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【中文标题】《权力的游戏》:危险的电视剧? 【英文标题】Why ‘ Game of Thrones’ is actually dangerous for China’s rulers 【原文链接】http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2014/05/02/why-game-of-thrones-is-actually-dangerous-for-chinas-rulers/ 【原文作者】Ishaan Tharoor 【正文】
Beware the spoilersbelow. (Photo courtesy of HBO)
注意,以下内容有剧透。(照片由HBO(Home Box Office,美国票房)提供
So it turns out the Chinesestate TV's recent broadcast of"Game of Thrones" was an edited mess, according to disgruntlednetizens quoted by the South China Morning Post. The censors, it appears,hacked away at the show's notorious gore and sex. 据《南华早报》称,央视近期播出的《权力的游戏》被剪辑得一塌糊涂。看来审查人员毫不留情地剪掉了该剧的暴力和情色镜头。
Here's the SCMP: 以下是《南华早报》原文:
"I estimate that theycut about twenty minutes," one disgruntled Weibo commentator wrote afterthe first episode re-aired on Sunday. "The story feels discontinuous…[When they began re-airing it], my first reaction was 'This can’t be!' Then mysecond reaction was, 'My God, what a mess.'" “我估计他们剪掉了差不多二十分钟的剧情。”一位对此十分不满的微博用户在星期天第一集首播后评论道,“整个故事都变得支离破碎了……我的第一反应就是‘怎么能这样?!’,我的第二反应是‘天啊,真是糟糕透了。’”
"So they've cut abouta quarter of all the fight scenes, then a quarter of the nude scenes,"another netizen quipped. "I guess that's okay if all you want to watch isa medieval European castle documentary." “他们不仅剪掉了四分之一的打斗场景,还剪掉了四分之一的裸露镜头。”另一位网友以讽刺的语气说道,“如果你只是想看看中世纪欧洲城堡纪录片的话,这个删减版还能凑合。”
But "Game ofThrones" is not just a "medieval European castle documentary."Nor is the HBO drama beloved around the world purely for its frequent battlesand orgies. Beyond its ice zombies and shrieking dragons, the show offers anengrossing meditation on political power and personal loyalties, drawnsometimes from real historical eventsand suffused with real lessons fornations and governments. Indeed, if China's censors watched moreclosely, they could find other reasons to keep on cutting. 但是《权力的游戏》并不只是一部“中世纪欧洲城堡纪录片”。HBO拍摄的这部电视剧能在全球大红大紫也不是因为其频繁出现的打斗及情色镜头。除去冰雪僵尸和尖啸之龙,这部电视剧更是围绕着权力和忠诚两大主题展开了引人入胜的想象,其中有些剧情是从真实历史事件演化而来的。的确,如果有关人员进一步仔细审查的话,他们还会发现其他删减剧情的原因。
The myth of the unified, centralized state
In "Game ofThrones," the centralized state -- the united Seven Kingdoms of Westeros-- is an entity balanced on a thread, forever vulnerable to the whims of thepower-brokers of the land. 在《权力的游戏》中,中央国家是由维斯特洛(Westeros)七大王国联合而成的,然而这个国家的力量却很容易因投机政客的诡计而削弱。
The TV show compels you toroot for separatists -- the charismatic, stoic Starks of the North -- who aretrying to split away from the tyranny of the capital. Moreover, the showreinforces over and over in the viewer's mind just how unnatural andmanufactured the centralized authority of a high king is. 故事以北境史塔克家族揭开序幕,史塔克家族虽然主张独立以脱离都城的暴力专制,却深受观众支持。而且,这个故事不断地给观众灌输一种观念,那就是君主的集权是多么的有悖常理,多么的云谲波诡。
We learn that Joffrey, an odious princeling whoassumes the throne after the death of his putative father, Robert Baratheon, isactually the product of incest among the powerful Lannister clan. Joffrey'srule as monarch is preserved only through the cynical alliances made by hisgrandfather Tywin Lannister, a brutally Machiavellian figure in the series. 以乔佛里为例,这位专横跋扈的幼君在其父劳勃·拜拉席恩死后登上王位,但他实际上却是兰尼斯特家族姐弟乱伦所生。他的统治也只能靠其祖父泰温.兰尼斯无所顾忌的结盟来维持。泰温.兰尼斯特在“冰与火”系列里是一位冷酷无情、阴险狡诈的人物。
In "Game ofThrones," after all, earning the right to rule is a game. And thekingdom's subjects -- its "small-folk" -- are all hapless pawnswithin it. That's not quite the message China's authoritarian leadership -- beset by its own palace feuds and tales of vice and corruption-- would want internalized through its own realm. 说到底,在《权力的游戏》中,统治权的争夺只不过是场游戏,王国的国民都是这场游戏中不幸的棋子。而这绝不是中国这个饱受宫廷斗争、腐败传闻困扰的专制国家想向其国民传递的讯息。
