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[网贴翻译] 【外交政策20140411】为什么日本如此不同?

发表于 2014-4-16 03:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-4-16 14:11 编辑


brief history of leaving China, becoming the other, and turning Japanese.

On March 16, 1885, an editorial entitled "Leaving Asia" was published in the Japanese newspaper Jiji Shimpo. Now widely believed to have been written by Yukichi Fukuzawa, the intellectual giant of the 19th-century modernization movement that culminated in the Meiji Restoration, it argued that Japan could simply not afford to be held back by "feudalistic" China and Korea, and should therefore "leave the ranks of Asian nations and cast our lot with the civilized nations of the West."

Japan's break with China, a country it subsequently invaded and humiliated, is a story of sharp relevance today. Tensions between the two nations are extremely high. Chinese and Japanese ships and planes circle disputed islands in the East China Sea, with the ever-present danger of an accident or willful escalation. Leaders in both countries have started to compare the present with 1914 and 1939, when the world stood on the brink of war.

The principal cause of animosity is Japan's invasion of China in the 1930s and 1940s, an unsuccessful attempt to colonize the Middle Kingdom in which millions were slaughtered. It can also be clearly traced to 1895, when Japan fought China in a brief war and annexed Chinese territory, including Taiwan, and claimed the Senkaku islands (which the Chinese call the Diaoyu), the focus of today's territorial dispute. More subtly, however, the resentment between the two countries goes back further still, to Japan's intellectual break with China, when it threw itself into a headlong effort to modernize and Europeanize.

China was once considered the fount of all knowledge for Japan, an isolated archipelago of islands sitting like an apostrophic afterthought off the eastern edge of the vast Eurasian landmass. Kyoto, founded in the 8th century and Japan's imperial capital for a thousand years, was a replica of the Tang Dynasty capital Chang'an. Serious Japanese poets wrote in Chinese. Only women used the phonetic kana script -- a lady-in-waiting at the imperial court composed the 11th-century Tale of Genji, considered the world's first novel. For men, to be learned meant to be learned in Chinese.

But in subsequent centuries, the prestige of Chinese civilization began to slowly erode; it fell sharply in 1644 when the Ming Dynasty crumpled and the Han Chinese came under foreign control. This coincided with the early days of Japan's Tokugawa period (1600-1868), when the ruling shoguns sought to protect the state, and themselves, from foreign influence, including Chinese. Intent on preserving its monopoly and wary of competing ideologies, the shogunate banned the Japanese, on pain of death, from leaving the country and returning. Traders from China were mostly restricted to a Chinese quarter in the city of Nagasaki.

For Japan to break with China was a traumatic decision. Most of what it valued culturally had come from the Chinese landmass: wet rice cultivation, the written script, concepts of Confucian hierarchy and filial piety, and techniques in the use of both bronze and iron. The historian George Sansom wrote that Buddhism, which also arrived in Japan from China (even though it originated in India) was "a great magic bird, flying on strong pinions across the ocean, [bringing] to Japan all the elements of a new life -- a new morality, learning of all kinds, literature, the arts and crafts, and subtle metaphysics which had no counterpart in the native tradition."

During the Tokugawa era, scholars of kokugaku, or "country learning," endeavored to revive nativist traditions and loosen the hold of Chinese influence. Helping these ideas take hold was the Opium War of 1839-1842, where a mere handful of British gunboats brought low the great civilization of the Middle Kingdom. China was in danger of being "cut up like a melon," as a 19th century expression had it. If Japan were to avoid a similar fate, it would have to embrace Western civilization and leave its Asian origins behind. Kokugaku scholars looked back to a pre-feudal classical Japan, a supposed golden age of literature and philosophy. They stressed the supposed purity of Japanese poetry, which, distinct from the classical Chinese forms, was meant to evoke nature and praise pure emotion.

Even today, such ideas resonate. Shintaro Ishihara, the former governor of Tokyo whose 2012 plan to buy and develop the contested Senkaku/Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea triggered the current Sino-Japanese standoff, once told me proudly that Japanese poetry was unique. The novelist Andre Malraux, he said, had personally told him that the Japanese were "the only people who can grasp eternity in a single moment." Ishihara, blinking in his owlish way, went on, "The haiku is the shortest poetic style in the world. This was not created by the Chinese but by the Japanese."

