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[网贴翻译] 【路透社 20150408】菲律宾称美菲军演并非针对中国 网友评

发表于 2015-4-8 18:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
About 11,500 U.S. and Philippine troops will take part in annual military exercises this month near disputed waters in the South China Sea, the Philippine military said on Tuesday, while denying the drills were a show of force to China.

The number of troops taking part in the exercises will be the largest since the allies resumed joint military exercises in 2000.

The Philippine military said the joint exercises were not aimed at countering China, which has been undertaking land reclamation on tiny reefs and islands in the Spratly islands, which both allies say is a threat to peace and stability.

"This has no direct relationship with the ongoing construction of structures, not a show of force," said military spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Harold Cabunoc.
“这与(中国)正在进行的建筑工作没有直接关系,并非武力展示,”菲律宾军方发言人哈罗德·卡武诺克(Harold Cabunoc)中校说道。

"The joint exercises are designed to increase our capability to defend our country from external aggression. It is to test how ready and how effective we can operate with our American allies in both humanitarian and security operations."

More than 5,000 Filipino and 6,000 American soldiers will take part in the 10-day exercises on western Palawan island, Zambales, and Pampanga provinces. The number of troops is more than double the number of participants last year.


Not show of force but prepare to use force if necessary.

The Filipinos are right, it is not their show of force.

What they should do is have a military exercise with Philippines, US, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan?!! And than say it's not a show of force. That should confuse the Chinese.

It only becomes a show of force when countries not friendly to America do it.

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