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[现场亲历] 澳洲记者徒步前往汶川

发表于 2008-5-16 11:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Death toll rises in China quake

Thursday, 15 May , 2008

Reporter: Stephen McDonell

TONY EASTLEY: First to China where more than 40,000 people are dead, missing or buried under rubble as the horror of its devastating earthquake continues to unfold.

Rescue workers are finally reaching the worst affected areas in the mountains to the north of Chengdu in Sichuan province in south-western China. Correspondent Stephen McDonell travelled to one of the worst affected counties.

STEPHEN MCDONELL: We set out to reach Beichuan not knowing if we'd get through. We'd heard that 80 per cent of buildings were destroyed there, but heavy rain and landslides were blocking roads into the mountains. Some roads in Sichuan were cracked apart by Monday's strong earthquake.

We drove through Mianyang on the way - 18,000 people were reportedly trapped under the rubble in areas around this city. The further we drove from Mianyang to Beichuan, the more destruction we came across. Soon we were seeing whole villages that had been flattened. One woman who'd fled from Beichuan left family members behind.

WOMAN (translated): I lost my daughter-in-law and grandson. I lost them. My daughter-in-law and my grandson are missing. A piece of the mountain just fell off and buried my house. I've lost my family members. I'm very angry. It doesn't matter that I've lost my things but two of my family members are missing. My husband and I are looking for them but haven't found them yet.

STEPHEN MCDONELL: The road to Beichuan has convoys of soldiers heading into the mountains to join the rescue efforts. On the other side of the road are those who have been lucky enough to escape the earthquake. We spoke to one man as he jumped off the back of a truck crammed with people.

MAN (translated): When the earthquake happened at around 3.30 I was on a bus in Beichuan. The bus shook up and down and then from left to right. It almost turned over, so I got off the bus in a hurry. The houses on both sides of the road have all collapsed. The roads have all collapsed. My house is gone too. My family is all right though. My child was in Mianyang at the time. Lots of people have died. I think tens of thousands of people have died but the number isn't clear. Almost all students have died.

STEPHEN MCDONELL: People are running out of water in the mountains around Beichuan so when a water truck arrives from outside the quake zone, they rush to fill up whatever containers they can carry.

In Yaojincun village we watched a makeshift funeral for an 80-year-old man. The body of this Korean War veteran was on slab of wood in the middle of the rubble that was once his house. His black Kung Fu slippers were sticking out from under the sheet. His friends and family burnt incense and Chinese money for the afterlife.
在Yao Jin村,我们看到了一个为80岁老人的临时葬礼。在一片瓦砾中,这位参加过朝鲜战争的退伍老兵遗体放在原来属于他自家房子的一块木板上。他脚上的一双黑布鞋露在掩盖的布单外面。他的朋友和家人为他的来世烧香和焚烧纸钱。

Every house in this village was destroyed. Dozens died, everyone is homeless and their food is under the rubble too. The weather forecast is for more rain in the coming days.

This is Stephen McDonell on the outskirts of Beichuan, for AM.  

AM Correspondent in worst affected area

Thursday, 15 May , 2008

Reporter: Stephen McDonell

TONY EASTLEY: Since our correspondent Stephen McDonell filed that report he's now back on the road. It's around dawn in Sichuan province. Stephen McDonell, where are you now and what are the conditions like there?

STEPHEN MCDONELL: Well I'm walking along the road to Wenchuan which was actually the epicentre, the worst hit area of the quake. I'm basically we're walking through towns where lots and lots of buildings have collapsed. As I'm looking around there's plenty of rubble and you know, evidence of the devastation, some people carrying food and water back into the devastated area and others coming out.

TONY EASTLEY: So that area of Wenchuan, you say that that was the epicentre; are there still people trapped in the rubble there or have they all been cleared?

