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[网贴翻译] 狩猎通讯降低在欧洲和非洲的漫游费

发表于 2015-1-10 16:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Safaricom cuts roaming chargesin Europe and Africa
9 January2015 Last updated at 17:33
Subscribers to Kenya's largest mobile network are set tobenefit from lower charges when using their phones in parts of Europe and Africa.

Nairobi-basedSafaricom has signed agreements with international operators and governmentswhich allow it to offer lower roaming rates in 21 countries.

The UK, Germanyand Spain are amongst thedestinations included in Europe.

Charges will alsobe reduced in Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana,Lesotho and Mozambique.

The UKphone giant Vodafone owns 40% of Safaricom's shares. The Kenyan governmentcontrols 35%.

Following theagreement with Vodafone's affiliates, subscribers will be able to access 10minutes of voice calls, 10 text messages and 10 megabytes of data for just 200Kenyan Shillings (£1.45).

"That's asignificant reduction. In most of these countries previously these call rateswere about four times higher or more," said Bob Collymore, chief executiveof Safaricom, speaking to the BBC.
狩猎通讯的首席执行官Bob Collymore 对BBC说:“这个减少数额是很显著的。以前,在大部分这些国家中的通话资费大约要四倍甚至更多。”

Delayed deal

Notably, Kenya's neighbours, Ugandaand Tanzania,are not included in this deal, despite being members of the East AfricanCommunity (EAC).
值得注意的是, 肯尼亚的邻国乌干达和坦桑尼亚尽管同是东非共同体(EAC)的成员,却不包括在本协议内。

EAC members havebeen working towards greater economic integration for the over 20 years withmixed results.

"Back in Maylast year the heads of state from...Rwanda, Uganda, southern Sudan and Tanzaniaagreed to reduce rates to a max of 10 US cents per minute," said MrCollymore.
Collymore先生说: “早在去年5月,来自……卢旺达、乌干达、南苏丹和坦桑尼亚的元首对资费的最大降低额为每分钟10美分达成了共识。”

"So far we'veimplemented this with Rwandaand we're pretty confident we'll be able to do this with the other countriesover the coming few months."

Mobile operatorshave come under growing pressure to cut the charges imposed when users travelabroad but still wish to use their phones for calls and accessing the internet.

In Europe charges have been sharply reduced afterintervention from the EU.
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