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[网贴翻译] 柬埔寨总理发言

发表于 2014-9-6 14:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-9-7 10:58 编辑

It is claimed that the proposed CAFTA will result in the creation ofan economic region of 1.9 billion people with a combined GDP of $2 trillion anda trade value of $1.23 trillion. The proposed Regional Trade Agreement alongwith the important role played by China and the most advanced ASEANeconomies are said to have great practical and far-reaching strategicsignificance not only in promoting economic growth, trade and investmentcooperation but also in promoting integration for East Asian.

My discussion would be based on the case of Cambodia, Cambodian businesscommunity in particular, on how we could be an active and beneficialcooperative partner to this regionalization and significantly creating awin-win solution for every one of us involved. I think Cambodia is oneof the most open economic policies in what is a fairly open economic region. Itscores noticeably well in fiscal freedom and progress has been made from itsgovernmental prudent macro-economic policies. Low income tax and corporate taxrates contribute to a low overall tax burden, giving the country with a highfiscal freedom score with macro-economic stability, stable exchange rate, andlow inflation and with economic sectors open for business and investment.Though, the government has done a lot about rules and regulations to protectinvestment and create conducive environment for investment, Cambodia needto do more with its cost reduction and infrastructures such as roads, bridges,irrigation, electricity, post and communication, human resource and publichealth etc.

All we need to do is to look in-depth and more specific as to whatkinds of cooperation are required and map out a short to medium terms planningto assist our enterprises. My personal thinking is that we have a lot of financialsupport from the Chinese government under different schemes: Cooperation Fundwith a total size of 10 billion US dollars; credit loan to ASEAN in 3-5 years15 billion US dollars; special assistance to Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar 39.7million US dollars; and 5 million US dollars for replenishing to theChina-ASEAN Cooperation Fund. I think we can create a pilot industrial showcaseby using part of this money to provide technological support to existingenterprises mainly focused in the less prosperous countries by means ofequipping and coaching.

The improvement of infrastructures in the less prosperous membercountries would leads to complementary trade among member countries. Judgingfrom the manufacturers’ perspective, I believe countries with differenceadvantages tend to produce goods that compliment each other. CAFTA will createa market of nearly 2 billion consumers and at the heart of its strategies arereductions in tariff, eliminating non tariff measures, and reducing the gaps ofdevelopment which are offered at the exclusive privilege of the membercountries. Manufacturers outside the region would find themselves ofdisadvantage obliging to pay full tax rate when exporting into CAFTA which leadto the vanishing of competitiveness compared to those produced inside theregion. This would drive more manufacturers to relocate their facilities intothe region which benefit to the member countries in terms of influx of FDI.Thus, hopefully will result in potential economic development opportunities forthe lesser developed economies.

I’m optimistic that CAFTA will play an important role in theimprovement of goods and service, as well as lay a solid foundation for thedeepening of communication between ASEAN and China. However, opportunities willnot exist without challenges, unless we manage them well only we can bestbenefit from them.




发表于 2014-9-6 16:24 | 显示全部楼层
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