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[08.4.21 UN Inner City Press] 联合国封锁特殊网站

发表于 2008-5-1 18:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis
署名:马修罗素李 Inner City Press驻联合国记者:新闻分析

Following its exposure that the
UN blocks access by its employees to websites
such as Anti-CNN.com and DailyMotion.com, Inner City Press asked
Spokesperson Marie Okabe to justify the censorship.

对于联合国封锁其员工浏览ANTI-CNN和DailyMotion这类网站的曝光,联合国发言人 玛丽 噢卡比 对Inner City Press的提问做了如下回答

She responded "an answer is in the works for you, the UN is no different than any other organization in that it does have a management policy for its website." She provided a half-page printout of an email, stating that"I read the Inner City Press article and there are three sites mentioned... anti-cnn.com, this site is blocked and is in the 'Spam' category; DailyMotion.com, this site is blocked and is in the 'Pornography' category...

她说,联合国不同与其他任何组织是因为他对内部网站管理有统一的政策措施。 她拿出一份长达半页的邮箱内容打印稿称,我读了那篇Inner City Press 的文章,其中提到了3个网站,anti-cnn.com这个网站被分类到垃圾内容并且封锁了,DailyMotion.com这个网站因被分类到色情内容封锁……

We have equipment installed in between our internet connection and the internal UN network which has a 'web content filter.' This company that provides this filter collects information from thousands of web sites throughout the world and categorizes them on a daily basis. The UN currently filters sites that are categorized as gambling, pornography, anonymizers, malicious sites, peer-to-peer and personal storage, remote access, spyware, hacking, spam."But, for example, the web site "GlobalCompactCritics.net" is blocked.

我们在联合国内部网络和外部网络中设置了网络链接过滤器这种设备。这个公司的设备每天干的活就是收集世界上成千上万的网站的信息然后过滤分类。联合国现在对网站的分类有赌博,色情,虚假,恶意,P2P 和私人上传,偏远链接,间谍软件,黑客网站,垃圾网站。(SPAM:兜售信息[邮件,广告,新闻,文章],非索要信息。与垃圾邮件(junk mail)同义)比如像GlobalCompactCritics.net这种网站就会被禁止访问。

Attempts from inside the UN, by staff or in the library, to read the site results in a message from the "ICT Security Unit" that "you have been redirected to this page because the site you are attempting to access is blocked according to the policy as detailed in ST/SGB/2004/15.


This Secretary-General's Bulletin allows staff "limited personal use of ICT resources" unless these involve "pornography or engaging in gambling" or would "compromise the interests or the reputation of the Organization."
这份联合国秘书长声明提到,允许在一定范围内员工因私使用ICT资源,但是涉及到很黄很暴力的网站或者会影响组织声誉的网站 是不允许的。

But whether or not the UN Organization agrees with the critique offered, for example, by GlobalCompactCritics.net, it is neither pornography or gambling. If this site "compromise the interests or the reputation of the Organization" then any number of other sites could be blocked.

Inner City Press has asked the Chinese Mission to the UN about the blocking of anti-cnn.com. We will not publicly criticize it, was the answer, but they shouldn't criticize us. Inner City Press early on April 21 asked UNESCO's spokesperson in New York
"On deadline, this is a request for a comment from UNESCO on the fact that within UN Headquarters, web sites such as bbs.m4.cn, dailymotion.com and, reportedly, globalcompactcritics.net, are blocked and cannot be accessed by UN staff.
Inner City Press(ICP)又问了中国代表团有关禁止访问ANTI-CNN的看法。得到的答案是我们不会公开的批评它,但是他们也不应该指责我们。ICP过去曾在纽约采访了联合国教科文组织的发言人:教科文组织和联合国总部都因为封锁,员工们不能浏览像ANTI-CNN和dailymotion.com这样的网站,据说还有globalcompactcritics.net,

Is UNESCO aware of any other non-gambling, non-pornography
sites which are blocked within UN headquarters?
Does UNESCO monitor this?
If not, why not? If so, please name the sites. If the response is that filtering sites has been outsourced, is that a response that UNESCO would find acceptable from governments?"

We'll continue to follow this issue -- watch this site.

[ 本帖最后由 拓跋熙月 于 2008-5-1 19:36 编辑 ]
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