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最新报道CNN--By Manesh Shrestha

发表于 2008-4-2 00:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
By Manesh Shrestha
For CNNKATHMANDU, Nepal (CNN) -- Nepali police Tuesday broke up protests by exiled Tibetans, arresting 86 after dragging and carrying them into police vans in front of the Chinese embassy.

Tibetans protesting outside the Chinese embassy in Kathmandu are dragged away by Nepali police.There has been a steady parade of protesters in Kathmandu since China began a crackdown on anti-Chinese demonstrators in Tibet two weeks ago. But Tuesday was the first time that the protests were held in front of the Chinese embassy despite a heavy police presence.

Earlier protests were in front of the United Nations offices and the Chinese embassy's visa office.
Police said the 86 arrested Tuesday were expected to be released in the evening.
The protests began when about 50 demonstrators -- including several monks -- arrived in a bus and were dropped off near the embassy. They started marching towards it, waving the Tibetan flag and shouting "Stop killings in Tibet" and "We want justice."
They held placards saying, "Resolve the crisis in Tibet through dialogue" and "U.N. send fact finding mission to Tibet."
Within 20 minutes, the protests were over.
Half an hour later, another group of about 30 -- mostly women and school-age girls -- started running toward the Chinese embassy gates shouting similar slogans and carrying a few Tibetan flags.
The police forced them away from the gate and put them in police vans, again dragging and carrying them.
Police officers at the scene told The Associated Press the were ordered to block any protests by the Tibetans.
There was a third group waiting nearby but it dispersed when it started raining heavily.
On Monday, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International wrote a letter to Nepalese Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala expressing concern over the use of excessive force by the police. Nepal strictly controls any anti-Chinese activity on its soil.
Beijing has blamed the Dalai Lama and his followers for violence that erupted amid protests for Tibetan independence earlier this month, but China has drawn international criticism for its crackdown on the protests that began peacefully.

Last week, China offered some media organizations -- not including CNN -- a carefully managed tour of Tibet's capital, but ran into a public-relations roadblock when a group of Buddhist monks began screaming protests at a holy shrine.
第一句中的crackdown意思是压迫;镇压;痛击,这里用镇压比较合适。anti-Chinese demonstrators 是指反中国示威者。但是这些示威者做了些什么事,他们没有报道,他们只是示威者,一群被中国政府镇压的示威者/
第2句  是说他们开始示威游行,摇动西藏旗子,高喊“停止杀戮在西藏,我们是合理的”。我觉得更好笑,是谁在杀戮,好象是因为他们的纵火和攻击使藏人和汉人被杀害。我不清楚我们的武警和公安有没有杀害他们当中的成员,但我只知道当藏人和汉族同胞受到伤害的时候是我们的民警挺身相救,他们烧钓多少间房屋,他们说反中国。但是他们烧掉的房屋中有多少是藏族同胞的,数不清。他们要停止杀戮,那不是在反自己。好笑。他们是合理的,杀人放火也算合理,更好笑。
第3句   对drawn这个单词我不清楚用什么比较合适,但是后面的 BEGAN PEACEFULLY我觉得更好笑,什么叫开始的很和平,他们放火强劫,见行人像汉人就打,还活生生的用石头打死一位行人 {就我所知从网上看来的,一位目击者说亲眼所见},这叫开始和平,也许别人见过大世面,这个就是些小儿科罢了。死人的事都可以所成和平,难怪他们一直在和平解放伊拉克。
发表于 2008-4-2 00:26 | 显示全部楼层
CNN 你不识中国..


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