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[网贴翻译] 美国法律制度(三)

发表于 2014-9-13 10:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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1.Legal Procedure
The Americanlegal system operates under what is known as adversary system.Under the system, the proceeding is presided over by a theoretically unbiasedand essentially passive judge, who is responsible for guiding the proceedingaccording to certain procedural rules and for making decisions on questions oflaws that arise.
3. 法定程序

3.1   Complaint and Answer
A civil actionis normally initiated by filling with the court a complaint where one partyknown as plaintiff set out the basis for the court’s jurisdiction over thematter and the essential claims the plaintiff has against the defendant. Thedefendant needs not respond until he/she receives a summons (usuallyaccompanied by a copy of the complaint) issued by the court. Filling of acomplaint and serving of a summons commences the proceeding. While properlyserved with the summons the defendant must file an answer the complaint withinthe stated time. In the answer the defendant shall seek to prove that theplaintiff is mistaken as to what happened factually and/or as to the defendant’slegal liability. The answer would include admissions or denials of the factualallegations of the complaint.
3.1 控告和答辩

3.2 Discovery
Before theactual trial begins, parties usually engage in discovery, a process forobtaining the facts concerning the dispute which is the subject of the lawsuit.The discovery involves deposition (questioning in person of witnesses who haveknowledge of the subject matter of the dispute), interrogatory (writtenquestion prepared by the attorney of one side and sent to the attorney of otherside for answer), and production and inspection of documents in the possessionof the other (including records, transcripts and other forms of evidentiarymatters). Courts usually do not participate in the discovery process. TheFederal Rules of Civil Procedure, as well as the rules of procedure establishedfor the court system in each state specify the procedures by which discoverymay be conducted. The facts thus discovered in cases brought in either state orfederal court can be used to prepare a pre-trial motion to dispose of the case(called a motion for summary judgment), in which one or more parties argue thata decision can be rendered before trial since there are no disputed question offacts, to prepare for an actual trial on the merits, or to assist the partiesin evaluating the merits or weakness of their cases for settlement purpose.
3.2 证据开示

3.3   Pretrial Conference
In federalcourts and in some state courts, there is a pretrial conference before thetrial begins. At the conference, which usually takes place from two to fourmonths before the trial begins, the parties shall each submit written documentssummarizing their contentions of fact and law and listing the names of thepersons whom they will use at the trial as witness as well as a list of alldocumentary or other evidence which they plan to use at the trial.

Pretrialconference, used extensively in the federal district courts, frequently resultsin the settlement of the case without trial. If it does not, the court fixes aspecific date for the case trial, following the pretrial conference. Theobjective of the pretrial conference is to shorten the actual trial timewithout infringing upon the rights of either party.

3.4   Trial
Most civil casesbrought in American courts, federal or state, do not go to trial. The vastmajority of cases are settled out of court or may be disposed of by a pretrialmotion. For those cases which do proceed to a trial on the merits, they mayeither be conducted before a jury of 6-12 individuals, or before a singlejudge.

3.5   Appeal
A final order isformed when the issues of a particular case is finally determined. Appeals maybe taken from final orders of either state trial courts or federal districtcourts. In some instances, appeals may be taken from non-final or interlocutoryorder.




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