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[慰问祈福] 海外网民寄语地震灾民:我们的心与你们在一起

发表于 2008-5-16 00:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  北川县:救援小不点 5月13日,在震后的北川县城,武警战士将一名和家人失散的幼童救出。记者从四川省绵阳市抗震救灾指挥部了解到,受灾特别严重的北川县老县城80%、新县城60%以上的建筑物因地震垮塌,县城周边发生大面积山体滑坡。 新华社记者 陈燮 摄

  mengzhi (澳大利亚)

  China is a nation in grief. She is struggling against the elements which has dealt her a nasty hand this year. Hope the second half of the year will be much better ; Olympics and celebrations.

  All these photos and footages of the united efforts by one and all in helping each other is so heart warming. From the leadership to the surviving victim, every man, women and child is putting their hands and shoulders to the mill. They will come through, stronger and more united than ever.

  There are those like me who is left twiddling our thumbs, helpless and feeling hopeless. Just able to donate money and that is all. Still I wish the people all the best. China is now so independent there is no world wide call for charity needed. That is a hallmark of the strength and self reliance that China has quietly acquired. My prayers are with everyone there.

  This major earthquake in China at a remote area is heart wrenching. The death toll is climbing as we speak and has reached the figure of 12,000. This is very sad news for the people involved and the nation as a whole. Decent people around the world have sent condolences and messages of sympathy to the victims and their families.

  The way and speed with which the Chinese leadership has responded to the catastrophe in rapid mobilization of men and material is world class. The unified dedication and unstinting mutual help between the survivors, the rescue workers and the army is a lesson in unity and co-ordination. The Chinese people are impressed, and so is the world at large. Well done China. We salute you and will continue to pray for you. Jiayou.

  手牵手肩并肩 中国人民必将度过难关






  Asian Prospective (新加坡)

  China is so lucky to have a Premier like Wen Jiabao.

  He is delicated to his work and to the people of China. Whenever something happened in China, he is also the first Chinese official to be there with the people. Just this year alone, in February the snow storm before the lunar new year and now the earthquake.

  This is what make the Premier great and what the people of China respect and admire most.

  Our hearts are all out with the people of China during this earthquake disaster. Even though it did not happen in our country, we too felt the lost and look forward to a fast recovery.




  Ho Sai Yuen (加拿大)

  I heard this very sad news yesterday concerning our compatriots in Sichuan Province.

  My family and I hereby send heartfelt condolence to all those who perish through no fault of their own.

  May their souls rest in Eternal Peace...

  To the survivors, our profound concerns and best wishes are with all of you in this hour of your trauma and may all of you quickly recover with the necessary assistance from our government as well as those of our concerned compatriots overseas.

  Please take care of yourselves and families, as our thoughts and prayers are with all of you, dear affected brothers and sisters...

  Till then and all the best to get over and start life anew.




  Dauglas (澳大利亚)

  My heart cries for the series of disaster that besets China this year. There were the sever snowstorms before the Lunar New Year, then the riot in Tibet. And now a devastating earthquake which brought wide spread destruction and large loss of life.

  I know the sons and daughters of China will rally to the call, and rise up to meet the challenge of overcoming this great adversity. China's fighting spirit will prevail.



  Wechter from Europe (丹麦)

  My wife and I just returned from China where we have travelled for 6 months. We have met so many many nice and warm and kind people - and they have shown us so much generousity and hospitality and friendship.

  Oh, but now our hearts are aching with sorrow and our eyes are filled with tears for the victims of this terrible disaster and for the great people of China who is working so hard and suffering so much.

  Let there be a new bright day and a time for all your hopes and wishes.



  Me (美国)

  It's all fine and dandy to say that your heart is crying, or that you are praying for those people that are affected in this disaster. That doesn't help them. If you want to help, donate!!!

  They are going to need plasma, so donate blood. They are going to need clothing, so if you have clothes you don't wear anymore, donate them.

  They are going to need food, so when you are out shopping, buy a can or a package of non-perishable foodstuffs and donate it.

  They are going to need blankets, toothbrushes, soap, bottled water, tents, socks, underwear, blood, bandages, etc. Whatever you have, whatever you can find. Organize something at your local school, community centre, office, workplace, or neighborhood. This is a time when everyone, both Chinese and foreigner have to band together and show what they are made of.

  团结起来 奉献爱心


  Agathe (德国)

  I can hardly express my deepest feelings for the families who have lost their beloved children in this terrible earthquake.

  But please let this not result in keeping your children at home instead of sending them to school. Only knowledge can help in the future to build better housing, safer industries which maybe will be less affected by nature catastrophies.

  My thoughts are with you all.



  Davis (澳大利亚)

  This is horrible news and my condolences go out to the people of China. All of us in Australia will feel the same way and our government has offered to help in any way possible. Once again nature has shown it is mightier than us all and all humanity should unite together to help those who are affected by such natural disasters. It is particularly encouraging to see the rapid response of the Chinese government.



  ali (巴基斯坦)

  i'm shocked to witness the earthquake snaps. Pakistani nation is in grief along with it's best friend China. Our sympathies are with the chinese people and we will do our best to help our chinese brothers and sisiters.


  看到地震的消息,我感到非常震惊。整个巴基斯坦同最好的朋友中国一起陷入悲痛之中。我们对中国人民表示同情,并将竭尽所能来帮助中国的兄弟姐妹。 (编译:中国日报网)http://gb.cri.cn/19224/2008/05/15/882@2059396.htm
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-16 00:13 | 显示全部楼层
[ 2008-05-13 20:48 ]



网民:Valmik Soni


时间:2008-05-13 01:27







网民:Martin Wood


时间:2008-05-13 09:39









时间:2008-05-13 02:05





时间:2008-05-12 23:11


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