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[网贴翻译] 【外媒 20150121】朝鲜青年难民逃往瑞典 身份待验

发表于 2015-1-22 20:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Teen Makes Amazing Escape From North Korea to Sweden, Now Fighting Deportation
【中文标题】朝鲜青年难民逃往瑞典 身份真实性待验
【文章来源】The Inquisitr News

A 17-year-old boy claims that he crossed a frozen river and crossed two continents by car and rail to escape from North Korea and arrive in Sweden. Unfortunately, he didn’t bring along any documentation, and Swedish authorities suspect he is really from China.

The boy is using the alias Han Song, fearing North Korean agents’ reprisals.
为防止遭到朝鲜的报复,该男子使用假名Han Song

Song told Reuters, “I can’t speak Chinese. But it’s hard for me to prove anything.” According to the news outlet, the teenager spoke with a heavy North Korean accent.

Sadly, North Korea is a closed country, and for the hundreds of people who escape each year, it’s nearly impossible to prove their stories. For Han Song, that story is both amazing and tragic.
令人遗憾的是,朝鲜是个封闭国家,每年叛逃的成百上千朝鲜人几乎都无法证明他们故事的真实性。对于Han Song来说,他的故事既精彩又悲惨。

According to the Strait Times, Han claims he was born in rural Songbuk County, which sits in the corner of North Korea next to the Tumen River, which divides China and the hermit kingdom.

His mother died from a stomach ailment when he was seven years old.

Authorities caught Han’s father and imprisoned him for criticizing North Korea’s former dictator Kim Jong Il.

Song says, “I ran away from the village after that and roamed around as a ‘kotjebi.'”

Kotjebi is a Korean word to describe orphaned street children. Like most Kotjebi, Han says he begged for food to survive, or had to forage on the fringes of markets to find scraps.

Then, his journey began.

A friendly North Korean smuggler who sold basic commodities from China arranged for the boy to be shipped out of North Korea. Han claimed that he crossed the frozen Tumen River on a cold night in March, 2013.

As previously reported on the Inquisitr, the frozen Tumen River lacks security measures in rural areas, allowing refugees – and criminals – to enter China from North Korea.

Song stayed in a safe house provided by a “broker” while they prepared fake documents to get him through two continents. He then spent a week on a train traveling through Russia to the Finnish border.

When he got there, Han hid in a truck to go the rest of the way to Sweden, where he is now requesting asylum.

The only problem is Swedish officials don’t buy his story.

To figure out Han’s nationality, the Swedish Migration Board relied on Sprakab, a company that uses language tests and other methods to verify nationality. Unfortunately, Sprakab could not conclusively prove Han’s North Korean origin.

If Han or Swedish authorities cannot prove his nationality in the next four years, he’ll be allowed to stay in Sweden for humanitarian reasons.

Still, many fear that Han will be sent to China or worse and have started a petition to make sure he is not deported. The petition, which can be found here, already has 14,000 signatures.

As a last resort, the Citizen’s Alliance for North Korean Human Rights, an NGO in Seoul, has asked the South Korean government to take Han if Sweden threatens to deport him.

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