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发表于 2008-5-15 21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






这次,我们必须抓紧时间,立即行动。我们以瑞典华人联合会筹备委员会的名义发动捐款。所有款项,无论多少,可以立即入帐,KKFS PLUSGIRO 402239-8, 请注明"姓名+512"。现金捐款的朋友,我们欢迎任何货币,任何数量。一克朗一颗心,多少都是支持!收取现金的热心人士请一定要注意,记录下捐款人的姓名和捐款数额,并尽快上缴给筹委会,由筹委会统一发收据。如果有任何问题,请立即与筹委会联系。

我们已经敦促瑞典红十字会为中国的地震灾难募捐并开一个专有账号(postgiro 900 800-4, 标明CHINA)。中国红十字会也提供了直接捐款的账户号码(请关注国内媒体报道)。同时我们也正在考虑跟中国民航联系,希望在短时间内能够把现金直接送到灾民的手中。


联络: 0736878309
媒体发言人:蒋洪斌 0732746679


[ 本帖最后由 悉尼华人 于 2008-5-15 21:50 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-15 21:43 | 显示全部楼层
Appeal for donation为什么我们的眼里总含着泪水,因为我们对那片土地爱得深沉。



我们看到了,国家总理满眼热泪,安抚灾民。长达百米的献血队伍,堆积如山的赈灾物资。…… 人民真伟大,祖国有力量。


捐款请寄至KKFS Plusgiro 402239-8

Tears fill often in our eyes while our affection for that land tells us why.
A sudden earthquake shakes China again. Collapse of tens of thousands of building stirs hearts of billions of people. All Chinese, from center of Beijing to remote villages, from the sides of Pacific to Atlantic, focus their attention to Sichuan Province, in south west of China.
We see from TV screen, tens of thousands of lives buried in ruined walls and ceilings; army men rushed to the quake-hit areas to rescue lives; Premier went to comfort troubled people in tears. Citizens line up in hundreds of meters to donate blood, relief goods pile up like hills ready for transport…… We see how great the people are, we see how strong the country is.
If our nation is destined to undergo disasters, come what they may to our generation to make us grow stronger with the fighting. Though our forces cannot extend beyond thousands of mountains, let us render a humble contribution by donating money for the reconstruction of disaster hit areas! Every brick or tile counts.

Please send money to KKFS Plusgiro 402239-8
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-15 21:45 | 显示全部楼层






联系人 John Hamben 蒋洪斌0732 746679, E-mail: john.hamben@bredband.net

Press release till media

År 2008 antar Kina en stor utmaning, kantrat av många svårigheter, då Kinas folk verkligen visar vad de går för. Snöovädrena i början av året, den senaste jordbävningen och dem kommande olympiska spelen är prövningar som alla måste hanteras med behärskning och beslutsamhet.

Den förberedande kommittén för Kinesiska Riksförbundet i Sverige och Tibetan Community i Sverige förenas i stödjandet av välgörenhetskampanjer som syfar ge bistånd till dem jordbävningsdrabbade. Vi vädjar till alla kineser i Sverige att på alla möjliga sätt bidra till våra landsmäns räddningsinsatser. Vi vädjar även till att resten av Sverige att bidra till det humanitära arbetet genom exempelvis hjälporganisationer som Röda Korset. Varje ansats till att hjälpa Kina genom denna katastrof av den svenska regeringen och Sveriges folk kommer uppskattas högt av hela Kinas 1,3 miljard befolkning.

Vi tackar innerligt å alla svenskkinesers vägnar för allt understöd.

Den förberedande kommittén för Kinesiska Riksförbundet i Sverige

Tibetan Community i Sverige

2008-05-13 Stockholm

Kontakt: John Hamben 蒋洪斌0732 746679, E-mail: john.hamben@bredband.net

Press release to Swedish media

In the year 2008 when China is going to undertake a great mission, it is almost certain that China must go through a number of difficulties, its people join every effort together and finally show the world what we can. Snow disaster in south China in the beginning of the year, earthquake at present and Olympic Games in August, all these are before us to deal with in calm and determination.

The preparatory committee of Kinesiska Riksförbundet I Sverige and Tibetan Community i Sverige join hands in sponsoring fund raising campaign for earthquake relief activities. We appeal to Chinese of all ethnic groups in Sweden to donate for our compatriots fighting in the forefront of rescue and relief at homeland. In the meantime, we appeal to the Swedish society to donate and render other humanitarian support through all kinds of aid societies like the Swedish Red Cross. We live in one world and face to the same calamity. Every concern and help to China by the government and people of Sweden will be highly appreciated by 1.3 billion Chinese people.

We thank you sincerely for every support on behalf of Chinese people living in Sweden.

The preparatory committee of Kinesiska Riksförbundet i Sverige
Tibetan Community i Sverige

2008-05-13 in Stockholm
Contact: John Hamben 蒋洪斌0732 746679, E-mail: john.hamben@bredband.net
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-15 21:47 | 显示全部楼层
Dear Liu,

The Swedish Red Cross is sharing your concern over the victims of the recent earthquake in Sichuan.

The Chinese Red Cross local branches started to provide emergency relief assistance straight away. Already they have sent hundreds of tents and thousands of blankets to the affected area.

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (The Head of Delegation in Beijing is from the Swedish Red Cross) has released CHF 250 000 from its disaster relief fund ( The Swedish Red Cross is a major contributor to this fund) to support local Red Cross  efforts to give immediate assistance to people affected by the earthquake.

A Chinese Red Cross/International Federation joint emergency assessment team left Beijing first thing Tuesday morning to go to Wenchuan to conduct emergency assessments.

At this stage it is too early to know what response will be required of us in China. However, we are ready to respond when a request comes from the Chinese Red Cross for international assistance. We will then be ready to provide funds both from our back donor SIDA with who we have a framework agreement for disaster response and funds are released within 24 hours as well funds collected from the general public.

The Chinese Red Cross has an extensive nationwide network. Over the years, tens of thousands of staff an volunteers have assisted victims of floods, hurricanes, typhoons, snowstorms and earthquakes with medical aid, rescue, relief items and food.

Anyone who wants to contribute to the Swedish Red Cross work with the Chinese Red Cross to respond to natural disasters can donate via our account pg. 900 800-4 and mark it CHINA.

You can also donate directly to the Chinese Red Cross. Please look at their website:

I will keep you informed of further developments.

Best wishes,
Lena Birgitta Hansson
Regional Coordinator East and Southeast Asia
Swedish Red Cross
Phone: +46 8 452 4907
Fax: +46 452 4761

发表于 2008-5-15 21:50 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-16 00:31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-16 02:50 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-16 02:51 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-16 02:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-16 03:07 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-17 01:40 | 显示全部楼层


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