Much of what we today consider quintessentially Japanese originated from this period of breaking with China. Ian Buruma, a brilliant scholar of China and Japan told me, "As knowledge of the world grew, the Japanese began to realize that China was not the center of world, and to recognize the weakness of China. So they thought, ‘We better start repositioning ourselves.'"

Similarly, much of Japan's supposed exceptionalism was a modern construct, said Buruma. "The reason the Japanese nativists describe their own culture as completely different from China was a form of defensiveness." From the 1880s, after the overthrow of the shogun and the establishment of a modern state in the name of the emperor, history books were rewritten to begin not with the Stone Age, but with Japan's own creation myth, tracing a supposedly unbroken imperial line from the sun goddess Amatarasu to the present day. Japanese Shintoism, an animist set of folkloric beliefs mixed with ancestor worship, was elevated to a state religion with the divine emperor at its center. Much of Japan's supposed uniqueness, in other words, was propaganda; a political exercise in nation building and establishing Japan's credentials as a standalone culture distinct from China.  

Tokyo used that propaganda to create support for Japan's imperial ambitions, based on the supposed superiority of the Japanese, who were closer to the divine emperor than foreigners. Japan's "civilizing" mission was elevated to an idea that was worth dying -- and killing -- for. Things were very different, of course, after the war. Years later, in 1971, Henry Kissinger told then-Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai that Japan's "tribal outlook" made it capable of rapid change. "Japan believes that their society is so different that they can adjust to anything and preserve their national essence," he said.
"Therefore the Japanese are capable of sudden explosive changes. They went from feudalism to emperor worship in two to three years. They went from emperor worship to democracy in three months."

Some foreign observers have been as enthusiastic about promoting Japan's alleged uniqueness as the Japanese themselves. Of course, all nations are unique, but in Japan this truism became a fetish. The Japanese developed a form, which dates back to the Tokugawa era but which flourished in the post-World War II period, of quasi-philosophical writing called Nihonjinron, or "essays on the essence of Japaneseness." Written by both Japanese and foreigners, these tracts sought to explain what made the Japanese unique and how they differed from foreigners, who were, all too often, lumped into one homogeneous category. Such lines of inquiry often settled on a description of the Japanese as cooperative, sedentary rice farmers who use instinct and heart rather than cold, Western logic. Unlike Western hunter-gatherers, the Japanese were seen as having a unique sensitivity to nature, an ability to communicate without language through a sort of social telepathy, and a rarefied artistic awareness.

In 1946, U.S. anthropologist Ruth Benedict made it respectable to see the Japanese as a race apart with the publication of her classic study of Japanese culture, The Chrysanthemum and the Sword. She described a highly codified society operating with conventions all-but-incomprehensible to outsiders. Her work paved the way for shelf after shelf of Nihonjinron texts by Japanese authors. These multiplied with Japan's post-war economic success, which the Japanese and foreigners alike began to attribute to the country's supposedly unique organizational and social structures. Gavan McCormack, an Australian academic, describes Benedict's book as "one of the greatest propaganda coups of the century." In stoking Japan's own sense of its own uniqueness, he argues, the book helped sever Japan's psychological ties with its Asian neighbors. "What they believed to be ancient tradition," he writes, "was quintessentially modern ideology."
在1946年,美国人类学家鲁思本尼迪克特用一本书向人们表明日本确实是个与众不同的种族,这就是《菊与刀》。书中,她描述了以习俗为基本的一个高度编码化的社会,这样的习俗,对外人来说根本无法理解。她的作品为后来日本作家大量的有关“日本人论”的作品铺平了道路。这些作品随着日本战后经济的成功而层出不穷,日本人与外国人都将经济的成功归结于日本独特的组织和社会结构。 Gavan McCormack,是澳洲一名大学教师,他描述比尼迪克特的书是“本世纪最伟大的宣传政变之一”。他说,在加剧日本自我独特感的同时,这本书很好的切断了日本人与亚洲邻居的精神纽带。他说:“他们所谓的古老传统,其实本质上是典型的现代意识形态。”

Japan's perception of itself as isolated and different persists to this day, often to its disadvantage. It has, for example, hampered the country's electronics industry: Japanese manufacturers often produce goods perfectly adapted to Japanese customers but of little global reach. It yearns for what it sees as its rightful place in the hierarchy of nations -- it has for years waged a campaign to obtain a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council. But whether defending whaling, or the rights of its leaders to worship at the controversial Yasukuni Shrine, which houses the "souls" of more than 2 million dead Japanese soldiers, including 14 class-A war criminals from World War II, Japan often has a hard time explaining itself to the rest of the world.