STEPHEN MCDONELL: No there are definitely large numbers of people who are still trapped in the rubble up there and what we're doing now is walking, basically what we're trying to go and see is workers who are trying to establish, re-establish road links into Wenchuan. And the reason for this is that there are such large numbers of people still trapped up there. And people will see no doubt during the day there are aerial pictures, the first aerial pictures shot by the Chinese military, showing widespread destruction in Wenchuan. So that's what we're trying to do, to head up and see as far as we can get, as close as we can get to this worst hit area.

TONY EASTLEY: Stephen, how long do you think the survivors can be expected to hold out while this rescue operation drags on?

STEPHEN MCDONELL: Well you know, you'd have to think that for many people time is really running out. Three days now stuck under the rubble, if you were still alive. Bear in mind it's been raining as well for a couple of those days. I think time certainly, if it hasn't already, would be fast running out for many people if they're still alive, who have been trapped.

Mind you, we did see last night rescue workers pulling a pregnant woman out of the rubble and everybody cheering. So I guess that sort of thing spurs people on to keep going, even though that sort of thing is not happening very much at the moment.

TONY EASTLEY: Stephen McDonell in Sichuan province.

AM China correspondent reports from quake epicenter

Friday, 16 May , 2008

Reporter: Stephen McDonell

TONY EASTLEY: The Chinese Government has predicted that the death toll from this week's earthquake will exceed 50,000. The majority of those casualties will come from areas to the north of Sichuan's capital, Chengdu. Particularly hard hit have been the towns around the epicentre in Wenchuan County, an isolated region still inaccessible by road. China correspondent, Stephen McDonell, walked in there and prepared this report for AM.

(Sound of general chatter and cars driving past)

STEPHEN MCDONELL: Thousands of people are walking along the road to Wenchuan. People fleeing from the disaster are walking out and troops and other rescue workers are walking in. Every now and then an officer will give the soldiers a rev-up and they'll break into a jog, carrying full packs and digging equipment, including picks, spades and bold cutters.

(Sound of soldiers jogging)

We saw university-age volunteers who've been formed into makeshift rescue teams. They were carrying food, water and red flags. They had face masks draped around their necks to prepare for any outbreak of disease. They were hurrying towards the epicentre.

We also met Wenchuan locals who were not there when the quake hit. They’re going home on foot to see who's survived, some will walk more than 100 kilometres. One woman told me her house is there, her child is inside it, she is really worried.

When I asked if she knew if her family is ok, she said, "I don't know, I've heard nothing about them." I asked a man if he has any family members in Wenchuan. "I've got a mother, a wife, two children and my sisters", he told me. Does he know what's happened to them? I asked.
"I don't know. For certain they're dead. "

As we walk along with them, we pass towns completely destroyed. We come to the top of the Zipingpu Dam, according to some reports there were fears it had been badly damaged by the quake and could leak causing flooding. We could see only superficial damage on the dam but the Government says it's safe.

(Sound of an alarm)

From all around the dam area, Chinese soldiers are launching their assault on the epicentre. Because the roads are down, soldiers are travelling up river by boat, they can reach Wenchuan this way.

On the road to the epicentre we don't find many buildings left standing. Tens of thousands of people have died here. Communities have been ripped apart, family members lost. It will take a monumental effort to rebuild. But this is a region in the grip of emergency and with so many thousands of people missing, rebuilding is the last thing on most people's minds.

This is Stephen McDonell on the road to Wenchuan for AM.
发表于 2008-5-16 15:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-16 15:59 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2008-5-16 16:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-16 16:03 | 显示全部楼层

                           你不用无地自容.  那些人的确累了
发表于 2008-5-16 16:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-16 16:34 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-16 16:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-16 16:50 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 ylpoplove 于 2008-5-16 15:59 发表

我想,这样的新闻后站着一个记者,这个记者的身份后站着一个真正的人,这个真正的人心里跳动着一颗会爱的心 ...

