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[网贴翻译] 土楼中的客家

发表于 2014-9-20 10:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-9-21 15:13 编辑

【作者】本刊记者 赵乐
【原文标题】Rambling in China-The Hakkas Living in Earthen Buildings
【原文作者】Your reporter, Zhao Le

Editor’s Comments,
    YongdingHakka earthen buildings are just like a shade of bright-red and abunch of mountain flowers, which burst into bloom silently throughout thousandsof years’ history and never wither and fall as time goes by. UNESCO oncecommented, “Hakka earthen buildings are in a class by themselves in the world,and they are mythical miracles in residential buildings.”

Yu Qiuyu once said, “Hakka culture enjoys high concentration throughthousands of years’ sedimentary deposits; the Hakkas shoulder theresponsibility of upholding Chinese culture all along, which is their naturalmission.”

This time, the reporter will take you into Yongding Hakka Earthen Buildingsto visit the Hakkas…

The reporter reached the biggest group of Hakka earthen buildings----YongdingHakka earthen buildings after three hours’ driving from Xiamen.

With a smile on her face, a Hakka lady called Little Jiang appearedin time, who was married here several years ago. She said that the surnames of thewhole country’s people are all Lin, so people living in the earthen buildingsconstitute a big family.

When entering the scenic spot of earthen buildings and stepping on theavenue of the Hakkas’ stars, you will find that the signs standing beside theroad are putt in perfect order, with 168 celebrities from the Hakkas carved onthem; these celebrities came from the political circle, the military circle,the commercial circle, the circle of literary and art and so on. “As Hakkas, werespect the older generation very much,” Little Jiang said, “And we will neverforget the honor they won!” The sub-groups of the Hakkas can be foundeverywhere. Though some Hakkas live abroad, they host dreams and have achieved strikingsuccess with their diligence and tenacity. They are creating Chinese culture,and making contributions to the world’s culture. And the cultural integrationduring this process leads one to endless aftertastes.

Water is the source of life. The water flowing from the end of thevillage is like a dragon. Hakka earthen buildings are located beside the waterand Hongchuan Brook is its soul, without which everything there will neverexist. Walking along the brook, you will hear the brook purl and find severalHakka women wash clothes along the brook; they live an ordinary life belongingto them. You will have a peaceful, sweet and easy feeling when you appreciatethe scenery, which is like the scenery of “a small bridge over the flowingstream”. Many an earthen building stands erect there, and they quietly watchthe descendants of the Lins work diligently there, while the old waterwheelmakes the sound of “rushing”, seeming to tell the old stories there to people.

Oriented north and south, the round earth-staked Zhencheng Building isamong the best Hakka earthen buildings. This is due to the Hakkas’ worshippingheaven. It is recorded in the Book ofChanges” that “round is the heaven, which is the representation of theuniverse”; the Lins who lived there one hundred years ago were full of wisdom,and their ideas of environmental protection were advanced, which makes thecontemporary people feel deeply ashamed. The main constructional materials of Zhencheng Building are immature soil, with theaddition of sticky rice, brown sugar and eggs. Through being rubbed, poundedand pressed, all the above materials will be made into the constructionalmaterials. Constructed according to the concept of the Eight Diagrams, theround Zhencheng Buildings are warm in winter and cool in summer, can adjust yin and yang (the two opposing principles in nature), and can be utilizedcircularly. In the daytime, every room is lit up by the sunshine shone from thecourtyard; at dark hours, the oil lamps and the candles glitter. There is afirewall between every two diagrams. Zhencheng Buildings are divided into 8units, and they are radial with eight aliquots. Every aliquot consists of 6 ormore buildings, making up a diagram. When the door of the diagrams is opened, allthe diagrams will be united into a body; when the door is closed, every diagramwill have a style of its own as a courtyard. Every building has 4 stories and208 rooms, which are arranged in apple-pie order. The first story contains kitchenrooms, restaurants and parlors; the second story includes a warehouse and a granary;the third and forth stories are master bedrooms. The anti-seismic facility, thewindproof facility, the fireproofing facility and the smoke-ejecting facilityare of unusual design. The walls of the round earthen buildings were designedto lean inwards, which makes it own centripetal force; therefore, the walls canunite together by themselves. The outline of the earthen buildings is cambered,which draws little pressure, so they are windproof. There is a firewall betweenevery two diagrams, so if there is fire in a diagram, it won’t spread toanother diagram. If there is a thief, it will be difficult for him to make goodhis escape when the door of the diagram is closed. Chimneys have been hidden inthe wall and they erect upward the roofs, so there won’t be too much smoke orfire when dinner is cooked. The ancestors of the Hakkas have enlightened usmuch; they really achieved the harmony among people, the harmony between human beingsand society, and the harmony between human beings and Nature.

