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【时代周刊 20130220】十大最有争议的奥斯卡最佳影片

发表于 2013-2-26 11:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

【原文标题】Oscar Robbery: 10 Controversial Best-Picture Races
【原文作者】Gary Susman
















最终,奥斯卡平分了财富。《雌》获得最佳女配角(埃斯特尔•帕森斯)和最佳摄影;《猜》获得最佳女主角(凯瑟琳•赫本)和最佳原创剧本;《毕》获得最佳导演(迈克•尼科尔斯);《杜》获得最佳视觉效果和最佳原创歌曲(“Talk to the Animals”);《炎》获得最佳男主角(罗德•斯泰格尔)、最佳改编剧本、最佳音效、最佳剪辑和最佳影片。这种结果当然比不上把所有奖项都给予《炎》或者《毕》来得更震撼,但依然传达出一个信号,好莱坞在给新生代让路。





























Does the best film always win? Here are some of the bitterest Best Picture battles in Academy Awards history

Admit it: Part of the fun of following the Oscars is the sense of righteous, aggrieved outrage that comes from seeing a movie or performance you think is worthy get snubbed. Sure, we all know that Academy Awards are decided on more than just merit; often, it’s the story behind the story that makes the difference to awards voters.  The politics of what wins can be bitter, as they often reflect differences not just over aesthetics but also over larger issues – trends in the industry, innovations in the medium, the mood of the country.

That may be the case this year, with such movies as Lincoln, Zero Dark Thirty, and Django Unchained sparking debates over history, race, torture, and the historical record. Argo may have become the frontrunner, not just because Hollywood loves the story of Ben “Comeback Kid” Affleck, but also because it’s the least politically objectionable film among the nominees. Offering lessons for this year’s race are the most contentious Best Picture competitions of years past. Read on to learn what was at stake in these contests, why the victors won, and whether history still demands a vote recount.

1942: ‘Citizen Kane’ vs. ‘How Green Was My Valley’

How Green Was My Valley is a perfectly fine film, a multi-generational saga of a family’s triumphs and tragedies that seems tailor-made for Oscar. And no one was a greater admirer of its director, John Ford, than Orson Welles. Nonetheless, it was Welles himself, in the most audacious debut in film history, who challenged the man he called the Old Master for Oscar supremacy in 1942. History has been much more generous to Citizen Kane (pictured), which routinely tops critics lists as the greatest film ever made, than it has to Ford’s sentimental epic, but at the time, Welles was lucky to get any Oscar recognition at all. Having notoriously earned the wrath of media mogul William Randolph Hearst through Kane’s thinly veiled, often unflattering roman è clef, Welles saw his picture suppressed in theaters and ignored by Hearst papers.

Kane was nominated for nine Oscars but won only Best Original Screenplay (Herman J. Mankiewicz shared the award with Welles, who was never nominated again). The film failed to win Best Picture, Director, Best Black-and-White Cinematography, and Black-and-White Art Direction to Valley. (This despite Gregg Toland’s innovative camera work.) Welles lost Best Actor to Gary Cooper in Sergeant York, a film that also beat Kane for Editing. (This despite Robert Wise’s dazzling work with the story’s non-chronological narrative.) At least Kane composer Bernard Herrmann lost to himself, for his score for The Devil and Daniel Webster.

1953: ‘High Noon’ vs. ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’

Oscarologists have long described The Greatest Show on Earth as the worst Best Picture winner ever. That’s not entirely fair. Cecil B. DeMille’s circus epic has more than its share of silliness (especially the subplot involving Jimmy Stewart as a fugitive clown), but it also has the grand spectacle DeMille was known for, including a horrific train crash that was a huge influence on the young Steven Spielberg. Still, it’s in no way a better film than High Noon (pictured), which is not only one of the greatest Westerns ever made, but also a then-timely parable warning against McCarthyite anti-communist paranoia.