发表于 2008-5-16 23:49 | 显示全部楼层


hjkhiooi 该用户已被删除
发表于 2008-5-16 23:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-17 00:02 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 baozin2002 于 2008-5-16 23:49 发表



发表于 2008-5-17 00:14 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2008-5-17 01:06 | 显示全部楼层



如果说错了,先BS自己一下:L ,算太过敏吧!
发表于 2008-5-17 01:18 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-17 01:23 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-18 09:49 | 显示全部楼层



China accepts earthquake aid from Japan and Taiwan

World Today - Friday, 16 May , 2008
2008年5月16日 星期五 《今日世界》节目(此节目每天中午12点在澳大利亚全国ABC各地方台播出)
Reporter: Stephen McDonell

ELEANOR HALL: China's Premier Wen Jiabao is describing the earthquake which has devastated large parts of south western China as the most destructive in the history of the Communist republic, and says China will accept foreign aid even from its arch rival, Taiwan.

China's state news agency is quoting the Chinese leader saying the quake which hit this week was more powerful than the 1976 earthquake which killed 240,000 people. The Government has put the official death toll at 19,500 people but has warned it could climb much higher and officials say the quake has produced as many as 10-million refugees.

But authorities are at the same time cracking down on anyone suspected of spreading what the Government calls "malicious rumours" about the disaster. Stephen McDonell is visiting a volunteer centre in the devastated Sichuan province and he joins us now. So, Stephen what has being set up there for the refugees who are flooding in to the bigger centres in Chengdu?

STEPHEN MCDONELL: Well all around Chengdu, in fact all around many of the cities in this area, these tent towns are popping up. Sometimes it is just people have got like a tarpaulin, plastic tarpaulin. Other times it might be just a sort of bed sheet or something like that. There are makeshift tent towns just all around the place and people piling into them.

You know, you might have like 70 people piling into a sort of medium-sized tent and a lot of? because the main relief effort I guess is going to people in the hardest areas, I suppose it is a bit of a feeling once you get to somewhere like Dujiangyan or Chengdu that you can sort of make do so people are kind of looking after each other at the moment, you would have to say, because all of the sort of emergency supplies of water and food are going to these much more isolated areas where people could die if they don't get food and water soon.

ELEANOR HALL: So what is the volunteer centre doing there then?

STEPHEN MCDONELL: Well, what we are seeing here, this is really an indication of the outpouring of public support for the earthquake victims. Hundreds of young people have walked in here and they are signing up their names to become volunteers to join the rescue effort. And veterans, war veterans are sort of forming them into sort of little teams, especially they are picking out. I am just walking along the rubble here to get a bit closer so you might be able to hear some of the orders being shouted out.

They are sort of forming them into teams of I suppose, rescue volunteers who I guess each group there is about 20 of them or so, and they are going to hike it into there into the worst hit areas. Now we've been thinking what is the point of doing that? It is probably 100 kilometres to get in there. It is going to be too late to save anyone, but there is all sorts of work they can do beyond digging people out of the rubble. For example, those who survived, well, they need the supplies that they can carry in there. They can also administer first aid for survivors in these towns and there are an awful lot they can do to help people.

People are wearing their t-shirts that have got things like "I love China". And they are wearing little yellow ribbons around their arms as sort of arm bands, and some people are actually carrying red flags in as well so it is quite a sort of, I suppose, a patriotic thing as well and they are kind of revving each other up.

You can hear one of the sort of corporals, these ex-army corporals are giving them a real come-on, let's hear it, cheers, cheers and they'll all do a sort of chant or something like that. Pretty soon they are going to sort of march out of here in these groups and head up to the worst hit areas.

ELEANOR HALL: Now Stephen, we are hearing that as many 10-million people are needing shelter and supplies, to what extent are supplies getting through to these people?

STEPHEN MCDONELL: Well, in some areas they are getting through, but I guess it would luck in a way or how close you might be to a river or something like that. People have probably have seen the images of paratroopers jumping into to these really isolated areas carrying supplies and also doing drops from the air.

