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[网贴翻译] 20世纪

发表于 2014-9-9 19:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-9-9 20:07 编辑


The 20th century -- the century ofmetamyths and of megadeaths -- spawned false notions oftotal control, derived from arrogant assertions of total righteousness. Thereligious man of pre-modern times, who accepted reality as God-ordained, hadgiven way to the secular fanatic, increasingly inclined to usurp God in theeffort to construct heaven on earth, subordinating not only nature but humanityitself to his own utopian vision.

In the course of the century, this visionwas perverted into the most costly exercise of political hubris in mankind'shistory: the totalitarian attempt to create coercive utopias. All of reality --on the objective level of social organization and on the subjective level ofpersonal beliefs -- was to be subject to doctrinal control emanating from asingle political center. The price paid in human lives for this excess isbeyond comprehension.

Adding them all up, somewhere between 167million and 175 million individual human beings were deliberately extinguishedthrough politically motivated carnage – the scores of millions of soldiers andcivilians killed in the century's wars, the further scores of millions killedin concentration camps, gulags, forced collectivization, ethnic transplantings,and killing fields decreed by self-deified dictators.

The tens of millions that were killedbecause they were perceived, for racial or social reasons, as unworthy ofliving within the earthly utopia—and the many millions more that were coercedinto living within these systems -- all testify to the hypnotic appeal of themetamyths of Nazism that postulated the end of history and the attainment ofperfection within utopias of total control.

The manifest failure of that endeavor hasgiven way in the West to the current antithesis, which is essentially that ofminimal control over personal and collective desires, sexual appetites, andsocial conduct. But inherent in the almost total rejection of any control isthe notion that all values are subjective and relative.

In brief, this century has seen mankindmove from experimentation with the coercive utopia of totalitarianism toenjoyment of the permissive cornucopia of today's America—from a passionate embraceof the absolutist metamyths of Hitler, Lenin, Mao, and their followers tocareless toying with relativistic agnosticism.




发表于 2014-9-9 20:32 | 显示全部楼层
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