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【中文标题】政府:反垄断维护中国消费者权益 【原文标题】Anti-monopoly for Chinese consumers'rights: govt 【原文链接】http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2014-08/09/content_18279403.htm 【更新时间】Updated: 2014-08-09 14:41 【正文】 China's recent wave of antitrust probes does notspecifically target foreign multinational enterprises operating, a governmentspokesman said on Saturday, Aug 9. 八月九号周六,政府发言人说道,近来中国掀起一股反垄断调查的浪潮。此次调查并不专门针对外资跨国企业。
The recent antimonopoly investigations onsome foreign companies are to promote fair competition and protect consumers'right, Shen Danyang, a Ministry of Commerce spokesman, said in a statementposted on the ministry's website on Saturday noon. 商务部新闻发言人沈丹阳(音译)在商务部网站于周六中午发布的一份声明中说道,最近对一些外企的反垄断调查旨在促进市场活动的公平竞争并保护消费者的权益。
"Probes on monopolistic practices areuniversal practices," he said. "Companies in China, domesticor foreign, must bear legal responsibilities if they violate Chineselaws." 他说道:“这次对垄断行为的调查针对所有企业,无论是国内还是国外,在华企业如有违反中国法律就必需承担相应的法律责任。
The National Development and ReformCommission, one of the three major antitrust regulators in China, saidearlier this week that 12 Japanese auto companies have been investigated forsuspected price manipulation of automobile parts. NDRC bureaus in Shanghai and Hubeiprovince are also completing probes into US carmaker Chrysler and Germanmanufacturer Audi. 中国有三个部委有权进行反垄断审查执法。这周早些时候,国家发展和改革委员会作为监管者之一就发表声明,已对日本12家汽车企业涉嫌操纵汽车零部件价格展开调查。上海与湖北省发改委也正在展开对美国汽车生产商克莱斯勒公(Chrysler)与德国制造商奥迪(Audi)的反垄断调查。
NDRC officers raided Mercedes-Benz's Shanghai office onMonday, Aug 4, and its distributors in five Chinese cities last week. 八月四日周一,奔驰公司(Mercedes-Benz)上海办事处遭国家发改委官员突击调查,而上周其在中国五个城市的分销商亦遭受了这些官员的突击调查。
A team from the State Administration forIndustry and Commerce, another antitrust regulator, also visited consultancyfirm Accenture's office in Dalian, Liaoning province. Accentureprovides financial services for Microsoft Chinaon Wednesday; the office visit is an escalation of the anti-monopoly probe onthe USsoftware giant. 来自另一反垄断监管机构——国家工商行政管理总局,也视察了埃森哲咨询公司(Accenture)位于辽宁大连的办公室进行“突击检查”。埃森哲于周三为微软公司提供金融服务。这次办公室视察是对美国软件巨头反垄断调查的进一步扩展。
No punishment has been announced so far forany of these companies. 至此这些受调查的公司仍未收到处罚的消息。
Shen said since the adoption of China'sAnti-Monopoly Law six years ago, both domestic and foreign companies have beenput under investigations. "Companies are equal in the implementation ofthe law. The law does not specially targets foreign investors." 发言人沈丹阳说道,《中国反垄断法》实施六年来,接受反垄断调查的企业既有本国企业,也有外国企业。在反垄断法面前,所有企业一律平等。法律并没有专门针对外国投资者。
He said foreign-invested companies andmultinationals have been an important component in China'seconomy and play a positive role in China's economic and socialdevelopment. He said Chinawelcomes multinational companies and is devoted to promoting a fair market forall market players. 沈丹阳说,外资企业与跨国企业作为中国经济的重要成分,一直积极推动者中国经济与社会的发展。他还说,中国继迎跨国公司与中国企业开展各种形式的合作,并且始终致力于为所有市场竞争者创造一个公平的市场环境。