And that was its undoing. Its screenwriter, Carl Foreman, was one of the Hollywood Ten (the unfriendly witnesses jailed for their refusal to name names of alleged Communists in showbiz before the House Un-American Activities Committee). At the height of the Hollywood blacklist, even staunch conservative Gary Cooper was slurred for starring in the film and voicing support for Foreman. Cooper ultimately walked back his support and ended up winning Best Actor. Meanwhile, no one represented establishment Hollywood more than the virulently anti-Communist DeMille. Grumblers often complain that the Oscars are more about politics than about merit; this seems to be one time that that complaint was clearly true.

1968: ‘The Graduate’ et al. vs. ‘In The Heat of the Night’

This was such a momentous Oscar race that there’s a whole book — Mark Harris’ excellent Pictures at a Revolution — about it. Harris details how this race was emblematic of the massive changing of the guard then underway throughout American filmmaking. The old-school studio film was represented by Doctor Dolittle, 20th Century Fox’s costly musical flop, which muscled into the race on the strength of Fox’s marketing machine. In the Heat of the Night and Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner were also both conventional studio films, but ones that addressed hot-button issues of race at the height of Civil Rights-era turmoil. The Graduate (pictured) also addressed contemporary issues (the generation gap, the sexual revolution), but in a hip, comical way, and with a folk-rock soundtrack. Bonnie and Clyde was a period drama but the most forward-looking film of them all, borrowing its style from the French New Wave and pushing the envelope with its depiction of sex and violence.

In the end, the Academy split the wealth; Bonnie won Supporting Actress (for Estelle Parsons) and Cinematography; Dinner won Best Actress (for Katharine Hepburn) and Original Screenplay; Graduate won Best Director (for Mike Nichols); Dolittle won Best Visual Effects and Best Song (“Talk to the Animals”), and Heat of the Night took Best Actor (Rod Steiger), Adapted Screenplay, Sound, Editing, and Best Picture. It wasn’t as radical a statement as giving everything to Bonnie and The Graduate would have been, but it was still a sign that old Hollywood was giving way to a new guard.

1977: ‘All the President’s Men’ et al vs. ‘Rocky’

History has judged several of 1977′s Best Picture candidates to be among the greatest movies ever made – the best political drama (All the President’s Men, pictured), the best media satire (Network), and the best character study of a ticking time bomb (Taxi Driver). There was also one of the best musical biopics, the unjustly forgotten Woody Guthrie bio Bound for Glory. Now, Rocky may be one of the best boxing movies, and one of the best underdog stories, but does it really belong in the same league as the other nominees? Perhaps not, but the Academy loves underdog stories – especially when they involve unknown actors who become stars by writing their own movies, as was the case with Sylvester Stallone and his story of a long-shot pugilist.

Plus, the movie had a patriotic, feel-good vibe that contrasted with the grimness and grit of the other nominees. Network did win three of the acting prizes (including a posthumous Best Actor prize for Peter Finch and a Supporting Actress prize for Beatrice Straight’s very brief performance), while All the President’s Men won the fourth (for Supporting Actor Jason Robards). Those two films also won the screenwriting awards, while Director and Best Picture went to Rocky. At least Rocky remains as iconic, in its own way, as the other nominees, even as the franchise it spawned became more and more cartoonish.

1991: ‘Goodfellas’ vs. ‘Dances With Wolves’

In 1980, Martin Scorsese made what may be the finest film of the ’80s, Raging Bull, but lost Best Picture and Best Director to a matinee idol directing his first film (Robert Redford, with Ordinary People). Ten years later, in 1990, Scorsese made what may be the finest film of the ’90s, Goodfellas (pictured), but lost Best Picture and Best Director to a matinee idol directing his first film (Kevin Costner, with Dances With Wolves). Scorsese seemed jinxed; indeed, he wouldn’t win Best Picture and Best Director until 2007 with The Departed. Still, it’s no wonder Goodfellas lost to Dances. A sprawling Western that finally gave American Indians their due, it allowed the Academy to indulge its fondness for weighty historical epics and to right some old wrongs. (Remember, Marlon Brando had famously refused his Godfather Oscar in 1973 in protest of Hollywood’s long history of mistreatment of Native Americans.) Plus, the Academy always likes it when actors make good by creating their own opportunities behind the camera; see Stallone for Rocky, Redford for People, Emma Thompson for her Sense and Sensibility screenplay, and Matt Damon and Ben Affleck for writing Good Will Hunting. Compared to Dances, it’s no wonder Scorsese’s morally ambiguous crime drama left voters cold. At least they couldn’t deny the genius of Joe “How am I funny?” Pesci’s performance and gave him Best Supporting Actor.

