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[头条新闻] 【CNN20140601】鲍·贝里达尔:飞向自由

发表于 2014-6-1 10:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 已注册会员 于 2014-6-1 10:50 编辑



"Good afternoon, everybody. This morning, I called Bob and Jani Bergdahl and told them that after nearly five years in captivity, their son, Bowe, is coming home. Sgt. Bergdahl has missed birthdays and holidays and the simple moments with family and friends, which all of us take for granted. But while Bowe was gone he was never forgotten. His parents thought about him and prayed for him every single day, as did his sister, Sky, who prayed for his safe return. He wasn't forgotten by his community in Idaho or the military which rallied to support the Bergdahls through thick and thin. And he wasn't forgotten by his country, because the United States of America does not, ever, leave our men and women in uniform behind.

"As commander-in-chief, I am proud of the service members who recovered Sgt. Bergdahl and brought him safely out of harm's way. As usual, they performed with extraordinary courage and professionalism, and they have made their nation proud. Right now our top priority is making sure that Bowe gets the care and support that he needs and that he can be reunited with his family as soon as possible.

"I am also grateful for the tireless work of our diplomats, and for the cooperation of the government of Qatar in helping to secure Bowe's release. We've worked for several years to achieve this goal, and earlier this week I was able to personally thank the emir of Qatar for his leadership in helping us get it done.

"As part of this effort, the United States is transferring five detainees from the prison in Guantanamo Bay to Qatar. The Qatari government has given us assurances that it will put in place measures to protect our national security.

"I also want to express gratitude to the Afghan government, which has always supported our efforts to secure Bowe's release. Going forward, the United States will continue to support an Afghan-led process of reconciliation, which could help secure a hard-earned peace within a sovereign and unified Afghanistan.

"As I said earlier this week, we're committed to winding down the war in Afghanistan, and we are committed to closing Gitmo, but we also made an ironclad commitment to bring our prisoners of war home. That's who we are as Americans. It's a profound obligation within our military, and today, at least in this instance, it's a promise we've been able to keep. I am mindful though, there are many troops who remain missing in the past, that's why we're never going to forget; we're never going to give up our search, for service members who remain unaccounted for. We also remain deeply committed to secure the release of American citizens who are unjustly detained abroad and deserve to be reunited with their families just like the Bergdahls soon will be.

"Bob and Jani, today families across America share in the joy that I know you feel. As a parent, I can't imagine the hardship you guys have gone through.As president, I know that I speak for all Americans when I say we cannot wait for the moment when you are reunited and your son Bowe is back in your arms.

"So with that, I'd like Bob to have an opportunity to say something, and Jani as well."




发表于 2014-6-2 23:22 | 显示全部楼层
【标题】美士兵阿富汗被俘5年后获释 已不会讲流利英语
央广网北京6月1日消息 (记者王宗英)据中国之声《新闻晚高峰》报道,在阿富汗与巴基斯坦边境,一名28岁的美军士兵登上了一架美军直升机,他显得颇为谨慎,一上飞机,就在纸板上写下了两个字母:“SF”,也就是美国特种部队的英文字母缩写,并在后面画上一个问号。这位美军士兵随后把纸板递给了飞机员,直升机的飞行员大声的回答他说:“是的,我们已经找你很久了。”






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发表于 2014-6-2 23:24 | 显示全部楼层
据美国媒体12月25日报道,塔利班武装组织当天公布了一段声称是被俘虏美军士兵鲍贝里达尔的录像。目前美国军方已经确认,录像中的士兵确为贝里达尔本人。 在塔利班公布的这段时长36分钟的录像中,贝里达尔戴着墨镜坐在镜头前,贝里达尔先报出了自己的军衔、血型、出生日期、家庭住址和亲属情况等一系列隐秘信息他在录像中长篇累牍地谴责美国发动阿富汗战争以及美国与穆斯林世界的对立关系。贝里达尔还在录像中指责美国政府发动战争,“将我们一次又一次推向泥潭……越南、日本、德国、索马里、黎巴嫩、伊拉克,而这次是阿富汗”。录像快要结束时,塔利班发言人穆扎赫德重申了要美国用“一定数目的在押囚犯”换取贝里达尔的要求。
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发表于 2014-6-2 23:26 | 显示全部楼层
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