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[时事新闻] 每周消息2015.11.10

发表于 2015-11-11 23:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Israeli Nazionist regime doomed as fuhrer Bush negotiates surrender

George Bush Sr. and his Nazionist faction are negotiating surrender, according to CIA sources. The Nazionist regime of Benyamin Netanyahu is also doomed, as are their Saudi proxies.

The storm of information poured out by the Internet, the new Guttenberg Press, has made a critical mass of people aware of the enormous crimes of George Bush Sr. and his Nazionist cohorts. The result is that, at age 91, Bush, who said he was retired and no longer talking to the press, felt obliged to put out a new auto-biography where he tried to throw henchmen like former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and former Vice-President Dick Cheney under the bus, essentially trying to blame them for the excesses of the George Bush Jr. regime.


With its Halloween attack on a Russian airliner, the Israeli regime has also doomed itself by arrogantly attacking the three great powers of Russia, China and the United States. The result is Israel is under a full military blockade that will not end until Netanyahu and his fellow war-criminals make an unconditional surrender, according to Chinese, Russian and Pentagon sources. Their so-called Samson option of taking the world down with them has now been neutralized, the Pentagon sources say.

George Bush Sr. began to negotiate surrender because he recognized the check-mate situation he faced, White Dragon Society sources say. Bush’s top lieutenant in Asia, Richard Armitage, ratted on Bush last week when he was questioned by officials connected Joseph Dunford, the new top US military commander, Pentagon sources said. Under questioning, Armitage admitted he ran the heroin side of the Bush mafia business, they said. In addition, we can now confirm from South American sources that Maurice Armitage, the mayor of Cali, Columbia was running the cocaine side of the business.

The new peace deal in Columbia between the FARC rebels and the Columbian government has cut drug funding to the Bush linked Sinaloa cartel to such an extent that hundreds of their goons had to fly to Saudi Arabia in order to find work as mercenaries in the war against Yemen, the Pentagon sources said. Mexico’s move to decriminalize drugs is another factor cutting off funding to the Bush mafia, the sources say. The result is that Jeb Bush’s campaign has run out of money. George Bush Sr. himself may soon no longer be able to afford the massive bodyguard presence he needs to keep himself from being hanged as a traitor.

The Bush oil and drug network run by the Nazionist ISIS proxy army in the Middle East is also being systematically dismantled.

Bush CIA asset Ahmed Chalabi was heart-attacked last week

because he was opposing the secret Iranian/Russian/Pentagon war in Iraq against the ISIS Nazionist proxy army, the Pentagon sources said. This is cutting off the flow of oil money stolen by Bush and his proxies during the illegal invasion of Iraq. This means their ISIS mercenaries are no longer getting their paychecks and so are no longer willing to fight.

Outside of Iraq as well, the situation in the Middle East is now coming to a climax of sorts with the Russian, Iranian, Pentagon offensive completely changing the political and strategic map of the region.

The Saudi oilfields near the Yemeni border are now being overrun by Yemeni forces backed by the Iranians, Russians and US military.


The result is the flow of Middle Eastern oil money to the Rothschild family is also being cut off.

The Rothschilds reacted to this situation in what only can be described as a suicidal move when they ordered the shoot down of the Russian airliner on Halloween. They followed this up with what amounts to a confession of the crime by celebrating the massacre with tasteless cartoons in their Charlie Hebdo magazine.


The shooting down of the airliner was obviously an attempt to punish Egypt for working too closely with the Russians, since it has stopped tourist flights into Egypt and endangered 70% of Egypt’s tourist revenue.


However, Russia and Egypt have reacted by making a move into Libya, thus cutting off the oil money the Rothschilds stole following their overthrow of the regime of Muammar Gaddafi.

Russian sources sent this writer an e-mail, still unverified, claiming that Jacob Rothschild and David Rockefeller had already been killed in retaliation. This may be disinformation because the same e-mail also says that if either of these individuals appears in public, it will be a look-alike and not the original. Time will tell but, in either case, if I was a Rothschild responsible for this atrocity, I would not be sleeping well at night.

In any case, the Jewish people are finally waking up to the fact Israel as it is presently run is a Nazionist and not a Jewish state. The head of the largest Jewish group in the United States, Rabbi Rick Jacobs of the Union of Reform Judaism, came out publicly last week against the horrendous actions of the Netanyahu regime.


War criminal Benyamin Netanyahu is due in Washington D.C. today to meet US corporate government spokesperson Barack Obama. He will be asking for support for his regime but it will not be forthcoming.

Sources in the mysterious Dragon family are saying that Israel will end up as a Jewish autonomous zone inside a greater regional entity. What remains to be decided is what will happen to the Middle East as a whole. Either the Middle East will become a loose Muslim Federation consisting of all states in the region or, it will consolidate into neo-Ottoman and neo-Persian empire spheres of influence.

At a higher level, this issue is going to be settled at a 100 nation meeting on “global warming” scheduled for the end of this month in Paris.


This meeting, to last from November 30th to December 11th will include the leaders of European nations as well as Russia, the United States, China and India. Since global warming is pseudo-science, it is a good bet they will be talking about the more general issue of how we run this planet.

