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[网贴翻译] 【CNN20140331】习想从欧盟得到什么?群兔鏖战群雄,精彩在...

发表于 2014-4-16 02:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-4-22 13:10 编辑



This map shows the trade flows between China and the EU

What China's Xi Jinping wants from Europe

(CNN) -- When the European Council President Herman Van Rompuy welcomes Xi Jinping to Brussels on Monday, it will be the first time a Chinese president has visited European Union headquarters.
(CNN) -- 星期一,欧盟理事会主席赫尔曼·范龙佩在布鲁塞尔欢迎习来访,这是访问欧盟总部的第一位中国主席。

But the trip isn't about making history -- it's about closing business deals with European firms. Xi will be accompanied by more than 200 Chinese business leaders, several of whom signed multi-billion agreements to buy airplanes and cars as the contingent swept through France and Germany on their way to Belgium.

China's ultimate goal on the trip is to reach a wide-ranging trade agreement with the EU. In turn, the EU hopes to persuade China to open its markets to foreigners and attract more direct investment.

The first round of the talks took place in January, but the Chinese seem eager to advance the negotiation much further this time around. Before embarking on the tour, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told the National People's Congress that he hopes to "speed up the negotiation toward the investment agreement."

Here is what the two sides want from the deal:

Balancing trade 

More than $588.6 billion worth of goods are traded between the EU and China every year -- $1.6 billion every day, according to the latest data from European Commission. But Europe sells a lot less to the Chinese than it buys from them -- last year, its trade deficit with China was $180 billion.

European investors want to take advantage of China's growing middle class and export more.

"Every year, 20 million Chinese households pass the threshold of household income of $13,500 at which middle class families become able to afford key consumer goods and services, like cars," the EU Commission's Trade department says.

To achieve this, the EU is pushing for less regulation in the Chinese market.

More direct investment 

Despite the large volume of trade, mutual direct investment is still relatively low, with just over 2% of EU foreign direct investment being in China, according to the European Commission.

For years, European companies sought to benefit from cheap labor by building factories in China, but today that trend is reversing. Chinese investors are now eyeing Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean, where the eurozone crisis has pushed labor costs down and created hunger for foreign investment.

China has announced an ambitious plan to invest $100 billion per year into Eastern European countries by 2015. It opened its first factory -- a Great Wall Motor assembly line -- in Bulgaria in 2012, giving the Chinese automaker duty-free access to the European market.

Experts say Chinese money will help Europe out of the economic slowdown. Take the port of Piraeus as an example - although the Greek economy has been devastated by the global financial crisis, the Chinese-run port has stayed afloat and is becoming one of Europe's main shipping hubs.

Fair pricing 

Europe's trade relationship with China suffered several setbacks over dumping accusations last year. The EU tried to hit Chinese solar panels producers with high import duties, accusing China of dumping solar panels way below a fair price.

In a tit-for-tat move, China then launched anti-subsidy probe into European wine imports. Although both disputes have now been resolved, only 1% of imports from China are covered by EU's anti-dumping measures.

Removing barriers in China 

The EU says that China still imposes way too many barriers on foreign investors, who do not have access to sectors China deems as strategic, including transport, telecommunication and healthcare.

Micha? Król of the EU investment think tank ECIPE says this part of a potential trade agreement will be critical: "It is an attempt to establish symmetric market relations -- meaning that European and Chinese firms should have equivalent access to each other's' markets."
欧盟资助的智库 ECIPE的Micha? Król说,这部分潜在的贸易协定是至关重要的:“这是试图建立一个对称的市场关系--意味着欧盟和中国的公司进入对方市场具有同等的权利”。

Compulsory joint ventures and limits on foreign ownerships mean European companies find it hard to fulfil China's rules. The EU Commission says that a recent EU survey found that nearly half of EU companies operating in China reported "missing business opportunities due to regulation."

"China's reforms seek amongst other to expand the list of sectors that are open to foreign investment and allow overseas investors to be treated like national ones," says Marie Julie Chenard, an expert in the field of Europe's economic relations at the LSE Ideas think tank.
一家名为LSE Ideas的智库,研究欧洲经济关系领域的专家 Marie Julie Chenard说:“中国的改革寻求扩大对外开放的领域,并允许海外投资者享受国民待遇”。

But she says the investment treaty is unlikely to cover what might be much more important to foreign investors in China: "Concerns about bribery and corruption, the reliability of business partners and the enforcement of intellectual property rights."

