【中文标题】中国公司“计划惩罚未经批准的员工怀孕” 【英文标题】China firm'plans to punish unapproved staff pregnancies' 【原文链接】http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-33378709 【更新时间】3 July 2015 【原文来源】bbc.com 【正文】 A Chinese firmreportedly plans to ask its staff to seek approval before they get pregnant,provoking scorn in the state-run press and on social media. 据报道,一家中国公司在员工怀孕之前就要求其员工寻求公司批准,在国营媒体和社交媒体当中引起嘲笑。
Workers at afinance firm in Henan province were said to have been told they must apply fora "place on the birth-planning schedule" - and only if they had beenemployed for over a year. 在河南省的一个金融公司的工人称他们被告知他们必须申请一个“计划生育政策的时间表”——并且只有在那里工作超过一年的员工才能申请。
Those whobecame pregnant without approval may be penalised. 那些未经公司批准而怀孕的员工将会受到处罚。
The plan hasbeen heavily criticised on social networks and in the media. 这个计划在社交网络和媒体上受到严厉批评。
A commentatorin the state-run China Youth Daily said the company regarded its workers as"tools on the production line" rather than human beings, the AFP newsagency reports. 《中国 青年报》的一位评论员说,该公司把员工视为“生产线上的工具”而不是人,法新社报道。
Employees arealso unhappy, with one complaining that it was impossible to guarantee that apregnancy would follow the schedule set by the company. 员工们也不开心,其中有一位员工抱怨道对于怀孕会遵循公司规定的时间表一事是不可能保证的。
'Only a draft' “仅仅是一个草案”
The firm, inJiaozuo, in the central province of Henan, has recently hired a lot of youngwomen and is said to have been concerned that they would all go on maternityleave at the same time. 在河南焦作的这家公司最近雇佣了大量的年轻女性并且据说是一直担心她们会在同一时间休产假。
Arepresentative of the firm admitted that it had circulated the plan to staff,according to news portal The Paper, quoted by the AFP news agency. 这家公司的代表已经承认已经把这个计划传给他们的员工,根据 新闻门户,法新社援引。
However, therepresentative reportedly said the plan was only a draft that was intended toinvite comment from employees. 然而,据报道这个计划仅仅是一个草案,旨在引起员工们的回应。
The plandistributed by the firm suggested that only married female workers who had beenwith the company for more than a year would be allowed to conceive - and onlywithin a specific period. 这个计划表明只有在该公司工作超过一年的已婚女职工可以怀孕,而且仅仅是在一个特定的时期。
"Theemployee must strictly stick to the birth plan once it is approved," thestatement said. “一旦批准,员工必须严格遵守这个生育计划,”声明说。
Employees whobecame pregnant in violation of the plan, and in a way that affected theirwork, risked a fine of 1,000 yuan (£102; $161), the statement said. They mayalso have to forfeit year-end bonuses and promotion or awards. 违反计划怀孕的员工并且影响到她们自身的工作,会有罚款1000元的风险,声明说。他们也可能丧失年终奖和晋升或者奖项。
CommunistChina enforces strict family planning policies, famously restricting couples tohaving only one child. 中国共产党实施严格的计划生育政策,尤其著名的是限制夫妇只生一个孩子。 ( 四月网Annie2014独家编译自BBC新闻网)