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[网贴翻译] 【路透社20150411】Apple Watch开始试用 中国山寨版不乏买家

发表于 2015-4-11 23:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Lining the glass display cases of Shenzhen's giant tech malls, knock-off versions of Apple Inc's smartwatch were on sale at many stalls, with some Chinese consumers eager to snap them up for a fraction of the cost of the original.
在深圳大型科技产品商场,很多商户正在出售山寨版的Apple Watch,一些中国消费者迫切想要以正品价格的零头入手山寨版Apple Watch

"It came on sale in mid-March and has been constantly out of stock," said one imitation Apple Watch seller who declined to give his name. "On average we sell around 40 a day. Some customers just came and bought five or more at a time."
“这个大概是三月中开始卖的吧,卖的很好,经常断货,”一位拒绝透露姓名的山寨Apple Watch销售人员说道。 “这个一般一天能卖个四十多个吧,有人来一下就拿五六个走。”

The mimic Watches, built on Google Inc's operating system, don't need a separate smartphone to work, said one merchant. At her store, one was retailing for 360 yuan ($58) - around one eighth of the cost of Apple's cheaper Watch models.
一位女商户称,这些山寨版Apple Watch,采用谷歌的操作系统,不需另搭智能手机即可使用。这位商户的店里,一款山寨Apple Watch价格为360元(58美元)--大约是较便宜款式Apple Watch价格的八分之一。

One version used a SIM card, could make calls, send messages, browse the Internet and take pictures, she said.

Customers in China and elsewhere will be able to buy it from April 24.
消费者周五可以开始在苹果专卖店试用Apple Watch424日起可以购买。

But the technology bazaars in the southern Chinese boomtown of Shenzhen were chaotic on Thursday. Merchants hawked their goods to Chinese and foreign shoppers, showing off different smartwatches' various colours and models.
但是中国深圳的科技市场周四却是熙熙攘攘。商户向中国和外国买家兜售山寨Apple Watch,炫耀山寨版的各式颜色与型号。

Some weren't impressed with the imitation Apple Watches.

"I really want to buy the original one," said Vikram Jan an Indian businessman from New Delhi shopping in Shenzhen. "The fake one is really bad."
“我真的想买正品,”正在深圳购物的新德里商人Vikram Jan说道。“山寨货真的太烂了。”

Though the knock-offs have their admirers, some merchants are doubtful about the impact on genuine Apple Watch sales.
尽管山寨版有市场,但一些商户质疑山寨版是否会对正品Apple Watch的销售造成冲击。

"You know some want the real thing and some just want to go for the cheaper option," said the woman selling knock-off watches. "There are all kinds of customers and people who want the cheaper one would still buy our product."

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