How important is EU's trade with China? 

China is EU's second biggest trading partner, trailing only behind the U.S. Trade of goods between the two has quadrupled since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, reaching nearly $590 billion in 2013.

The EU is China's biggest source of imports and its biggest export destination. European companies are fulfilling Chinese hunger for cars, planes, chemicals and luxury goods, while Europe imports $385 billion worth of textiles, electronics and other goods from China.
With some expecting China to become the world's biggest economy by 2030, there will be a lot more for grabs.



Guest ? 12 days ago
When China and Europe were trading silk and fine china, Americans were trading shells and beads.

koolkid_inthehouse 回 LiuDawei • 13 days ago  
population of communist China are not all Chinese. Chinese serves under the Mongol Empire. Chinese were actually slaves.

jontheman150 回 koolkid_inthehouse • 13 days ago  
That's nice. Now karma is making Mongolians economic and financial slaves of the Chinese. Soon enough, Mongols will be incorporated into the Han people just like the dozens of groups over the past 5000 years.

shishi 回 koolkid_inthehouse • a day ago  
No investigation,no words.Thank you!

koolkid_inthehouse 回 shishi • 20 hours ago
Now look at the communist China today, bullying it's tiny neighbors, pillaging natural resources and still oppressing its citizens.

danceinfire 回 koolkid_inthehouse • 3 days ago
about 8%of population of china is communist

CNN Muḥammad 回 koolkid_inthehouse • 5 days ago
How about before the Mongols?

jalstar 回 koolkid_inthehouse • 10 days ago
I don't think so

allen 回 jalstar • 5 days ago
when we close the sight of the world, we go down and suffered,fortranatelly we awake now, then it's europe's turn to open eyes

Mateus 回 Broderik • 11 days ago
And Europeans are originaly Africans, what's your point?

JB 回 Mateus • 7 days ago
Maybe. Then again maybe ancient africans migrated from some pleace we havent yet found evidence of.

Friedrich  回JB • a day ago
All humans originate from Africa, and not too long ago!

IWantToBeLikeMallardOneDay 回 Broderik • 8 days ago
What a load of cobblers! This is what happens when you teach children Marxism and Nationalism in school. We live on a spinning rock.
The human race isn't subdivided by species.

呵呵 回 Guest • 5 days ago 

JB 回 Guest • 7 days ago
They were only trading china because they couldn't figure out how to make glass, like the rest of the world.

cxcpro1 • 14 days ago
It's what Chinese people want not what Xi wants. Stop making China sounds like a dictatorship. It's the collective wisdom of people who elected to the National People's Congress. We have a leadership change in every 10 years, keep that in mind.

IWantToBeLikeMallardOneDay 回 cxcpro1 • 14 days ago
They got to you young, didn't they?

Guest 回 IWantToBeLikeMallardOneDay • 13 days ago
I hate the CPC, yet they are not a dictatorship. What is now your arrogant one-line response?

IWantToBeLikeMallardOneDay 回 Guest • 13 days ago
Another question: if they aren't a dictatorship what are they? I prefer the term "klepto-gerontocracy"

Thoughtful Skeptic 回 IWantToBeLikeMallardOneDay • 13 days ago
China is indeed a very fascinating example of an authoritarian state as it is not ruled by a dictator. The fact that it manages to change its leaders every 10 years or so helps to evade a lot of downsides that come with long term dictators. Yet, the country is certainly not "free" but the Chinese people are probably fine with that as long as the government keeps delivering on improving the lives of the Chinese people at such breathtaking speed.

allen 回 Thoughtful Skeptic • 5 days ago
what do you define the word "free"? in china you can say anything freely, even including some words agaist the govement, but you can't do any thing to break the govement, free doesn't mean that you can do everything , BTW I've seen many example that America govement forbid people discussing some thing freely, thats's funny.

Thoughtful Skeptic 回 allen • 4 days ago
Freedom is the sum of a lot of things, it also includes freedom of press and political freedom. Lets take freedom of press (and all sorts of news), there are objective studies out there that clearly show that China is certainly a lot less free than Western countries. That doesn't mean the latter don't face problems as well, but on a entirely different scale.




发表于 2014-4-22 13:11 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-6-23 10:25 | 显示全部楼层
To achieve this, the EU is pushing for less regulation in the Chinese market.
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