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发表于 2013-5-29 07:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The tide has definitely turned against the Cabal but some big battles remain ahead

There are indications everywhere now that the tide has turned decisively against the Satanic Sabbatean cabal and its plans for a family controlled fascist New World Order global dictatorship.


For example, Pope Francis is expected to make a speech on the subject of financial tyranny and the global collateral accounts when he visits South America in June, according to a senior P2 Freemason Lodge member.


President Obama, meanwhile, made a speech last weekend where he basically admitted the US government had gone rogue and was getting ready to mend its ways.


However, the Sabbateans have still not given up and may pull off a few more nasty tricks before their final defeat. The recent mass burning of cars in Sweden, the “beheading” in the UK, the stabbing in France etc. all seem part of a desperate cabal effort to somehow provoke their long planned Muslim/Christian war. There is also the matter of Israel that still needs to be settled.



In Japan, too, cabal “economic hitmen” have been on the rampage causing volatility in markets in an attempt to derail Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Abenomics. This is part of a still unfinished battle for control of Japan.


There are also indications that the recent Japanese election was stolen for Abe by the Rockefeller, Goldman Sachs, Council on Foreign Relations faction of the cabal.


The vote counting in the recent Japanese general election that gave Abe a dictatorial 2/3rds control of parliament was all done by machines created by a company called Musashi.


According to research by a Japanese right wing activist that we have only been partially able to confirm, the ownership of Musashi has been traced through a bunch of shell companies to an outfit called “Forrest Asset Management” run by a former Goldman Sachs employee and CFR member by the name of Peter Greiger.

根据对日本右翼分子的行动的研究,我们只能部分的确认,武藏公司的所有权要追溯到一堆空壳公司中的一个叫做“弗雷斯特资产管理公司”,它是由前高盛员工和一个叫做Peter Greiger的CFR成员运行的。

What we can confirm though from multiple sources is that the last election was stolen in favour of Abe by a coalition including young officers of the Japanese Defense Ministry.


Posted by enerchi at 5/27/2013 10:28:00 PM


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