The not so Great Wall 并不伟大的“长城”
One of the few fantasticalfeatures of the Westeros landscape is the Wall, a massive sheet of ice thatseparates the realms of men from the wild "free folk" and moreterrifying creatures who stalk the glacial unknown. It's modeled perhaps on Hadrian's Wall, the stone defense erectedby the Romans in Britainto keep out the fearsome Picts and other unconquered tribes. 在《权力的游戏》中,绝境长城(the Wall)是维斯特洛大陆最壮观的景色之一,这座长城是用巨大的冰块建造而成的,它将王国与境外的“自由民”以及未知的可怕生物隔离开来。绝境长城的原型可能是英国的哈德良长城(Hadrian’s Wall)。哈德良长城是罗马人为了防御皮克特人和其他未被征服部落在英国兴建的。
But the Wall also echoesthe Great Wall, China'svast, ancient lines of fortifications that snake wondrously through mountainsand can supposedly be seen from space. 但是我们不难将绝境长城与中国那巨大古老、蜿蜒起伏的长城联系起来。
The Great Wall in a certainsense defined China-- less as a practical national boundary and more as a kind of organizingprinciple, a culturallandmark. It wasless about rebuffing marauding barbarians -- who would have no problem invadingand settling Chinathrough the centuries -- and more about distinguishing the world that existedbehind and beyond its parapets and towers. 长城从某种程度上来说定义了中国——它更多的是一种组织原则,一种文化地标,而不是仅仅作为国界存在。与其说长城是用来抵制入侵的蛮族——数百年来,这些蛮族要入侵中国、在中国建立统治政权是是没有问题的——,不如说它是为了将境内与境外两个世界区分开来。
In recent years, thestructure has also lent itself to another metaphor: China's Great Firewall, thebarriers put up by the country's Internet police, blocking free access toinformation on the Web. 近些年,长城还被比作“中国防火墙”,该防火墙是由中国网络警察推行的,它限制了用户访问网站获取信息的自由。
Despite its epic size, theWall in "Game of Thrones" is not all it's cracked up to be. On onelevel, as the wildlings eventually tell us,it does more to define those kept within its defenses than without, marking aland where commoners have to "bend the knee" to the hierarchies ofthe feudal world. 尽管规模宏大,剧中的绝境长城却没有其宣城的那样伟大。某个角度上,就像野人最后所说,长城更多是为了限制境内而非境外的人,它标志着境内的平民都得向封建统治阶级“卑躬屈膝”。
It is defended by amisbegotten pack of scoundrels, rapists and rogues. And it is easily breached(not unlike China'sInternet controls). Some of civilization's greatest monuments are also signs ofa culture's real weaknesses rather than its strengths. 此外,绝境长城还是由一群品行低劣的恶棍、强奸犯守卫的,它可以轻易地被攻克(中国严格的网络监控则不然)。一些伟大的文明古迹有时也彰显出其真实的弱点,而不是其优势。
Dragonstone or Taiwan? 是龙石岛还是台湾?
The most storied noble house in "Game of Thrones" isthat of the Targaryens, thesilver-haired, dragon-riding family that begins the show in exile across thesea. 在《权力的游戏》中,一头银发、驾驭猛龙的坦格利安家族是众所周知的贵族,而这个家族的故事却是从流亡海外开始的。
We learn that the Targaryens once ruled all of Westeros until arebellion, punctuated by a few hideous slaughters,chased them to a small, craggy isle off the coast called Dragonstone. 坦格利安家族原先一直统治者维斯特洛大陆,直到一场叛乱将其驱逐到大陆对岸狭小陡峭的龙石岛(Dragonstone)。
Not long after the last of the Targaryens flee theisland for more distant hideaways, the rock becomes the fortress of StannisBaratheon, another lord who thinks himself the true ruler of Westeros.Dragonstone exists in the series as a permanent reminder of dissent, broodingsullenly off the shores of the realm. 当最后一位坦格利安逃向更远的地方寻求庇护后不久,龙石岛成为了史丹尼斯·拜拉席恩(Stannis Baratheon)的领地。史丹尼斯.拜拉席恩始终坚信自己是维斯特洛(Westeros)真正的统治者。龙石岛在“冰与火”系列中一直是以与大陆格格不入、阴森恐怖的形象出现的。
It doesn't take atremendous imaginative leap to see a parallel to China. In 1949, Mao Zedong'sCommunists defeated the nationalist forces, the remnants of which fled en masseto the island of Taiwan. To this day, Beijingconsiders Taiwan a renegadeprovince, while Taiwan-- the Republic of China -- in theory claims suzerainty over all of the Chinesemainland. 对此,我们不难联想到中国。1949年,毛泽东领导的共产党击败了蒋介石领导的国民党后,国民党残余军力集体逃向台湾。时至今日,北京仍将台湾视为一个“叛离”的省份,而台湾——中华民国——在理论上生成对整个中国大陆拥有宗主权。