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[网贴翻译] 【彭博社 20150302】前高盛总管:中国与1990年的日本如此相似

发表于 2015-3-4 17:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】China Will End Up Like Japan, Says Observer Who Called It in 1990

(Bloomberg) -- Forecasts for China to surpass the U.S. as the worlds main economic power are misplaced. So says an observer who foresaw Japans eventual demise a year before its land-price bubble began to burst.

The vulnerabilities in China today are very similar to the vulnerabilities in Japan,said Roy Smith, 76, who was a Goldman Sachs Group Inc. partner when he wrote a column saying Japans rise as a financial hegemon was done. Nobody agrees with me. But they didnt agree with me in 1990, so at least I have one right.
今年76岁的Roy Smith曾是高盛集团的合伙人,现任纽约大学商学院教授。曾成功预测日本迅猛的经济发展将会陷入衰退的Smith说:“中国经济的弱点和当时的日本非常相似,但没有人同意我的观点。但是1990年也没有人认同我的意见,那至少那时我预测成功了。”

Among the risks: bad loans, overpriced stocks and a frothy property market are flashing danger for Chinas economy and putting pressure on a fragile financial system -- similar to conditions that triggered Japans fall, said Smith, a finance professor at New York Universitys Stern School of Business. A further parallel is the burden of an aging population, with mounting pension and health-care costs, he says.

While China probably will avoid prolonged Japan-style stagnation, a major crisis could expose weaknesses that arent apparent now, according to Smith.

Most people today are talking about China displacing the United States as the great power of the 21st century,he said in a telephone interview last week. My view is that it is more likely to end up like Japan -- that is, the status of a former would-be superpower that isnt.

Chinas Rise

China surpassed Japan as the worlds No. 2 economy by gross domestic product in 2010 after three decades of rapid growth, fueled by the largest urbanization in history. It is tipped by many forecasters eventually to overtake the U.S. in output. By other measures, such as GDP per person, China is further behind the U.S.

On a per-capita basis, Chinas GDP in 2013 was still just half of where Japan was in 1960, according to World Bank data. That leaves plenty of scope to catch up to rich-world peers, more optimistic observers say.

The key difference I see between China now and Japan in 1990 is that China is at a much lower stage of development,said Louis Kuijs, chief China economist at Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc in Hong Kong, who previously worked at the World Bank.
苏格兰皇家银行集团香港分行的首席中国经济分析师Louis Kuijis说:“今天的中国和1990年的日本最大的不同在于,中国目前处于较低阶段的发展。”

Even so, Chinas progress has confronted mounting challenges in recent years. In 2014, the economy expanded at the slowest full-year pace in almost a quarter century.

Rocks, Slime

They say a rising tide lifts all boats -- a falling tide reveals all the rocks and slime,said Smith. There was a lot of it in Japan that people did not expect to see.’’

The former Goldman Sachs executive doesnt claim to have a flawless forecasting record or to have been the only one who tipped Japans economic decline.

Still, his October 1990 predictions on Japan proved prescient. Made amid a tumble in the stock market that year, they preceded the pricking of the countrys property bubble. In a column in the New York Times, he assessed that Japanese manufacturers would shift production abroad and that the nations banks would be impaired by losses on property loans.

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