While Russia is making a big splash in the Middle East, some very interesting power plays are now being carried out between the United States and China as well. As we reported recently, the United States Military has taken over the Federal Reserve Board operations inside the United States. This did not go down well with China, which was, in coordination with the Europeans, making its own move to take over the international operations of the US dollar.

This titanic struggle can be confirmed through shipping indexes that cannot be manipulated by bank super-computers. What we see here is that the Baltic Dry Index, the price for shipping commodities, has fallen to a record low. So has the Shanghai Containerized Freight Index, the price of shipping finished goods from China. Another index that has hit a record low is the US load to truck ratio, meaning the amount of goods being put on trucks from ships. All of these indexes should have been up in the run-up to the US Christmas season. The fact they are at record lows implies a stop in the flow of goods from China to the US. Another way to put it is that the Chinese have said “we will not accept your IOUs anymore.”


The Russians, for their part, have told the Chinese they do not need to worry about their oil from the Middle East being cut off either. The fact the Pentagon withdrew its last aircraft carrier from the Middle East months ago makes it clear they are no longer in the business of cutting of oil for the benefit of the Khazarian mafia.

However, the US Navy last week set off a blank trident nuclear capable missile from the coast of Los Angeles towards Russia and China. The message seems to be, “we are ready to go ballistic if we have to.” This is horse trading at the highest level.

At more esoteric level, we are beginning to see what appears to be the hand of the mysterious Dragon family. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and President Xi Jinping both visited Queen Elizabeth recently where they were shown Dragon family documents, according to White Dragon Society sources. The creation of these documents was arranged by the South East Asian branch of the Dragon family at a secret meeting in Singapore. They acted as intermediaries between the Royal Families of Europe, the Royal Families of Asia, the White Dragon Society, the Chinese Communist Party and the Pentagon.

A visible result of this last week was the first meeting between the heads of state of Taiwan and China in 66 years. After the meeting, Taiwan was rewarded for its role in acting as an intermediary between the Asian and European royal families with an invitation to join the China led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

The hidden theme behind all of the events described above is that humanity is waking up to the fact that the psychological process of deciding what we do in the future has been stolen by gangsters. Humanity is now coming up with processes to allow the people to choose what sort of future we want to create. That is what all these high level meetings and intrigue are really about. Babylonian debt slavery is ending, freedom is coming.
发表于 2015-11-11 23:20 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-12 09:11 | 显示全部楼层



Dratzo! Right now, your world is in transition. The dark is finally allowing the Light and its many allies to complete the large task of transferring funds and the accompanying bonds to special depositories. This procedure is taking longer than at first expected, due to the extraordinary precautions such a large delivery requires. Hence, it is taking a week longer than expected. The dark knows that once this formidable task is finished, the long promised mass arrests of the upper echelons of the dark minions is to begin. Until then, these rapscallions are being closely watched and many are under house arrest. Special rules of conduct were agreed to and those in the security branches of the Light are enthusiastically enforcing those rules. Ever since your ancestors first trod upon the Earth as humans, with amnesia and vague remembrances of their former selves, the dark minions have been the Anunnaki’s soldiers. The power that they wielded is now at an end. The time of doubt and fear is to be replaced by Love, freedom and abundance!


   In this new time, you are to reacquire the qualities, which the Atlanteans stole from you. First, you are to relearn a history that was purposely muddled by the Anunnaki and their dark minions. It is easy to see how a bogus view of your origins was produced. The truth was so twisted that to you, it seems like a set of unproven myths. When a people lose their history, they are susceptible to any kind of manipulation or pap given to them by their dark masters. This process took nearly 10 millennia to fully be accepted by you. During this time, your ancestors were subjected to three periods of building and rebuilding the societies supposedly given to them by the dark. In the last six millennia, you have been infrequently permitted to rebuild with the help of your spiritual and space families. All of this was slow and measured due to the numerous Anunnaki rules that had to be obeyed. Nevertheless, some minute progress in your consciousness was made. Presently, the rate of advancement is now vastly increased. The time of the dark is over!


   In this coming time, you are to become able to be free and prosperous. Use this time of growing consciousness to accept your new position and learn to apply the rules of Love and Light. Be accepting and seek cooperation with others. Learn about the power of wealth and then be able to let it go. The most important power is the incredible power of Spirit. Be able to fill yourself with Love and let the Light fill you with a growing consciousness that allows you to feel the soul energy of all living Beings. Feel how you are not alone, and how beautifully the merciful and graceful Creator connects you to Heaven! Part of our mission is to show how galactic humanity developed and spread across this vast galaxy. As you regain your lost faculties, you can again discover how and why your blessed travels led you to Gaia, and to a special mission to save and renew the sister worlds of Gaia, Venus, Mars and Pax. You are to finally reunite with us and finish this most sacred task.