People in these really remote areas are close to the river, well the army, we went and watched them yesterday travelling up these mountain rivers and they are bringing rescue workers and also supplies along the river. So even though someone is isolated, if they are in a area close to a river for example, they can get help. But there would be? it is a huge and remote area up there to the north of Chengdu. There will lots of areas that haven't received any help, any supplies and even those who survived the earthquake would still be in trouble if they can't get emergency supplies soon.

ELEANOR HALL: Are you surprised at the way the Chinese leader has been talking about this disaster and about the death toll?

STEPHEN MCDONELL: Yes, it has been quite open and I think the days of China just pretending things like this don't happen are long gone. I mean, the first we knew about how bad this was, was when President Hu Jintao - this was before anyone was even proclaimed to be dead - within I guess, half an hour or an hour of the earthquake hitting, he was coming out and saying everybody get ready for big casualties.

Because its one of the reasons we hightailed it straight down here from Beijing, because we knew it would have to be bad if, before we'd even heard one person was dead, he was already talking about, you know, the casualties and how many people have died and the massive effort that is going to be needed to save those who remain.

Obviously, he has received word through the army or whatever the extent of the damage and told people straight away. Wen Jiabao, China's number two leader was on the scene here pretty quickly and we have seen him going up and speaking to people underneath the rubble with a megaphone. Don't worry, help is on the way, this sort of thing.

I mean, I think they have changed tack. In years gone by, these sort of disasters, the authorities always we don't want any announcements about this sort of thing. For example SARS, they are widely criticised for the handling of that, but now it is much more a case of marketing public support and international sympathy and they are realised that if you are open about these things, that you can get a lot of help and we've seen it from other countries, they are offering help.

ELEANOR HALL: Well, yesterday, there was talk the Chinese government wasn't letting in aid from Japan. Today it has allowed not only Japanese aid in but also aid from Taiwan. Did that surprise you?

STEPHEN MCDONELL: Yes, this is truly remarkable that the old Cold War enemy, Taiwan offers support and that China, not only did the offer it but they would even think that China would accept it, but then China turns around and says we do accept it.

The thing that is great about this actually is that Taiwan is obviously in a big earthquake zone and the same with Japan, but the Taiwanese and Japanese are offering help, well they've got sophisticated equipment to dig into rubble. They've got very well trained people who are used to earthquake emergencies. Both those countries are regularly hit by strong earthquakes.

I was in Taiwan last year and we were just sitting around in a bar and the whole thing started shaking and everyone so used to it and blase about earthquakes there that they sort of laughed it because it wasn't a very big one, so they are used to it, the Taiwanese and the Japanese and it is great for them to offer and very smart of the Chinese to accept the help that they are offering.

ELEANOR HALL: Stephen McDonell, our correspondent in Chengdu, thank you.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-18 09:50 | 显示全部楼层



Survivors pulled from the rubble of Chinese quake

PM - Friday, 16 May , 2008
2008年5月16日 星期五 《PM》节目
Reporter: Stephen McDonell

MARK COLVIN: In China, three-and-a-half days after the earthquake, the state media say rescuers have pulled a child from the rubble of a collapsed school. They were searching a school in the town of Beichuan and the Xinhua Newsagency report says rescuers could hear more voices calling for help in the rubble.

I'm joined from Chengdu by our correspondent Stephen McDonell. Stephen, I think Hu Jintao has been there and has been calling on the rescuers to keep looking for people trapped under the rubble. It seemed unlikely at the time but then they produced this child.

STEPHEN MCDONELL: Yes. I think that Hu Jintao has turned up here with a message that people shouldn't give up hope. That you know, I guess people four days after an earthquake still can be dragged out of the rubble and when you hear that sort of thing on the face of it, you'd think well you know, how can that possibly be.

But as you say, somebody has been rescued so you know for somebody's son or someone's daughter or mother or father, they certainly don't want people to give up hope. Their family members don't want the rescuers to stop trying and people are still trying.

