves.


Can i get a refund for my 5 minutes please ?


10 mins for me :(


There were Chinese schools in Singapore even during the British colonial days, and they were teaching in Mandarin.


you definitely have a pointafter reading the replies from others (which are more emotionally-charged), you logically listed out point-by-point in an objective manneri support your arguments


Wah so our points have no merit at all ah?Our replies may have been emotionally charged but that doesn't mean that we did not counter his points logically.

哇 所以我们的观点都是没有价值的,啊?我们的回复的确是有可能有感情因素,但是那不意味着我们没有思考过他的观点

May be . . . Bangulzai afraid he can't ... take the heat.


i mean, unless you have a limited mental capacity when it comes to learning and speaking a language, and since its taught to you in schools, why can't you speak both? you dont have to be perfect at mandarin, but you could sure use it, or it might come in useful in the future.


.. . . .. it is all about attitude problem ....


. . .. he fails to see the importance of learning more languages . . .. . for own benefits.
OR . . . could he be . . . .. . just attacking Chinese language . . . only ..


actually, I remember reading some, I think it was german or british research, that mandarin is more demanding cognitively than other languages, cos the script is partially pictographic in nature, and there is much more implied context which has to be decoded and interpreted on the fly. ah hah ! ..... googled it ! ... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3025796.stm

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-12-29 17:07 | 显示全部楼层
无所谓   反正我从来也不认为新加坡人是中国人


对他们只是香蕉人而不是中国人  发表于 2012-12-30 18:23
现在反华最厉害的就是有些香蕉人。  发表于 2012-12-29 17:48
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发表于 2012-12-29 17:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-29 18:03 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-29 18:31 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-29 18:46 | 显示全部楼层
totally different?????????
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发表于 2012-12-29 19:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-29 20:56 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-29 22:18 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-29 23:07 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-29 23:31 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-30 00:06 | 显示全部楼层


的确是非主流  发表于 2012-12-30 15:21
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发表于 2012-12-30 00:10 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-30 00:21 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wwwalker 于 2012-12-30 00:22 编辑

新加坡领导之所以鼓励国人要学习普通话,一则是新加坡华人多,普通话是个广谱适用的交流语言;二则是他们也认识到中国的崛起,学好普通话能在以后跟中国做更多的生意。而作者自愿放弃这种交流语言,放弃以后跟中国更好的生意合作机会,没人会埋怨作者,只是有人会说作者是个傻 B。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-12-30 03:29 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 superloong 于 2012-12-30 03:34 编辑

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发表于 2012-12-30 10:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-30 11:27 | 显示全部楼层
"since Singapore is runs on English. "

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发表于 2012-12-30 12:48 来自 四月社区 手机版 | 显示全部楼层
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