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[网贴翻译] 【华盛顿邮报20140617】世界杯上的民族主义问题

发表于 2014-6-19 03:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-6-19 13:45 编辑

【原文标题】World Cup travelogue: In Salvador, patriotism expressed in many ways, at many volumes
【登载媒体】The Washington Post

SALVADOR, Brazil — Among the goal-scoring and general goodwill, this World Cup is also exposing issues about nationalism, pride and identity — not just for those anti-World Cup Brazilians who agonized before donning team shirts, but also for the thousands of German fans here in Salvador who watched their team demolish Cristiano Ronaldo’s Portugal 4-0 in the hot afternoon sun Monday.
萨尔瓦多,巴西。 在进球数(的竞争)和总体上的善意之中,本届世界杯也暴露出了关于民族主义、骄傲和认同的问题,不仅仅是体现在那些反世界杯的巴西人在穿着队服的假人面前苦恼,也体现在本周周一那个炎热的下午,当在萨尔多瓦的上千德国队粉丝观看德国队以4-0打败了克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多的葡萄牙队的时候。

The World Cup makes people think about what country they are from, how they feel about belonging to that country, and in a bigger sense, what the rest of the world feels about their country. National traits are exposed through the prism of soccer. That spotlight is not always kind, but it can also be funny.

The Germany-Portugal game presented a dilemma for some Brazilians: whether to root for the shiny, organized Germans, or their former colonial masters Portugal?

“Who are you going to support today,” a mother asked her teenage son as they marched to the Fonte Nova stadium.
“你今天要给哪个队加油?”一位母亲在去Fonte Nova体育馆的路上问她还是个青少年的儿子。

“Germany,” he replied.

“You can’t support Germany,” she scolded. “You are Brazilian; you have to support Portugal.”
He sulked.


Jose Guillermo Yanez: My wife is from Brazil, my oldest son is from the USA, my youngest son is from Mexico... and I'm from Peru (who didn't make it into the World Cup this year)...!!! We have three teams in the cup... yesterday our household was divided in two, half for Brazil the other half for Mexico. Thank goodness the match ended in a tie 0-0...!!!
网友Jose Guillermo Yanez:我的妻子来自巴西,我的长子来自美国,我最小的儿子来自墨西哥... 我来自秘鲁(今年没有打进世界杯)...!!!(在我家里)有三只球队进了世界杯...昨天我们家被分成两派,一半支持巴西,另一半支持墨西哥。感谢上帝,比分是0-0...!!!

Toli Myers: As long as your country made it to world cup.
网友Toli Myers:前提是你的国家打进了世界杯。

Brendan Fenton: Relax and just enjoy the World Cup Washington post. Making something out of nothing. Look at all the smiles. Stop trying to dig up negativity and look for the positive that's in the crowd
网友Brendan Fenton:华盛顿邮报,放轻松,享受世界杯吧!(别再)无中生有。看看所有的笑脸。试着停止挖掘消极的一面,在人群中找找积极的一面吧!

Soran Jaff :It doesn't make any problem for me. I am Kurd and don't have country.
网友Soran Jaff :我没有这个问题,我是个库尔德人,我没有国家。




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