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[网贴翻译] 【CNN 20150223】三名失踪英国少女或加入ISIS 警方全力搜寻

发表于 2015-2-24 10:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Police scramble to find teen girls before they join ISIS
【中文标题】三名失踪英国少女或加入ISIS  警方全力搜寻


Amira Abase told her father she was going to a wedding. Instead, the 15-year-old British girl hopped on a plane with two friends to Turkey -- and police fear they are headed to Syria to join ISIS.
Amira Abase告诉其父亲称她要去参加一个婚礼。而这名15岁的英国少女实际上与两名朋友登上了前往土耳其的飞机。警方担心他们前往叙利亚加入ISIS(伊斯兰国)。

"What she's doing is completely nonsense," Amira's father Abase Hussen said.

He implored Amira to come home.

"Remember how we love you. Your sister, brother, they cannot stop crying."

Six days ago, the trio of British girls ran away from home and flew from London to Istanbul. It's unclear where Amira, 15-year-old Shamima Begum and 16-year-old Kadiza Sultana are.
六天前,这三名英国少女从家中出走,乘坐飞机从伦敦去往伊斯坦布尔。目前尚未清楚Amira15岁的Shamima Begum16岁的Kadiza Sultana身处何方。

But authorities worry their next stop will be Syria.

"This is an ongoing, live counterterrorism operation, and we're concerned about these three girls," London Metropolitan Police Cmdr. Richard Walton said.
“目前反恐行动持续进行,我们为这三名女孩的安全感到担忧。”伦敦警察局司令官Richard Walton说。

"There's a good possibility, a strong possibility, that we can stop them going into Syria. And our main objective here is to make contact with these three young girls, for them to make contact with us, preferably."

But so far, silence.

A knack for recruiting

The notion that three girls from London could succumb to the lure of ISIS highlights the terror group's aptitude for recruiting young foreigners.

British Prime Minister David Cameron said the case illustrates the need to fight ISIS on multiple levels.

"It does make a broader point which is the fight against Islamist terror is not just one that we can wage by the police and border control," Cameron said Saturday.

"It needs every school, every university, every college, every community to recognize they have a role to play, we all have a role to play in stopping people from having their minds poisoned by this appalling death cult."

'You are not in any trouble'

Shamima's family has also made a public plea in hopes the girls will return.

"Syria is a dangerous place and we don't want you to go there. Get in touch with the police and they will help to bring you home," the girl's family said in a statement released by police. "You are not in any trouble."

The family said Shamima has strong desires to help those she believes are suffering in Syria.

"You can help from home. You don't have to put yourself in danger," her family said. "Please don't cross the border. Please come home to us. Our Mum needs you home and is really worried. We are not mad at you, we love you."

Stopping the cycle

British police say they are concerned about the number of young women and girls who are either hoping to or who already have joined ISIS. While they wouldn't divulge numbers, they say it's a growing trend.

Shamima's sister, Renu Begum, described the 15-year-old as an "A-star student." But even bright, promising children can fall prey.
Shamima的姐妹Renu BegumShamima是一个A等生。但就算是前途光明的孩子也可能会中途堕落。

"To convince such young girls at that age that are so vulnerable ... it's just wrong," Begum said. "It's a really evil thing to do. You're breaking up entire families."

Walton said there are ways of helping detect whether teens may be drawn to a terror group.

"If young people are showing interest in passports, trying to get hold of lots of money, there are signs. Anything breaking the normal routine, any evidence .... of children lying about where they may be," he said.

British police say once they're in Syria with ISIS, it's unlikely they will ever be allowed to leave.

发表于 2015-2-24 10:13 | 显示全部楼层
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