The weather is changeable like a baby's face. Little Jiang startedto sing a nursery rhyme, “Wave and wave; we will thus reach the Grandmother Bridge; my grandmother praise me as agood baby; sometimes I cry, and sometimes I smile.” She said that what’s aheadis “Yue EBridge”, also called the Grandmother Bridge,and that Kuiju Building will be seen. Kuiju Building isdescribed as “a tiger dashing down a mountain”, for the door is like the “headof a tiger”, the two windows on the bounding wall in the front of the buildingare like the “eyes of a tiger”, and it is near the mountain and by the river,like a fierce tiger scurrying from the top of a mountain. with a history of 160years, Kuiju building is the earthen building of the palace’s style. And withthe stamps of years, it is more flavorful. The Chinese characters “奎(Kui)” and “聚(Ju)” both represent grand momentum.Though its appearance is not special, there is much “knowledge” inside thebuilding. The exquisite crafts of woodcut, stone carving, tile carving and letteringare all incarnated perfectly from the indoor scene. The building materials of Kuiju Buildingare loess and stones. When wind has blow across the face of the wall built byloess for a long time, it will be easy for the wall to be air-slaked. Inaddition, the wall is easy to be wetted. Therefore, one will feel not verycomfortable when living in Kuiju Building. For more than100 years in Kuiju Building, there have beenfour people who became a successful candidate in the highest imperialexaminations and later became officers above 7th ranking, more than20 undergraduates and more than 40 overseas Chinese. Just as the antitheticalcouplet on the big door goes, “Civilization will flourish under the shining ofthe star of Kui; the building will take a new look if a compact community livesthere.” Little Jiang said that formerly there were 28 families, but now thereare only a dozen or so families; mosy families moved because of theinconvenience of life. With this, it started to pour, and we accepted theinvitation of Little Jiang with pleasure, going forward her home to takeshelter from rain and have a cup of tea.

The Hakkas living in the earthen building mainly live on tobacco,fruit and tea. At ordinary times, Little Jiang’s families live on selling tea,and the first floor is the “shop front”, while she and her families liveupstairs. “We Hakkas need to have some drink every day; we can’t live withoutit.” She said as she made tea, “If the Hakkas invite you to their home but theydon’t make good tea for you, it means that they look down upon you. LittleJiang said that she once left the earthen building for the city to sell tea. However,her parents-in-law have been long in the tooth now, so she has to stay at hometo look after them and the children. “My husband works as a cementer in thecounty town; I will call him back if he feels tiresome; I have no specialrequirements for him; if he earns money, the money will be used to support thefamily. We both hope that our families can live a good life. Asthe saying goes, ‘A peaceful family will prosper.’” The Hakkas havea strong concept on families, and they are kind to every elder, for they value “filialpiety” particularly.

雨过天晴,鹅卵石路被冲刷的干干净净,地面反着一层亮亮的光。回程路上,终于有功夫看看路边的摊铺和宣传栏,才发现电视剧《下南洋》、电影 《云水谣》都是在这里拍摄的,从媒体上宣传了土楼风貌;新建的“土楼剧场”上演客家风俗,让观光客更直面了解客家文化;特色小画廊,艺术家专心作画,不少人驻足观看;更值得一提的是土楼紧跟时代的发展,提供中西合璧的服务。住宿民宿的小招牌不仅写了中文,还有多种语言。爱心留言板上随处可见外国朋友写下的“土楼印象”,其中有一张写得简短却有力量,“Never Forget”永远不会忘记。
After a storm came a calm. The road paved with oval stones looked soclean after being scoured by the rainwater, and the ground reflected brightlights. During our return trip, we finally had time to have a look at the shopsand the bulletin boards on the roadside, and we found that the TV series Migrating into Southeast Asia and the movie TheKnot were both shot there. And this propagandized the style and features ofthe earthen buildings; the newly-built “Theatre of the Earthen Buildings” isthe place where performances related to the customs of the Hakkas are shown,and these performances can make visitors know about the Hakkas’ culture moredirectly; the scene of artists’ concentrating on painting in the characteristicgalleries draws the attention of many visitors. What’s more worth mentioning isthat the earthen buildings keep up with the development of the times, and offerservices with Chinese and Western styles combined. The signboards on thelodging dormitories are written not only in Chinese, but also in many otherlanguages. “Impressions of the earthen buildings” written by foreign friendscan be seen everywhere on the message board of love; among these impressionthere is a brief but powerful one. “Never Forget”.

Though we had left the earthen building, we cannot forget LittleJiang’s plain eyes, the eyeballs in which are full of a kind of simplehappiness. There are views like the Land of Peach Blossoms inHakka buildings. Little Jiang and generations of Hakkas work and live there dayin and day out. This is such a quiet, carefree and leisurely place that it isthe dreamland of the people in the realistic society.




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