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[网贴翻译] 广西壮族党委书记彭清华对广西与东盟开展合作的建议

发表于 2014-9-7 10:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-9-7 11:55 编辑

Suggestionsof Peng Qinghua, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangxi Zhuang AutonomousRegion on the Cooperation Between Guangxi and ASEAN

Peng Qinghua, secretary of the party committee of Guangxi ZhuangAutonomous Region, gave the following suggestions on the Cooperation betweenGuangxi and ASEAN when he was interviewed by the media of the countries of ASEANin Nanning City on 20th August.

The firstsuggestion is to deepen the trade cooperation thoroughly. The two partiesshould, according to the arrangement of the trade in goods and service that hasbeen made, exchange ideas fully, cooperate with each other intimately, simplifypolicy procedures, strengthen the publicity, and put the preferential policy ofFTA into genuine practice. On this basis, we should further probe into andperfect the policy measures to the benefit of trade facilitation, offer moresufficient legal protection to enterprises, and create a more beneficial tradeenvironment. While consolidating the trade in traditional commodities, weshould also make great efforts to increase import and export of products withhigh additional value such as electromechanical technology and high and newtechnology, and expand the trade scale continuously, so that enterprises canachieve greater developments, and people can get more material benefit.

Thesecond suggestion is to strengthen the investmentcooperation. China and ASEAN enjoy economic complementarity themselves, andthey have their own advantages in their production factors, so strengtheningthe multilateral and the bilateral investment cooperation can promote theoptimization of regional resource allocation. The investment agreement between China and ASEANhas come into full force, and the two parties should make joint efforts to putmeasures of investment facilitation into practice. Chinaencourages the domestic enterprises to build some economic and commercial cooperationzones, promote cluster-type investment, and develop regional economy, so as torequite the society; meanwhile, we welcome enterprises from ASEAN countries toinvest in China.The interconnection and interworking of infrastructures are of greatimportance, so we should focus on investing in them. Besides, the two partiesshould exploit their own advantages to the full, further strengthen the investmentcooperation in fields like agriculture and the exploitation and utilization ofresources, and pay more attention to the construction of livelihood projects,so as to make use of investment to drive trade, which will promote developmentand the achievement of mutual benefit and win-win result.

Thethird suggestion is to boost sub-regional cooperation. Sub-regional cooperationcan better bring geo-superiority into full play, can promote regionaldevelopment more purposefully. China positively support the integratedconstruction of the economy of ASEAN, and encourage enterprises to take part inthe sub-regional cooperation among the growth zone in eastern ASEAN,  and the sub-regional cooperation among GreaterMekong and Pan-Beibu Gulf, making them become new highlights of cooperation on economyand trade. As an important window for China and ASEAN to exchange andcollaborate, Guangxi, driven by develop-the-west strategy, has make remarkableachievements in both economy and society. Last year, the plan of developmentand opening up of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone was approved by thegovernment of China.Faced with crises of international finance, Guangxi’s economy has maintainedthe nice momentum of developing smoothly, steadily and rapidly. Facing thefuture, we will not shake our decision to further boost the development of thewest region, and we will not change our policies; instead, we will strengthenthe efforts to carry out these policies. We welcome more enterprises of ASEANto invest in Guangxi and in the west region of China, so as to seek commondevelopment.




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