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[网贴翻译] 【VOA 20150404】缅甸承认军机误伤中国村民 网友评

发表于 2015-4-4 19:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Myanmar (also known as Burma) has offered an official apology to China over a bombing accident last month near the two countries' border that killed five Chinese farmers as they were working in their fields. Myanmar has been fighting ethnic rebels in the north for nearly two months and the violence has forced tens of thousands of refugees to flee, many into Chinese territory.

Chinas Foreign Ministry said a joint investigation into the incident determined that Myanmar was responsible for the accident and that one of its warplanes had dropped a bomb on a sugar cane field in Chinese territory.

Myanmar Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin extended his countrys apologies to those killed and injured during a meeting Thursday with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi.

Chinas Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Myanmar offered compensation and pledged to punish those responsible. Myanmar also said it will strengthen measures to ensure that such an incident does not happen again.

Initially, Myanmar denied that it was responsible and instead blamed the rebel Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army group it is fighting in the north.

In response, China boosted its military presence along the border, launching air border patrols and deploying land-based surface-to-air missiles. Beijing warned that if any other intrusions occurred, it would take decisive actions.

Chinas border area town of Nansan is almost completely inaccessible to outsiders and looks much like a military zone in pictures posted on social media sites. At least three checkpoints have been put up to keep foreign journalists away from the area. International aid groups are also being denied access to refugees who have fled the fighting.

The Chinese government previously said that some 30,000 people have fled Myanmars northern Kokang area across the border in China, but aid groups say as many as 80,000 displaced persons are there now.


Myanmar seems a wisp of wind. They throw bombs and kill people as they want, regardless of what China thinks and does.

A country with more than USD 100 billion on military expenses doesn’t even dare to fart back...

发表于 2015-4-4 20:26 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵 结果和我说的基本一样 误炸 赔偿 没新意
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