1995: ‘Pulp Fiction’ vs. ‘Forrest Gump’

The 1995 battle seemed to mark one of those Hollywood turning points, like the races of 1968 or 2006 or 2011, when it wasn’t merely two movies clashing, but two competing visions of what movies should be. On one side was Forrest Gump, a Hollywood historical epic that broke some new technical ground in digital manipulation of existing film footage (the trickery that allowed Tom Hanks’ Forrest to interact with various long-dead historical figures). Still, it told a fairly traditional story, full of candy-box pieties and accompanied by a Baby Boom’s Greatest Hits soundtrack.

On the other side was Miramax’s Pulp Fiction (pictured), the independently-made, non-linear crime tale that introduced to the mainstream the brash new voice of Quentin Tarantino and his sheer joy in the kinetic possibilities of all that cinema had to offer, from John Travolta’s dancing to Samuel L. Jackson’s verbal fury to Bruce Willis going medieval with a samurai sword to Dick Dale dropping machine-gun surf-guitar licks on the soundtrack. In retrospect, Pulp Fiction seemed to mark the moment when the indies took over from the studios as the most vital force in American filmmaking (a status they didn’t hold for long), but at the time, the seniors who make up the Academy wanted something more traditional. Tarantino and Roger Avary won Best Original Screenplay, but Gump won Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Editing, Best Visual Effects, Best Director (for Robert Zemeckis), Best Actor (for Tom Hanks, even though he’d won the year before for Philadelphia), and Best Picture. The lesson, for Miramax chief Harvey Weinstein: Never let your opponents outdo you in selling traditional, classy, epic fare to the Academy. It was a lesson he learned with a vengeance, as he displayed in years to come.

1999: ‘Saving Private Ryan’ vs. ‘Shakespeare in Love’

Paramount Pictures Many Oscar-watchers still view this one as the ultimate upset. On one side, you had Steven Spielberg, generally regarded then, as now, as the most successful director of all time. That success had bred envy, which had cost him the Best Picture race in 1983 (when E.T. lost to Gandhi) and 1986 (when The Color Purple went 0 for 11, while Out of Africa took Best Picture). Finally, in 1994, the undeniable force of Schindler’s List earned him Best Picture and Best Director. Saving Private Ryan (pictured), another serious epic about World War II, seemed destined to earn Spielberg two more top Oscars.

Its rival was Shakespeare in Love, a period romantic comedy with a literate, witty Tom Stoppard script and sumptuous production values. Oscar tends to favor war epics over romantic comedies, but this one had Miramax chief Harvey Weinstein on its side, and he made sure that voters were impressed by its literary pedigree and by the luminous breakthrough performance of Gwyneth Paltrow. Early in the ceremony, when Supporting Actress went to Judi Dench for one of the briefest performances in Oscar history, it seemed clear that an upset was brewing. Sure enough Paltrow won Best Actress (over frontrunner Cate Blanchett’s remarkable turn in Elizabeth), and while Spielberg did land Best Director, collective gasps were heard ’round the moviegoing world when Shakespeare took Best Picture. Having pulled off a similar victory two years earlier with The English Patient, Weinstein had now proved he was the king of Oscar campaigning. By the way, Shakespeare, among other things, was a backstage farce featuring Ben Affleck; does that mean this year’s competition between Argo and Spielberg’s Lincoln is a rematch?

2006: ‘Crash’ vs. ‘Brokeback Mountain’

If the 2006 race had been a rap battle, you could call it East Coast vs. West Coast. West Coast critics seemed to favor Crash, a movie about Los Angeles, whose characters spent a lot of their time in their cars. A massive ensemble piece that seemed to employ half the Screen Actors Guild (no wonder actors who were Academy members liked it), it purported to make a grand statement on the still-troubling issue of Racism: It infects everybody. East Coast critics, however, found Crash‘s racial politics simplistic and its plotting too full of programmatic twists and coincidences (nearly every character is revealed to be something other than the hero or heel he or she seems at first.)