MARK COLVIN: Well, tell us about the people you've been seeing today who are joining the volunteer effort.

STEPHEN MCDONELL: Yes, well what seems remarkable, like I say, you wonder what people still think they can achieve by doing this, but hundreds, well it would be thousands actually of young people, mostly, sort of, university age, some of them are still students at university, others young professionals. They've gone to these centres to join these volunteer teams of rescue workers.

They look something sort of not unlike a military bootcamp actually. They turn up there, they sign up and these guys who really were in the army, their still in their sort of ex-military sort of clobber forming them up into these sort of small groups of volunteers and sort of drilling them, well not really drilling them, sort of just a little bit of chanting 'come on we can do it together'.

And they are going to go off and head into the earthquake zone with no training but plenty of enthusiasm and they still think they can rescue people. We asked some of them why would you be going in there now? What possibly do you think you could achieve? And I expected they might say, "we might be able to give out water for people who are still alive or carry some supplies for them".

But they are adamant they think they can still pull people out of the rubble. One girl even said to me, "I'm as strong as any man, I can lift up that rubble and we can still pull that people out".

MARK COLVIN: Let's have a listen to their chanting.

(Sound of chanting).

MARK COLVIN: Plenty of enthusiasm there Stephen McDonell, could you translate a bit for us?

STEPHEN MCDONELL: Yes, well it's enough to send anyone to the barricades isn't it? Their signing 'unity is strength', 'unity is like iron and steel'. And in fact, it's harder than iron and steel is what they're singing. It's an old revolutionary song from the 1940s and sort of has a few lines like 'The new China is going to be great' and singing about the virtues of socialism as well as bit later on. But basically is what the song is about is the strength of unity and how it's like iron and steel.

MARK COLVIN: Meanwhile, where you are at the moment in Chengdu, it was 80km, I think, from the centre of the earthquake but it was still pretty severely damaged and there are still people just sleeping in the streets there now.

STEPHEN MCDONELL: Yes, that's right. We've seen people in the street. Some of them are afraid to go back into their apartment blocks. Not only I suppose think that there's been damage that you know you haven't been able to see, it might fall down, but they're also afraid of these big aftershocks.

We've had a few aftershocks here since I've been here. At least as big the one, the original earthquake as we felt it in Beijing. But there was one aftershock here, I think it was 6.2 on the Richter scale, but they're worried that their houses might still topple over. So there sort of living under these sheets and tarpaulins in the street, even in the street of the capital. One guy we spoke to he's got a broken leg which he broke in the earthquake and he can't go back to his fifth story apartment because he's worried that if there's an aftershock, he won't be able to hobble back down the stairs.

MARK COLVIN: Is there as well as this determination to find people and this determination to rebuild, is there anger there Stephen? Because I've been reading stuff which indicates that there was a lot of jerry-building and that quite a lot of these buildings should not have fallen down probably if they'd been properly been put up in the first place.

STEPHEN MCDONELL: I think the people who are most angry are the ones who have children who are students who were buried in the rubble - and why wouldn't they be? I think generally speaking because the focus is just so much on the rescue at the moment, those who aren't directly involved in terms of losing a loved one or missing a loved one, they're not necessarily looking for blame at the moment but there has been anger from those who've been waiting for days on end at the sights of these schools that have collapsed. And I mean schools, you think of any buildings, you'd build those solidly.

And their children are still inside the rubble and some of them and especially when they seem to snap when they find out in fact that their child has died and it's like, 'Why has this happened?', 'Why can't we build solid schools like other buildings?' And the terrible thing is that what, you know, this disaster, the impact it has had on children here. Certain hospitals are talking about having to amputate limbs from children, and this sort of thing. That has been a particularly distressing thing for a lot of people.

MARK COLVIN: Stephen McDonell, thank you very much yet again. Stephen McDonell who's been in the earthquake zone since probably about less than 24 hours after it struck.
发表于 2008-5-18 10:08 | 显示全部楼层

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