Some in Japan, however, especially on the right, seem bent on preserving the mystique of a country that is somehow unintelligible to outsiders. Masahiko Fujiwara, a right-wing author (and mathematician), suggested only half-jokingly in a popular 2005 book that the Japanese should stop trying to learn English altogether as this would help preserve a barrier between their own exceptional culture and the rest of the world. He told me that when non-English-speaking Japanese went abroad, they preserved the mystique of a profound culture beyond the grasp of foreigners to understand. As soon as they spoke in English, he said, the illusion was broken and foreigners realized the Japanese had nothing to say.

Donald Keene, perhaps the greatest post-war U.S. scholar of Japanese literature, told me a similar story from the other direction. His lectures in Tokyo, mostly in Japanese, are invariably standing-room only as Japanese students flock to learn from his encyclopedic knowledge of Japanese language and literature. Yet as soon as he draws on the board a simple kanji --the multi-stroke characters derived from Chinese -- there are often gasps of amazement from members of the audience astonished that a foreigner has penetrated Japanese hieroglyphics.
【译者注:唐纳德-劳伦斯-基恩(Donald Lawrence Keene),美裔日本学学者,著有日本研究文章百篇以上。2012年取得日本国籍,唐纳金这个称呼是他的雅号“鬼怒鸣门” 日语发音转译(日语发音为Kīn Donarudo)】

In Bending Adversity, my book on Japan, Toshiaki Miura, a shy and thoughtful commentator on the left-of-center newspaper Asahi Shimbun, summed up Japan's sense of geographical, even psychological, isolation, coupled with its long-frustrated attempt to find a place in the hierarchy of nations. "Our psyche is very insular, but we always see ourselves reflected in the mirror outside," said Miura of the twin impulses to be isolated and yet to be internationally respected. "One of the tragedies of Japan's position in international society is that we have no neighbors of the same size or the same level of industry. If Japan were placed in Europe," he said, airing that 19th-century impulse to leave Asia, "it would have Germany, Italy and England to get along with, and we could learn how to coexist with countries of the same strength."
在我关于日本的书籍《扭曲的不幸》(Bending Adversity)中,Toshiaki Miura是中间偏左的《朝日新闻》(Asahi Shimbun)中腼腆而又深思熟虑的评论员,总结了日本在地里和心理上的孤独感以及其在所有国家层级中寻找自己位置的长期曲折的尝试。“我们精神上是非常孤立的,但是我们经常从外部的镜子中来审视我们自己,”Miura 这样谈及日本既想被孤立而同时又想受国际尊重的矛盾心态。在谈到19世纪日本脱亚入欧的冲动时,他说:“日本在国际社会中所处地位的悲剧之一是没有任何邻国在工业规模或者水平上是与我们类似的,而如果日本在欧洲的话,德国、意大利、英国都与我们不相上下,这样我们就能够学习怎么与有相同实力的国家共处了。”

But Japan is not in Europe. It lies next door to China, the fount of much of its civilization, and a country that Japan invaded when China was weak. It must now watch in alarm as China, which has neither forgotten nor forgiven, grows stronger.
Franz Liebkind 7 hours ago
Could it be that The Chrysanthemum and the Sword is Japan's equivalent to  From Time Immemorial or The Significance of the Frontier in American History  as a politically convenient narrative that supports the interests of certain elites?
Much of Japan's supposed uniqueness, in other words, was propaganda; a political exercise in nation building and establishing Japan's credentials as a standalone culture distinct from China.  
But isn't it true that almost all national foundational narratives are embellished, romanticized, and backdated, with many outright forgeries? (The Ossian poems for the Scots and the Czech documents, both called out  in Eric Hobsbawm's best historical writing.)
Japan's perception of itself as isolated and different persists to this day, often to its disadvantage. It has, for example, hampered the country's electronics industry: Japanese manufacturers often produce  goods perfectly adapted to Japanese customers but of little global reach.
The situation has been even worse in computers and telecom, where the Japanese refused for decades either to standardize or innovate. Though, granted, the alphabet(s) proved a big obstacle as well. But google "NEC PC" fo a big taste.