Instead, they favored Brokeback Mountain (pictured), which deconstructed cherished Western archetypes about cowboys, machismo, and rugged individualism in order to tell mainstream Hollywood’s first gay love story. And while director Ang Lee won an Oscar for his sensitive handling of the material, its three principal actors were snubbed (a particularly galling omission in the case of Heath Ledger, whose breakthrough performance turned out to be the last opportunity to give him a trophy while he was alive, and whose posthumous prize for The Dark Knight is often considered a consolation prize for his being passed over here). And the Angelenos who make up the bulk of the Academy gave Best Picture to Crash. Brokeback screenwriter Larry McMurtry grumbled about homophobia; he wasn’t the only one.  As for which picture history preferred: Brokeback is a staple on cable, while Crash is one of the most popular rentals in Netflix history. So, jury’s still out.

2010: ‘The Hurt Locker’ vs. ‘Avatar’

By the time the Oscars rolled around in 2010, Avatar (pictured) was well on its way to becoming the highest-grossing film of all-time, with James Cameron topping his own Titanic achievement of 12 years earlier. Meanwhile, Hurt Locker was just a tiny, indie-made war drama that almost no ticket-buyers had seen, but that critics had managed to rescue from obscurity. Of course, its director was Kathryn Bigelow, who happened to be one of Cameron’s ex-wives. The battle of the exes became the narrative behind the race that year, even though Cameron and Bigelow had nothing but supportive words for each other throughout the campaign. Cameron could afford to be confident. His movie was a technical breakthrough, one that transformed 3D from a gimmick into a valid storytelling tool, with results that were lavishly beautiful to see. Detractors, however, noted that the story was a retread, the acting earthbound, and the characters less than three-dimensional.

Hurt Locker, however, managed to be both a film of substance and a nail-biting action thriller; it was a movie about a contemporary topic (Americans at war in Iraq) that managed an apolitical stance on whether or not we should have been there in the first place. Not that the film was without controversy; veterans came out of the woodwork to argue over whether the film was true to their experience or a Hollywood hack job. Still, it helped that Hurt Locker, no less an auteur’s achievement than Avatar, was directed by a woman, allowing the Academy to recognize a woman as Best Director after 81 years of failing to do so. Ultimately, the Academy decided that was a more historic feat than Cameron’s. Picking the critical favorite over the populist favorite may have helped Oscar’s credibility, but it provoked head-scratching among moviegoers at large. Indeed, with its theatrical take of just under $50 million, Hurt Locker remains the least popular, least seen Best Picture winner in Oscar history.

2011: ‘The King’s Speech’ vs. ‘The Social Network’

After many years of Harvey Weinstein-vs.-the Big Studios races, Weinstein had seemingly perfected a formula for Oscar-bait pictures, to the extent that, in the 2011 race, the studio (in this case, Sony Pictures) was the underdog and Weinstein was the hidebound traditionalist. After all, what could be safer than The King’s Speech, a movie that had so many elements of the Weinstein Oscar-picture formula: period piece, British royalty, British acting royalty (Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter), literary-minded script (by David Seidler), tasteful direction (by Tom Hooper), wartime peril, and a disability for the protagonist?

On the other side was The Social Network (pictured), which seemed thoroughly cutting-edge: up-to-the-minute topic, Internet savvy, time-jumping and point-of-view-shifting narrative, moral ambiguity, electronic musical score, and sleek visuals from a forward-looking auteur (David Fincher).  If ever there was a moment for the film industry to congratulate itself for capturing the zeitgeist, that would have been it. But while Aaron Sorkin’s canny script won the writer an adapted screenplay award, the Facebook film seemed to baffle an Academy membership made up largely of people supposedly too old to appreciate the Internet, a membership reassured by the comforting familiarity of The King’s Speech. Besides, Firth had been overlooked for Best Actor the year before (in A Single Man) and everyone thought he was due. So Best Picture, Director , Actor, and Original Screenplay went to the safe choice. Will history judge it a better film than Social Network? Doubtful, but we’d “like” to find out.




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