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[网贴翻译] 【路透社 20141201】中国公司拟再次竞标墨西哥高铁项目

发表于 2014-12-1 17:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】China plans to big again for Mexico high-speed rail project

SHANGHAI/MEXICO CITY, Dec 1 (Reuters) - China plans to tender again for Mexico's $3.75 billion high-speed rail project after the Latin American nation abruptly cancelled its earlier win, one of the firms in a Chinese-led consortium that had bid and a source close to the bid said.

Mexico revoked the contract awarded to the consortium made up of China Railway Construction Corp , CSR Corp and four other Mexican firms on Nov. 7 after opposition lawmakers claimed it was fixed. The consortium's bid was uncontested.

The Latin American nation said it would re-run the tender in late November under the same terms.

Local media also later reported that one of the Mexican firms in the consortium, Grupo Higa, owned a $7 million house that the Mexican president's wife was in the process of acquiring. Mexico's first lady said she would give up the house.
当地媒体随后报道称,墨西哥总统夫人曾把名下价值700万美元的房产注册在这四家墨西哥公司之一的Grupo Higa公司。而总统夫人随后则表示将放弃该房产。

"Whether we will continue to bid with CRCC, that's a definite yes," said the official from CSR's publicity department, who only wanted to be identified by his surname Xu, on Friday.

A separate source close to the Chinese bid said CRCC was definitely going to tender again.

Xu declined to say whether the Mexican partners would remain in the consortium, but said "small adjustments made to consortiums are very normal".

CRCC did not reply to calls for comment from Reuters on Monday. The company said after the cancellation of the contract that it was "exceptionally shocked" by the decision and that it was looking at taking legal action to protect its rights.

发表于 2014-12-6 10:19 | 显示全部楼层
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