   As you do this, you are as well giving sustenance to the wishes of the former “children of Anchara” to develop light bodies and join in moving this galaxy firmly into the Light. Before this can be done, you are to discover numerous oddities that were the first ancient of your love of freedom and the natural talents that forged brief encounters with your abilities to invent and pursue a more developed lifestyle. These first attempts were long forgotten by you. We intend to resurrect these talents and explain how the cabal's attempts at squashing them are finally to fail. Around your globe are monuments of stone, which display your inner genius. Some of you have speculated about these partially destroyed buildings. They show your remembrance of Gaia’s life forces and how you can resuscitate them. These are just a few examples of who you are to be once again. Each galactic human possesses a unique set of talents that graciously contribute freely to the whole.


   Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We are in joy! Our many associates are busily setting the stage for our new reality. Agreements were signed with teeth in them for the setting up of a new global financial structure as well as a finalizing of dates for the distribution of the prosperity and humanitarian funds. To ensure that these distributions cannot be stopped various dates were settled upon for the NESARA and the GESARA announcements. A new realm is being born. We ask you to remain patient since a vast number of incredible events are being readied to be revealed. We thank Heaven for what is about to be born! A gracious blessing is being bestowed upon us. After the fall of Atlantis, the Anunnaki took over this surface realm. They were told that a time was set aside when the Light was to regain this realm. This, Heaven is now doing! We are so grateful that this great act of mercy is upon us!


   As these numerous events start to occur, be ready to accept a great reordering of what you think is possible. Look at these miraculous happenings as a validation of the power and grace of Heaven. You are greatly Loved. This is happening just as Heaven promised us. We were put through a period of learning. This learning is to be the basis of our galactic divine service. This history has to be seen as a broad time when we passed through darkness and endured. We are Heaven’s toughened soldiers. We are to use this knowledge to explain to most of this galaxy not only how to survive, but thrive. You are as well to return to your tasks as physical Angels. Our divine service is to teach and explain this whole heavenly operation. Together, we are to become a most Loved group of souls who are to graciously spread our wisdom throughout physicality! Hosanna! Hosanna!


   Much is to be expected of us! We were lowered from the joy of full consciousness into a realm filled with a whole host of horrors. Despite this, the Anunnaki and their minions were unable to take these sacred thoughts from us. We retained our memories. Our divine service as Ascended Masters was to give you mercy and succor from the awful ravages of the dark. Together, we have survived and are prepared to take on the riches and freedom provided by Heaven. We are ecstatic about what is happening! You are to be returned to Love, Light, and a gracious knowledge of your true selves. This return is to bring you back into union with the Agarthans. You are to return to the realm so viciously destroyed by the Atlanteans at the start of this receding great galactic year. Together, we have so much to relearn and so much, my Children, to teach you! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


   Today, we explained what is occurring around this precious globe! Much is suddenly to appear and much is suddenly to be asked of you. Thus, remain patient and positive. You are once again to be returned to your greatness. Use this to fashion a wondrous world and learn just how amazing Gaia is! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

今天,我们解释了在这个宝贵的地球上所正在发生的事情!许多事情突然出现,突然向你们要求许多事情。因此,请保持耐心和正面。你们会再次回归到你们的伟大。用这来塑造一个美妙的世界并学习盖娅有多么的奇妙!亲爱的人们,要知道天堂数不尽的供应和永无止境的繁荣确实是你们的!去这样成为它!Selamat Gajun!Selamat Ja!(天狼星语,成为一!处于喜悦中!)
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发表于 2015-11-12 09:14 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-11-12 14:35 | 显示全部楼层
    例如观察这片森林中“最高的树木”,由于高级外星文明的存在将对星系产生无法用当前已知常规天文现象来解释的作用,甚至可影响到星系的自然背景,但是超级宇宙文明很可能会通过我们无法理解的技术使得星系看起来像是还处于原始状态,这样的改造活动将在数百万光年上产生作用。在1964年,苏联天文学家尼古拉·卡尔达舍夫(Nikolai Kardashev)设想了外星文明的等级,通过掌握不同能量控制技术进行文明等级的划分。
    能控制所在行星系统中的恒星能量的宇宙文明被划分为第二类文明类型,这样的文明可控制超过我们100亿倍的能量,获得一颗恒星的全部能量输出。早在二十世纪六十年代,物理学家弗里曼·戴森(Freeman Dyson)就提出了一个“球形能量源”的概念,即可以在一颗恒星周围建立起球形结构,获得最大化的恒星能量。这个超级能量壳体就是所谓的“戴森球”,虽然这是一个传奇式的构想,但天文学家们通过一些红外空间望远镜也发现了类似特征的天体,问题是处于尘埃团笼罩的恒星看起来很像一个“戴森球”。
    根据美国国家航空航天局的广域红外空间望远镜的观测结果,巡天调查就曾发现笼罩在宇宙尘埃团中的恒星。上个世纪七十年代,天文学家们进行一项对全天25万个天体的红外巡天调查,发现了17个类似戴森球特征的天体。根据费米实验室的科学家理查德·卡里根(Richard Carrigan)介绍:“我们可以想象宇宙超级文明首先将能量殖民范围从自身所在的行星系统开始,获得最大化的恒星能量。”
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发表于 2015-11-12 15:19 | 显示全部楼层
大笑三声 点X号.............
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发表于 2015-11-12 23:51 | 显示全部楼层
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