《菊与刀》是否是日本版的《自古以来》(From Time Immemorial)或者《边疆在美国历史上的重要性》(The Significance of the Frontier in American History )来作为政治工具以维护某些精英的利益呢?
可是,所有国家的基本叙述难道都不是通过美化、浪漫化以及夸大化来完成这样一个过程的吗?许多的历史叙述都是赤裸裸的伪造(艾瑞克·霍布斯邦所写作的最好的历史作品中,The Ossian诗集以及捷克文件呼之欲出。)
这种情况在电脑和电信中尤其突出,几十年来,日本不是拒绝进行标准化就是拒绝进行创新。而且其字母系统也是个巨大的障碍。去谷歌一下NEC PC(日本电气公司个人电脑),相当有品位。

Tom Xiao 14 hours ago

philip72 13 hours ago
@tom Xiao  
A lesson the Chinese could learn. No one is as self absorbed and culturally hubristic as the Han.

In4ser 12 hours ago
@philip72 @Tom Xiao  Philip72, I think you and Mao Zedong would have gotten along. Mao totally agreed with your assessment and started the Cultural Revolution to wipe away "self-absorbed and cultural hubris" in China. China needs another Cultural Revolution to purge its ethnocentric prejudices and insecurities. Mao failed to completely destroy and cleanse China of its social and cultural identity and it is coming back to haunt China. Except this time, establishment of rule of law instead of a "cult of personality."

Zenmon 7 hours ago
@Tom Xiao  The Chinese are apparently still terrified of the prospect of once again being invaded by Japan though ...

Madam Clara 15 hours ago
Location of Japan has influenced Japanese culture the most.

First, Japan is surrounded by sea, which had avoid both communication and war in the past.
It seems Japan shares their value with China because many things were brought from it.
However Japan had already their language and religious when Chinese culture arrived.
Moreover it took many years to influence Japan due to poor voyage technique.
It means there were enough time that Japanese culture and Chinese one mixed well.
This is why they cannot understand each other deeply. They don't share everything.

Then Japan had closed their country to outsiders for some hundreds.
In this period, not sharing value didn't cause any problem but the condition had changed when Japan opened their country to the outsider.
Second, Japan is located next to China and Russia, which are huge and big military power in the world.
Japan has grew up as isolated islands but they have to survive in server environment.
Therefore, unfortunately, they don't know how to behave there.
Finally, I would like to say that the name of the sun goddess is Amaterasu, not Amatarasu.

DCHaiku 21 hours ago
But still, nothing in here explains Hello Kitty.

ObscenelyGreat 2 days ago
"One of the tragedies of Japan's position in international society is that we have no neighbors of the same size or the same level of industry. If Japan were placed in Europe," he said, airing that 19th-century impulse to leave Asia, "it would have Germany, Italy and England to get along with, and we could learn how to coexist with countries of the same strength."

Japan grew to be where it is was due to its most earnest efforts in Asia towards Westernization. This unfortunately, is hardly original or truly dignified as it is only economic subservience to the then imperialistic and militarily-advanced West. China was disadvantaged because it believed, or used to believe in preserving their longstanding culture and civilisation and did not want to have much to do with the rest of the world including the West as it felt itself more than self-sufficient, and the real tragedy was the very fact that the others did not share the same view as China and believed in the aggressive economic exploitation of foreign nations, that Japan in its humility also followed.

If Japan was in Europe there is a chance their superiors - this time the Caucasians - would still very likely consider them to have yet reached civilization in their definition due to obvious racial reasons and in most negotiations and group outings the orientals would usually be positioned close to the end of the line. As a supporting recent example they tried hard to sell their anime stuff to Europe, and gained success in England, France, Italy etc but their new teacher Germany responded notably in the most distracted manner and was the last to give it a more serious thought.

So just because an oriental wears Western clothes, uses Western inventions and thinks, lives or even does his mustache and his country like a Westerner does these would still hardly qualify him as a real Westerner, and if anyone recalls their European idols just a century ago were racially-motivated enough to invent the name 'Western Oriental Gentlemen' (WOG) to address them and their mutually-perceived inferiors in a twisted praise of their contradictory submission to them.

The best way for Japan to go at this stage is to genuinely admit their mistakes of the last World War - that also drove many of its neighbors towards conscription - like Germany generously apologized for - the double-irony being that Adolf Hitler was not even German and they still found the morale and unity after that to rise and become a major industrialized power in Europe - and accept the inevitability of globalization as well as construct strong, positive and stable ties with its neighbors in Asia.




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